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The change strategy will include the implementation of Electronic Health Records in the Mayfair Hospital. Digital representations of the medical history of a person and health data, such as diagnoses, prescriptions, allergies, results of lab tests, and images from radiology, are known as electronic health records (EHRs). By providing accurate, thorough, and current data about the health of a patient, EHRs are intended to enhance the quality and effectiveness of healthcare. This information can aid healthcare professionals in making better clinical judgments and delivering safer, more efficient care. In this assignment, the important parts required for the change management has been taken up and discussed.

Stakeholders and Communication plan

In a hospital setting, personnel and stakeholders are essential to change management. Each stakeholder group possesses skills and information that are vital to the success of the change management process. Employees that work in a particular department, for instance, may offer insightful ideas about how a new procedure or system should be created to suit their requirements (Rousseau & Have, 2022). Stakeholders' knowledge and feedback can be used to improve the final product by including them in the planning and implementation process. Planning and EHR implementation in Mayfair hospital should involve the hospital leadership, especially the CEO and senior management team. In addition to ensuring that the initiative is in line with the hospital's strategic goals, they should provide assistance and funds for it and let the employees and patients know about its advantages (Reidhead, 2021). An essential part of change management is a communication strategy since it helps to make sure that everyone affected by the change stays apprised of what is occurring, why it has taken place, and what their role in the change is. A thoughtful communication strategy can improve the success of the change project overall by reducing resistance to change, boosting participation and enthusiasm for the change, and increasing support in Mayfair hospital .

Communication plan


Method of communication

Targeted Audience



Executive Team (Board of Directors)

Google Meeting and face to face meeting

Project Manager

Informing about the decision of implementing the change and making the changes

1 time

Project manager

Google Meeting

Team leader

Concise and clear definition of the steps that will be taken up in EHR implementation

Once every week

Team Leader

Offline group meeting

Interdisciplinary team members and technical staff and managers

Educating them about the benefits of EHR implementation and ease of work

Once every week

Nurse leaders of every department

Face to face meeting

Nurses in all the departments of the hospital

Communicating about the importance of the change and ways that can increase patient safety

Once every month

Project Schedule

Main Activities/ Stages

Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Month 4

Month 5

Project planning


Identification of sources required for the changes


Working with the stakeholders ( clinical staff, IT staff)


Selection and evaluation of the EHR system


System customization ( customizing workflows, reports)


Training the administrative staff on using the EHR system


Going live (actual deployment of the system)


Post implementation support( monitoring the changes and adjusting the process)


Management of resistance

When it comes to change management, resistance refers to people or groups who are unwilling or opposed to implementing changes inside an organization. Resistance can take several forms, including sabotage, openly voicing dissent or defiance, passive resistance like ignorance or avoidance of the change and active resistance. The execution of the change can be slowed down or even stopped by resistance to change, which can also lead to tension and conflict inside the organization. This can constitute a serious threat to the achievement of a change program. There are several ways by which the resistance can be overcome (Thammatucharee, 2020). The ability to communicate well is essential for overcoming change resistance. The explanations for the alteration, the anticipated results, and the way it will affect the staff should all be communicated by the manager in a clear and transparent manner. Additionally, managers of Mayfair Hospital must provide staff members the chance to voice their issues and concerns. Employee participation in the change phase can aid in lowering resistance (Errida & Lotfi, 2021). Employees should be invited to offer suggestions and feedback, and managers should include them in the stages of preparation and execution.

Project Resource

Employee participation in the change phase can aid in lowering resistance. Employees should be invited to offer suggestions and feedback, and managers should include them in the stages of preparation and execution. The required personnel and resources are as follows:

Project Team: To oversee the EHR installation project in the Mayfair Hospital, a group of project managers will be required. A project manager, executives, technical specialists, and other participants who will be in charge of managing the project from beginning to end should be on the team.

