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Question:Reflection on Emotional Intelligence

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Reflection on Emotional Intelligence Assignment

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Task 1 Reflection on emotional intelligence:
  1. In this section, I have reflected upon my emotional intelligence with the help of the model, SWOT. Emotional intelligence is the ability of an individual to identify his or her own, as well as other people’s emotions. It is the ability to understand the differences between different feelings and highlight them suitably. It is the capability to use emotions related data to control thought processes and behaviors and to deal with emotions effectively in order to achieve specific goals. SWOT is a model that stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. It is usually used for analyzing businesses but is also effective for personal reflection. My self-reflection oriented SWOT analysis is as follows:
  • Strengths: One of my biggest strengths is that I am quite sensitive. I can identify others’ feelings and emotional states very easily. This makes me more empathetic towards people around me. Another strength is that I can place myself in other people’s shoes and see things from their point of view. This strength is highly beneficial in conflict scenarios.
  • Weaknesses: A major weakness is the fact that I cannot express my emotions effectively. I do not always say or show what I think or feel. This often leaves many misunderstandings unsorted.
  • Opportunities: As I am sensitive, I can work on my communication skills and express my emotions more clearly in future. This can improve my overall emotional intelligence significantly and make me a better team player in work scenarios.
  • Threats: My limited ability to express emotions can make people misunderstand me. People can have wrong opinions of me and I might not be able to clarify my perspective properly.
There have been numerous instances in which I have felt negative emotion or stressed at work. One time, during a group project, the group leader kept putting unnecessary pressure on me. I felt that he was discriminating against me and was being highly unfair. I was given the most difficult tasks and the leader made sure that other team members did not help me out. I felt alone and suffocated. The cause behind this kind of behavior of the team leader was probably some difference of opinion we had long back. I did not get along well with this person. Another instance where I have felt negative emotion is when I felt demotivated because of not getting promoted. I had put in my best efforts at work, yet, I was not considered for promotion and was not even given an increment. I felt highly dissatisfied and lost interest in work. A third instance where I have felt stress is when I was going through some personal issues. I had recently had a break up with my former partner and was depressed because of this. I could not separate my work and personal lives and failed to concentrate in work. I ended up making a lot of silly mistakes and neglected my work responsibilities. From my work experiences so far, I have understood that two of my main emotional triggers are unfair treatment from colleagues or superiors, and, issues in my personal life. The fact that I have suffered previously due to these two triggers and that I have identified them without being in denial, has enabled me to be on guard and ensure that these triggers don’t affect me negatively. It is important for me to control my emotions and refrain from reacting negatively in response to such triggers. In case of discrimination or unfair treatment from superiors or colleagues, I should not get demotivated. Rather, I should keep a cool head and gather solid documented evidence of the unfair acts against me. I can then use these evidence to complaint to higher management or relevant departments against the responsible people. In case of issues in my personal life, I should be strict with myself and distract myself from my problems by focusing on work instead. An ideal example of modelling workplace behavior that shows highly effective controlling of emotions is being calm and professional while going through a personal crisis. Some time back, at my workplace, a senior colleague lost his father. A very important meeting was due and it was that colleague’s responsibility to give a presentation. While everyone including me had expected the person to be absent from work, he showed up. It was just days after his bereavement but he controlled his emotions strictly and gave the presentation in the most perfect manner. Everyone at the workplace was highly impressed and moved by this act. This action set a very positive example in the workplace. Based on my self-reflection, I have understood that in order to improve my emotional intelligence, I need to improve my ability to express my emotions, my ability to control my emotions and separate my personal life from work life. According to Goleman (1998), emotional intelligence involves the ability to understand oneself and one’s own emotions, direct and control the ability to self-motivate, increase empathy and social skills. With respect to this theory, I can use meditation to keep myself calm and understand my emotions in a better way. Mediation can also help me avoid getting affected by negative emotions. In order to improve my ability to express my emotions, I need to communicate more with people around me. I should take the initiative to be more social and try to bond with my colleagues over work as well scenarios as social occasions. In order to prevent myself from reacting negatively to unfair or abusive behavior, I need to start taking stands and communicate about how I feel about such incidents clearly. As per Goleman (1998), self-esteem is an integral aspect of emotional intelligence. I need to take steps and stand up against unfair treatment or abusive actions in order to re-affirm my self-esteem. Task 2 Responses to emotional intelligence case study: Response to Question 1:
  1. The best way to respond to the store manager’s behavior is to communicate with her directly. It is important to have a one on one meeting with her and explain to her the details of the negative emotion flow that is stemming from her and affecting the entire human resources hierarchy. Instead of being critical about her behavior, it is important to be highly compassionate and empathetic (Atwater, 2014). It must be made clear that the pressures on the store manager are acknowledged. This will in turn make the store manager understand the impacts of her behavior. Also, she will know that her subordinates understand her position and are there for her. In a scenario like this, the ideal positive leadership behavior would have been to use a highly inspiring speech to motivate managers to do their best. This would have energized managers and infused them with excitement. Instead of being negative and putting unreasonable pressure on managers, the store manager should have set realistic targets and used positive emotions to increase efficiency of employees (Jordan, 2012).
