KNE346 2016: Report on Guest Speakers - Richard Choy - Assessment Answer

January 14, 2017
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Solution Code: 1ADHD

Question: Report on Guest Speakers

This assignment falls under Report on Guest Speakers which was successfully solved by the assignment writing experts at My Assignment Services AU under assignment help service.

Report on Guest Speakers Assignment

Assignment Task

Report on Guest Speakers

Choose three or four of the speakers we have heard this semester, and write three pages (about 1000 words) using the following guidelines:

  1. Provide background information about the speakers and/or topics. Are there any linksbetween the topics from different speakers?
  2. Summarise the speakers’ main points - highlight the guest speakers’ perspectives in relation

  3. Examine alternative perspectives on the issues (with justification & references) i.e. critique theguest speaker's perspective.
  4. Discuss why these particular speakers appealed to you, was it their topic you foundinteresting or the way they presented, their position, or their personality?
  5. Offer a critique of the speakers, using the knowledge you have gained from the SpeakingPractice part of this course. List the speakers’ good points as well as things which couldimprove.
  6. Suggest possible speakers or topics for future guest speakers.

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Richard Choy: Richard Choy is the CEO of NAPSTEC. He has worked with engineering and architecture and has very good experience in on site as well as design. He was the federal president of concrete institute of Australia and vice president of building science forum of Australia (Richard, 2016). Mr. Richard explains about NAPSTEC and its related topics which includes about infrastructures and build environment. Luke Crowley: He is from Tasmania Australia. He has completed his bachelor of commerce from the University of Tasmania. Luke Crowley worked in MEAA – a non profit organisation from September 2011 to July 2015. He is working presently in APESMA a civic and social organisation (luke, 2016). Mr. Luke explains about professionals Australia and how professionals can exceed after university. Dario Tomat: He was born in the year 1950 in the hydro – electric city of Wayatinah Tasmania. He has completed his engineering in the year 1975 and has studied bachelor of business administration from 1983 – 1988. He has done his master of business administration from 1992 – 1996. He was the MD of Newood Energy Pty. Ltd in the year 2008 (Tomat, 2016). Mr. Dario portrays about technologies that can be used in producing energy from wood. The main link between the topics of these three speakers are they all belong to a non – profit organisation.

Richard Choy explains about NAPSTEC and its specifications. Its industry and government shareholders, specifications those are required for the project and how these can by specified. He also explains about the quality of NAPSTEC and building information modelling. Mr. Richard has covered all the important topics in the presentation. To any infrastructure the quality is main aspect which is very well portrayed by Mr. Richard. He also explains the benefits of NAPSTEC, how specifications have to be made in order to get a good outcome of it. Mr. Luke Crowley explains about non profit organisation professionals Australia. He further explains about the graduate position, remuneration, salaries, about the regulations of industries in Australia, employment contracts, how professionals Australia can help a professional and its role in assisting the members. He has concentrated on all the aspects which helps professionals to understand their roles as well as about the regulations. He also focuses on how to sell ourselves for the jobs which is of great help to the students after graduation. Mr. Dario highlights the properties of wood and the current technologies that are used to produce energy. He further explain about Bio – mass combustion technologies, ORC system, how the fuels are handled. Mr. Dario focuses on how current technologies can be replaced with newer and beneficial techniques which will be helpful to reduce the harm caused to the environment.

According to Richard NAPSTEC believes that 3 – D modelling will help to give a better method of design and communication for the industry but with technological advancement virtual studios provide a whole new experience of the infrastructure can be made. This is achieved through a 3D video which is played in the Google cardboards (Chris, 2016). These cardboards act as a virtual studio can helps to have a walk through for the building. This is the latest technology which helps to give a good experience. Mr. Luke has focussed on the first impression and the documents that we carry to the interview. But there are other aspects which are more important in an interview to sell yourself like providing solutions to the current scenarios of the company which makes strong impression on interviewer, being confident and enthusiastic, giving practical examples etc. (Monster Career Advice, 2016). Mr. Dario has mainly focussed on creating energy through woods, but waste - to – energy power plants which burns trash and generate electricity produce more energy when compared to burning wood. It is enough to provide electricity to 1.3 million homes in U.S (, 2016).

The speakers belong to non – profit organisations and are working for the betterment of the society. To increase the quality of infrastructure, to provide guidance to the students after graduation and production of energy through waste wood all these topics are interesting and helpful for the development of the society and thus have appealed to me.

Mr. Richard has presented on the topic NAPSTEC and its specification. The purpose of the topic is clear and the speaker has covered all the important topics, the sections were properly organised as well as the grammar and language used is easy to understand. Speaker did not focus on background of NAPSTEC and stakeholders. Mr. Luke has given a good explanation about professionals Australia and is convincing as why to prefer PA for their assistance. The speaker has avoided the use of jargon to make it simple to understand. The topics are clearly explained as well as well organised. The Speaker could focus on important topics like selling yourself for the job more than the clauses. Mr. Dario has given very good background information about the topic which helps to understand the topic clearly. The speaker has used jargon and equations which may not be understood by everyone. Speaker has also used images which makes the topic more attractive as well as clear to the audience. The major topics have been covered by speaker and have used proper sources for all the graphs and images. Since the topic has jargons and different processes and cycles summarising the topic at the end would help the students to get an overview of all the topics covered. Possible topics for the future guest speakers may have health care, communication, social justice, women motivational etc (BigSpeak Motivational Speakers Bureau, 2016). All the topics can have speakers from non – profit organisation and thus help for the betterment of the society.

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