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Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Understand organizational narrative and its Implications for organizational performance 4

Understand communication theory and its implications for individual and organizational performance 5

Identify and analyze key communication issues in organizations 7

Discuss the influence of Globalization on organizational change 9

Conclusion:- 11

References:- 12


Organizational narratives are basically company’s story or journey of its foundation. It is important for an organization to have a strong organizational narrative because of the cutthroat competition they face in the market. A strong and creative organizational narrative can help them stand out and build a strong image. In this essay, the impact of organizational narrative upon organizational performance will be discussed thoroughly along with change management context due to globalization. Globalization has a major impact on change management. Due to globalization it is important for an organization to have global appeal that can be implemented through change management (Bush & Frohman 1991). By implementing change management in a way so as to accommodate and cater to multicultural needs of customer and employees, an organization can adapt to rapid globalization. Thus, we can see change management and globalization are inter-linked in various aspects. Again organizational narrative and organizational performance are linked with each other. Thus, in this essay, impact of organizational narrative on organizational and impact of globalization on change management will be thoroughly discussed. The above points will be discussed with respect to communication theory as effective communication is a key factor for the execution of all the above processes (Thompson 2018).

Understand organizational narrative and its Implications for organizational performance

The narrative of an organization is an ancient way of effective communication. This is one of the latest trends in the management of any organization. Storytelling helps to share the past, present, and future strategies and work-planning. The importance of the narrative organization helps to produce annual performance and newsletters. When an organization accepts narrative and it implements on the works, the brand reputation of that organization becomes very attractive. The employees of that organization can engage with their sustainable work environment. All the leaders and team members can share their stories and strategies. The stakeholders and the employees can take required actions at any uncertain and tuff situation. It helps us to communicate with different cultural people and understand their cultures. Effective and internal communication can improve the performance of an organization for a long time. They also can implement new ideas and appreciate the others.

The performance of a narrative organization is the following:-

  1. Identification of the brand:-

The stories make the values of an organization tangible, measurable and real. Each and every organization has a big narrative and it indicates the vision, mission, and values. When the smaller stories are regularly updated and shred in front of the audience, the brand reputation can be strengthen that time (For example, Lance Armstrong Foundation). The image of the brand can be enhanced by some creative storytelling ideas.

  1. The engagement of the audience:-

The best method to humanize the organization is the involvement of individuals like the team leaders, the staff, and the clients. This is the way to share the big narrative. All the people can understand, hear and remember the narrative for the long-term. The storytelling is unforgettable than the disassociated incidents and these can spread quickly. The narrative organization can engage its viewers by creating multiple outlets of true communication.

  1. Building a smart and good leadership style:-

All the stories must be very authentic and real. When the stakeholders and the colleagues share their strategies and stories with each other this builds a strong reputation, trust, and relationships. The stories make the conversation very simpler and permanent. It allows the audience to heard. The successful leaders can introduce their upcoming projects and the products by sharing stories with the audience. Sometimes the leaders can face challenges on their current projects because it implies the sustainability of that organization. The stories provide multiple channels for feedback and resources when the employees are distracted. So, this is very crucial to inspire the people for better changing and communicating with each other.

  1. Sharing the knowledge:-

All the stories offer a sustainable and realistic framework to exchange the views and the findings of the connections between previously separated information. This provides quantitative evidences, surface inflict information. People can gather senses to manage and organize a big amount of data in the organization.

The narrative organization provides authentic identification, successful leadership, and effective communication skills.

Understand communication theory and its implications for individual and organizational performance

The communication theories are the following:

  1. The theory of Cognitive Dissonance:-

When the thoughts and the strategies of two or more people are not psychologically compatible, then this theory is applicable to them. According to this theory, they are so much inspired to take action for the matching of their strategies and seek supports after making any decisions.

  1. Communication theory of accommodation:-

This theory depends on two factors:-1. Divergence and 2. Convergence. This theory implies that people try to adjust their conversation style while talking with each other.

  1. The coordinated management of meaning (CMM):-

This communication process depends on coherence and coordination. Coherence implies the already existing stories and coordination implies the present stories. This theory reflects on the individual relationships that are willing to understand the meanings of the communication process.

  1. The cultural approach of an organization:-

The culture of an organization is made up of some collective symbols and each and every symbol has a unique significance. The communication skill of an organization also depends on these factors.

All the theories imply that:

  1. The more clarification of the thoughts should be needed to attempt any communication.

  2. A better improvement in understanding should be needed at the time of communication.

  3. The purpose should be clear while communicating with each other.

  4. The overall views of the communication should be understandable to the receiver.

  5. The language and the voice tone should be very graceful and elegant.

  6. A good communicator should be a very good listener also. They should get the people opportunities to speak and express their thoughts.

  7. The communication process should be a follow-up and successful feedback system (Berger, et. All.,2018).

Identify and analyze key communication issues in organizations

Communication is very crucial for any organization when the management adequately sets the goals for improvement. Sometimes many organizations can lost their expected targets for only the miscommunication. To avoid these problems, we will discuss the key communication issues that can occur anytime:-

  1. Lost the translation:-

This difficulty can happen when the words are mistranslated. When two or three students communicate with each other and belong to a completely different background, they can face these difficulties. Suppose, any student grew up from western societies, usually they are very much familiar with direct confrontation or to express themselves emotionally. But the students from different cultures can think this is very aggressive behavior. The same things happen for different languages. To tackle these issues, the management should encourage the students for the understanding and arrange a diversity training session.