  2. As per Goleman (1998), emotional intelligence involves the ability to understand oneself and one’s own emotions, direct and control the ability to self-motivate, increase empathy and social skills. The store manager failed to demonstrate these aspects. As per Mayer and Salovey (2014), there are four areas forming emotional intelligence: perception of emotions, power of thinking through emotions, understanding emotions and managing emotions. With respect to this theory, the store manager failed to perceive the emotions of managers and lacks the ability to think rationally beyond her own emotions. She also failed to understand and manage emotions.
  3. It was important for the store manager to demonstrate the ability to adapt to the situation in hand and the general mood at the workplace. She should not have expressed her helplessness and frustration caused by the stress she was facing due to increasing competition. Instead of being negative and putting unreasonable pressure on managers, the store manager should have set realistic targets and used positive emotions to increase efficiency of employees. In order to motivate employees, she should have introduced rewards and incentives with respect to specific and realistic targets (Yates, 2012).
  4. The negative behavior of the manager can have highly negative impacts on the overall store performance. The managers will get demotivated and lose engagement with the company. They will put unnecessary pressure on subordinates and unrealistic targets will be set (Jordan, 2012). This will increase stress at all levels of the organization and employee engagement and loyalty will get compromised. It must be noted that the company’s organizational policy and culture highlights that senior managers and officials must set positive examples which will enable positive work practices and behaviors to flow throughout the organization in a top-down manner. The store manager’s negative behavior will transcend through the ranks and lower the morale of all employees. Employees will know that achieving such illogical targets is impossible and they will be scared of facing negative actions from the seniors, like public humiliation, abuses, shouting, etc. This kind of negative show of leadership must be avoided strictly (Atwater, 2014).
Response to Question 2:
  1. There can be different types of misinterpretations of actions or behavior in a diverse workforce. This is mainly due to differences in culture, religion, language, traditions, ethnicity, etc. A common instance with respect to the provided scenario is the fact that the sales person in question does not go out with her colleagues for drinking and partying after work (Furnham, 2011). It must be noted that the sales person refrains from going out for drinks or partying as her culture of origin perceives these activities as unethical and wrong. It is highly probable that her family is against her going out after work and drinking alcohol or partying is considered to be a negative behavior in her culture. However, the colleagues think that the sales person is being intentionally aloof and does not like them. Another misrepresentation is the fact that the sales person does not share personal information. She is probably shy or introverted and does not feel comfortable about sharing details of her personal family life with colleagues. This behavior is misinterpreted as negative by her colleagues who think that she is unfriendly.
  2. In order solve the issue, it is important to increase multicultural awareness. The employee who has come up with the complaint must be explained the details of the culture and practices of the sales person who is deemed as unfriendly and unsocial (Hickmann, 2012). It must be pointed out that it is not just her fault that she is not friendly; the other sales people too are responsible for the gap. The entire sales team must understand the fact that the sales person is not comfortable with them as she has not found any common ground. The bonding practices of the team are against her culture and the team have been quite insensitive towards her. They have not opted for any bonding platform or session that she could have participated in.
  3. In order to avoid such misunderstandings, the management must organize gatherings and team bonding sessions in the workplace, within work hours. These sessions should involve games and activities that build trust among employees (DeVore, 2011). Also, the Human Resource Manager must organize sessions that increase awareness about the different cultures, religions, etc. which have representation in the work force. Also, the management must organize small parties to celebrate significant events or auspicious festival days of different cultures and religions. This will make employees from all backgrounds feel respected and valued. Another strategy is to have get together events where all employees bring their family members and socialize. This will help the human resources know each other and their respective families in a better way. Overall bonding will be improved. Culturally neutral or culturally sensitive bonding sessions must be organized by the teams so that all members can participate and none feel left out or secluded. The sales person highlighted in the given scenario must be encouraged to come out of her shell and socialize more with her colleagues.
