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Introduction to Academic Communication 

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Cyber bullying.

Internet addiction.

Rise of Anti-social Behaviour



Introduction to Unveiling the Dark Side of Social Networking Sites

Internet-based social networking is considered to be highly affecting individuals in terms of their digital as well as social progressions globally. The millennial generation is not an exception in this regard, as it creates a societal based dilemma in them by getting addicted to the internet. Going further it acts as a vital reason for the youth getting unsocial and is unable to experience the non-digitized world. This type of abnormal technology-based attachment had resulted in withdrawal from the earthy affairs or even the family following complete mental health deterioration in them. In the first topic, an argumentative discussion is carried out on the topic of the ever-increasing social issue of Cyberbullying as a result of excessive internet usage. The next argument throws some light on the context of the internet addiction that is instrumental in causing threatening results to the millennial. Next comes, the topic of anti-social behaviour due to the SNS within the youth while using digital technology.

Cyber Bullying

With the increased use of the internet, the millennials are getting involved in the antisocial activity of Cyberbullying having an adverse effect on their personality that can lead to mental disruption. According to Ebenezer et al. (2016), this type of personality disorder can pave way for committing crimes and can engage themselves in cyberbullying. Going further this can have a long term impact on youth’s in a very disruptive way. Besides as per the author's view this can lead to the development of anti-social behaviour in them. They conclude stating that, these youths are primarily manifested as anti-social elements in real society. 

Alternatively, as per Sampasa and Lewis, (2015), it was found that higher aspirations associated with social recognition and economic strata are related to poverty. Often, their responsiveness is based on anti-social activities which are detrimental in the development of a harmful attitude associated with their mental and physical health. Houltberg et al. (2016), stated that in case of inappropriate parenting as well as disturbed familial environment an anger regulation’s misbalance gets created in the young people’s mind. They are highly exposed to develop a number of anti-social behaviour due to the mentioned issue of inadvertent parental behaviour. As per the study presented by Seering et al. (2017), while using online platforms a probability of getting lured to understand that their issues cannot be addressed by the social community. Hence they opt for virtual support which in turn can be detrimental to them due to their misleading characterizations. Even these online platforms are failing continuously in understanding a generosity as well as authenticity lacking blended with falsified hopes and aspirations. As concluded by the authors this tendency of getting affluence by the false hopes results in a higher risk of developing anti-social behaviour in them. 

Internet Addiction

In the context of this topic Hynan et al. (2015), were instrumental in presenting an augmentative as well as an alternative way of communication that can be fruitful in reducing internet-based addiction. It is furthermore considered as in the form of a clinical as well as a scientific solution responsible for seeking the support of the younger generations. Leading to a disciplined life capable of inducing confidence in them and eradicate the barriers of expressing themselves. Contradictorily, Wegmann et al. (2017) were in a view that, in the present societal scenario, youths are deliberately moving toward the acceptance of digital communication-based revolution by using communicational technology. On the other hand, as per Pontes (2017), views, social media’s excessive usage can have effects on an individual’s digital indulgence. Concluding the author states that, this is acting as a primary factor that affects society’s younger generations.

As per Teachman's (2016) views, these preliminary stages make a child find his/her recluse using the internet universally. Consequently, influential youth are targeted to educate other youths with regard to the risk associated with the use of the internet. According to Houltberg et al. (2016), anti-social activity associated with the youth can also be the result of an overstressed work or home-based environmental condition. Paving the way for the youth’s social media’s attraction with constant engagement and developing a practice of staying reality detached. 

SNS are strongly responsible for the generation of relevant gap in communication amid the youth that ends in the expansion of anti-social approach (Seering et al. 2017). This lack of communication in context to the youth is chiefly affecting their connection within the social constrictions and there lies a elevated likelihood of aloofness of relations and ties. Consequently, the youth’s homelessness rate is rising globally. As in Petering et al. (2016), opinion there has been an increase in the violent attitude can be observed globally amongst the adolescent as well as the youths at a high rate. Resulting in a higher likelihood of getting the children’s detached from their families. As there is a rise in the anti-social behavioural issue amongst the children as well as the younger adults who show aggression and anger due to internet addiction.

