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Research Area

Cyber security is also known as computer security or the IT security. It is the protection of the networks and the computer systems from the damage of theft of unauthorized access to the software, hardware and electronic data from the misdirection or disruption of the provided services (Bada, Sasse, & Nurse, 2019). In simple terms, the cyber security is the exercise of securing or defending the systems, gadgets and networks from the attacks. As suggested by Bada, Sasse, & Nurse, (2019) the cyber security could be categorized into numerous types, such as application security, operational security, network security, and disaster recovery. The cyber security system defends the system from cyber-attacks, cybercrimes and the cyber terrorism. As claimed by Lamba, Singh, Balvinder, Dutta, &Rela, (2017) the cyber security threats have increased drastically, and made the data breach a severe issue in the global context. As per the report produced by Risk Based Security, within September, 2019, 7.9 billion records were breached (, 2020). Thereby, cyber security has become crucial in present context to diminish unauthorized access and data breech.

Relation to CS in General

Cyber security is an applied science (Gupta, 2018). The mathematical constructs are used in cyber security. Apart from the general science, the theories of computer science such complexity, automata and mathematical logic are associated to the considered domain (Schatz, Bashroush, & Wall, 2017). Digits are essential aspects for the cyber security studies.Hence, mathematics and algorithmsare related to the study and development of cyber security. Physics, mathematics and general digits relates to cyber security. As suggested by Verma, (2018) though there is difference between cyber security and the data science, the data science could be associated to cyber security.

Research Questions and Methods

Cyber security is not a new topic;numerous researches have been already conducted on the topic for the profound understanding of the same. The challenges, trends in social media and the new options for mitigating the cyber risks are changing with time and technological development (Mirsky, Shabtai, Rokach, Shapira, &Elovici, 2016). Social media has also become the vivid research area. Social media brings people together; it is an admirable platform for sharing of thoughts and knowledge. The social media researchers have intended to develop and social media as a potential solution to the current issues.However, the data present in the social platforms are also illegally accessed and data are breached.The social media has come up as a platform for the cyber attackers to hack the personal information of the social media users (Reddy, & Reddy, 2014).However, the question is whether the alternate could happen or not. It is to be examined whether the social media could be a barrier to the cyber threats or not. Thereby, in the present context, it is required to examine what potential role could social media play in ascertaining the cyber security.

  • Research question: What role could social media platforms play to ensure cyber security?

In computer science study, various research methods could be used, such as literature review, case study, comparative study, feasibility study, quantitative and qualitative studies, descriptive statistics and mixed research designs. As the study aims to examine and analyze the role of social media on the cyber security, descriptive research is to be conducted. Both quantitative and qualitative data will be used to examine and analyze the impact of social media on the cyber protection. The secondary qualitative research methods, such as literature review will be performed to collect the recent information regarding the use of social media technology to ensure the security of data. As suggested by Rahmaniani, Crainic, Gendreau, &Rei, (2017) the literature reviews are helpful to avail profound theoretical understanding of research phenomenon. Apart from the literature review, case study will be included as a part of the considered study.However, literature reviews and case studies are secondary data (Johnston, 2017). To collect the most relevant and recent data to answer the research question specifically, primary data is required (Johnston, 2017). Surveys, interviews, focus group discussions are the example of primary data collection. However, to best answer the considered research question, the descriptive data is crucial to be gathered. The opinion of experts will assist to discover and analyze the impact of social media platforms for the cyber security. Hence, instead of the surveys, interviews will be conducted to collect and record the opinion of the cyber security scholars and developers. As claimed by Castillo-Montoya, (2016) the interviews are structured conversation between two parties, wherein one party (interviewer) asks open ended or close ended questions and the other party (interviewee) answers to the question. Interview is suitable method for the present context as it allows framing the specific questions that are mostly related to the study and covers the associated aspects of the research phenomenon.

To cap it up, interviews, literature review and case studies will be the selected methodology to answer to the specific research question.

General Relevance

Cyber security is a crucial aspect in the domain of IT (Information Technology). Ensuring the protection of the data has been recognized as one of the severe most issues in the present context. Cyber threats involve numerous negative consequences, for instance the loss of data, reduction of productivity, electrical blackouts, paralyzed systems, gadgets and network and unavailability of data. To reduce the rate of cybercrimes, the potential solutions are to be identified and implemented. The considered study will be helpful for the organizations to secure their enterprise data. Not limited to the organizations, the study will facilitate every individual to secure their personal data from the probable data thefts and unauthorized accesses. Hence, the study will bring positive impacts to the society. Though there is no potential negative impact of the study, it could not be beneficial for the people who do not have adequate idea of social media platforms. The unsystematic use of social media in ensuring cyber security could rater reduce the protection of personal data.


Bada, M., Sasse, A. M., & Nurse, J. R. (2019). Cyber security awareness campaigns: Why do they fail to change behaviour?. arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.02672.

Castillo-Montoya, M. (2016).Preparing for Interview Research: The Interview Protocol Refinement Framework. Qualitative Report, 21(5).

Gupta, B. B. (Ed.). (2018). Computer and cyber security: principles, algorithm, applications, and perspectives. CRC Press, US.

Johnston, M. P. (2017). Secondary data analysis: A method of which the time has come. Qualitative and quantitative methods in libraries, 3(3), 619-626.

Lamba, A., Singh, S., Balvinder, S., Dutta, N., &Rela, S. (2017). Mitigating Cyber Security Threats of Industrial Control Systems (Scada&Dcs).In 3rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Engineering, Biomedical, Medical and Science (ETEBMS–July 2017).

Mirsky, Y., Shabtai, A., Rokach, L., Shapira, B., &Elovici, Y. (2016, October). Sherlock vsmoriarty: A smartphone dataset for cybersecurity research. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM workshop on Artificial intelligence and security (pp. 1-12).

Number of Records Exposed Up 112% in Q3. (2019). Retrieved 20 April 2020, from

Rahmaniani, R., Crainic, T. G., Gendreau, M., &Rei, W. (2017). The Benders decomposition algorithm: A literature review. European Journal of Operational Research, 259(3), 801-817.

Reddy, G. N.,& Reddy, G. J. (2014). A Study of Cyber Security Challenges and its emerging trends on latest technologies. arXiv preprint arXiv:1402.1842. Retrieved from

Schatz, D., Bashroush, R., & Wall, J. (2017).Towards a more representative definition of cyber security. Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 12(2), 53-74.

Verma, R. (2018, March). Security analytics: Adapting data science for security challenges. In Proceedings of the Fourth ACM International Workshop on Security and Privacy Analytics (pp. 40-41).

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