Response to Question 3:
  1. As per Goleman’s model of emotional intelligence, self-regulation is a key capability that is essential for having high emotional intelligence (Goleman, 1998). With respect to this principle, I must regulate my feelings. In the given scenario, an employee, though professional and efficient enough, is not complying with team building and bonding practices. This is insulting to me and I have negative feelings towards this employees. However, I must control my feelings and try to see things from the point of view of this employee. The person has clearly mentioned that he feels suffocated in team building practices. He likes working alone and is not a team player. My ideal action would be to motivate and inspire this person with one to one communication. It is evident that this person is not very sociable and is likely an introvert. Instead of forcing him to work in teams and participate in team bonding sessions, I will focus on making this person comfortable with the idea of working with others. I will communicate more openly with him and encourage him to open up to me. Instead of team building practices, I will organize social gatherings with fun games and entertaining activities that will allow this individual to bond with other people in an entertaining way.
  2. Personality style represents the inclination and preferences of a person in different scenarios. It is a set of traits and behavioral patterns that determine how a person reacts to different incidents or situations (Coleman, 2008). It includes feelings, impulses, stress inducing triggers, etc. Identification and assessment of personality styles can help me acknowledge and respect diversity at the workplace in a better way. It will also help me understand how to deal with different individuals and identify what to expect from them in different scenarios. Similarly, learning style represents the ways in which individuals learn something. Awareness of learning styles and segregation of employees into different learning styles with respect to models like Kolb’s model or Honey and Mumford's model can help me train human resources more effectively and improve team work as well as overall productivity.
  3. i. As per Goleman’s theory of emotional intelligence, it is important to recognize own feelings and accept as they occur. This capability is critical to the understanding of one’s own behavior and own drives (Golema, 1998). Many people feel negatively towards their feelings, they reject and fight or avoid them - instead of the fact that it is important to actively control emotions. I need to control my emotions in order to meet my professional needs and not let my emotions cloud my thinking or compromise my dedication and efficiency. I also need to express and accept my feelings in order to avoid misunderstandings.
As per Salovey and Mayer's ability model, people need to have the ability to understand and manage emotions of other people (Salovey and Mayer, 2014). I need to be able to understand and perceive the emotions of employees in order to see things from their perspectives. This can help me cater to their emotional teams and involve them in teams so as to improve their efficiency. Response to Question 4:
  1. Emotionally effective people can ensure that their personal lives do not affect their professional lives. They can understand and perceive others’ emotions and strategize accordingly in order to minimize negative impacts (Sackett, 2012). They also know how to use their own emotions and others’ emotions to attain organizational objectives. If emotions are managed effectively, people can motivate themselves as well as others. This can increase productivity and help in attaining organizational objectives.
  2. Considering emotional impacts of decision making can provide a detailed picture of future negative as well as positive scenarios (Borman, 2012). It can help management forecast resistance from employees, low employee loyalty and motivation, etc. If emotional impacts are taken into account, such negative scenarios can be avoided. It is important to assess and predict possible emotional reactions of human resources to different actions or strategies of management. In order to attain organizational objectives effectively, the management must take decisions in such a way that employees have positive emotional reactions and their motivation and loyalty increase.
  3. In the provided case, if training programs are delayed, the overall productivity and efficiency of human resources can get compromised. The newer employees might face problems in adjusting to the work environment. The lack of training and multicultural awareness can cause friction in the diverse workforce due to negative emotions resulting in misinterpretation, lack of cultural sensitivity, etc. (Campbell, 2013). Also, if the targets are different for different employees, the lack of uniformity will not be taken positively by employees. The ones with higher targets will feel that they are being discriminated against. They will feel that they are being treated unfairly. This will result in lack of interest in work, low engagement and motivation, etc. (Weick, 2013). Thus, ideally, the decision making should involve clear communication with employees to make them understand that the separate targets are actually a fair treatment. Also, the training programs that involve seniors can be delayed but the ones for newer employees must not be delayed.
  4. The organization must tie up with different social organizations that provide help and support to people with emotional issues, like Bully Zero Australia Foundation, etc. There should be a department dedicated entirely to providing a platform to employees for sharing their feelings, opinions, etc. without fear of consequences. This department should provide psychiatric counselling to employees in order to ensure effective stress management. The organization should have very strict anti-discrimination, anti-racism, anti-bullying, etc. policies and should organize multicultural awareness sessions regularly (Oppler & Sager, 2013).
  5. The Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 forms the legal framework for workplace health and safety in Australia. While taking and implementing decisions, managers need to consider this legislation. Before taking a decision, managers must assess all risks and hazards that can be faced by employees as a consequence of the decision. The management will be held liable for any emotional hazard faced by the employee at work and the management is expected to establish a work environment devoid of emotional hazards and negativity (Campbell, 2012).
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