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NURS2006 Summary Table: Fall Prevention - Nursing Assessment Answers

December 22, 2017
Author : Julia Miles

Solution Code: 1ACAC


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Summary Table: Fall Prevention

Author, Year, Country Aims Sample/Setting Design/Method Main Findings Strengths and limitations of the study
1 Balzer et al, 2012


Develop effective intervention for fall prevention in elderly. Systematic review of the literature done through31 databases from January 2003 to January 2010 (Balzer et al, 2012) Qualitative: Study selection and critical appraisal Analysis found that preventing falls has three main legal considerations: uncertainty of the standard of care, necessity to consider the specific needs of every patient and difficulty in maintaining a balance between physical integrity and decision making are responsible for falls (Balzer et al, 2012). Strength: The strength of the study is that it provides a very well researched data about fall prevention in the elderly patients. It also provides the details of the financial and care difficulties related to fall of patients.

Limitation: study is limited to the research done through literature and do not provide data about self reporting.

2 Quigley and White 2013


The aim of the study is to integrate the components of the patient safety culture with fall prevention to ensure patient safety. Systematic review of the database, which includes national database that reflect the number of falls and deaths and injuries due to falls that further helps to develop fall prevention strategies (Quigley and White 2013). Qualitative: Critical appraisal of the national database of the quality nursing practice in hospitals. Falls are considered as the worst events. Management system for evaluating the performance is not very appropriate. Management can be changed by evaluation that examines organizational, unit, and patient level data. Strength: the article provides the valuable data related to the cases of falls and fall prevention measurement programs. The resources used are current and very helpful (Quigley and White 2013).

Limitation: Credibility is limited and not all the views are approved by Department of Veterans Affairs.

3 Burton et al, 2015


It aims towards providing the effectiveness of the exercise programs to reduce falls in older people suffering from dementia, who are living in the community. Samples of the people living under communities and having cognitive impairment, physical disability. Search strategy extracted from 2,279 articles from six databases. Systematic review of literature published in English between January 2000 and February 2014, with metal analysis Findings in the article suggest that falls can be prevented through exercise programs and by assisting older people in these programs (Burton et al, 2015). Strength: Broad database have been derived that provide promising evidences for the effectiveness of the exercise programs in the patients with dementia. Limitation: The topic presented in the article require further research based on the studies using broad samples, standardized measurement outcomes, informed evidence based recommendation, and with longer periods of follow ups (Bunn et al, 2014)..
4 Hanley and Murphy, 2011


The aim of the study is to identify the risk factors associated with falls of elderly people, who suffer a fracture due to fall. Sample and setting of the article is based on the research conducted through various pieces of literature. Also the sample is collected from nurses to identify the willingness of the patients to participate in fall prevention strategies. Qualitative analysis of the data derived with the results and meta analysis. PubMed, ScienceDirect, and the Cochrane databases were searched for high-quality review articles and prospective trials.The study also examines the risk factors and methods of accessing the risks. The research study suggest that population based fall prevention programs are effective (Hanley and Murphy, 2011). The article display different fall prevention strategies based on the detailed research of literature. Strength: The strength of the article lies in presenting the multidisciplinary fall prevention strategies. Limitation: The article could not clearly define the strength of the evidences supporting current interventions related to fall prevention in elderly people.
5 Bunn et al,



The aim of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the fall prevention interventions in the case of older people with mental disability, which are cared across all setting. Samples collected from England, Australia and United States, which state that risk of fall increases with mental illness such as dementia, depression and anxiety. Systematic review was carried out of the electronic database. Search is conducted from February 2011 and updated in November 2012 and October 2013 (Bunn et al,


The findings suggest that there is a lack of research on the falls related to mental health setting in spite of high incidences of falls in such settings. Strength: The strength of the study lies in researching the fall prevention intervention in mental health settings and people suffering with mental illness, as such studies are very limited (Bunn et al,

2014). Limitation: Studies and research is accessed with the risk of bias, Results are not pooled out due to heterogeneity and just reported as a narrative. Also there is lack of robust evidences (Bunn et al,


6 Scott, Metcalfe, and Yassin



The study aims to determine the scope of natural falls; falls related injuries and scope of fall prevention in older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People of Australia and Indigenous people from Canada, New Zealand and the United States. Samples collected about the falls in Indigenous population from 34 peer reviewed electronic database. Method used is the keyword research of the database, with terminology of the accidental falls, and the comprehensive study of the Aboriginal patients in each country is conducted. Most of the research literature provides the reports of the morbidity, and mortality. Very few studies and research suggest effective interventions of the fall prevention (Scott, Metcalfe, and Yassin

2012). Findings suggest to immediately focusing the attention towards fall risks in Indigenous population.

Strength: The findings of the study provide the awareness towards the seriousness of the falls and also point towards the areas where the prevention is immediately required.
7 Sherrington et al,



The randomized controlled trial aimsto evaluate the fall prevention self management on the mobility related disability, effect of exercise and falls in older people followed with pelvic or lower limb fracture. Study also aims to evaluate the cost effectiveness of the interventions. 350 people from the age 60 are chosen for the research study that will be randomized to collect the data over the period of 12 months. Quantitative: Method used is the randomized control trial with concealed allocation, assessor blinding for physical performance tests and intention-to-treat analysis (Sherrington et al,


The findings suggest that self management programs for fall prevention are successful and results in less falls related disabilities. Also this method is less costly than other interventions. Strength: Strength of the study is that it helps in understanding that intervention programs could be used as the daily routines (Sherrington et al,

2016). It also suggest that self management programs of fall prevention are less expensive, which increases the awareness towards self management. Limitation: Participation of the people could not be blinded with random group allocation. Also study could not frequency-matched control group intervention, thus social aspects of the program could not be determined.

8 Lee et al,



Study aims towards analyzing the effectiveness of the patient education in prevention of falls, promoting behavioral change in them and also promoting prevention activities during and post their hospitalization. Sample collected from the research of five databases. The education of the patient was the single intervention used in the multi-factorial fall prevention programs (Lee et al,


Systematic review of the literature and meta analysis. Meta analysis is used to verify the effectiveness of the patient education in comparison with the usual care. The findings of the research study suggest that fall prevention programs that contained patient education, are found to be very effective in reducing falls rate among the inpatients and post discharged population (Lee et al,


Strength: The strength of the study is in providing the awareness of the patient education for preventing falls. This would also reduce disabilities and fractures. Limitation: The study is limited to sing fall prevention method, which is patient education and do not focus much on the patient environment and risks associated with falls.

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