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The diverse pool of academic writing experts has 3000+ writers, successfully delivering more than 80000 assignments covering 400+ topics from 40+subjects. Catered to students from prominent universities in the United States of America along with Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, New Zealand, United Kingdom and Australia.


Number of Ph.D. academic writing experts grew from 1600 to 2200. Number of assignments delivered successfully reached a new milestone of 57000, covering 330+ topics from 33+ Subjects. My Assignment Services went truly global by catering to students from Malaysia, Singapore, and Canada along with Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.


An Additional 1000 writers were added in the span of two years making the total number of experts a whopping 1600. Number of successful assignments delivered increased from 20,000 to 35000, covering 290+ topics from 30+ subjects. Catered to students from universities in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.


No. of Academic writing experts increased from 120 to 600. Delivered more than 20,000 high quality assignments, covering 220+ topics from 28+ Subjects. Started catering to universities in New Zealand along with Australia.


Additional 70 academic writing experts joined the panel of experts. Number of assignments provided crossed the 7000 mark covering 100+ topics from 20+ subjects. Started catering to all prominent Universities in Australia.


My Assignment Services was founded with a team of 50 academic writing experts. We provided more than 2000 assignments covering 70+ topics from 12+ subjects and catered to Universities in Sydney and Melbourne.

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