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  • Subject Name : Arts and Humanities

1. Explain the Concept of "Diffusion of Responsibility and How It Relates to the Actions or Inactions of Bystanders During the Murder of Lindokuhle Cele. Provide Specific Examples From the Case to Support Your Answer

A type of psychological phenomenon known as diffusion of responsibility states that people are less inclined to act when surrounded by a large number of others. This circumstance is commonly used to convey the bystander effect, which postulates that the more people there are, the less probable it is that someone in need of assistance would receive it. This is not to argue that individuals are acting inhumanely; rather, it is to indicate that they might not be able to digest a terrible experience as it happens, particularly in the presence of others. There are several explanatory factors for how policies spread from one nation to another, including replication, concurrence, and learning(Apter, 2001). All nations are connected and cognizant of this fact, and their chance of adopting the policy rises if it is infectious. This may be the outcome of an economic system producing rivalry, or it could be an imperial connection producing a coercive dissemination. A shared set of Lindokuhle Cele incident acceptable norms and concepts, such as the principles of republic and human rights, are referred to by nations and legislators when discussing social legislation and entitlements. Members of global society also hold one another responsible for upholding these widely acknowledged norms. As a result, implementing these norms may enable nations to gain international legitimacy. There is still a significant Diffusion theory divide between the growing global recognition and embrace of individuals defying typical "nuclear family" celestial bodies, binary gender preconceptions, and sexual orientation. When it comes to the inclusion of members of the LGBTQ+ community into society at large. The Union Covenant on Human Rights states that every person's freedom, protection, and security despite their nationality, ethnicity, gender, or faith. This comprises a large number of LGBT rights campaign advocates. The application of protection legislation is similarly uncommon and recent, just as Civil partnerships or marriage legislation. The fight to enable the population to freely express their individuality and social sensuality took on many shapes throughout the world(Boustani & Taylor, 2020).

The Lindokuhle’s Murder was pursued, molested, and stabbed several times by Moseley. 38 individuals are said to have observed Genovese plead for assistance throughout the attack, but none of them phoned the police or interfered until the crime had ended. the requirement to act in a proper and socially desirable manner. People frequently interpret other people's silence as an indication that their answer is neither necessary nor suitable. According to some psychiatrists, perhaps the best approach to interrupt the loop is only to be conscious of this inclination. Recognize how the bystander effect may be preventing you from acting when presented with a circumstance that demands action, then deliberately take action to overcome it. This does not, however, imply that you should put yourself at risk. A crisis is frequently chaotic and the circumstances are not always obvious. Observers may question precisely what is going on. People frequently turn to other members of the group in these situations to judge what is suitable. They may decide that no response is necessary when they notice that absolutely nobody else is responding(Pounders et al .,2016).

Throughout history, Focusing Event Theory has been several instances of public violations against the standard, and a covert subculture has developed to defend its entitlements to a life free from prejudice in public. The global first gay pride march took place in the wake of the Stonewall riots, which saw a violent altercation between police and protesters. The decriminalization of homosexual relationships Lindokuhle Cele appears to have been more widely adopted as a result of local occurrences than as a result of pressure from abroad on policymakers (Kruglanski, 2023).

2. Are Prosocial Behavior and Aggression Opposites? Discuss the Concepts of Motivation-specific Actions, and Effects Concerning Prosocial Behavior and Aggression. Provide Examples From the Case to Support Your Reasoning

Prosocial activity is described as acts of kindness towards others that do not directly benefit the giver. Encounter to beneficial video games promotes social conduct, mental activity, and emotion, according to a statistical analysis that looked at the association between hostile and prosocial media plays and behavioral changes. In conclusion, the results point to a substantial correlation between charitable activities media use, and favorable modifications in behavior, thought, and emotion greater than that of a control group in terms of prosocial conduct, empathy, and ideas(Bassa-Suleman, 2016). To examine, Lindokuhle Cele while accounting for variables known to affect social behaviors, the effects of socio-cognitive solving abilities on the beginning levels (intercept) and age-associated variations (slope) of violent and prosocial behavior over the middle part of elementary school years. Computer-mediated communication is becoming a widely used medium for experimenting with and creating identities. The social responsibility of the LGBT community can be perceived as a location, either literally or online, for those who may not identify as heterosexual(Chang et al., 2021). Numerous studies and conversations have examined social conduct on a wide range of topics, including. Harassment motivated by homophobia does not only target LGBT individuals; it also targets people who are thought to be LGBT. A few research have examined how often cyberbullying occurs. inspirational psychological, social, and developmental processes(Platt, 2016). The Internet "seems to be an arena where gay, bisexual, or wondering youth are in more danger than their peers," it has also been highlighted. In most of the instances where behaviors deemed "flaming" appear to be meant to convey disapproval or displeasure belief, there have been instances where the acts were done to insult others(Delcea, 2022).

