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Solution Code: 1AHC


This assignment is related to "Develop and Implement Service Programs" and experts at Grade Saviours successfully delivered HD quality work within the given deadline.


This assessment may be conducted individually or in small groups (no larger than 3). The assessment task may include a presentation with submission of power points or a written report, however each student must submit individual written assessments and speak if presenting. f the following items: Each student will need to address each of the following points in your presentation and written report. Think about an area of interest (welfare related – some ideas are listed below) and list community services / programs in the ACT area that work to address the needs of this group. In relation to this are of interest you will need to undertake research to determine a problem or gap in service provision, unmet needs of that particular group of individuals or a community, and existing models and evidence based approaches to addressing those gaps and needs. You will then need to develop a plan for the development of, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of and activity or program to address this gap, problem or need. Your plan will to be in the required format and will need to include the following in relation to:
  • Target group – group membership and context;
  • Type of group
  • Issue area and group needs;
  • List all internal and external stakeholders and describe potential partnerships
  • Budget
  • Purpose (outcomes) and Objectives (outputs) of this activity or program
  • Identify two general areas of potential funding
  • List all tasks with a timeline for their completion and allocate task to roles
  • List several relevant procedures including examples of a community service complaints procedure and client rights and responsibilities example
  • List relevant codes, best practice standards and legislation.
  • Determine venue, human, financial and physical resources required and explore how you might meet resource needs including funding needed to get the program up and running
  2. How might you go about engaging and consulting with the consumers / clients of this service in the development, ongoing management and evaluation of this service /program? List 3 ways in each case as below:
b.Identify at least 5 potential barriers at each of the following levels for consumers / clients:
  1. Individual
  2. Organisational
  3. Environmental
  4. and detail how you would address each
c.Name and consider how you would address barriers at any of these three levels within this particular program with reference to at least 3 special user or client target groups
  1. List several (at least 3) policies and procedures related to consumer engagement
  2. List several (at least 3) areas of program planning should include consumer engagement?
3.IMPLEMENTATION & MONITORING Identify, list(at least 3 examples in each case) and discuss:
  • issues that may impact on the success / objectives of your program and how you might address these issues?
  • (For example how might you deal with any conflict?)
  • organisational procedures critical to the success of your proposal?
  • ways of interacting with service users to assess any of their changing needs?
  • tools that can be used to address such changing needs?
  • How might you go about determining any (human resource) training gaps (information / knowledge, skills) in terms of the implementation of your proposed program
  • What would be the steps involved in setting up a training program to meet such training needs
  • How might you evaluate the success, progress/outcomes of your program/activity?
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Solution:Research Plan to Address Unmet Needs of the Community

  • Development

It has been found that community people within the local areas of the state are not able to access the healthcare services in a right manner. This is contributing for high cases of maternal mortality and child issues. Various non-governmental organizations are working in this regard to reverse the current situation related to health indicators. The area has faced high cases of pregnancy related problems and child death occurring due to infection (Bulatao & Ross, 2001). The community people are living in unhygienic conditions and are not aware the severe consequences of its. Therefore it is required to undertake the research to find out solutions and develop a research people for the welfare of the community people. Hence plan is to train community people for their own health to take care of mothers and children (Denisard, 2003).

Target group – Community people

Type of group – People residing in remote areas those who completely rely on local service providers to avail healthcare services. Considering point is to cater the healthcare needs of them so that their standard of living improve.

Issue Area and Needs

The main issue is the availability, affordability and accessibility of the healthcare services. The quality of services are poor and of low standard. Area of concern is to address the maternal health services which are being provided at low scale. Cases are being reported related with child health. Malnutrition and infection both are the main challenge for public health point of view.


Internal stakeholders – Health professionals, local community members, social workers etc.

External stakeholders – NGOs, private healthcare bodies, UN agency etc

Partnership – a partnership between local members and NGOs would definitely help to provide services within the area. It is important to find out the UN agency working for maternal and child health to work in the same area.


