Safety is the primary goal of any community for building an infrastructure that is healthy for people. Liverpool council is experiencing several types of crimes whose identification and prevention are necessary for a safer environment (Hirsch, Wakefield, & Garland, 2000). In addition to that, crime prevention theories and techniques are used to harm reduction approaches, and different ways are given that can be used for reducing crime’s ratio. The purpose of this plan is to give an overview of the crimes happening in Liverpool council. It can help to reduce anti-social behaviour and crime. The specific crimes concerned in this plan are drug-related offences and drug-using problems. The strategies and theories presented in the plan are related to drugs use and prevention. The trends of drug driving are not easy to interpret because it requires a strict action plan. The prevention plan is made that includes the drug-related crimes and reasons for big crimes as well as techniques that can be used for reducing the crimes scenes.
The community is affected by drugs and alcohol use which results in major crimes. There is a need to address these crimes related to drugs because anyone can be affected by these crimes, either directly or indirectly. Drugs are working as a driving force for several crimes in Liverpool council. The estimation of drug-related offences can be made with the figures that 500 people arrested and 800Kg drugs were grabbed by the North West Regional Organized Crime Unit (NWROCU) in recent year (Jones, 2018). The prevention matters in drug-related offences and issues because it is noticed at the peak in recent years in Liverpool and overall affecting the United Kingdom society. It is also noted that due to enhanced drug-related offences, United Kingdom is declared as the drug capital. Following is the figure that shows the crimes related to drugs in Liverpool.
The resources and materials are required to fight against the drug-related offences. As it is mentioned above that drugs are the fueling for other issues such as gang violence, crimes, mental health problems and domestic violence (Karayel, 2018). The rules and regulations do not allow to use, sell, import or supply any drugs in states. The drug-related offences do not only include its use but involve illegal possession and trafficking of drugs. According to the reports, the drug-related were 2.7 percent in overall England, which represents that it is not much important to think about their prevention (Rehab Clinics Group, 2020). But the impact of drugs is damaging the Liverpool council and other areas in England. People are not safe in these types of circumstances, and there is always a threat of being a victim by gangs and drugs.
The big picture is that there are work teams in Liverpool, and in their presence, the rate of crimes is noticed at a large extent. There is a need to think about the circumstances if there would be no work team. The scene of drug-related issues would be far worse and higher. Drugs that are utilized in crimes and offences are of three types such as Class A, Class B and Class C. It is noticed that most of the crimes are related to Class A drugs which are most dangerous than the other two categories. Because of its incudes the cocaine, heroin, LSD and ecstasy. Class B and Class C also have side effects because these include speed, ketamine, amphetamines, cannabis, mephedrone, GHB, tranquillizers and anabolic steroids.
Drug prevention is a battle that needs to be strict policies and rules. But there is no direct way to reduce the addiction of drugs because it needs drug treatment program and support. People get assistance from crimes to get money for drugs. It is said that the connection between drug and crime is not direct, and there is a complex connection between these terms. It represents that there is a requirement to put the focus not only the drugs but also on its related crimes. The crimes are linked with drugs because 60-80 percent drugs are involved in crimes. Action can be taken on drug-related crimes which can be used by the authorities and work teams of Liverpool.
The prevention techniques that can be utilized for reducing the crimes related to drugs should be focused on the drug-crime link. If effective measures are taken for crime reduction, it could result in large advantages for reducing costs in the criminal justice system and victimization.
The policies and techniques should be oriented towards reducing crime. Generally, that will reduce drug-related crimes. Different techniques can be added to prevent crime and drugs use which include overall universal techniques, techniques which focus on individuals which are most at risk of perpetration of drug-related crime and victimization. In addition to that, other approaches include individuals who are already involved in crimes and faced their side effects. Most of the crimes related to drugs are street crimes which include assault, burglary and robbery.
The investigation should be done on finding the reason why people are involved in illegal drugs. In most of the cases, the involvement in crimes is linked with financial issues that parents are facing in their lives and commit crimes to get money. The socio-economic conditions needed to be improved for reducing inequality and crimes (Sutton, 2012). The policies in the Liverpool council can be implemented for reducing deprivation and inequality.
The laws related to illegal use, drugs can be implemented for reducing crimes, but it is noticed that if rules and regulations are implemented strictly, it enhances crimes. So, with the implementation of crimes, there should be closed-circuit television all over the Liverpool council that can be useful for limiting the crimes (Atlas, 2013). Also, the work teams of Liverpool council have to ensure that there should be the identification of the drug-related offences and implementation of these strategies as United Kingdom is already focusing on the use of CCTV cameras that have reduced crimes to some extent, but if it is in addition to rules and regulations, there could be positive results.
The families in Liverpool council should be given specific empirical support that reduces crime, especially the areas in which income is low. There could be supporting programs that can reduce aggression and poor educational attainment. The people could be funded with these programs and disadvantaged communities of Liverpool council can be supported. This could be the most promising way to prevent drug-related offences and drug-related issues. This support could be specifically designed for the individuals that are at most risk of victimization of drugs in Liverpool council. Another prevention measures can be taken for these people who are not involved yet in the crimes but are at risk, such as drug education.
