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Principles & Accounting Requirements & Intra-group Transactions - Acquisition Analysis Assessment Answers

November 08, 2018
Author : Julia Miles

Solution Code: 1DDD


This assignment is related to ”Acquisition analysis” and experts at My Assignment Services AU successfully delivered HD quality work within the given deadline.

Question 1  Consolidation: Principles and accounting requirements; and intra-group transactions Koala Ltd purchased all of the issued shares of Kingfisher Ltd on 1 July 2013. At acquisition date, the shareholders’ equity of Kingfisher Ltd consisted of:

Share capital 240,000
Retained earnings 60,000

At 30 June 2015, two years after acquisition, the accounts of the two companies appear as follows:

Koala Ltd Kingfisher Ltd
$ $
Sales 500,000 220,000
Cost of sales (266,000) (92,000)
Gross profit 234,000 128,000
Depreciation expenses 50,000 30,000
Rent expenses 8,000
Other expenses 84,000 60,000
Total expenses 134,000 98,000
100,000 30,000
Other income
Profit on sale of equipment 14,000 -
Rent revenue 8,000 -
Total other income 22,000 -
Operating profit before tax 122,000 30,000
Income tax expense (38,000) (10,000)
Operating profit after tax 84,000 20,000
Retained earnings 1 July 2014 60,000 70,000
Available for appropriation 144,000 90,000
Dividends paid (70,000) -
Retained earnings 30 June 2015 74,000 90,000
Share capital 600,000 240,000
Creditors and borrowings 70,000 30,000
Other liabilities 120,000 10,000
864,000 370,000
Cash at bank 6,000 4,000
Accounts receivable 60,000 60,000
Inventory 50,000 20,000
Investments in Kingfisher Ltd 310,000 -
Property, plant and equipment 230,000 140,000
Accumulated depreciation (120,000) (42,000)
Land and buildings (net) 288,000 158,000
Other assets 40,000 30,000
864,000 370,000

Additional information: (a)        The identifiable net assets of Kingfisher Ltd were recorded at fair value at the date of acquisition, except for an item of property, plant and equipment (cost $35,000 and accumulated depreciation of $13,500) that had a fair value of $26,500. Property, plant and equipment is expected to have a remaining useful life of 10 years with no residual value. (b)        During the financial year, Kingfisher Ltd paid rent of $8,000 to Koala Ltd. (c)        The opening inventory of Kingfisher Ltd includes unrealised profit of $4,000 on inventory transferred from Koala Ltd during the prior financial year. This entire inventory was sold by Kingfisher Ltd to parties external to the group during the current financial year. (d)        Koala Ltd sold inventory to Kingfisher Ltd for $30,000 during the year. This inventory had an original cost to Koala Ltd of $20,000. Three quarters of this inventory was sold to external entities by Kingfisher Ltd during the year. (e)        An item of equipment owned by Koala Ltd, originally acquired on 1 July 2013, was sold to Kingfisher Ltd for $50,000 on 1 July 2014. At 1 July 2014, this equipment has a cost of $60,000 and accumulated depreciation of $12,000. Koala Ltd depreciated this asset at 20% per annum straight-line. On acquiring the asset, Kingfisher Ltd assessed that the equipment has a remaining economic useful life of four years and therefore has applied a 25% depreciation rate on a straight-line basis, from the date of transfer of the asset. (f)         The tax rate is 30%. Required:

  1. Prepare an acquisition analysis and the consolidation journal entries necessary to prepare consolidated accounts for the year ending 30 June 2015 for the group comprising Koala Ltd and Kingfisher Ltd.
  2. Prepared a consolidation worksheet for the year ending 30 June 2015.

