The national mental health plan is a foundation by the government of Australia in which it commits itself in improving the lives of people living with mental illness and disorders (Rodgers et al., 2018). The strategy for mental health was founded in April 1992 by a conference convened by the then minister for health and sanitation in Australia. The plan was initially founded as a framework for guiding mental health reforms. The reasons for the foundation and its existence, which can also be considered as its purpose is to gear for the promotion of mental health of the Australian communities. Another reason for the existence of this plan is to prevent any development of mental illness and disorders where possible, to reduce the effect of mental disorders on people, community, and the families, and finally, to guarantee the right of people living with mental illness. The mental plan strategy includes the national policy on mental health, the mental health statements consolidating individual responsibilities and rights (Mneimneh et al., 2020).
Several principles govern the recovery-oriented mental health practice to ensure that mental health is practiced and guaranteed to every individual in the mental health community (Solomon, 2019). Some of these principles are discussed herein: the principle of uniqueness of a person, which recognizes that recovery is not all about a cure but guaranteeing the opportunity to lead a satisfying, purposeful, and meaningful life and gaining value as a member of the community. This principle also holds that the recovery outcomes are private and also enable individuals to recognize that they are at the center of the care plan. The other one is the principle of real choices, which empowers individuals and gives them chances to make their own decisions, supports individuals in building their strengths, and be responsible for their lives, and finally ensures a balance between care duty and support people in taking positive risks. The principle of right and attitudes works to protect and promote human rights and individuals' citizenship and also instills hope for meaningful future life. There is also a principle of respect and dignity, which entails courtesy, respect, and honesty in interactions and also challenges stigma and discrimination. Some other principles are the principle of communication and partnership and the principle of recovery evaluation.
Standard 2 in the National practice standards for the mental fitness staff 2013 relates to working with individuals, families, and cares in recovery-focused methods. The standard two support people with mental disorders to become decision-makers in their care and with the implementation of the tenets of recovery-oriented mental health exercise. Again, this standard ensures that mental health practitioners work well with individuals and their families as partners. It also stresses the use of language that shows respect for an individual, family, and show care at any given time. The mental health practitioner, as per the standard 2, should apply the principle of self-determination and show support to people and the members of their families (Golightley, 2020).
The two documents are the national practice standards for the mental fitness staff 2013 and the mental health statement of rights and responsibilities.
The twelve core tenets of mental health practitioners include:
Promotion to optimize the quality of life with and for the individuals who live with mental illness and disorders. This principle works to promote the quality of life and optimizing the living standards of the people who have a mental illness (Li, 2020).
Service delivery with the sole aim of expediting sustained mental recovery. The mental practitioners should, therefore, ensure that they offer services purposefully to achieve sustained mental recovery.
Include people utilizing services in all decisions that regard their treatment, support, and care and give them a chance and opportunity to choose their setting and treatment.
Recognition of the individuals' rights to have their chosen caregiver involved in all sides of the care accorded to them.
Learn about and rate the lived experience of people using their families and the services they provide.
Recognition of the roles the caregivers play as well as their needs, capacities, and the requirements that are different from the ones for those receiving the care services
Recognition and offering support to the rights of young people and the children and according to the appropriate care.
Backing involvement by individuals and their families and caregivers is an essential aspect of mental health service planning, development, evaluation, and delivery.
Tailor mental health care, treatment, and support to bump into the definite needs of the people.
Conveying mental health treatment and support the slightest personal limit on the privileges and selections of individual, accounting for their active situation, level of support inside the public, and the needs of their family.
The practitioners should be aware of and implement evidence-informed exercises and value development processes.
Play a part in specialized progress events and replicate what they have learned in practice to ensure that mental health support, care, and treatment are significant.
There are five things that mental practitioners should be aware of when getting information from individuals suffering from AOD or mental health. The five things are:
Mental practitioners should clearly describe the proposed intervention.
Mental practitioners should clearly emphasize the role of the patient in making decisions.
The mental practitioners should discuss the alternatives to the anticipated intervention.
Mental practitioners should discuss the risks attributed to the proposed intervention.
The mental practitioners should elicit the understanding of the patient to these things.
