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BSBLDR501: Develop & Use Emotional Intelligence - Management Case Study Assessment Answers

January 15, 2018
Author : Charles Hill

Solution Code: 1AADJ

Question: Management & Emotional Intelligence

This assignment falls under “Management & Emotional Intelligence” which was successfully solved by the assignment writing experts at My Assignment Services AU under assignment help service.

Management & Emotional Intelligence Case Study

Case Scenario



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Summaries the reasons for the coaching session from your point of view:

  • Peter is one of the best employees when it comes to personal level, his performance is considered to be best when he deals things of his own. However, the problem starts to sprout out when he is in a team or need to assist the team. This is evident in many of the scenarios mentioned in the balance sheet, mainly on revenue targets peter has achieved. In the personal revenue target peter have achieved more than the expected target, while on the revenue target that need to be achieved through assist he has performed poor in that area. The same pattern can be viewed in the customer focus rating too; where he lacked during the peer evaluation.
  • In this situation coaching helps peter to overcome his challenges as a team-member, since his main area of weakness is acting or working as a team member and a team leader. From the scenario itself it is clear that, how Peter’s team members suffered, and how the team became unproductive In this situation coaching comes as an effective and efficient way to equip peter with knowledge of team and team working method, also convey how coaching could improve Peter’s emotional intelligence in order to understand others feeling and thoughts.

Ask Peter for input, to describe own perspective:

  • Peter admits there is a performance gap, and he is willing to continue with the coaching session.
  • Peter also admits he feels a set of emotions that drags him down, including the anger of self-incompetency and personal growth opportunity the company lacks in giving to him. He also understands the perspective of emotional intelligence that an employee needed in order to develop the skills for a team work.


Although Peter achieves certain targets at ease and even exceeds it, he finds revenue targets to be pretty difficult. Also with so much of hard work Peter finds less opportunity of growth with the organization which makes him despondent. In Peter’s perspective, performance expectation is to work-hard and do his best for his organization; he puts personal strength above the team strength, because he believes only individuals could bring forth productivity than the team. He also rejects the very idea of aiding the team members because he believes only individuals themselves could bring forth their skills rather with the help of a third person. Also anger grows due to the failure in setting target.

Through the training session it is understood Peter is looking forward for the following expectations.

  • Growth in the opportunity, through promotion; because peter believes the company is not giving him any opportunity for the growth.
  • Increase in the salary, as he was very unsatisfied with the current payment.
  • Increase in the flexibility of time, as he was also taking care of an elderly relative through his job and money.
  • Training to fill the competency gap he possess
  • Motivational session to improve Peter’s current state of mentality

Description Target date
1 Promotion to a senior level 1st December 2016
2 Increase in the Salary With the Promotion (1st December 2016)
3 Increase in the Flexibility of time in his work 3rd September, by fixing his time of work and target
4 Training Session to fill the competency Gap In the month of September, October and November 2016
5 Motivational Session After his promotion on Mid-August


The real gap between peter’s performance and expectation goals

  • Peter as an individual is an excellent performer as mentioned in the introduction, but when it comes to team and team works, there is a great performance gap. Since team work is important and an imminent technique in an organizational perspective.
  • There is a huge failure in the part of the organization to recognize and motivate Peter’s contribution to the company. Since this was lacked, Peter despondency increased as his hard-works and frustration became increased.
  • Peter’s failure in compliance with the team-work is mainly due to the lack or the weakness have in emotional intelligence when in it comes to self-awareness and empathy.

Potential obstacles to achievement, such as Peter’s EI skills and personal/work situation:

  • One of the major obstacles Peter is facing is the lack of empathy. Due to the increase in the personal problems, Peter became more selfish and self-oriented, which makes his team and team members to suffer. Hence it is important for Peter to overcome this mental challenge and to become more empathetic.
  • Another major issue in Peter is the lack of motivation. Because the company is failing to motivate Peter on his hard-work and contribution, Peter in turn is lacking motivational skill to incentives his fellow team members.
  • Last but not least is the social skill in which Peter needs to given priority in order to improve that area.


Ask questions to help Peter generate options or opportunities to help achieve goals and close performance gaps:

  • Peter will concentrate on his team works in order to understand the team workings and aid the team members in their problems or issues.
  • Peter will build his confidence while working as a team member and guide the team whenever there is a necessity.
  • Peter will facilitate his time on work and his time on his personal things
  • Peter will try to interact more with his colleagues and management in order to improve his social skills
  • He will self-motivate himself when it comes to individual work as well as team work


Ask questions to establish Peter’s willingness to agree to concrete and time-bound measures to improve performance:

  • Peter is willing to go through all the necessary training session in order to improve his skills and self-awareness.
  • Peter is willing to cooperate with all his team members and aid them whenever necessary
  • Peter is willing to motivate himself and everyone in order to bring forth a healthy work environment
  • Peter is willing to commit to the company and its objectives for a long term.

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