    Marks allocated
Acquisition analysis 3
Consolidation worksheet entries 17
Consolidation worksheet 5
Total  25

Question 2 [10 marks]  Consolidation: Principles and accounting requirements; intra-group transactions and non-controlling interests On 1 July 2013, Canti Ltd purchased 70% of the issued shares of Fletcher Ltd for a cost of $2,000,000. At acquisition date, the shareholders’ equity of Fletcher Ltd consisted of share capital and retained earnings of $1,500,000 and $700,000 respectively. On the same date, all assets of Fletcher Ltd were recorded at fair value. As at 30 June 2015, two years after date of acquisition, the accounts of the two companies are as follows:

Canti Ltd Fletcher Ltd
$ $
Sales revenue 400,000 100,000
Cost of goods sold (100,000) (40,000)
Other expenses (60,000) (30,000)
Other revenue 155,000 42,500
Profit 395,000 72,500
Tax (85,000) (17,500)
Profit after tax 310,000 55,000
Retained earnings 1 July 2014 1,000,000 800,000
1,310,000 855,000
Dividends paid (200,000) (40,000)
Retained earnings 30 June 2015 1,100,000 815,000
Shareholders’ equity
Retained earnings 1,110,000 815,000
Share capital 4,000,000 1,500,000
Current liabilities
Accounts payable 60,000 40,000
Non-current liabilities
Loans 600,000 250,000
5,770,000 2,605,000
Current assets
Cash 150,000 25,000
Accounts receivable 250,000 175,000
Inventory 500,000 300,000
Non-current assets
Land 1,400,000 1,105,000
Plant 1,470,000 1,000,000
Investment in Fletcher Ltd 2,000,000 -
5,770,000 2,605,000

The following information is provided for the financial year 30 June 2015. (a)        The management of Canti Ltd values any non-controlling interest at the proportionate share of Fletcher Ltd’s identifiable net assets. (b)        During the year, Fletcher Ltd made total sales to Canti Ltd of $22,500. At the year end, Canti Ltd has sold this entire inventory to external parties. (c)        The tax rate is 30%. Required: Prepare the consolidation worksheet entries necessary for the preparation of consolidated financial statements for Canti Ltd and its subsidiary, Fletcher Ltd, for the financial year ended 30 June 2015. Narrations are not required.

Marks allocated
Acquisition analysis 1.5
Consolidation worksheet entries 8.5
Total  10

Question 3 [15 marks] Accounting for associates On 1 July 2013, Tusmore Ltd acquired 40% of the ordinary shares of Fisher Ltd for $1,625,000. The remaining 60% of the ordinary shares of Fisher Ltd are owned by two shareholders, Glenside Ltd, which owns 40% of the shares, and Roger Unit Trust, which owns 20% of the shares. Fisher Ltd’s constitution provides that at general meetings of the company, ordinary shareholders are entitled to vote on resolutions and elect directors, on the basis of one vote per ordinary share. Fisher Ltd’s five-member board of directors consists of two representatives from Tusmore Ltd and Glenside Ltd each; and one representative from Roger Unit Trust. Each member of Fisher Ltd’s board of directors is entitled to one vote on issues or resolutions being considered by the board of directors. The statement of financial position of Fisher Ltd immediately before the investment was as follows:

Shareholders’ equity
Share capital 2,250,000
Retained earnings 375,000
Revaluation surplus 937,500
Accounts payable 437,500
Bank loans 1,937,500
Deferred tax liability 625,000
Cash 55,000
Accounts receivable 287,500
Inventory 550,000
Land 1,375,000
Buildings 4,050,000
Accumulated depreciation –Buildings (675,000)
Plant and equipment 1,150,000
Accumulated depreciation –Plant and equipment (230,000)

Additional information: (a)        On 1 July 2013, all of the identifiable net assets of Fisher Ltd were recorded at fair value except for land, which had a fair value of $1,687,500 on the same date. (b)        On 30 June 2014, the recoverable amount of goodwill relating to the purchase of Fisher Ltd by Tusmore Ltd was assessed to be $112,500. (c)        On 14 July 2013, Fisher Ltd declared and paid an interim dividend of $100,000, out of profits earned during the 2012-13 financial year. (d)        During the financial year 2013-14, Fisher Ltd earned a profit after income tax expense of $362,500, from which it paid a final dividend of $162,500. (e)        During the financial year 2014-15, Fisher Ltd earned a profit after income tax expense of $425,000, from which it declared a final dividend of $200,000. (f)         On 30 June 2015, Fisher Ltd revalued its land upwards by $125,000. (g)        The tax rate is 40%. Required:

  1. Explain how Tusmore Ltd should classify its investment in Fisher Ltd. Support your answers with relevant authority from AASB 128.
  2. Prepare the consolidation worksheet journal entries to account for Tusmore Ltd’s investment in Fisher Ltd, for the financial years ending 30 June 2014 and 30 June 2015, in accordance with AASB 128 assuming that Tusmore Ltd does prepare consolidated financial statements.