The document that sets out the exact responsibilities and rights of support and carer people is the mental health statement of rights and responsibilities in part five. Some of the rights contained in this part are the right to privacy and respect, the right to confidentiality, the right to respect individual dignity, and human worth, among others.
The responsibilities of people who provide services related to record-keeping are that they should take full control to ensure that the patient data contained in the records are up-to-date and do not land into the wrong hands. People who provide available services have the responsibility of ensuring that they offer them at utmost faith and with no errors. Finally, the carers and support persons are responsible for offering support at any time needed by the clients and take care of them under critical conditions.
According to SANE Australia, the people considered to have mental illness have the following characteristics but are not limited to reduced concentration ability and confused thinking, withdrawal from activities and friends, feeling guilty extremely and excess worries and paranoia and delusions (Wells, 2020). Other characteristics are sex drive variations, suicidal thinking, problems in relating situations to people and understanding them, extreme changes in mood, among others.
Some of the ways through which families and carers contribute to the recovery of persons with mental health include: being sources of encouragement to them, making connections with others to aid in the recovery of the patients, asking the patients how you can be helpful to them and showing the patients love and telling them to remain hopeful. Other ways are showing them love and compassion, encouraging them that there is life after recovery, among others. Learning about advocacy is another vital way of contributing to the recovery of patients.
The following are some support services that SANE Australia recommends for individuals living with mental illness. The first one is talking about one's mental health. Therefore this can be affected by setting out talk time without distractions, avoid guessing the patients' feelings, letting the patients share little or much as they wish, asking them open-ended questions, attentive listening to what they say, among others. The second care service response to crises are panicking, suicidal feeling, and experience of a different reality. Again, having a specialist to offer mental health services is another way of supporting people living with mental illness and getting Samaritans who offer support 24/7, connecting with mind infoline, which is an organization that offers mental support, and finally, getting advice from those who have recovered from mental illness.
Mind Australia Limited is a community that manages specialist providers who offer mental health services (Heyeres, 2018). The company offers both motivational and practical support that is helpful in skill development that is essential for the improvement of the quality of life. The company also addresses issues to do with poverty, education, employment, and housing. Again the organization also has practitioners who offer specialized therapies such as intellectual disabilities and mental illness. The organization also educates people on issues of mental health and recovery.
Some of the comprehensive services offered by mind Australia include: NDIS funded therapeutic supports that are offered by a group of psychologists and occupational therapists provide coaching, counseling, and other support services. All these can be done through video conferencing or telephone calls. The organization also provides homes for individuals living with mental problems and some other services for those with more complex needs.
Mind Australia supports carers of people living with mental illness through a multiple of ways. These ways include but are not tied to the recognition that is caring for individuals living with mental problems is stressful, and therefore they always need support. These supports may also include peer support and counseling, respite, carer education, setting aside days for recreation, online forums, and also founding support groups.
the criteria 3.1 and 3.2 in standard 3.2 of the National standards for mental health services 2010 discusses consumer and carer involvement. Criterion 3.1, the MHS exhibit processes that help them to enthusiastically include carers and consumers in service delivery, planning, quality programs, and evaluation. In criterion 3.2, the MHS supports the right of carers and consumers to have their desires and feedback accounted for in the delivery, planning, quality programs, and evaluation of services.
Several ways can show that one is meeting the minimum requirements of this standard 3. Three of these ways are ensuring that you uphold the right of the patients and also ensuring that you take your responsibilities fully, assuring consumer integrity and respect and that they receive what is due to them by fact and by law. The third way to achieve this is by ensuring that the consumers and carers are involved in the planning, evaluation, and delivery of the quality programs.
The recovery concept was founded by and for the people living with mental health problems, and it is geared to explaining their experiences. It is geared to advocating for the rights of people living with mental health problems. The recovery approaches are seen as alternatives to medical models, and it draws its emphasis on deficits, dependency, and pathology (Takeda et al., 2019). The characteristics of the recovery concept are a personal and unique journey, normal human processes, a journey that is seldom taken alone, a nonlinear approach. Finally, it is an ongoing experience.