The individuals who are at most risks of crime related to drugs in Liverpool council are teenagers. If programs are initiated for youth, it could help them to abstain from the crimes and remain abstinent. The ratios of systematic crimes will also be reduced when the youth will be sober and abstinent as well as they will not be affected by crimes. The programs could be similar to DARE, which is implemented in England and could be promoted for Liverpool council (Ingraham, 2017). There are not ideal outcomes, but it could help to reduce crimes to some extent. The awareness can be given to youth or teenagers about criminal organizations and ways to avoid them (Salles & Chaves, 2016). The rates of drug-related crimes can be reduced with identifying the criminal organizations who made a profit with these illicit drugs.
The people who are involved in the crimes are the big reason for enhancing the ratio of illicit drugs and drug-related offences. The treatment centres could be promoted in Liverpool council to help those individuals who are addicted to drugs. The techniques should be used for the people who commit the use of drugs such as imprisonment could be most effective in addition to that treatment centres. The people involved in the drugs should be taken into custody and then provided treatment to kick the use of illicit drugs. Drug treatment can be added in treatment programs and can be established in Liverpool council.
It can be seen that in the techniques mentioned above and strategies, some of them are cost-effective and promising while others are not cost-effective. It is investigated that crime prevention; drug treatment and financial support are cost-effective (Markgraf, 2020). The techniques provided for poverty reduction, drug education and alternatives to imprisonment are promising while the techniques that are not cost-effective include law enforcement, drug testing and large drug education programs. The authority of Liverpool can select the most promising techniques that are feasible in the region for the reduction of crimes and drug-related offences. The adolescents can reduce risk of drugs addiction because it prevents early results in less damage. Research-based programs could be most effective for reducing drug-related offences and crimes. The programs can be of three types such as selective programs which deal with teenagers and preteens, universal programs which identify protective and risk factors for all community and indicated programs that are specifically designed for youth.
Harm reduction approaches include helplines, support groups, therapies, medically assisted detox, counselling, group therapy and drug treatment monitoring. There are several harm reductions approaches that an individual can use at their own. The drinking habit can be tracked to reduce harm. The scenarios can be avoided, which have long-term effects and can result in damage. The doctor can be consulted for reducing the harm of drug use. The approach that can be used for harm reduction is the dispensing of heroin, cocaine and methadone under the supervision of Liverpool council authorities. Differentiating among different types of punishable consumption can be another option for harm reduction (Madriaza, 2015).
The crime prevention plan is given for the Liverpool council that can be used for reducing drug-related offences. But after the planning, it is significant to monitor the whole techniques which are implemented in the plan. Council of Liverpool has the responsibility of monitoring the implemented strategies. The active participation of the council is required for effective results of the crime prevention plan. The evaluation should be made after implementing techniques to estimate the figures which are reduced due to plan.
It is concluded that the crime prevention plan is made for Liverpool council that addresses critical issues related to drug-related offences and result in major damages. It is also presented how drugs and crimes are linked with each other. Data is taken from reports which explain about the seriousness of the drugs and related crimes in Liverpool council. The importance of figuring out the drug-related issues is also given that focuses on to fight against the forces that affect the safety of council and creates an environment in which people cannot feel safe. It matters to take steps against these crimes with specific techniques and theories. The techniques and strategies are provided that can be implemented for reducing drug-related offences.
The techniques included in the crime prevention plan are based on different categories of people in Liverpool council. The categories are based on people who are at most risk of victimization, those who have committed the illicit drugs in any way and a universal approach for reducing crimes. These techniques are not only explained comprehensively, but their effectiveness criteria are also given in the plan which can help to Liverpool council while selecting one or more from them. In addition to that, harm reduction approaches are also given, which help to reduce harm in different ways. At the end of the plan, a monitoring strategy is also given that can help to figure out either the implemented strategy is effective to reduce drug-related offences or not.
Atlas, R. I. (2013). 21st Century Security and CPTED: Designing for Critical Infrastructure Protection and Crime Prevention, Second Edition 2nd Edition. CRC Press.
Hirsch, A. V., Wakefield, A., & Garland, D. (2000). Ethical and social perspectives on situational crime prevention. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Ingraham, C. (2017, July 12). A brief history of DARE, the anti-drug program Jeff Sessions wants to revive. Retrieved from washingtonpost:
Jones, L. (2018). More than 500 arrests and 800kg drugs seized in North West last year. Retrieved from wirralglobe:
Karayel, A. H. (2018, November 19). Fight Against Drug Abuse. Retrieved from insamer:
Madriaza, P. (2015). Report on the prevention of drug-related crime. International Centre for the Prevention of Crime – ICPC .
Markgraf, B. (2020). Strategy Effectiveness. Retrieved from smallbusiness:,and%20delivers%20the%20expected%20results.
Rehab Clinics Group. (2020). Liverpool & North West Drug-Related Crime Figures. Retrieved from rehabclinicsgroup:
Salles, T. A., & Chaves, E. d. (2016). Strategies for prevention or reduction of drug use for adolescents: systematic literature review. 2-13.
Sutton, A. (2012). Crime Prevention Principles, Perspectives and Practices. Cambridge University Press.
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