Marks allocated
Discussion on accounting method, with justification and reference made to AAB128. 4
Acquisition analysis 3
Journal entries 8
Total  15

Rationale This assessment task covers topics 1, 2, 3 & 4. It has been designed to ensure that you are engaging the subject content on a regular basis. More specifically it seeks to assess your ability to:

  1. be able to explain the relationships that exists between a parent company and its subsidiary(ies), an investor and its investee, a company and its overseas subsidiaries;

  1. be able to prepare accounts for each of the above-mentioned business combinations in accordance with relevant professional and statutory reporting requirements.

Marking criteria The marking guide for this task is provided below. The detailed allocation of marks for relevant questions has been provided above for your information.

Criteria High distinction Distinction Credit Pass
Question 1 Prepare accurate acquisition analysis, consolidation journal entries and consolidation worksheet; supported with well presented workings; in accordance with relevant accounting principles. -acquisition analysis was computed accurately; - at least 85% of the worksheet entries are accurately done in accordance with relevant accounting principles; -exemplary consolidation worksheet presented with all entries entered correctly and appropriate cross referencing are provided for all adjustments made. -acquisition analysis was computed accurately; - at least 75% of the worksheet entries are accurately done in accordance with relevant accounting principles; -very well presented consolidation worksheet with almost all entries entered correctly and appropriate cross referencing are provided for all adjustments made. -acquisition analysis was computed correctly with minor flaws; - at least 65% of the worksheet entries are accurately done in accordance with relevant accounting principles; -well presented consolidation worksheet with most entries entered correctly and appropriate cross referencing are provided for all adjustments made. -acquisition analysis was computed correctly with some errors; -at least half of the worksheet entries are accurately done in accordance with relevant accounting principles; -consolidation worksheet presented using reasonable format with some entries entered correctly and appropriate cross referencing are provided for most of the adjustments made.
Question 2: Prepare relevant worksheet entries accurately in accordance with relevant accounting principles. -acquisition analysis was computed accurately; and -at least 85% of the worksheet entries are accurately done in accordance with relevant accounting principles. -acquisition analysis was computed accurately; and -at least 75% of the worksheet entries are accurately done in accordance with relevant accounting principles. -acquisition analysis was computed correctly with minor flaws; and -at least 65% of the worksheet entries are accurately done in accordance with relevant accounting principles. -acquisition analysis was computed correctly with some errors; and -at least half of the worksheet entries are accurately done in accordance with relevant accounting principles.
Question 3: Determine the appropriate accounting method accurately; and relevant journal entries are shown in accordance with relevant accounting principles. -correct accounting method is discussed and justified perfectly with reference made to relevant accounting standards; -acquisition analysis was computed accurately; and -at least 85% of the worksheet entries are accurately done in accordance with relevant accounting principles. -correct accounting method is discussed and justified accurately with reference made to relevant accounting standards; -acquisition analysis was computed accurately; and -at least 75% of the worksheet entries are accurately done in accordance with relevant accounting principles. -correct accounting method is discussed and justified reasonably well with reference made to relevant accounting standards; -acquisition analysis was computed correctly with minor flaws; and -at least 65% of the worksheet entries are accurately done in accordance with relevant accounting principles. -correct accounting method is discussed and justified sufficiently with reference made to relevant accounting standards occasionally; -acquisition analysis was computed correctly with some errors; and -at least half of the worksheet entries are accurately done in accordance with relevant accounting principles.

These assignments are solved by our professional analysis Experts at My Assignment Services AU and the solution are high quality of work as well as 100% plagiarism free. The assignment solution was delivered within 2-3 Days. Our Assignment Writing Experts are efficient to provide a fresh solution to this question. We are serving more than 10000+ Students in Australia, UK & US by helping them to score HD in their academics. Our Experts are well trained to follow all marking rubrics & referencing style.