The six tenets of recovery-oriented practice are:
Real choices
Uniqueness of individuals
Rights and attitudes
Respect and dignity
Communication and partnership
Evaluating the recovery
The three requirements of a mental health worker for health prevention and promotion, according to the National Standards for the Mental Health workforce 2013, are:
The mental health worker should be passionate about counseling and helping individuals with mental health problems and illnesses.
The practitioners should also have high integrity, secrecy, and uphold peoples' dignity while preserving their rights.
The mental health practitioners should also possess the ability to show compassion in addition to the required levels of education and expertise.
The behaviors and skills that one should show while working with people with mental illness are not tied to the below discussed.
The ability to work with interdisciplinary teams which involve collaborating, cooperating, communicating, and integrating care teams
The ability to provide patient-centered care through respect for patients' differences performances and values
The ability to employ practice based on evidence
The ability to apply and ensure quality improvement in the care provision
The ability and passion for utilizing informatics, which involves the identification of hazards and errors in the care
Empowerment is essential to people with mental issues because it is an essential aspect of an individual's development. It is a core aspect of the process of taking responsibility and control for activities that potential to help people suffering from mental illness. Empowerment incorporates self-reliance, participation in decision making, respect and dignity, and belonging and community contribution. Therefore, empowerment equips people with power and help them feel that they are not lesser beings.
The following are the attitudes and skills that are displayed by mental health practitioners in support of advocacy and social inclusion on social determinants.
Values and attitudes
Behaviors and skills
Leadership that is recovery-oriented
Show and mine opportunities
The recovery-oriented practice
According to the World Health Organization (2019), the following are ways through which mental health workers can promote self-advocacy in the mental health arena:
Sharing one's story with relatives and friends.
Advocate for oneself and then advocate for others
Educating the immediate circle about advocacy
Start as an advocate volunteer
Acquire a mentor who will nurture you in the right ways
Acquire training in legislative advocacy
Finding a niche that correctly fits your advocacy passion
Asserting oneself clearly which discourages temperament and lashing on other person's character
AOD may impair people's way of living. The aspect of impairment is a contributor to an individual's complexity in thinking and acting. Alcohol and other drugs may affect a person's mental setting. The core aim of the model is to improve the delivery of treatment.
Chronic disease is a long term illness that needs to be treated using therapy. The chronic disease contributes a lot to complexities in people with mental illness. Come of the chronic illnesses include stroke, heart disease, and lung cancer, among others.
Economic circumstances are another contributing factor that leads to complexity in people who have a mental illness. Economic circumstances affect the legislation of the models that link to mental health. People may have a mental illness when subjected to adverse economic circumstances.
Education also may be among the factors that lead to complexity. Education and mental illness are linked together, and their legislation may lead to mental torture and ill-health.
Family violence is a condition whereby family members are not at peaceful coexistence with each other. People may get mental torture from this aspect and may be a contributing factor to a person's complexity.
Cultural safety is a reasonable practice in nursing of an individual or family from another culture, which is dogged by the person's family (Garrett, 2018). Several strategies enhance the abilities to be culturally safe, and they include reflections on one's culture, beliefs, and attitudes towards other people, value-free, transparent, respectful and open communication with others, trust development, and finally, accepting and avoiding all barriers based on stereotypes. Other strategies include accepting the effect of culture shock and preparedness for two-way engagement with others in a dialogue where there is sharing of knowledge. Safety may include spiritual, physical, emotional, and social wellbeing.
Active listening is the process through which individuals secure information from other people or a group of people (Nave, 2018). It comprises being attentive while engaging in a conversation, proper turn-taking, and trying to understand what the other speaker is putting forth.
Body language and non-verbal communication include facial expressions, hand gestures, nodding in acceptance, among others. Understanding and interpreting body language helps people in understanding unspoken issues, negative feelings, and problems. They are also used to strengthen verbal messages.
Paraphrasing in communication and counseling occurs when the councilor states what the consumer has just said. The counselor does this by saying it in fewer words but maintaining the meaning as per the client. This skill is useful when attempting to replicate what the clients just said.
The nostalgic feeling is a therapeutic technique which social workers and counselors exhibit to their clients. It determines the emotions and feelings of a person's body language and verbal while reflecting those feelings to the client.
