Critical Review of an Academic Journal - Leadership & Organization - Assessment Answer

January 16, 2017
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Solution Code : 1AHJ

Question:Critical Review

This assignment falls under Critical Review which was successfully solved by the assignment writing experts at My Assignment Services AU under assignment help service.

Critical Review Assignment

Assignment Task

Written Critical Analysis requires students to critically review two journal articles and then compare and contrast the journal articles. A critical analysis is sometimes called an annotated bibliography when more than on source is critically analysed.

A written critical analysis of a journal article includes the full reference of the journal article and an accompanying discussion about the article’s value and contribution to the understanding of a topic. For the purpose of Assessment 2 the sources to be critically analysed will be journal articles from peer-reviewed academic journals. The accompanying discussion will include a summary of the purpose and main argument of the journal article as well as evaluation of the journal article.

To help students prepare the elements of the critical analysis, the following worksheet has been developed. A critical analysis of a journal article has 5 elements. These elements are outlined in the table below, please complete the each section and bring to class to discuss with your peers and print a paper copy to hand in to your lecturer at the end of the tutorial.

Some critical Questions about the topic as well as what I could like to know about the topic include:

  1. What could one do to come out of a conflict?
  2. What could take place when one accepts a solution towards a conflict?
  3. What are the major causes of a conflict in an organization?
  4. What one could like to know about is, are their long-term solutions to solving a conflict?
  5. Conflict management helps steer the working relationship among colleagues, which is the best way to keep the relationship without any future occurrence of a conflict?

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In the article by Tjosvold et al (2014), the authors argue that open minded discussions involving two parties coming together then discussing an issue is critical in solving any kind of arising conflict. The facts provided are motivational. The degree of excellence in terms of constructive conflicts is clearly depicted. The author’s viewpoint is to ensure one understands the different ways of dealing with a conflict. According to the authors, different ways have to be reached in order to effectively tackle a conflict that may arise at any given point in time. Open-minded discussions can help in strengthening relationships. The main aim of conflict management is to come up with a productive solution. Such solutions will enable the parties involved to deal with the conflict effectively.A major strength of the article is the information on different dimensions available for solving conflicts. According to the author’s a combination of two dimensions is effective in solving a conflict. This involves satisfying the interest of oneself then the interest of others and solving them in perspective. However, a possible weakness witnessed from this article is the fact that there is no clear state as well as funding that can affect the quality of the review of the topic of discussion.

The article is valuable based on the pooled information presented. Pooling together the findings, helps identify diverse skills. These skills can then be used to effectively deal with conflicts especially in a cross-cultural environment. One can be able to express their views and feelings. This will help in the defining of expectations as well as a better way of reaching into a constructive resolution. Alternative solutions can also be devised to avert the conflicts. Interpersonal relationships are highly encouraged. On the other side, the author’s point of view is that conflicts by individuals or in an organization may arise due to the expectations or what they anticipate from set targets and goals.

On the contrary, the second article by Darling & Walker (2001) is more about organizational behavior and development. On the side of being assertive in an organization, increasing ones assertiveness makes them flex their style towards the comfort zone. This is for the case of an analyzer towards the socializer. On the other hand, a socializer should significantly decrease their assertiveness by flexing towards the comfort zone of the analyzer. To temporarily flex towards a comfort zone, the analyzers should increase their responsiveness to the socialzer. This can be best done by socializing through experience as well as having quality time. The main styles that the author focuses on are relater, socializer, analyzer and director.

The strength of the article is the fact that it succinctly explores the different organization behaviors and styles. A socializer as explained by the author is full of enthusiasm as well as being highly imaginative. An analyzer is on the forefront for being precise and systematic. Determination and being objective best describes the director. This makes this style significant in running an organization. They are the best risk takers when a conflict arises. A relater is supportive as well as easygoing. Each of these styles has different kind of weakness. A socializer might set unrealistic expectations. Directors who are always full of determination can only push for short term goals.

The information presented in the articles is valuable because one can adapt to different skills. One can also be able to easily understand their behavior as well as the behavior of others. This could be able to make it easier to solve the conflict in question.

Despite presenting different arguments and themes, there are similarities between the arguments presented by each author. Both want to reach to a constructive as well as a productive solution towards the conflict. Different skills can be adapted to curb a conflict. Both are working towards improving on the strengths as replacing them for weaknesses. The two articles are advocating for further research towards having an effective conflict management system. Both help those who are in conflict to understand each other. Both agree that conflicts may arise due to different factors. The articles are different in the sense that Tjosvold et al (2014) talks of expressing of views while Darling & Walker (2001) talks of understanding the behavior of others.

Tjosvold et al (2014) recommends that the use of behavioral style as a way of dealing with a conflict in an organizational set up within a cross-cultural boundary while Darling & Walker (2001) recommends the use of the open-minded discussion model.

Tjosvold et al (2014) has the strongest arguments. The authors offer alternatives towards achieving a mutual relationship. This article clearly clarifies all of its alternatives from the case of the open-minded discussions. Conflict management strategies can be easily understood in any organizational set up. It also works out on a cross-cultural boundary.

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