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Analyse WHS Policy, Risk Management Policy and ProcedureRecommendations for Improvement - Risk Management Assessment Answers

August 21, 2017
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Question: Risk Management Assignment

This assignment is related to ”Risk Management Assignment” and experts atMy Assignment Services AUsuccessfully delivered HD quality work within the given deadline.

  • Analyse the current WHS policy, risk management policy and risk management procedureRecommendations for improvement to meet legislative requirements
  • Investigation of past WHS incident at BizOps Report for warehouse work teamsPractical recommendations for improvement to meet legislative requirement
  • Hazard analysis for the warehouse on WHS hazard identification form

Part 1:

  1. Hazard description:
  2. Risk assessment:
  3. Risk categorisation matrix
  4. Suggested controls: (apply the hierarchy of control: elimination, substitution, isolation,engineering, administration, personal protective equipment)

Part 2:

Action required: (remember to apply the hierarchy of control)

  • Risk assessment and appropriate controls for each of the hazard for computer data entry operators on risk management plan template



  1. Identification and analysis
  2. Risk categorisation matrix
  3. Risk categorisation table
  4. Risk control/treatment

  • Training program for computer data operators to eliminate the risk of strain injuries
  • Manual handling training and work experience studentsCoaching and mentoring strategy to ensue correct manual handling techniques using report
  • Incident and injury report

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  • Analyse the current WHS policy, risk management policy and risk management procedure

The current WHS policy, risk management policy and risk management procedure in BizOps have various flaws and there are points where they are not meeting the legislative norm for WHS. As seen in the case that are two incidents recently and these incidents are due to the ignorance of WHS legislation. The organisation does not have a policy to take opinions from employees and make them aware about the training programs to enhance their skills for working in a better way. There is a guide provided by WHS regulations that deal with occupational health and safety of employees (Zhang et al., 2013).If the company would have been working as per that then there would not be any problem related to long data entry work or manual handling. The company in complying with norms of safety to a very great extent but the problem is that it does not have officers who can keep a check on the activities of the employees. The WHS regulations of BizOps do not meet with the standards laid down by the state for WHS. The states regulations say that it is vital for every company to have safety officers who continuously check the manner in which individual indulged in hazardous jobs are doing their work. For an instance there are norms for working on computer for continuous hours and these norms are required to be followed by the company and they need to check if workers are complying with them or not (Day, 2012). In BizOps they have procedures for all these tasks but the supervision is neglected and due to that two incidents have recently occurred there.

Recommendations for improvement to meet legislative requirements

To meet the legislative requirements, a number of recommendations are being made below:

  • To appoint safety officers in all the divisions who will inspect the manner in which the workers are performing their jobs.
  • Making employees aware of the WHS policies and practices by organising sessions
  • Getting free safety consultation from experts
  • By following instructions, information, and supervision and training formula.
  • Investigation of past WHS incident at BizOps

The investigation of past WHS incident at BizOps suggests that workers are not consulted on matters like identification of hazard, assessment of hazard and development of risk controls. It seems to be a significant issue because they are the one who are practically working in those circumstances and if they will not be consulted then it will be a problem (Gregory et al., 2016). Then there is an issue with dissemination of WHS information, the work experience students do not have an access to safety notices, all the other workers have access to that. This is the major reason why this incident happened with work experience student (Zanko & Dawson, 2012).

Report for warehouse work teams


The report aims at discussing the issues related to consultation with workers on WHS and dissemination of WHS information.

Issues to be addressed

Two issues are required to be addressed these are :

  • Non-consultation with the workers on the matters like identification of hazard, assessment of hazard and development of risk controls.
  • Improper dissemination of WHS information through intranet.

Key Points

The organisation is not consulting with workers about WHS matters and hazardous problems. It is important for the organisation to consult them because they work on ground level and they are aware of the problems that they are facing. So, if the organisation will consult them then it will be very easy for them to know the problems that are persisting in the organisation and addressing them. The information related to WHS is not getting disseminated properly to work experience students and thus they are unable to get ideas about this (Hale & Borys, 2013).

Summary of key points

The organisation is ignoring feedback from the workers and not communication information to all the workers.


The company shall invite feedback from workers so that it can improve WHS policies at workplace. It shall be noted that all the information shall get disseminated properly to everyone in the workplace.

Practical recommendations for improvement to meet legislative requirement

Following are the recommendations to meet legislative requirements:

  • Conducting meeting with workers to know the working situation.
  • Matching the regulations of the company with that of state legislation
  • Provision of fine in case of non-compliance (Watts & Hall, 2014).
  • Hazard analysis for the warehouse on WHS hazard identification form

Part 1

Hazard report number 1 Area of work Computer data entry
Date 10-05-2016 Specific hazard location Warehouse
Reported by Contact phone number
Contact email

Hazard description:

The hazard here deals with long hours of working on computer for data entry job. It is not good for the health of a worker. Like in this case the worker suffered a chronic pain. This is not good for the organisation as well as for the health of the workers (Hon & Yam, 2014).Thus it is important to take care of this hazard.

