UNCC100: Nursing - Catholic Social Thought - Self & Community - Assessment Answers

January 09, 2018
Author : Charles Hill

Solution Code: 1ABEI

Question: Nursing & Catholic Social Thought

This assignment falls under “Nursing & Catholic Social Thought” which was successfully solved by the assignment writing experts at My Assignment Services AU under assignment help service.

Nursing & Catholic Social Thought Assignment


What are you being assessed on?

  1. Describe coherently in writing the principles of Catholic Social Thought (CST), and through a personal written commentary on each one, explain that the concepts of 'self' and 'community' are interrelated.

  • Construct a wiki page describing in writing, the 9 principles ofCatholic Social Thought (CST) as outlined in the unit, and draw upon these principles to demonstrate the interrelationship between the concepts of 'self' and 'community'.

  • Feel free to make the wiki as interesting and engaging as you can by using other modes of communication and external resources (e.g., blog posts, online articles, videos, animations, audio tracks etc) that help illustrate concepts. Ensure you have referenced the above mentioned modes of communication and resources correctly.

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Catholic social thought or teaching is defined as the summation of all the teachings that are given by the Catholic Church that relates to issues of social justice. The Catholic social teaching acts as an effort to bring about some gospel light to most of the issues that humans face on a daily basis (Grace, 2013). The principles play an important role in explaining the interrelationshops between self and community as each one of them states the importance of oneness in the building a peaceful society. It offers a platform for Christians to understand the responses that were given previously by church leaders concerning different social issues plus factors building the scenario that bring about harmony in the society (McCann, 2014). The Catholic social teaching tends to derive its source in the sacred scriptures as well as traditional beliefs within various societies and social set ups that individuals play in building a strong community based on self. As such, this paper will look at the key Catholic social teachings whose application has been used greatly throughout the world. The principles play an important role in guiding Christians about the importance of self to the society and the interrelations that exist between individuals and the community.

Principles of Catholic Social Teaching

The Catholic social teaching has developed some principles that are used by the church in defining its social doctrines (McCann, 2014). Some of the key principles of the Catholic social teaching include the dignity of the human person, subsidiary, solidarity, and the common good among other principles. The principles will describe how the concept of self and community are interrelated.

The dignity of the human person

The dignity of the human person happens to be the prime principle of the Catholic social thought as it looks at the human person as an individual. The principle points out that, humans are created in the image of God and have some sense of human dignity. According to this principle, human beings have self-knowledge, self-possession and the ability to enter into another persons’ empathy (Grace, 2013). Presently, human values have been eroded over time as a result of materialism and a decline in human respect. As a result, the Catholic Church has made a claim that the life of humans is sacred, and its dignity happens to be the root of a moral vision for the society (Hill, & Capella, 2014). As such, this principle looks at the factors that derail human dignity and offer the best solutions for ensuring that dignity is achieved successfully. Human dignity is thus very important in living peacefully in the society, thus bringing in the importance of self in the community and how they are both related.

The principle of common good

This particular principle of the Catholic social teaching can be equated with the common thought of the public good. Common good is defined as that particular good that goes broader than that of specific communities (Clark, 2015). Similarly, John XXIII defined the term common good as the summation of all social life conditions that enables an individual to accomplish their personal accomplishment (Hill, & Capella, 2014). However, common good according to the Catholic social teaching is defined as that good that is experienced and shared commonality. As such, all the efforts that are put by different individuals, families, and groups of people in achieving common good are better explained through this principle (Brennan, 2014). As such, being good to one’s self is important in the whole society as common good is defined to the shared good in the community. Through this, the relationship of self and community is coming out very clearly.

The solidarity principle

Solidarity refers to a firm as well as a persevering determination that individuals tend to commit themselves to the common good (Clark, 2015). The principle is very important in Christian's view in that it helps them to make firm decisions that relate to their social and political beliefs. Solidarity helps individuals in the formulation of important social and economic policies that help them to live a better life (Brennan, 2014). Through solidarity and shared good, it is very clear that personal decision affects the whole society, thus bringing out the interrelationship between self and community.

The Subsidiarity Principle

Subsidiarity and solidarity principles are always closely linked. This principle holds to the fact that, a higher order community should not in any way interfere with a community that is considered to be of a lower order (Hill, & Capella, 2014). The main objective of this principle is to do away with all forms of collectivism and bring harmony to individual and group relationships. Through this principle, it is very clear that no individual in the society is supposed to oppress one another despite their economic status. As such, all individuals in the society are important in the society and individual relationships build up the society.

Social justice principle

This particular principle plays an important role in expressing the social nature of the human life by making all humans equal and making them one big God’s family. The principle categorically states collective justice, social justice, and commutative justice as humans apply them while in the society (Brennan, 2014). The principle talks about equality and equity to all members of the public, thus making all members equally important without despising any. As such, individuals need to relate with one another to come up with a safe community.

Preferential option for the poor

This principle talks about the fair treatment of the poor in the society. The principle greatly focuses on giving preference to the poor in the society by giving them the best treatment that they are supposed to give them, thus bring equity and fairness in the society (Hill, & Capella, 2014). Through fair treatment of every member in the society, all individuals are considered to be important in the society. Again, to have a peaceful community, every individual needs to be treated fairly and equally, thus bringing in the importance of self in building a peaceful community.


The objective of this principle is to make individuals aware of the fact that we are all as individuals and Christians called to protect one another as well as the planet at large (McCann, 2014). Through this principle, all individuals in the society are important to one another and they should take care of one another in an effort of having a peaceful community. According to this principle, humans are supposed to live their faith in relationship with everything that was created by God (Brennan, 2014).

Work and workers

This principle states the importance of work in the society according to God's creation. The principle also states the dignity associated with work as a result of employees been given their due respect and how it impacts the Christian society (Brennan, 2014). Individual employees need each other in their workplace. As such, all individual employees need to work in harmony in trying to have a peaceful working community. Through this, the concept of self and community are closely linked.

Family, community, and participation

According to this principle, the family is defined as the focal institution in the society that must be properly supported and strengthened by all means. This principle states the importance of the family and its contributions to the society (Clark, 2015). By understanding the concept of family, community, and participation, individuals in the society are very important in building a strong community. The principle of self and community are thus interconnected and no man can live as an island, but they need one another to live harmoniously.


The Catholic social teachings or thoughts are very important in guiding the society to live harmoniously and with love. Through these principles, the interrelationship between self and community is coming out very clearly as they all stress on the importance of living harmoniously as a community. As such, it is very important to understand the two concepts as they relate to one another and as individuals use these principles to guide them in living peacefully in the society. The application of these principles is therefore very important in dictating how the society should.

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