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Humanities - North Korea- Obey The Governmental Authority - Assessment Answer

December 21, 2017
Author : Ashley Simons

Solution Code: 1ABHG


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Why do people living in North Korea obey the governmental authority and allows atrocities to be committed ?

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The Government of North Korea is known for a wide range of human rights violations all around the world. This issue has been repeatedly discussed in Human Rights Council of United Nations. From such international discussions and deliberations it is widely accepted that people in North Korea live in fear of executions, severe punishments and brutality of government authority towards government voices.

Following are some of the other key reasons behind the ineffectiveness of North Korean people in resisting government atrocities:-

  • Strong Discrimination: The North Korean Leadership uses discrimination as a tool to stop the voices of dissent. The tradition of “songbun” system in North Korea which uses a state sponsored classification system forces the dissenters and many citizens to live under derogatory conditions, as claimed by (4 News, 2014).
  • The Supreme Leader Concept: North Korean people have been forced to accept their current President Kim Jung-un and his predecessors as “Supreme Leader” and an embodiment of Supreme Moral and Spiritual Powers. Such propaganda is supported by “Revolutionary Research Centers” and “Loyalty Groups” as (Head, 2014) has found.
  • Government Sponsored Brutality: The governmentuses different severe methods of punishments such as public executions, forced hard labor, rape, prolonged starvation etc. This results in an environment of terror for the citizens to raise their voices against the government.
  • Freedom of Choice: As (Yop, n.d.) has stated, the people of North Korea do not even enjoy the choice of finding their suitable professions to end starvation. Thus, forcing the people to work only on certain areas, the rulers have snatched away the freedom of choice from its citizens.

The people of North Korea are oppresses by the government in many other ways such as enforced patriotism, lawlessness, ideological dominance etc. These factors keep them away from expressing displeasure and protesting against government atrocities.

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