Risk assessment:

Risk likelihood legend Grade Level of likelihood
A Expected (will occur regularly)


Risk impact/

consequence legend

Grade Level of impact
5 Catastrophic

Risk categorisation matrix

Level of likelihood Level of impact










A (Expected) Medium Medium High Extreme Extreme
B (Probable)
C (Possible)
D (Improbable)
E (Rare)

Suggested controls: (apply the hierarchy of control: elimination, substitution, isolation, engineering, administration, personal protective equipment)

The control measure to prevent this from arising in the workplace is to substitute it with one more workers. The company can also appoint one more workers for data entry and thus the job of both of them will be for 4 hours each (Wachinger & Renn, 2013). In this manner the chances of hazard can be eliminated.

Part 2

Action required: (remember to apply the hierarchy of control)

Recommended control(s):
Controlling work hours Limiting time spent on computer for data entry
Supervision on compliance of WHS norms of organisation Providing manual to cross-check the rules and follow them
Proper hazard handling procedure Adopting a proper procedure to handle the hazard situation
Job request raised: Yes ?

Job no. (insert as appropriate): 1

Person responsible: Safety officer
Controls to be completed by: Safety manager
Approved by organisational unit head/officer (name) (signature) (date)
Completion verified by health and safety representative (HSR) (name) (signature) (date)

  • Risk assessment and appropriate controls for each of the hazard for computer data entry operators on risk management plan template


The computer data entry job requires a worker to sit for long hours working on computer. It affects the posture of a worker and at the same time it also results in chronic pain (Rothmore & Boucaut, 2015). In the present case in the company similar situation aroused and a worker was affected as well as the organisation.


The context of this risk is computer data entry job and sitting long hours to do that.

Identification and analysis

Risk likelihood legend Grade Level of likelihood
B Probable (will occur at some stage)


Risk impact/

consequence legend

Grade Level of impact
4 Major
5 Catastrophic

Risk categorisation matrix

Level of likelihood Level of impact










A (Expected)
B (Probable) Medium Medium Medium High Extreme
C (Possible)
D (Improbable)
E (Rare)

Risk categorisation table

Priority Risk Likelihood Impact Level of risk
1 Chronic shoulder pain Probable High High
2 Improper posture Rare Medium Low
3 Back pain Probable Medium Medium

Risk control/treatment


  1. Chronic shoulder pain
  2. Improper posture
  3. Back ach problems

Control measures/ treatments Control measure Strength Weakness
Less sitting hours Will be beneficial for worker Lower down output
Proper intervals Will be beneficial for worker Lower down output
Comfortable chairs Will be beneficial for worker Expensive
hand rests Will be beneficial for worker Expensive
Impact of risk/s on areas outside your responsibility The impact of this risk will be very high on other areas as well. The workers in other areas will get cautious of it and their working pace may also get affected due to this.
Personnel involved The personnel who are involved in it are workers who are indulged in computer data entry work, safety officer and manager of the organisation.
Expected outcomes of risk treatment plan The risk treatment plan will help in reducing the risk to a very great extent. It will help workers as well as the organisation to perform better.


  • Training program for computer data operators to eliminate the risk of strain injuries

The training program will include identification of musculoskeletal hazard that is associated with data entry work. It will also include set up of best practice workstation to reduce the impact of data entry work and finally it will provide information on best practices to deal with impact of data entry job and to reduce its impact (Hughes, 2012). The cost of this training will be around A$ 20,000. It will be covering up all the aspects of WHS information that will help the workers to deal with strain injuries.

  • Manual handling training and work experience students

The work experience students tend to ignore the manual handling training provided to them. Other workers in the company are following the training very well and due to that risk associated with them is quite low (Reese, 2012). To deal with this situation it is important to work on coaching and mentoring strategy.

Coaching and mentoring strategy to ensue correct manual handling techniques using report template



The report deals with enhancing training on coaching and mentoring. Coaching and mentoring will help the company to know the perceptions of the work experience students and convince them to properly follow the training for manual handling to avoid risk.

Issues to be addressed

The issues here relates to manual handling training and work experience student. The students ignore training sessions learning and due to that they end up getting injured which is fatal for their health as well as for the organisation. It is very important to address these issues to prevent any further hazard (Pirzadeh & Lingard, 2015).

Key points

The key points here are using coaching and mentoring to insist workers to follow learning of training sessions.

Summary of key points

Coaching will help the work experience to understand the relevance of training for their work. Mentoring will help in guiding them towards the right path (Otim et al., 2012).


  • Involving work experience students in meetings of WHS
  • Telling the about fatal effects of hazards on their health.
  • Telling them the relevance of training for their work.


  • Incident and injury report


Details of incident (e.g. to a worker or visitor) and treatment
Date of incident --/--/--
Time of incident
Nature of incident First aid and

Medical treatment/doctor

Name of injured person Mary Smith
Activity in which person was engaged at the time of the incident/injury Mary was checking phone
Exact site location where incident/injury occurred Warehouse
Nature of injury, e.g. burn, fracture, sprain Sprain in ankle and injury in head.
Specific location of injury on body, e.g. upper left arm Ankle and head
Treatment given on site By first aid officer
Name of treating person
Witnesses to incident Name

Phone contact

Supervisor distribution warehouse

Phone contact

Description of incident The incident that happened with Mary Smith was due to her negligence. She was checking her phone and while doing that she tripped over the box of documents. The box of documents was lying at right place and on right traffic zone and it only happened because of looking into the phone. The situation got worse when she was taken to first-aid officer he banged her ankle. So she was taken to local hospital and given two days’ break.
Immediate response actions (e.g. barricades, isolation of power) to stabilise the situation The immediate response to stabilise the situation was a two days’ break to Mary from work .
Person reporting
Reported to Name




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