Answer 1

Acquisition analysis

Acquisition Analysis    
Cost of acquisition   $310,000
Book value of net assets    
Share Capital $240,000  
Retained Earnings $60,000  
Total book value of net assets $300,000  
Fair value adjustments    
Plant   ($26,000 - $21,500) X 1-30% $3,150  
Total fair value adjustments $3,150  
FVINA $303,150  
% Acquired 100% $303,150
Goodwill   $6,850


Consolidation work sheet entries

  Particulars Dr Cr
  BCVR Entries    
1a Acc depn - Equipment $13,500  
       Equipment   $9,000
       DTL   $1,350
       BCVR   $3,150
1b Depn Expense (4500/10) $450  
  Retained Earnings(4500/10) $450  
       Acc depn - Equipment   $900
1c DTL $270  
       Income Tax Expense (450*30%)   $135
       Retained Earnings (450*30%)   $135
  Pre-acqusition entry    
2 Share Capital $240,000  
  Retained Earnings $  60,000  
  BCVR $    3,150  
  Goodwill $    6,850  
  Investment in Kingfisher Limited   $310,000
3 Rent revenue $8,000  
  Rent expense   $8,000
  Unrealised profit in opening inventory    
4 Retained  Earnings $2,800  
  Income Tax Expense (Unreal. Profit *Tax Rate) $1,200  
       Cost of sales (Unreal. Profits)   $4,000
  Unrealised profit in closing inventory    
5a Sales $30,000  
       COGS (balance)   $27,500
       Inventory (30000-20000)/4   $2,500
5b Deferred Tax Asset (Unreal. Profit * TR) (2,500*30%) $750  
        Income Tax Expense   $750
  Transfer of plant    
6a Profit on sale of equipment (50000-48000) $2,000  
       Plant (Balance)   $2,000
6b DTA $600  
       Income tax expense (2,000*30%)   $600


Consolidation worksheet

            Koala Ltd   Kingfisher Ltd Adjusting Entries Group
  $   $   Dr Cr    
Sales $500,000   $220,000 5a $30,000     $690,000
Cost of sales -$266,000   -$92,000     $4,000 4 -$326,500
            $27,500 5a  
Gross profit $234,000   $128,000         $363,500
Depreciation expenses $50,000   $30,000 1b $450     $80,450
Rent expenses     $8,000     $8,000 3 $0
Other expenses $84,000   $60,000         $144,000
Total expenses $134,000   $98,000         $224,450
  $100,000   $30,000         $139,050
Other income                
Profit on sale of equipment $14,000   - 6a $2,000     $12,000
Rent revenue $8,000   - 3 $8,000     $0
Total other income $22,000   -         $12,000
Operating profit before tax $122,000   $30,000         $151,050
Income tax expense -$38,000   -$10,000 4 $1,200 $135 1c  
            $750 5b  
            $600 6b -$47,715
Operating profit after tax $84,000   $20,000         $103,335
Retained earnings 1 July 2014 $60,000   $70,000 1b $450 $135 1c  
        2 $60,000      
        4 $2,800     $66,885
Available for appropriation $144,000   $90,000         $170,220
Dividends paid -$70,000   -         -$70,000
Retained earnings 30 June 2015 $74,000   $90,000         $100,220
Share capital $600,000   $240,000 2 $240,000     $600,000
Creditors and borrowings $70,000   $30,000         $70,000
BCVR       2 $3,150 $3,150 1a $0
DTL       1c $270 $1,350 1a $1,080
Other liabilities $120,000   $10,000         $130,000
  $864,000   $370,000         $901,300
Goodwill       2 $6,850     $6,850
Cash at bank $6,000   $4,000         $10,000
Accounts receivable $60,000   $60,000         $120,000
Inventory $50,000   $20,000     $2,500 5a $67,500
Investments in Kingfisher Ltd $310,000   -     $310,000 2 $0
DTA       5b $750     $1,350
        6b $600      
Property, plant and equipment $230,000   $140,000     $9,000 1a $359,000
            $2,000 6a  
Accumulated depreciation -$120,000   -$42,000 1a $13,500 $900 1b -$149,400
Land and buildings (net) $288,000   $158,000         $446,000
Other assets $40,000   $30,000         $70,000
  $864,000   $370,000         $931,300


Answer 2

Acquisition Analysis    
Net fair value of Identifiable assets & liabilities    
Share Capital $1,500,000  
Retained earnings $700,000  
NFVIA   $2,200,000
a) Consideration Transferred $2,000,000  
b) Non-Controlling Interest $660,000  
Aggregate of a) and b)   $2,660,000
Goodwill   $460,000