Encouraging others to do something e.g. view a website, reciprocity subscribe, or think positively. Recognizes the emotions of others; shows compassion in summary. the potential to improve mood, motivate, help to unwind, and increase energy levels. the data suggests that there is an association between reading lyrics and changes in behaviors and attitudes. The impact of reading lyrics seems to be particularly strong for aggressive lyrics that were reported to result in positive behaviors and attitudes. The spread of LGBT+ laws against discrimination by increasing international pressure to encourage the implementation of such laws. To guarantee that everyone may engage in the labor market equitably and without facing prejudice, irrespective of their sexual inclinations(Casey et al .,2019).

3. Explain How 'social Contagion and Schadenfreude Can Help Us Understand Why the Observers Did Not Intervene in the Murder of Lindokuhle Cele

Prosocial behavioral reactions might be used as a temporary impression control strategy. Prosocial manifestations may be inspired by justified violence that is condemned by the media, society, and elites. towards the intended audience within. Episodic frames pay close attention to event-centered content and a person's behavior. Conservatives and regulators are more backdated on social issues than liberals. Lindokuhle Cele’s case is dignified restrictive in terms of sexual orientation and gender identity and more tolerant of socially marginalized collectives. Liberals do see the LGBTQ+ group more favorably(Baumeister, 2020)

Previous research and theory indicate that exposure to direct or close-quarters brutality during disputes between groups may catalyze parochialism. Indirect witness to acts of violence against people of color who are LGBTQ+ one-sided aggression may not inspire prosocial views when it occurs indirectly. It is possible that limited media focus and coverage of violent incidents won't have the agenda-setting impact of energizing prosocial public sentiment. The whole people could psychological advantages of indirectly seeing attacks on minority groups might create an empathy gap that hinders the acceptance of prosocial behaviors following exposure to indirect harm Scadenfreude suggests that notable violent occurrences can inspire large-scale sentiments. If the wealthy and media declare that the violence is unjustified and show support for the intentional discrimination against a group and boosts support. The general people have grown more across several centuries, welcoming to the LGBTQ+ community in all parts (Flores, 2014), indicating that the public could be enduringly responsive to empathetic pleas following assaults against Participants of LGBTQ+ groups(Hunting & Fisher, 2019).

Demonstrate how widespread support for laws that disproportionately harm the targeted groups may be eroded for up to a year by high-profile, institutionalized prejudice towards a religious minority. Consequently, an empirical trend that is congruent with the photograph may be shown, wherein the public develops more prosocial sentiments following indirect contact with civilian aggression(Parmenter et al., 2021).

According to the theory of social contagion , it is a type of deceptive behavior or attitude that is practiced among the members of a group or family. Besides this, it is a sort of unplanned emotion or psychology that spreads from one individual to another within a specific group (Delcea, 2022). However, this takes place as all the members within the group are entirely under the pressure of the impulses of the group or crowd . On the other hand, schadenfreude is a type of feeling or pleasure that arrives by seeing the trouble or distress of others. Not only this, it also presents a mental satisfaction as well as a feeling of happiness , when anything misfortunate happens to anyone. It is also recognized as a mental disorder that makes a person happier than any sort of disturbance. Social contagion defined previous research on significant occurrences shows widespread changes in attitudes following violent US incidents. We can compare those polled before Pulse to people questioned after Pulse at various intervals thanks to this exercise. Respondents who were polled more days after the Pulse are both spatially removed from the tragedy and may be more vulnerable to a decline in their pro-gay attitudes (Reeve, 2018).