Expertise in Change Management: People with expertise in change management can offer advice on how to handle the changes brought on by the implementation of an EHR system. They can aid in the development of communication strategies, the identification of potential resistance, and staff training.

Technical Knowledge: The installation, configuration, and testing of the EHR system all involve technical knowledge in the Mayfair Hospital. This comprises technical personnel who can guarantee that the system has been set up appropriately, such as database managers, network engineers, programmers, and other technical workers.

Capital and Equipment

The availability of the resources especially in terms of equipment’s and skilled labor, finance all play a crucial factor and this help in implementing the change in every organization. Mayfair Hospital already has a well enhanced and developed electronic record system. Therefore, implementing electronic record system will never be very much difficult. It costs a lot of money and resources to set up an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system in a hospital. The crucial piece of equipment is the EHR software. Depending on the vendor and the system's scope, the price of EHR software can change. It can, however, often cost anything between tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars (Phillips & Klein, 2022). Servers, storage units, desktop, laptop, and tablet computers, as well as various peripherals, are among the hardware components needed for the installation of EHRs. Depending on the size of the hospital and the number of users that will access the system, different hardware costs may apply. Tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars are possible ranges. For the adoption of an EHR system to be effective, a solid network infrastructure is required.


Budgeting is an essential tool for change management in the May fair hospital. A budget can provide the roadmap for the effective implementation of an electronic medical health record system (Wagner et al., 2021). It helps in ensuring that the resources are used effectively. The budget also helps in setting the financial limit for the organization as well as in aligning with the change management project. May fair hospital have the potential to implementation of an electronic medical health record system. It has a strong reputation for providing high-quality treatment services. Moreover, May Fair Hospital has already invested in medical infrastructure and equipment. This shows that it has a high potential for integrating of EMR system. An effective budget plan for the EMR system can be created by considering the resources such as software, hardware, and personnel (Zurynski1 et al., 2023). Further, the stakeholders need to be involved such as medical staff, IT personnel, and administrative staff. The cost for each phase of the project needs to analyze such as hardware, personnel, software, and training costs. 


It can be concluded with that Planning and implementing the ERP system at Mayfair Hospital requires the involvement of hospital administration, the IT division, clinical staff, support personnel, and patients. A change management initiative's effectiveness depends on effective engagement and communication with all stakeholders. Effective planning, communication, and participation with all stakeholders are necessary for the ERP system's successful installation at Mayfair Hospital. The hospital may maximize the advantages of the new system for patient care, lower resistance to change, and raise the chances of a successful implementation by including all stakeholders in the planning and execution of the system and ensuring excellent communication.


Wagner, J., Petera, P., Popesko, B., Novák, P., & Šafr, K. (2021, June 2). Usefulness of the budget: The mediating effect of participative budgeting and Budget-based evaluation and rewarding. Baltic Journal of Management. Retrieved May 6, 2023, from 

Zurynski1, Y., Ellis1, L. A., Tong3, H. L., Laranjo3, L., Clay-Williams1, R., Testa1, L., Meulenbroeks1, I., Turton5, C., Sara5, G., 1Centre for Healthcare Resilience and Implementation Science, & Zurynski, C. A. Y. (2023, May 4). Implementation of electronic medical records in Mental Health Settings: Scoping Review. JMIR Mental Health. Retrieved May 6, 2023, from

Phillips, J., & Klein, J. D. (2022, September 9). Change Management: From Theory to Practice. TechTrends, 67(1), 189–197.

Errida, A., & Lotfi, B. (2021, January 1). The determinants of organizational change management success: Literature review and case study. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 13, 184797902110162.

Rousseau, D. M., & ten Have, S. (2022, July). Evidence-based change management. Organizational Dynamics, 51(3), 100899.

Thammatucharee, Y. (2020). The Action Centric of Self-Change Concept. Change Management: An International Journal, 20(2), 39–52.

Reidhead, C. (2021, April 29). Effective Communication as a Tool for Achieving Organizational Goals and Objectives. Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies, 04(04).

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