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Communication In Business

Introduction to Understanding Human Communication

As a human, we must need communication to live in this world. Contact with each other is the most crucial aspect of human life, as men can't live in this world without interacting. Humans communicate with each other in different ways. Language is the best source of communication. Through it, we get information, come to know what's going around us, learn about people and their lifestyle, etc. We talk with each other to get some ideas, to learn about anything, to make discussions, to give arguments, and then provide facts to prove these arguments (Chung et al., 2016, p.22). Communication also has some rules or strategies like what ways we adopt before talking to each other. So before talking with each other, we need to learn and adopt different methods of communication like formal or informal. For example, if there is a discussion on a serious topic, or a meeting with the manager, giving any presentation or delivering a lecture, we need to adopt formal ways of communication. For other methods like any group discussions, gossiping, and talk about any common topic, we may adopt informal practices of communication.

We also use communication when we want to get an idea about anything like we want to open a business, so we make discussions with other people about our thoughts; they share their responses. We do critical thinking about every aspect of our idea; we discuss people already working with this idea to understand it better. Now we will reflect on how the communication rules and strategies affect our daily life communication and changed our lifestyle.

How Communication Helped Me Through Class and Work

The classroom reflects manners. It has some fixed rules on how to behave in class. We need to follow these rules. Our teachers adopt multiple strategies to engage students in the study which encourages communication. In the entire period of studying the course, I perceived that I have been learning a lot in terms of communication and interaction towards others.

Firstly, reading helped me a lot in the class and I was able to get an idea about the entire lecture which was going to be delivered to us. My experience in the class was ravishing because I learned to follow my classmates and developed a sense of mental compatibility as every student had to start reading from where the previous student left. I formulated a pattern of my reading which was successful as a result of effective communication to my peers. It was quite a good step I witnessed during my classes about the existence of pin-drop silence while reading was being done.

A lot of activities were done in the class to engage all of us. I feel this was quite good for me that our teacher made us think critically about every aspect of the lecture and insisted on the mental involvement of the students along with physical presence. Some mind exercising activities provided which helped me a lot of foster my communication to my class fellow. Moreover, during these activities, students were asked to continue group discussion which I feel was the best chance to improve the communication skill. Also, I felt that every student communicated their ideas and opinions in the light of logic which was also the result of better communication. Our teacher asked us to make a discussion over a topic and all of us tried to participate in such activities to improve our thinking and communication skills. Therefore, I can conclude that my login building, thinking and reasoning skills are improved to a huge extent during the study period. The arguments provided by the students and then the answers provided by the teachers was the process that I feel will be very useful for me in future when I will have to work in the market. Another thing which I felt in myself it that I can now better communicate my opinions and ideas based on logic and proofs. I believe that if a person knows the basic of effective communication, there is a lot of ease because the use of foul language does not have to be used to make a point clear to other people. If I concluded my entire progress in term of communication, I feel that I have developed a good set of communication skills which will help me a lot in my future whether I continue studying or do the job.

Improvement in Future Group Work

Grouping is the most important way to work. It helps relieves a burden on one individual, and also, when people of multiple skills join together, it produces more quality work than a person. A single person most probably has one talent, he may be an expert of one or more, but he can't perform every task (Bambaeero and Shokrpur, 2017, p.44). We make groups for big projects when we want to produce quality work, so we collect multiple skills in one group.

As far as the discussion over my group work is targeted, I believe that I have done well in my group works as well as my communication to my group members was also effective. Some incidents happened in which I was unable to cope with the challenges going on with group assignment work. The challenges I faced were not too extreme but still, they played an important role to make me learn about new things. First of all, I observed in the beginning that my communication with my group members was not that effective and all of us are facing issues in the completion of the assignments. The lack of effective communication failed to communicate the ideas and opinions which limited us to perform well in the group work.

I looked forward to the solution of this problem and finally decided to communicate everything to my peers. All of us succeeded to communicate our issues and decided to support and cover each other. I feel that work is more effective when it is done together with mutual coordination and communication. In case of any difficulty, I was always open for helping my group members and we conducted the discussion over the matters. This helped us to get out of the trouble easily.

But its result may be positive or negative as everyone has a different personality, so there's maybe an issue of understanding. One person may understand anything quickly, but others didn't get it because he has different thoughts. Dependency is also the main component of group assignments like one person complete the task first, and then others will start; it also creates many issues as a person may not be able to complete work on time. It will affect group communication badly ( Adler and Rodman and DuPre, 2016).

There were some good and bad consequences I faced in case of group assignment works. For future group work, I aim to group with those people who have mental compatibility with me. As we see above, the disadvantages of not having mental compatibility, so I will consider it the first task before making a group. I will decide on my own with which group I will work, as it is better for both other group mates and me. If before grouping, everyone is willing to work with each other and trusted each other's skills, it will produce quality work. Moreover, I will encourage making groups of those people who have different skills and no mutual skills so that everyone knows the worth of others.