Open questioning is whereby the interviewer asks a question that requires some explanation as a response. Closed questioning is whereby the responses are usually one word. Open questions usually begin with words like how, why, what, among others.
Summarizing is a skill in counseling used to crystalize and condense the significant points from the clients' feelings and words. During summarization, the counselor reflects the session's main points to accord the client opportunity of recapping.
Reframing is a familiar technique counselors use to shift the view of the client on a particular event, person, or a problem. Reframing holds the assumption that if the clients view the situation in another perspective, the probability of finding alternative solutions hike. The opportunities for alternatives also increase.
Exploring options on counseling entails evaluation of the client's understanding of the subject matter at hand. When these options are analyzed, people get information useful in making the right decisions. Options may involve choices of alternative and the best counseling time, and the questions to be used during counseling.
One of the best ways of heartening a patient is through the use of statements that assure them that they are not the only ones that are facing that particular problem. Therefore, this can be achieved through the use of normalizing and general statements about the issue at hand.
Conflict resolution is the process by which two or more warring parties work to find a solution to the existing disagreements among then. Conflict resolution takes effect when disputes occur, and the best way to resolve the conflicts is through negotiations. Negotiation is geared towards coming up with a solution that all parties agree; it operates swiftly in finding an amicable solution and also is geared towards improving the relationship that exists between the conflicting groups.
Reflective practice, as defined by nursing scholars, is the process of creating a sense of all solutions, events, and actions within a workplace (Horton-Deutsch, 2017). All nurses and medics should have reflective practice because it is a crucial aspect of this profession. Several models are useful for nurses and medics and which support their reflective practice in their practice as clinicians. Reflective practice can be done by an individual, workgroups, or a mix of the two. Reflective practice is considered imperative because it is a process of enquiring whereby the educators mirror on their situation and have a clear thinking of what can be changed. It is also important because it creates an understanding of how things that happen daily influence and shape thinking in decision-making. Therefore, reflective practice is not a one-time event but is a cycle of ongoing learning. It is also essential as it makes the nurses think creatively about the activities that they are undertaking and know their strengths and weaknesses. It also shapes behavior for daily interactions.
Information on patient medical history
Information about alternative medications that can be administered to a patient with mental problems
Information guiding the patient's safety and the actions that can be taken to effect and conceal private patients' data.
The term citizenship concerning mental health work is defined as the promotion to rights, roles, responsibilities, and relationships of people who are suffering from mental illness and, according to them, a sense of belonging. The other sound citizens always validate that. A democratic community offers all these aspects to all its members via public and social institutions. The term is also founded on associational life, social groups and networks, and finally, voluntary activities.
The righting reflex explains the propensity of the health practitioners in advising patients about the right things to be done for good health.
In the second principle, patients have their reasons for change rather than being forced by medical practitioners; this will lead to a change in behavior.
Listening with empathy is another principle which perceives listening as an essential skill in defining what will motivate the patients as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the situation
The last principle is patient empowerment, which is perceived to improve the patient outcomes when they have actively collaborated with the treatment. It includes exploring ideas of the patients and how they can be changed or improved.
The solution-based approach changes the behavior of people because they focus on the present and future circumstances that affect people and also their goals rather than drawing their focus on past experiences. It is also helpful because the therapists encourage people to develop future visions and accord support as they are determinants of resources, skills, and abilities that will help them attain their vision.
The strength-based approach is a theory of work practice that draws its primary focus on the individuals' strengths and self-determination. The strength-based approach bases its foundation on the aspects of social work. Again the strength-based approach builds strengths of people and sees them as resilient and resourceful when they are faced with hard times and adverse conditions. This approach is centered on results and client run and focuses on individuals' set of strengths. This approach is best considered because the client is the agent of change.
Cognitive behavior therapy draws its focus on current beliefs and thoughts, unlike the other types of psychotherapy, which focus on the past to inform the current feelings (Carlbring, 2018). Cognitive behavior therapy is considered helpful to people having many thoughts and critical beliefs. It stresses the need for identifying, challenging, and changing the person's view of situations. Cognitive behavior therapy, therefore, creates awareness on us about how patterns of thinking form our reality and determine how we act.
