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Delegate Power or Keep it Close - Motivation - Leadership - Case Study Assessment Answer

March 01, 2018
Author : Ashley Simons

Solution Code: 1AGJF

Question:Case Study

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Case Study: Delegate power or keep it close

If I were Samantha Parks, I would first classify the tasks based on their importance, difficulty, skills and knowledge required, and the level of confidentiality to be maintained. Then I would identify potential employees who could do the task, and assign them that task.

Before beginning with any project, Parks must let the workers know what results she expects, and that she will be checking from time to time the direction in which the work is progressing. As a CEO she has the right to be involved in the project and make corrections wherever necessary.

To maintain their position or authority executives should guide projects and not control projects. By dominating projects, they would be killing the creativity of employees and building distrust. The executives must be in charge, because they can see the overall picture of the business better than the project leaders, and they have the right to take important decisions, wherever necessary.

The top executives of an organization should never delegate the following tasks. Instead, the top executives must do it themselves –

  • Communication with employees
  • Investment activities
  • All Financial decisions
  • Deciding organizational goal, vision, mission, and values
  • Crisis management
  • Databases of customers
  • Praises and incentives


Case Study: Why don’t teams work like they‘re suppose to?

The elements that Hackman has identified are very relevant to teams. Hackman has said that teams should be small, have a consistent membership, courageous leaders, clearly defined roles and responsibilities, and have group-based rewards. I think that Hackman’s principle for team management is very effectual. Small teams would be able to communicate well, and having a consistent membership would mean less delegation and unchanging responsibilities.

I think that in addition to Hackman’s points on successful team management, fruitful team management also includes –

  • The team members must build credibility amongst each other.
  • The team leader or the manager should ensure equal access to information, and must be willing and available to answer any queries.
  • The team members should maintain confidentiality and must not pass on any information to people outside the team.
  • Top performers must be appreciated and given incentives.

The first thing I will do as a team leader is to assess and analyze the strengths and weakness of my new team members. The tasks to be done should be divided and assigned to appropriate team members, for which they must accept accountability. The next thing to do is to plan out a strategy to help the team members improve in areas of their weaknesses, this will make them equally efficient, and no team member will be indispensable.

Case Study: Choosing your battles

I would first determine the nature of the conflict, and then try to comprehend if it is a constructive conflict or something that hinders the group’s performance. If it is a constructive conflict then all members have a right to say on it, without hurting others. The manager must first decide if the disagreement is worth bringing out into the open. He must then focus on a solution, and must show how resolving the conflict will bring out the best results.

Negotiators must direct all conflicts to their optimal solutions and must use empathy to negotiate. He must try to understand the other party’s perspective while guarding his emotions and must not empathize to the point where he/she will be working against their interest.

I have witnessed a situation at a workplace where two executives of the same team had an argument and stopped talking. In any company team members have to be very positive with each other, else this can lead to stalling of work, and a waste of crucial time. The team leader did not care to intervene, and matters grew worse. Trust is an indispensable ingredient in a successful team. Workers must express opposing opinions positively, without hurting others, and if things go worse, the team leader should intervene and resolve the conflict

Case Study: Motivation

Employee motivations are crucial for an organization’s success. The majority of the job-seekers rate companies according to their size. Companies invest a lot in attracting the right talent and retaining them. Some of the best places to work at in the United Kingdom are – Softcat plc, McDonald’s Restaurants Ltd, Salesforce UK, Cisco UK, Capital One(Europe) Plc. The best workplaces in Europe are – Mars, Daimler Financial services, EMC, Cisco, Adecco. All companies have their way of recruiting and retaining talent. There’s no universal law on getting the best talent and keeping it in your firm. These companies invest in a variety of strategies.

Appreciation - Each employee’s contribution to the organization is identified, and rewarded. There are different perks and awards for employees at all levels. Public recognitions are given at all levels based on the commitment of the employee’s. Work-life Balance – Companies offer facilities to improve the work-life balance of employees. Child care programs are available and paid maternity; paternity leaves are granted. Organizations also provide personal healthcare services to employees. Some companies like Google and Face book also provide free food and onsite fitness facilities. Other companies provide free transportation, to and from work, free yoga, gym discounts, counseling services, stipends for traveling, fully equipped music studios, and product discounts.

Case Study: Leadership

Trait theory of leadership suggests that leaders are born. To become a leader a person has to have some innate qualities. In an organization, which follows this model, employees are regularly assessed to find any such qualities. Potential leaders are identified, groomed, and promoted to leadership positions. Unlike trait theory of leadership, Behavior theory of leadership suggests that leaders can be groomed, and the qualities that he must possess, can be taught and developed over a period. Behavior theory rejects the concept of innately ability to lead. Both the theories have limitations. Different companies use different approaches to leadership.

Organizations must recognize individuals with effective communications skills. Communication skills include speaking, listening, and writing skills. People with strong communication skills will be able to mentor subordinates and be guided by superiors. After recognizing potential leaders, organizations should regularly coach them and monitor their performance. At the previous company that I worked at, they had regular employee development programs, where we were trained on several aspects of doing our job effectively. The training also included leadership skills and effective communication skills. This helped the employees to reach their full potential and increased their performance. The best performing employees were identified, groomed, and promoted to managerial positions.

Case Study: Organizational Change

Sustaining innovation does not bring in new products, services, or markets, but improves current goods and services, and re-introduces them into the market; organizations do this mainly to survive and succeed in a competitive environment. Five sustaining innovations that have affected me in the past year are –

  • Apple products
  • The retailer Kmart
  • Expansion of data storage capacity in computer devices
  • Cheaper laptops and smart phones
  • Launch of the new Windows operating system

Unlike sustaining innovation, disruptive innovation involves the creation of new goods, services, and entirely new markets. Disruptive innovations are usually available at very low prices. They entirely or partially displace the existing products. The disruptive innovations that have affected me are –

  • Wikipedia
  • LCD displays
  • Downloadable digital media files
  • Digital photography
  • Electric vehicles

The disruptive innovations have benefitted me a lot. Wikipedia has replaced the traditional, expensive, and voluminous hard copy encyclopedias, and saved me a lot of time, money, and effort. CRT monitors usually consume a lot of space, electricity, and are ugly to look at. LCD displays are a great alternative. Downloadable digital media files and digital photography have provided cheap and less time-consuming ways of entertainment. Electric transport has reduced the pollution and decreased transportation costs. It is a great alternative to traditional vehicles.

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