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Question: Case world scenario

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Case world scenario

Case Scenario/ Task This assignment requires you to apply the concepts and theories you have learned across the semester to analyseONEof two scenarios from CaseWorld. The scenarios describe two different types of family violence—one scenario focuses on domestic violence and the other focuses on financial elder abuse. Regardless of which scenario you choose, the analysis will require you to draw on the contemporary literature in sociology (e.g. gender socialisation, social determinants of health, feminist theory, etc.) and psychology (e.g. Bandura’s social learning theory, Bronfenbrenner, stress and coping, grief and loss, etc.) to identify and explore the factors that have influenced the psychosocial status of the family in the scenario.
  • Bio-ecological health models related to the chosen case
  • Biopsychosocial health models related to the chosen case.
  • CaseWorld (Anne White)—Domestic violence scenario—your paper needs to address the following:
    • What impact does domestic violence have on Anne’s own bio-ecological model?
    • What actual and potential impact does domestic violence have on the bio-psycho-social health of Anne and John and the rest of their family?
    CaseWorld (Greta Balodis)—Elder abuse scenario—your paper needs to address the following:
    • What impact does financial elder abuse have on Greta’s own bio-ecological model?
    • What actual and potential impact does financial elder abuse have on the bio-psycho-social health of Greta and Dylan and the rest of their family?
    Preparation considerations Remember you need to plan youroverallpaper. You may wish to use headings within the paper to guide the reader. You will be expected to use your text book and other valid and credible resources such as peer review journal articles to support the writing of your assignment. Check the marking guides for both part 1 and part 2 of the assignment to guide your planning, preparation and to support you in developing clear arguments. The paper should be prepared using the School of Nursing & Midwifery’sHouse styleand:
    • Include anintroductionandconclusion in both parts 1 and parts 2 of the assignment. Refer to the handout from the Student Learning Centre about writing an essay, in addition to U2Uni (2013) and Fox and Wilkinson (2009).Third person writing style is required.
    • Tables, figures or appendices may be used to enhance the paper/discussion and are not part of the word limit. Appendices, tables and figures must be appropriately titled and referenced, and the reader referred to these in the discussion. Appendices are placed after the reference page(s).
    • Author-Date (Harvard) referencing styleis to be used.
    ·The reference list should only include literature specifically cited in the text of your essay.

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Solution:Case world scenario