Also, I will encourage daily face to face meetings to resolve issues because if smaller problems are not fixed immediately, they will lead to a big problem that affects the team and their working. Problems may occur due to multiple reasons; they need to be resolved quickly to not let them create big trouble. We can also help each other by knowing the issues of each other. I will encourage making one member of the group a manager, and his work is to divide each task individually and then divide work on an equal basis so that no one is burdened. He will keep track of every assigned task, and everyone is answerable to him. This will help in resolving mutual issues. I will encourage to give equal opportunity to everyone so that everyone will be able to participate and give his output according to his interest and skill.

How You Will Go from Here to Become a Better Communicator

To become a better communicator in future, I realize I will need to follow some strategies and rules. I will adopt all communication strategies described above in my daily life communication. I will try to apply them not only in class but also in every other aspect of life because good communication enhances men personality, increases his worth in society he will be more loved and followed by people. Additionally, I will adopt all individual communication strategies because, in the particular communication, we learn how to interact with any other person, what are the rules or manners we need to follow before communicating with each other, they tell us how to respect each other's opinion, how to make formal and informal discussions, how to interact with people of higher statuses and how to interact with people of equal status like class fellows, friends, and colleagues (Raba, 2017, p14). I will apply all these strategies in my daily life to become a better communicator.

Moreover, I will also adopt all group communication strategies because grouping is an essential part of work. In this society, to live and work with each other, we need to make groups. They will relieve the burden on an individual and produce more quality work than a single individual. So to create groups, I need to follow its manners or strategies like always behave with everyone politely and do not get harsh on anyone, always show respect toward other's because every individual wants to be praised, so if we give him respect and worth, he will work with more enthusiasm. I will encourage helping everyone in fixing bugs or other issues as it will reduce time and increases trust between people.

I will adopt strategies of giving arguments and how to prove them through facts and other terminologies. Opinions are a part of communication. We will argue about many aspects of life while talking about anything or making discussions; the main issue is proving our argument as people only believe in facts and proofs. So I will try to collect different points and explanations supporting the topic and formally deliver them to other people to convince them of my argument. Also, I will adopt all strategies before talking to anyone and making discussions, as people don't like dry and rough communication, they want reasoning and logics about things, so before giving logic and logics it's necessary to adopt its strategies, I will assume all these ways like do not make unnecessary or useless discussion with anyone, try to study and analyse every aspect of life before making discussion, try to read other's mind and logic before arguing with him as everyone has a different personality and will understand differently.

I will adopt strategies of critical thinking and arguing before making discussion. I will try to find my purposes and beneficiaries, which will benefit me so that I will pay special attention to those things, will critically think about them, and make discussions with people of the same domain to resolve any issue like I want to take education. For the betterment of my future, I want to learn about anything of my interest, so its first need is to pay special attention to its teacher who is giving knowledge about it, then to make communication with other people of this domain like other faculty members, or employees or with people professionally working in this area to observe all future circumstances. I will make peaceful discussions, arguments with them according to my thinking, give logic and reasoning to support my opinions, and learn from their experience, as these strategies will help me to achieve my goal.

Conclusion on Understanding Human Communication

As everything has proper ways to make it better, communication also has many ways to make it better. We need to adopt all these ways to create successful contact with each other. These strategies are solutions to our daily life communication problems. Anyone can face these problems as everyone has a different personality, his thoughts and sense of thinking are other, he will understand things differently, so these multiple mindsets may cause many issues which lead to a bigger problem and may affect relationships between societies. Hence, we need to adopt all the above-mentioned communication strategies before communicating with each other.

These communication strategies will make positive changes in people's behaviour; they will use them in every aspect of their daily life rather than only restricted to classrooms. Group communication strategies increase the quality of work; people will become more productive as they all can communicate with each other and resolve each other issues.

References for Understanding Human Communication

Adler, R.B., Rodman, G.R. and Du Pré, A., 2016. Understanding human communication (Vol. 10). Oxford University Press.

Bambaeeroo, F. and Shokrpour, N., 2017. The impact of the teachers’ non-verbal communication on success in teaching. Journal of advances in medical education & professionalism, 5(2), p.51.

Chung, Y., Yoo, J., Kim, S.W., Lee, H. and Zeidler, D.L., 2016. ENHANCING STUDENTS’COMMUNICATION SKILLS IN THE SCIENCE CLASSROOM THROUGH SOCIOSCIENTIFIC ISSUES. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 14(1), pp.1-27.

Raba, A.A.A., 2017. The influence of think-pair-share (TPS) on improving students’ oral communication skills in EFL classrooms. Creative Education, 8(1), pp.12-23.

Remember, at the center of any academic work, lies clarity and evidence. Should you need further assistance, do look up to our Business Communication Assignment Help

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