Narrative therapy is an alternative method of psychotherapy that helps patients realize their values and skills that are attributed to them. It also equips patients with information concerning their abilities to live these standards so that they may be able to deal with current and future problems. When people realize the abilities and skills bestowed on them, they gain the courage to execute them so that they can realize a positive change. Therefore, this form of therapy can be helpful to individuals if adopted and executed fully to make people more optimistic.
Acceptance and commitment therapy is a type of therapy that assists the patients in accepting any issue that is beyond their control and instead obligates themselves to actions that better their lives (Twohig, 2017). The core processes include recognition, cognitive diffusion, being present, self as context, values, and committed actions.
The acceptance oriented skills are distress tolerance, and mindfulness. Mindfulness is the exercise being conscious at the present moment, while distress tolerance defines how people tolerate pain and situations that are difficult without changing them (Cano et al., 2010). Change oriented skills include interpersonal effectiveness and emotion regulation. The interpersonal effectiveness is how one asks what they want with respect, while emotion regulation is how people reduce emotional pain and change what they can change.
Cano, M. Á., Castro, F. G., De La Rosa, M., Amaro, H., Vega, W. A., Sánchez, M., ... & Schwartz, S. J. (2020). Depressive Symptoms and Resilience among Hispanic Emerging Adults: Examining the Moderating Effects of Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, Family Cohesion, and Social Support. Behavioral Medicine, 1-13.
Carlbring, P., Andersson, G., Cuijpers, P., Riper, H., & Hedman-Lagerlöf, E. (2018). Internet-based vs. face-to-face cognitive behavior therapy for psychiatric and somatic disorders: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 47(1), 1-18.
Garrett, B., & Garrett, B. (2018). An Empirical Framework for Nursing Practice', Empirical Nursing.
Golightley, M., & Goemans, R. (2020). Social work and mental health. Learning Matters.
Heyeres, M., Kinchin, I., Whatley, E., Brophy, L., Jago, J., Wintzloff, T., ... & Tsey, K. (2018). Evaluation of a residential mental health recovery service in North Queensland. Frontiers in public health, 6, 123.
Horton-Deutsch, S., & Sherwood, G. D. (2017). Reflective practice: Transforming education and improving outcomes (Vol. 2). Sigma Theta Tau.
Li, W., Yang, Y., Liu, Z. H., Zhao, Y. J., Zhang, Q., Zhang, L., ... & Xiang, Y. T. (2020). Progression of mental health services during the COVID-19 outbreak in China. International journal of biological sciences, 16(10), 1732.
Mneimneh, Z. N., Heeringa, S. G., Lin, Y. C., Altwaijri, Y. A., & Nishimura, R. (2020). The Saudi National Mental Health Survey: Sample design and weight development. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research.
Nave, G., Minxha, J., Greenberg, D. M., Kosinski, M., Stillwell, D., & Rentfrow, J. (2018). Musical preferences predict personality: evidence from active listening and facebook likes. Psychological Science, 29(7), 1145-1158.
Rodgers, M., Dalton, J., Harden, M., Street, A., Parker, G., & Eastwood, A. (2018). Integrated care to address the physical health needs of people with severe mental illness: a mapping review of the recent evidence on barriers, facilitators and evaluations. International journal of integrated care, 18(1).
Solomon, B. (2019). The Experience and Meaning of Recovery-Oriented Practice for Nurses Working in Acute Mental Health Services: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study (Doctoral dissertation, Auckland University of Technology).
Takeda, A. J., Maher, T. J., Zhang, Y., Lanahan, S. M., Bucklin, M. L., Compton, S. R., ... & Pittaluga, S. (2019). Human PI3Kγ deficiency and its microbiota-dependent mouse model reveal immunodeficiency and tissue immunopathology. Nature communications, 10(1), 1-12.
Twohig, M. P., & Levin, M. E. (2017). Acceptance and commitment therapy as a treatment for anxiety and depression: A review. Psychiatric Clinics, 40(4), 751-770.
Wells, H. (2020). What influences people who have experienced a major depressive episode to take part in therapy? (Doctoral dissertation, University of Otago).
World Health Organization. (2019). Civil society organizations to promote human rights in mental health and related areas: WHO QualityRights guidance module.
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