Instead of these theories, it can be depicted that at the time of the brutal murder of Lindokuhle Cele, the audiences or observers did not intervene in anything since they were under the extreme inclination of the other members standing beside them. Along with this, most of the individuals visualizing the brutal murder of Lindokuhle Cele were comprised of an illusory attitude and did not want to get involved in any sort of misunderstanding with others. Moreover, many individuals have fantasies about watching the murder of Lindokuhle Cele with their own eyes and relishing the entire situation by remaining standstill in the entire crowd. Thus, it can be mentioned that due to these underlying activities, the people viewing the incident of the murder of Lindokuhle Cele showed no intervention and the killer killed the famous musician (Nadal, 2021).

4. Explain the Frustration-aggression Hypothesis and How It Applies to the Actions of the Murderer in the Case Study. Provide Specific Examples to Support Your Answer

According to the theory of the frustration-aggression hypothesis, aggression is the result of aggressive mental distress and psychological frustration . Besides this, it can also be mentioned that aggression arrives mainly due to internal disappointment in accomplishing any particular goal (Delamater, 2019) l . As a result of accomplishing that objective, the frustrated person becomes mentally ill and tries to fulfill his or her aim by any term or conditions. Similarly, attitude can be visualized in the case of the brutal murder of the reputed musician Lindokuhle Cele since the killer stabbed him numerous times. Such type of aggression arrives only when the individual is mentally frustrated and desiring to execute any particular task. To show their annoyance, the killer went on stabbing Lindokuhle Cele until the knife struck his eye. Other than this, it is also opined that the frustration-aggression hypothesis is a psychological theory and frustration is directly linked with aggressive behavior. It states that such type of behavior arrives within a person when the individual fails to cope with the negative emotions or communications among the other members of society. In addition to this, aggression can also arise due to anger or hostility with the individual in office premises or any other location. As a result of this, aggression arrives within the individual and this leads to varied types of criminal offences. A similar approach can be visualized within the case study as the murderer killed Lindokuhle Cele of being gay. This shows that the killer is also gay and he or she had to face varied types of nuisance within the society. This results in aggression within the mind and therefore the killer cannot accept another similar person living freely in his life. Thus, to restrict the popularity and actions of Lindokuhle Cele, the killer alleged the person very brutally within a butchery. Thus can be witnessed within the case that the killer suddenly appeared in the butchery shop and by taking out a knife, he started stabbing constantly in varied parts of the body of Lindokuhle Cele. This shows that the person is frustrated on hearing the pessimistic words and descriptions of the varied other individual of the society (Kruglanski, 2023). This made him aggressive and distressful and so he tried to kill Lindokuhle Cele in a very violent manner. Hence, it can be analyzed that the actions of the killer were the immediate effect of the violence and aggression. Besides this, due to psychological discrepancies, the killer alleged Lindokuhle Cele in such a way that he or she could achieve his final target. This represents that he wants to stop the negative words presented by the society individual and instead of that, he performs such criminal activity(Parmenter et al., 2021).

5. Reflect on and Describe a Situation Where You Engaged in Either Prosocial or Antisocial Behavior. Provide an Academically Sound and Theoretically Grounded Explanation of Your Motivation for Engaging in This Type of Behavior