  1. The communication of one-way:-

In some organizations, we can see that only the principles or managers communicate from their sides. An effective successful communication should be the two-side conversations. This depends on the management who can create an atmosphere for the students where they realize comfortable to express their thoughts. A successful organization always wants those students who are not only good listeners but also very good speakers. The students should listen to all the lectures and after that, they can ask questions about their doubts.

  1. Mismatched targets:-

Miscommunication can create an issue to reach the targets. Being open-minded about the expectations and targets are very helpful. This is not only for achieving targets but also this helps to introduce new ideas and strategies. 

  1. Communication inconsistency:-

Lack of clarification between the communications occurs inconsistency and most of the people begin to believe wrong and inaccurate information. The productivity can decrease gradually because of the insufficient and inaccurate information. Low productivity can dissatisfy the people of the organization and this is the reason for employee turnover.

  1. Communication inconsistency:-

Lack of clarification between the communications occurs inconsistency and most of the people begin to believe wrong and inaccurate information. The productivity can decrease gradually because of the insufficient and inaccurate information. Low productivity can dissatisfy the people of the organization and this is the reason for employee turnover.

  1. Misconception:-

When the management avoids the communication skills of their employees or students, it can create a misconception. Sometimes people can feel awkward to express themselves in front of the audiences for their poor communication skills. The management should be sensitive about this fact and help those people to overcome the awkwardness. 

  1. Lack of appropriate plan-building:-

Inadequate planning affects the presentation and the transmission of data. The lack of plan building results from the poor thoughts, lack of clear goals, collection of inappropriate news.

Discuss the influence of Globalization on organizational change

The influence of Globalization is the procedure that comes from the information continuously, cultural values, goods, and the views of the world. Continuous development of the transport, the organization infrastructure, and the sectors of telecommunication are responsible for the globalization of an organization change. Every organization wants to stay competitive, profitable, and successful in the present global marketplaces. This process has a significant effect on the regular business and corporate activities. As we know that the customer preferences and business trends have differences in the 21st century. Globalization is the result of increasing the revenues due to the increasing the foreign trade market( Metcalfe, & Rees 2010). The influence of Globalisation on organizational change is the following:-

  1. Expanded the marketplace:-

The Globalization has broadened the marketplace of the organization. It increases the productivity and the profitability of the organization. Many of the organizations are planning to redesign the globally accepted products. The implement of the infrastructure and the internet connection is primarily responsible for the globalization on organizational change. The internet connection has decreased the advertising and it makes the product or service very competitive in the global marketplace. 

  1. The improvement of the infrastructure:-

Most of the countries have developed their infrastructure which is related to highways, airlines, and telephony. The development of the infrastructure helps people to connect globally very quickly and safely. This has also improved the movement of the products, the connection of the data sharing.

  1. The free-flow of the labor:-

Globalization has allowed the free movement of the laborers. As a result, all the organizations in the world can recruit knowledgeable and talented employees to grow their productivity. But child labor and the discrimination of the workplace are not allowed under the Globalization.

  1. The improvement of the Global Communication:-

Most of the successful organization needs to hire the talented employees from all over the world. Global communication makes it very easy. Using many communication devices such as mobile phones, laptops, every people can communicate with each other via video calling, phone calls. The suppliers and the consumers are also getting benefits to place orders, track the shipment. All the data can be transferred all over the world with the help of Global communication. Global communication also helps us to communicate with the people who belong from different backgrounds and cultures. The advantage is that each and every person can understand the different cultural people and they can do business with each other.


In the above study, the communication theory, the narrative organization goals, the influence of the globalization on the organization changes have been discussed. The management of any organization should accept the importance of effective communication to clarify their strategies and become sustainable. This is the better way to understand the purpose and planning what to do to reach the targets. We know that languages are the messages and communication is the way to make these messages valuable to the receivers. With the help of effective communication, the whole audience listens to the messages if they realize these are interesting for them. Required actions can be taken at any certain and uncertain circumstances. Lastly, powerful comments and follow-up process can be implemented with the help of effective communication (Touhidul, & Sorooshian 2019). 


Bush Jr, J. B., & Frohman, A. L. (1991). Communication in a “network” organization. Organizational Dynamics, 20(2), 23-36.

Metcalfe, B. D., Rees, C. J., & Rees, C. J. (2010). Gender, globalization, and organization: exploring power, relations, and intersections. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: An International Journal.

Oskarsson, S. (2002). Class Struggle in the Wake of Globalization: Union Organization and Economic Integration.

Griffin, E. M. (2006). A first look at communication theory. McGraw-hill.

Berger, C., Calabrese, R., Ellul, J., Adorno, T., Horkheimer, M., Barthes, R., ... & Castells, M. (2018). Communication theory.

Thompson, N. (2018). Effective communication: A guide for the people professions. Macmillan International Higher Education.

Touhidul, I. A., & Sorooshian, S. (2019). Balancing for effective communication in organizations. Science and engineering ethics, 25(5), 1605-1607.


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