The Indigenous population has been facing inequality in the health care sector which has increased complication due to poor distribution of the resources that is not able to address the specific need of the population (Curtis et al. 2019, p. 1). Cultural safe care is important to respect and incorporate the different cultural values in the care to address the cultural need of the diverse population. Collaboration with the patient helps to improve the equity in the health care sector that is important to address the need of the Indigenous population (Doran et al. 2019, p. 2). The essay is going to reflect over one of the incidents that help to understand the importance of Holistic care approach with the Indigenous population.
The incident is about one of my clinical placement experiences that helped me to improve my future clinical practice. I belong to an Indigenous cultural background that increases my credibility to improve the cultural safety in the care as I am considered to be aware of different cultural belief and values of the population. On one of the days of my clinical placement, I was working in the emergency ward where one lady was recently admitted with the complaint of fall which led to an injury to her right shoulder. The lady was so frustrated due to the pain and people surrounding as she also belongs to the Indigenous community that increased her reluctant behaviour. I was instructed by my mentor to conduct the assessment to identify the reason behind the pain. I went toward her then started the conversation by greeting her and then helped her to understand the need for the assessment to identify the issue that can help me to reduce her pain. I utilized my self-determination skills to start the Head to toe assessment in which she was uncomfortable and my cultural competent skills improve her understanding concerning the health status of the patient. During the conversation she was not comfortable to discuss her family medical history then I utilized my cultural competent skill and collaborated with the patient so that she can freely express her issue. Due to my cultural competent communication skills, she explained to me about her family medical history which helped me to connect the reason behind she encountered with diabetes.
This incident reflected that I felt contented by my practical skills as I was able to use culturally safe practise and I was able to help the patient in the emergency department. During my educational curriculum it was emphasised that cultural safety should be one of the priorities when working with patients from Indigenous culture background. I was also devastated that how colonization has increased the inequality that increases the stress of the Indigenous population to use health care services. The inequality and discrimination in the health care sector increase the negative experiences of the Indigenous population and it increases the reluctance of the population to use health care services. I was also determined to use my skills collaboratively in order to increase the comfort of the patient by improving the care perspectives and communication which helped the patient to express her issue.
Cultural safety and competency are important to address the cultural specific need of the patient by improving the clinical practice. Health care professionals are expected to improve the cultural safe environment for the patient that is important to improve the comfort of the culturally diverse population. Cultural safety is important to decrease the disparity of the health care services that decrease the ability of the Indigenous population to utilize the right health care services as per the health status (Kurtz et al. 2018, p. 271). Moreover, the study presented by Jennings et al. (2018, p. 100) added that the Indigenous population face poor health status due to the unaddressed health care need of the population which has directly increased their complication. The health care professional is expected to decrease the irrelevant behaviour toward the Indigenous community and involves in collaboration in the clinical practise to address the cultural specific health care requirement of the patient.
The study conducted by McGough et al. (2017, p. 204) discussed that health care professional are credible to improve the clinical practise and deliver the cultural safe practises to improve the patient health outcomes which are important to decrease disparity. Different aspects are considered to be incorporated in the cultural safe practice that includes cultural awareness, cultural competence, cultural respect and cultural sensitivity. These aspects in the collaboration help the health professional to respect and understand the different cultural aspect that is important to frame the patient care. The cultural safe practise improves the health care professional’s advocacy and collaboration with Indigenous population that helps to decrease the discrimination behaviour in the health care sector (McGough et al. 2017, p. 204).
The incident can be concluded by adding that as a health care professional it is my responsibility to improve the cultural safety in the care. The incident was indeed a happy experience as it improves my motivation to improve clinical practice by collaboration and self-determination that helps me to deliver safe and quality care. The incident helped me to understand the importance of the cultural safe practises while collaboration with the patient. During the care, nurses should use their self-determination skills that are important to take the health care decision concerning the right care to the patient.
I will try to incorporate the different aspect of the care like collaboration, cultural safety and self-determination approach in my future practise that will help me to deliver the right care to the Indigenous population. Nursing and Midwifery Board (2017) proposed registered nurse standard and the standard state that health care professionals are expected to improve the care by respecting the cultural aspect of the Indigenous population and provide collaborative care to the patients. I will try to improve my understanding and incorporation of the registered nursing standard to improve clinical practice by following evidence-based practice. NSQHS standards (Australian Commission in Safety and Quality in Health Care 2017) have eight standards one of them is Clinical Governance Standard that state a health care professional is expected to consider the cultural belief of the patient in the care and partner with the patient to improve the care that is important to support patient health status. In my future practise, I will try to consider the different NSQHS standards in the care to improve my clinical practise that will help to deliver safe and quality care.
The essay can be concluded by adding that cultural safe practise is important to deliver the right care to the Indigenous population. The incident is important to understand the importance of cultural safe practise, collaboration and self-determination in the care that helps to improve the patient experiences related to the health care sector. These three aspects are important to improve the perspective of care by increasing patient participation in the care. I will try to improve my future practise by incorporating the different aspect of the care approach that is important to increase the competency with the care and improve patient health outcome. I will utilize the registered nurse standard for practice and NSQHS standard to improve my cultural practise that is important to deliver culturally safe care and effective care.
Australian Commission in Safety and Quality in Health Care 2017. The NSQHS Standards.
Curtis, E, Jones, R & Tipene-Leach, D 2019, 'Why cultural safety rather than cultural competency is required to achieve health equity: A literature review and recommended definition’, International Journal for Equity in Health, vol. 18, no. 174, pp. 1-17. DOI: 10.1186/s12939-019-1082-3
Doran F, Wrigley, B and Lewis, S 2019, 'Exploring Cultural Safety with Nurse Academics. Research findings suggest time to “Step up“, Contemporary Nurse, vol. 55, pp. 1–26. DOI:10.1080/10376178.2019.1640619
Jennings, W, Bond, C. and Hill, PS 2018,' The power of talk and power in talk: A systematic review of Indigenous narratives of culturally safe healthcare communication', Australian Journal of Primary Health, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 100-109. DOI: 10.1071/py17082
Kurtz, D, Janke, R, Vinek, J., Wells, T, Hutchinson, P and Froste, A 2018, 'Health sciences cultural safety education in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States: A literature review', International Journal of Medical Education, vol. 9, pp. 271–285. DOI: 10.5116/ijme.5bc7.21e2
McGough, S, Wynaden, D and Wright, M 2017. 'Experience of providing cultural safety in mental health to Aboriginal patients: A grounded theory study', International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 204–213. DOI:10.1111/inm.12310
Nursing and Midwifery Board. 2017. Registered nurse standard for practice.
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