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48771: Discrete Communications- Faculty of Engineering and IT Assessment

January 10, 2018
Author : Alex

Solution Code: 1AFJF

Question: IT Assessment

This assignment falls under “IT Assessment” which was successfully solved by the assignment writing experts at My Assignment Services AU under assignment help service.

IT Assessment

Case Scenario/ Task


solution 2

solution 3

The assignment file was solved by professional IT Assessmentexperts and academic professionals at My Assignment Services AU. The solution file, as per the marking rubric, is of high quality and 100% original (as reported by Plagiarism). The assignment help was delivered to the student within the 2-3 days to submission.

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Ans Q.No 4

a) Bits required per character : 8 bits , as 27 = 128

b) for 100,000 characters , we will need 7 bits per character, and than 1 bit extra for parity, so total 8 bits *10000 or 8 bits * 23 bit = 186 bits

c) Now for a) we will have 9 bits

and for part b) we will require 9 bits*23 bits = 207 bits

Ans Q 5


As per Nyquest critera Freq required is 240*2 = 480 Hz

20% extra it makes 480+48+48 = 576 Hz

To take margin for framing +0.5% or add 29Hz , 576 gets raised to 605 Hz

Since we have to transmit 5 signals

Minimum Bandwidth required is = 605*5 = 3025 Hz



Solution: given,

D+1= 12000-200-20200-20220-2

Ans(a): error is shown in red

D+1= 12000-200-20200-20220-2

Ans(b): sequences that are possible: 1100,1000,0100,1010

This IT Assessment sample was powered by the assignment writing experts of My Assignment Services AU. You can free download this IT assessment answer for reference. This solved IT Assessment sample is only for reference purpose and not to be submitted to your university. For a fresh solution to this question, fill the form here and get our professional assignment help.


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