Tasks Budget
  1. Human resource
$ 50 per day ($50*30 days=$1500)
  1. Venue hiring
$ 70 per day ($70*30 days=$2100)
  1. Training sessions
$ 30 per day ($30*30 days=$900)
  1. Other resources
$ 30 per day ($30*30 days=$900)
Total $180 per day ($180*30 days=$5,400)


  1. To train community people to handle health issues in an order to improve the health status of the community.
  2. To raise general awareness about the available services.


  1. To improve the maternal health indicators.
  2. To reduce the child health related diseases.

Areas for Funding

The following areas needs funding to initiate the plan –
  1. Funding is required for training purpose of community people. Training will be conducted on regular basis and then trained people train rest of the community. This will require resources and manpower, for example, trainer, social mobilizers etc.
  2. Another area of funding will be training area that can be a rented place.

Tasks with Timeline

S.No. Task Timeline
1. Appointing a trainer 2 Weeks
2. Community mapping 3 Weeks
3. Finding out community people for the training 3 Weeks
4. Finalization of training hall 2 Weeks
5. Start the training and program (1st orientation) 5 Weeks
6. Finding out key trained community person 1 Week
7. Training of other community people through trained people in 1st orientation program 5 Weeks

Community service complaints procedure and client rights and responsibilities

After completion of first round of orientation program, the key trained person will act as primary stakeholder of the program. These people can be approached by other community people any time in emergency situation. Their roles and responsibilities would be to assist people in critical situations and provide solution for the same. Practice standards and legislation (Health policies and legislations, Australia)

The program will follow following health standards-

  1. To provide maternal health related services by arranging health specialist and referral of cases.
  2. To check the quality of services given by the health professionals.
  3. To train other people on mass scale regarding health issues.
  4. To check the health indicators of the community with respect to country specific data.
Primary stakeholders will be responsible for taking legal actions if needed. Interaction between health professionals and community people is very important to deal with the current situation. Here trained people will act as a link so that services can be availed by the people. Reporting of medical error or any malfunctioning will be reported to trained community people and proper action will be taken.


Human resource – As already mentioned, community people will support for the program implementation and other related services. Financial services – UN agencies, Private agencies and NGOs would be asked for the financial support. Physical services – Here again help of private agencies would be taken to manage the physical resources. This would also include arrangement of venue for training purpose and other activities.
  • Engagement, Consultation and Barrier
  • Individual Barrier –
  1. People’s non participation
  2. Low community engagement
  3. Individual stigma
  4. Behavior towards new services
  5. Level of acceptance
Regular training of community people would probably reduce all above mentioned problems or barriers.
  • Organizational
  1. Government rules
  2. Issues with health system
  3. Support of health authorities
  4. Follow up of health legislations
  5. Non coherence with community and system
Program planning will done in line with government rules and regulations. The suggestion of health authorities will be sought for better program implementation.
  • Environmental
  1. Tie up with private sector
  2. Working with NGOs
  3. Financial issues
  4. Availability of resources
  5. Coordination with UN agency
Coordination with other agencies would be the main task for the success of this plan. Those who are working for the same issue would be mapped out first. Policies and procedure for client engagement
  1. Client engagement would depend upon their level of awareness so in this regard people will be consulted to motivate them.
  2. Government health policies would also be discussed with people.
  3. Trainer would raise their knowledge level to work for health services.
Areas of program planning
  1. Trainer
  2. Community participants
  3. Finance
  • Implementation and Monitoring
There are many issues which might have an impact on program objectives. Financial issue is the main hindrance for program implementation. So government and private agencies would play an important role for the same. Another issue is related with how to persuade community people for the training in the beginning. This can be dealt by appointing a social mobilizer who will go door to door and will try to convenience them. Mobilizer will interact with community to discuss about the services and to accept the change. It is planned to design a survey questionnaire to measure the level of change among community For example, difference between community’s needs, awareness level before training and after orientation program (Policy Project, 2003). The success of the plan will depend upon technical and financial proposal. The proposal must be technically strong and must address the financial issues. The success of the program will be evaluated based upon following key points-
  • Maternal health indicator
  • Child health indicator
  • Awareness level
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