1. Pre-acquisition entries    
Share Capital $1,050,000  
Retained earnings $490,000  
Goodwill $460,000  
Shares in Fletcher Ltd   $2,000,000
2. NCI share of equity at 1 July 2013    
Share Capital $450,000  
Retained earnings $210,000  
NCI   $660,000
(30% of balances)    
3. NCI share of equity 1 July 13 to 30 June 15    
Retained earnings $30,000  
NCI in profit $16,500  
NCI   $46,500
(30% of balances)    
4. Dividend    
Other revenue $28,000  
Dividends paid   $28,000
5. Sales    
Sales $15,750  
Cost of goods sold   $15,750


Consolidated worksheet

  Canti Ltd   Fletcher Ltd Adjusting Entries Group
  $   $   Dr Cr    
Sales revenue $400,000   $100,000 5 $15,750     $484,250
Cost of goods sold -$100,000   -$40,000     $15,750 5 -$124,250
Other expenses -$60,000   -$30,000         -$90,000
Other revenue $155,000   $42,500 4 $28,000     $169,500
Profit $395,000   $72,500         $439,500
Tax -$85,000   -$17,500         -$102,500
Profit after tax $310,000   $55,000 3 $16,500     $320,500
Retained earnings 1 July 2014 $1,000,000   $800,000 1 $490,000     $1,070,000
        2 $210,000      
        3 $30,000      
  $1,310,000   $855,000         $1,390,500
Dividends paid -$200,000   -$40,000     $28,000 4 -$212,000
Retained earnings 30 June 2015 $1,100,000   $815,000         $1,178,500
Shareholders’ equity                
Retained earnings $1,110,000   $815,000         $1,178,500
Share capital $4,000,000   $1,500,000 1 $1,050,000     $4,000,000
        2 $450,000      
NCI           $660,000 2 $706,500
            $46,500 3  
Current liabilities                
Accounts payable $60,000   $40,000         $100,000
Non-current liabilities                
Loans $600,000   $250,000         $850,000
  $5,770,000   $2,605,000         $6,835,000
Current assets                
Cash $150,000   $25,000         $175,000
Accounts receivable $250,000   $175,000         $425,000
Inventory $500,000   $300,000         $800,000
Non-current assets                
Goodwill       1 $460,000     $460,000
Land $1,400,000   $1,105,000         $2,505,000
Plant $1,470,000   $1,000,000         $2,470,000
Investment in Fletcher Ltd $2,000,000   -     $2,000,000 1  
  $5,770,000   $2,605,000         $6,835,000


Answer 3


Tusmore Ltd should classify the investment in Fisher Ltd as “investment in associate”. AASB 128 defines associate as an entity over which investor has significant influence (Collier, 2012). Tusmore holds 40% of the ordinary shares of Fisher Ltd. It may be noted that more than 20% of the voting power indicates presumption of significant influence. Besides that Tusmore Ltd has board representation which is also an indication of significant influence (Considine, Parkes, Olesen, Speer, & Lee, 2010). Thus equity method of accounting should be used to account for the Tusmore Ltd.’s interest in Fisher Ltd.


Original investment $1,625,000
Book value of net assets acquired 40% of 1,687,500 $675,000
Goodwill $950,000


Investment in Fisher Ltd $1,625,000  
Cash   $1,625,000
For year ended 30 June 2014    
Share of profit or loss- Fisher Ltd $95,000  
Investment in Fisher Ltd   $95,000
Goodwill amortization    
Dividends Income $40,000  
Investment in Fisher Ltd   $40,000
Investment in Fisher Ltd $145,000  
Share of profit or loss- Fisher Ltd   $145,000
Attributable portion of net profit    
For year ended 30 June 2015    
Dividend income $65,000  
Investment in Fisher Ltd   $65,000
(Dividends received)    
Share of profit or loss- Fisher Ltd $11,250  
Investment in Fisher Ltd   $11,250
Goodwill amortization    
Investment in Fisher Ltd $170,000  
Share of profit or loss- Fisher Ltd   $170,000
Attributable portion of net profit    
Dividend income $80,000  
Investment in Fisher Ltd   $80,000
(Dividends received)    
Share of profit or loss- Fisher Ltd $11,250  
Investment in Fisher Ltd   $11,250
Goodwill amortization    

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