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The Last Year of Life

Discussion 1

In the module of the 'Surprise Question' along with the end-of-life trajectories, it is important to link wit the geriatric rehabilitation that would be hard to achieve and bear it sometimes. I agree with the opinion shared and with to follow what has been related to the ageing process that could be identified to the co-morbidities with the ageing. It is important to identify and focus over the normal baseline that can function and link to the key challenges (Higginson, 2019). The importance of the patients and the families could be linked to the new diagnosis. It is true that the surprise elements are the regular face and has to be identified to the today’s world of experience. The appropriate time and the palliative care needs can be recognized to every day with the initiate palliation. The goal is to provide the necessary care needs and to link with the unmet palliative care needs for the patients and with their experiences. I have also realized, that the palliative care, aims to improve the quality life of the patients and with their expectations (Boggatz, 2020). For example, during the life-threatening experiences, I am necessary to follow the assessment, identification and pain treatment.


Boggatz, T 2020, Quality of Life and Person-Centered Care for Older People. [electronic resource], 1st ed. 2020. edn, Springer International Publishing.

Higginson, IJ & Maddocks, M 2019, 'Service Delivery Models to Maximize Quality of Life for Older People at the End of Life: A Rapid Review', Milbank Quarterly, vol. 97, no. 1, pp. 113-175.

Discussion 2

In the module, I agree with the research findings of my peer and correlate with the clinical practices and with the assessments. Through the routine use of the assessment tools like the Abbey pain scale or the Painted, it is important to link with the nursing care during the end of life. The importance of the clinical practices and the tools helps to understand communication care and also link with the needs (Harstäde, 2018). The pain can be constant, be intermittent and can be checked with the diagnostic tests. In the clinical practice for the patient the pain can be unbearable but for the doctors and the nurses, to known the intensity of the pain, accurate assessment to the pain can depend on the accurate and systemic assessment. Being a nurse part of the palliative care, it is necessary to note the patient needs, outcomes and the assessment pains. Patient-centric approach and to provide the proper care to the patient's individualized needs can help to heal the patient faster. During the end stage of life, nurses should focus on life dignity and provide proper care to the patient needs and outcomes (Antunes, 2020). Through effective communication and supportive care, it is important patient and family.


Antunes, B, Rodrigues, PP, Higginson, IJ & Ferreira, PL 2020, 'Determining the prevalence of palliative needs and exploring screening accuracy of depression and anxiety items of the integrated palliative care outcome scale a multi-centre study', BMC Palliative Care, vol. 19, no. 1.

Harstäde, CW, Blomberg, K, Benzein, E & ?-stlund, U 2018, 'Dignity? conserving care actions in palliative care: an integrative review of Swedish research', Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 8-23.

Module 2 Discussion 2:

In the peer post, I agree with the findings of the loss and the grief found during the patient ending care stage. As one can see, the loss and the grief are inevitable and it is necessary to respond in a certain manner. The death and the grieving is the part of the life, but for the nurses that have been providing the adequate nursing care have to bond and even provide the proper care that can support the emotional relationship (Boissy et al 2018). The nurses during such stage, have to work over the families and the dying patient. It is important to think about the grief process, loss and even provide the time with the painful level of emotions that could decrease. Emotional support for the grieving family is important to support and also to address the key support (Bodnar 2016). At the different stages, the patient can experience the aggressive, crying and the emotional behaviour, the loss through the therapeutic intervention or with the cognitive therapy, need to understand the patient loss and the grief. Not only they have to support the patient but also the family. It is also important for the social worker input to timely counsel and even provides better care plans.


Bodnar, C. A., & Clark, R. M. 2017. Can game-based learning enhance engineering communication skills?. IEEE transactions on professional communication60(1), 24-41.

Boissy, A., Windover, A. K., Bokar, D., Karafa, M., Neuendorf, K., Frankel, R. M., ... & Rothberg, M. B. 2016. Communication skills training for physicians improves patient satisfaction. Journal of general internal medicine31(7), 755-761.


I agree to the post shared by the peer, that provides an insight over the depression and the nursing role in providing better care plans. It is important to be proactive and understand the depression which the patient can experience (Hashim 2017). During the end stages, the nurse's role is to support the patient with the mental, emotional and physical care and overcome the emotional course of the journey which the patient is experiencing. The Nurse role is to counsel and also provide active support to address the grief, understand the low part grief part, which the family can experience. The nurses can collect the information and provide proactive help, through effective communication, behaviour therapy and with the proper routine care plans. The nurse's role in understanding palliative care is to approach and to provide the quality services, improved plans and even provide overall care. The nurse's role is to understand the stages of the life-threatening illness, and with the active prevention and relief to overcome suffering and through the identification assessment. The nurse's role is to provide adequate care in the treatment of pain and with the other defined problems (D’Agostino et al 2017). 


D’Agostino, T. A., Atkinson, T. M., Latella, L. E., Rogers, M., Morrissey, D., DeRosa, A. P., & Parker, P. A. 2017. Promoting patient participation in healthcare interactions through communication skills training: a systematic review. Patient education and counselling100(7), 1247-1257.

Hashim, M. J. 2017. Patient-centred communication: basic skills. American family physician95(1), 29-34.

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