Within a class, gender differences are sometimes a common cause of prosocial or antisocial behavior. Being a Dutch child in the class, I was brutally rejected by the other French Canadian kids. They were all of the age group of 9-12 years and on the other hand, we Dutch were of 7 to 10 years. As a result, the French kids always tried to present anti-social language and attitudes toward us and this created a very bad impression in my mind. Not only mine, but many other individuals within our group had a similar feeling due to such types of expressions and had a very aggressive feeling within their minds(Baumeister, 2022). Apart from this, due to such antisocial actions, the friends turned into enemies and I always tried to present negative effects to take revenge on them. However, the key intention behind such types of feelings is due to the frustration and aggression present within the minds as per the theory of frustration and aggression hypothesis. Since it is a common phenomenon as mentioned by the above theory as it arises due to impulsive attitudes. Other than this, due to this psychological theory, frustration and aggression take place due to the presence of certain improper presentation of attitudes by others (Van Lier, 2005). Instead of this, the consequences become extremely violent and detrimental as it takes place from the blockage of mental distress. Hence, to fulfill the inner goals and objectives, such types of frustrated behavior take place. Although it is extremely dangerous and harmful, it becomes the key requirement for the frustrated individual as it helps in the fulfillment of the key need. Therefore, a similar aspect can be viewed in the situation mentioned above. In that situation, being a Dutch kid, I tried to present antisocial behavior to my French Canadian friends and this resulted in a detrimental feeling within me and also had a huge scolding from my principal and my parents. Despite restricting myself from indulging in such types of behaviors, I got involved as it was frustrating due to the words of the French Canadian kids. Therefore, to get rid of such types of words, I used a prosocial and antisocial activity with that individual in the class. Democrats seem to be the driving force behind the post-Shepard effect(McKay, 2016). These projections should be interpreted with caution since they have a high covariate asymmetry and have a greater probability of being disturbed by undetectable secular developments. Progressives are 22 percentage spots less likely than non-Democrats to believe that sexual orientation is ethically wrong post-Shepard, while non-Democrats are two basis points less likely(Doerr, 2018).


The community of LGBTQ people experiences discrimination, mistreatment, and unwarranted profiling at every turn in the law enforcement system. The suggested actions described above govt. would support LGBTQ rights and stop the unfair dispensation of justice from carrying on as has been displayed in Lindokuhle’s case. By eliminating or restricting sexual orientation discrimination regardless of gender identity or perspective, LGBTQ people would be more protected from intimidation. Using the same kind of standards that are conscious of LGBTQ issues in both departments and agencies of regulation, including local and federal, officers' Better monitoring of behavior allows for the prevention of discriminating acts punished suitably(Boustani et al., 2023).


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Bassa-Suleman, H. (2016). Motivational interviewing In T. Naidoo & S. Ramlall (Eds.), Talk therapy toolkit: Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy.

Baumeister, R. B. (2022). Social Psychology. UK: Cengage.

Boustani, K., & Taylor, K. A. (2020). Navigating LGBTQ+ discrimination in academia: where do we go from here? The biochemist , 42 (3), 16-20.

Casey, L. S., Reisner, S. L., Findling, M. G., Blendon, R. J., Benson, J. M., Sayde, J. M., & Miller, C. (2019). Discrimination in the United States: Experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Americans. Health services research , 54 , 1454-1466.

Chang, C. J., Feinstein, B. A., Meanley, S., Flores, D. D., & Watson, R. J. (2021). The role of LGBTQ identity pride in the associations among discrimination, social support, and depression in a sample of LGBTQ adolescents. Annals of LGBTQ Public and Population Health , 2 (3), 203-219.

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Doerr, J. (2018, April). Why the secret to success is setting the right goals [Video].

Huchting, K., & Fisher, E. (2019). Introduction to the special issue: The challenges and opportunities of including the LGBTQ community in Catholic education. Journal of Catholic Education , 22 (3), 1-13.

Kruglanski, A. W. (2023). Frustration–aggression hypothesis reconsidered: The role of significance quest. Aggressive behavior.

McKay, M., & Fanning, P. (2016). Goal-setting and planning. Self-esteem (4th ed. Ch. 131 New Harbinger.

Nadal, K. L. (2019). A decade of microaggression research and LGBTQ communities: An introduction to the special issue. Journal of homosexuality , 66 (10), 1309-1316.

Parmenter, J. G., Galliher, R. V., & Maughan, A. D. (2021). LGBTQ+ emerging adults perceptions of discrimination and exclusion within the LGBTQ+ community. Psychology & Sexuality , 12 (4), 289-304.

Platt, E. (2016). The effects of praise and motivational interviewing on fostering intrinsic motivation in youth Digital Commons.

Pounders, K., Kowalczyk, C. M., & Stowers, K. (2016). Insight into the motivation of selfie postings: impression management and self-esteem. European Journal of Marketing. 50(9/10), 1879-1892.

Reeve, J. (2018). Understanding Motivation and emotion 17 ed. Ch. 12). John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Van Lier, P. A. (2005 ). Gender differences in developmental links among antisocial behavior, friends' antisocial behavior, and peer rejection in childhood. Results from two cultures. Child development .
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