Domestic violence has become a common occurrence in many societies, with women and men subjected to being victims of violence from their partners and spouses (Cooper and Jacobs, 2011). Researchers both in sociology and psychology as well as other social sciences have tried to develop various models in a bid to explain the process of domestic violence as well as factors which lead to domestic violence. Two of these modes are the bio-ecological health modes and the biopsychosocial health models (Stern, 2010). The following is an analysis of the bio-ecological health models and the biopsychosocial health models. The analysis further includes the impact that domestic violence have on the victim’s bio-ecological model as well as actual and potential impact that domestic violence has on the biopsychosocial health of the victim as well as the rest of the family. Impact of Domestic Violence on Anne’s Bio-ecological Model Domestic violence is increasingly a common problem facing thousands of victims annually (Wooten, 2013). Researchers have over the years utilised the ecological framework in order to understand the interrelationship between personal, socio cultural as well as situational elements which in combination result to the gender based violence (Stern, 2010). Domestic violence against women in the model is a result of the interaction of the elements in the different levels of the social environment. These elements include the societal issues, community issues, relationship issues and finally the individual penetrator. The ecological model can be understood as illustrated in four major circles. The innermost elements involve the biological as well as the personal history which impacts the behaviours of the individual in his/her relationships (Schostak and Freese, 2010). These elements may include such elements as witnessing martial violence when one was a child, having an absent father, being abused when a child as well as alcohol abuse. The second element is the immediate elements whereby gender based violence takes laces commonly the family or other intimate relationships (Cooper and Jacobs, 2011). This many involves elements of martial conflict or male control with regards to decision making within the family. The third elements involve the institutions as well as social structures in which the relationships exist in (Stern, 2010). This can either be the formal structures or the informal structures. For instance, social structures such as the neighbourhood, the social networks, peers, educational institutions and the workplace are good examples (Schostak and Freese, 2010). These structures may include elements of peers condoning violence or isolations of women as well as family which allow situations which encourage violence. The final elements are the outmost element in the circle which involves the economic as well as social environment and this is inclusive of cultural norms (Maynard et al., 2014). For examples, there are societies whereby the social norms allow men to have control over female behaviour. Others have situations or contests whereby violence is accepted as a man of resolving conflict. This can also occur in society whereby the notion of masculinity is linked with issues of dominance and aggression (Stern, 2010). As can be seen in the case of Anne, domestic violence that Anne is a victim of is not as a result of one factor but rather as a result of many interlinked elements resulting to the domestic violence (Corcoran and Walsh, 2009). This is as illustrated by the ecological approach which argues that there is no one factors which result to violence but rather there is a number of elements which combine to result to be likelihood of the man in particular situation acting violently against a woman (Stern, 2010). As can be seen in the case of Anne, the ecological approach is for instance enhanced by social and cultural norms for instance men asserting their superiority over women, combined with individual level elements such as whether a man was abused as a child influence the likelihood of gender based violence (Schostak and Freese, 2010). Stern (2010) who takes a gender perspective argues that violence against women is mainly caused by the unequal power relations between women and mean which follow a male dominance over women which is a common attribute of societies across the world. Gender based violence has impact on the bio-ecological health of the victim. Women who are the victims of the gender violence are not the only victims of gender violence with the whole society suffering from the violence (Reisinger, 2014). For one, domestic violence threatens the institution of marriage and that of the family with family structures disrupted. Children for instance suffer from emotional damage when they watch their mothers being violated (Stern, 2010). Domestic violence also result to breakup within the family institutions resulting to single mother families with the female the head of the house and her struggle in raising the children alone. Further, there are psychological scars which impede the health of the individuals involved and disrupting healthy relationships in the future. Further, the victims of domestic violence may vent their anger and frustrations on the other members of the family whereby the negative experiences and feelings of the domestic violence is transmitted and intensified (Schostak and Freese, 2010). Children for instance may accept violence as an alternative to conflict resolution as well as a means of communication. Through such as manner, the violence is reproduced as well perpetuated. Impact of Domestic Violence on Bio-psycho-social Health of Family The bio psychosocial approach to understanding domestic violence appreciates the biological, psychological as well as social elements (Stern, 2010). Like the bio-ecological model, the bio psychosocial model argues that there are different elements occurring together and these results to the situation of domestic violence. This model argues that there is an interactive element of the biological, psychological as well as social phenomenal to domestic violence. The bio psychosocial perspective takes a directly from systems theory which in turn evolved from the general systems theory within the physical sciences (Wooten, 2013). The unique elements of bios psychosocial approach is that it has the focus of the psycho-social systems as well as internal and external biological elements which interact as well as influence each other. Like the systematic approach which involves synthesis of elements, the individualised approaches draw from the social environment elements and integrate the internal and external biological dimensions with the interpersonal as well as social dimensions (Reisinger, 2014). In the case of Anne and John, the central feature of the model is the appreciation that biological systems are influenced strongly by genetic inheritance. However, the model provides that in the early stages of life, the biological systems are influence by the environmental factors such as parenting styles and peer influences (Maynard et al., 2014). As such, adjustments occur from the environment and at times these are reversed in effect for instance through injuries. As a result, an individual is influenced by a number of biological, psychological and social elements resulting to domestic violence as in Anne's case. From the bio psychosocial approach, it is critical to understand what can first be argued as problem which comes from the individual, which may turn out to be a symptom of the problem which comes from the individual’s environment (Cooper and Jacobs, 2011). For instance, in John case, he suffered from emotional trauma when young. Conclusion In conclusion, it is important to have an understanding of the root cause of a particular behaviour. As in the case of domestic violence, it is important to understand the underlying factors which may result to an individual committing violence against a partner. The bio-ecological model and the biopsychosocial model have been utilised to illustrates and explain domestic violence. The analysis illustrates that domestic violence is a result of different factors interacting together resulting to an individual acting violently. As in the case scenario, there are a number of factors which resulted to the domestic violence with the act not a result of one single factor but as a result of different factors.

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