Rise of Anti-Social Behaviour

With the rise of social networking sites, the aspect of anti-social behaviour amongst the young youth is considered to be also a major concern. As per Pontes (2017), the consequence of an augmented compulsion in regards to SNS’s results in a youth’s reduced cognitive effort by the removal of the need to go out and explore the outer real world. However, Moqbel and Kock (2018), was instrumental in stating that their addictive behaviour affects their working environment as in the form of their regular and relevant tasks distraction source. Consequently considering the youth’s current situations within the augmented reality world created by social media usage is considered highly effective in determining anti-social attitude. It is within them and is therefore harming the youth’s varied behaviour.

On the other hand it was conferred that extensive internet usage results in the rise of anti-social behaviour in them. As envisaged by Fox and Rooney (2015), a psychological dependency deprives them of enjoying their social lives eventually leading to neglect of their personal lives. It is due to their greater attachment and zeal toward the use of social networking sites. Going further it sinks their emotional optimism. Conversely, it is recognized that a greater amount of task distraction results in performance compromises. It is, therefore, dependency on using the internet followed by social media usage that results in a negative consequence instead of utilizing the internet for their performance improvement.

Conclusion on Unveiling the Dark Side of Social Networking Sites

The use of the Internet by the younger generation affects the behaviour of adolescents. After looking at the various facts of youth internet addiction lead to a number of harmful consequences, websites and social networks are banned in some countries. It is the only way for youth and young adults to avoid the sufferings (social recluse) they avail from social media and internet usage. It impacts their home or in their work environment, as it is the only way for them to communicate and bond with the world. However, due to the development of antisocial behaviours among young people, this practice has negative consequences. Future generations are expected to skilfully adopt socially responsible behaviour as they grow up using technological devices and Internet activities. The aspect of communicational barrier formation is also addressed in the context of this paper considering the ways these platforms are responsible for the shaping of the youth’s mind resulting in anti-social activity.

Reference for Unveiling the Dark Side of Social Networking Sites

Ebenezer, J.A., Ibukunoluwa, O.E. and Oluwadamilola, E.A., 2016. Youth identity, peer influence and internet crime participation in Nigeria: a reflection. IFE PsychologIA: An International Journal24(1), pp.37-47.

Fox, J. and Rooney, M.C., 2015. The Dark Triad and trait self-objectification as predictors of men’s use and self-presentation behaviors on social networking sites. Personality and Individual Differences76, pp.161-165.

Houltberg, B. J., Sheffield Morris, A., Cui, L., Henry, C. S. and Criss, M. M. (2016). The role of youth anger in explaining links between parenting and early adolescent prosocial and antisocial behavior. The Journal of Early Adolescence36(3), 297-318.

Hynan, A., Goldbart, J. and Murray, J., 2015. A grounded theory of Internet and social media use by young people who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). Disability and rehabilitation37(17), pp.1559-1575.

Moqbel, M. and Kock, N., 2018. Unveiling the dark side of social networking sites: Personal and work-related consequences of social networking site addiction. Information & Management55(1), pp.109-119.

Petering, R., Rice, E., and Rhoades, H. (2016). Violence in the social networks of homeless youths: Implications for network-based prevention programming. Journal of Adolescent Research31(5), 582-605.

Pontes, H.M., 2017. Investigating the differential effects of social networking site addiction and Internet gaming disorder on psychological health. Journal of behavioral addictions6(4), pp.601-610.

Sampasa-Kanyinga, H. and Lewis, R.F., 2015. Frequent use of social networking sites is associated with poor psychological functioning among children and adolescents. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking18(7), pp.380-385.

Seering, J., Kraut, R. and Dabbish, L. (2017, February). Shaping pro and anti-social behavior on twitch through moderation and example-setting. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM conference on computer supported cooperative work and social computing (pp. 111-125).

Teachman, G., 2016. Interrogating inclusion: Critical research with disabled youth who use augmentative and alternative communication (Doctoral dissertation).

Wegmann, E., Oberst, U., Stodt, B. and Brand, M., 2017. Online-specific fear of missing out and Internet-use expectancies contribute to symptoms of Internet-communication disorder. Addictive Behaviors Reports5, pp.33-42.

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