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  • Subject Name : Sports Marketing


A sport is one of the fields that give inspiration to every member of society. It is the best form of physical activity that must be practised by people on a daily basis. It teaches how to develop the character of an individual and help them to understand how to play according to rules. It helps in developing a supporting relationship with one another. The best thing about it is that it emphasis on learning and development over winning. It helps every individual to learn from failure. It not only keeps the person fit but also helps them in the decision making the phase of the individuals. Many people in the world consider sports as life because in both of them people feel good if they are ahead but feel bored and disgusted when they lose or are behind others. Scoring and achieving goals increase the chances for an athlete to become successful in life.

Sports coaching is a very complex task because it may have a negative or positive effect on an individual athlete. Playing sports in the field requires hard work and determination. It can be developed through the right coaching skills and activities(Giulianotti, 2015).Sports coaching is very important to enhance the full potential of an individual within the range of areas. The key reason for sports coaching is to improve the sporting performance of individuals. It is required to encourage positive thinking, teamwork, team resilience and respect for the game. It helps the team members to develop synergies within a team. Thus, it is very important for the development of athletes to develop an environment that helps them grow in this field. The sports learning environment for athletes will help them in gaining the desired success. Until and unless athletes do not feel physically and emotionally safe, they will not be able to develop their skills properly.

It is very important for them to understand the underlying theories of the game(Nicholls, 2017).Theories explained during the coaching sessions will give them a means by which they could be able to evaluate their own performance and also let them know whether they are physically fit or not.A good coaching environment helps the athletes to understand the basic theory of sports. It will also help to keep athletes focused throughout the game. Sports coaching environment is necessary for the individuals to know where they should focus their attention. Sports programs will increase the knowledge and experience of the athletes. Pragmatic sessions are another significant practice that is linked to the current and long term performance of the team members. These practice sessions are designed for the athletes so that they can build their skills and capabilities in such a way that they can perform well during the game.

It is believed that for such practices there must be a proper place and warming environment so that athletes can practice before the final match. Proper time is also important to carry out these kinds of practices. The coach must maintain a balance between time and place for creating a good learning environment. They must fulfil their responsibilities effectively. It is the duty of a coach to ensure that athletes are happy and enjoying sessionsefficiently. Role of a coach vary enormously sometimes he has to act as an instructor, friend, assessor, facilitator, mentor, advisor, demonstrator, organizer, motivator, planner, counsellor, fact finder, supporter, chauffeur and so on. A coach creates the right atmosphere for athletes to learn(Moy, Renshaw, Davids,&Brymer, 2016). He or she must encourage the athletes to not only share their ideas but also encourage them to ask questions. Generally, athletes are highly motivatedand thus it becomes really important to maintain their spirit, excitement and enthusiasm. Whether it is a kid’s football team or a team which is going to play in the Olympics, coaching required in both the condition is same. Coach provides an opportunity to make a difference and also celebrate the success of athletes.

It is one of the most enjoyable aspects of coaching. Coaches must also try to understand the fact that athletes look at them for learning purposes. They should thus practice what they preach and behave in a respectful manner by maintaining integrity for sports and team members. Sometimes the coachwork as a guide to the athletes. He or she guides an inexperienced person by modelling trust and positive behaviour. Coaches have designed different strategies to educate athletes(Rees, Haslam, Coffee &Lavallee, 2015). These include inquiry-based learning, direct instructions, team member monitoring and real-time video analysis. Inquiry-based learning will help the athletes to understand real-world problems by researching, questioning, interviewing and so on. Direct instruction approach depends upon coaching provided by the coaches. In this learning strategy, the athlete does not have many approaches to interact or communicate ideas to the coach.

Team member monitoring is very useful to analyse the performance of every individual. It has been observed that in spite of providing a positive learning environment, there still exists a need to conduct video sessions because immediate feedback through video sessions will be more effective in improving the performance of the athletes. Coach also uses a tailoring approach to meet the needs of the athletes. This approach also develops self-awareness among athletes. Apart from the learning styles, athletes must also have a personal improvement plan. Both coach and athlete must develop a plan such that it can address the performance gap by using suitable strategies. It has also been identified that in a successful learning environment formal feedbacks are given in a structured manner to discuss the progress of every individual member of the team. Feedbacks are given to the athletes so that they can overcome issues that are hindering performances. The best key according to the coach is to communicate consistently with each athlete of the team. The athlete must understand what success looks like and which learning habits should be reinforced.

Constructivism theory or approach

Constructivism approach is a predominant model that has challenged many existing theories of sports. It is the best theory to understand the learning processes in physical education. The term constructivism refers to an idea that learners construct their knowledge for themselves. It has classified the leaning models into three categories that majorly include cognitive, behavioural and social strands(Bada&Olusegun, 2015). It has also been observed that leading coaches have accepted this model and made it one of the most reputable one. Constructivism approach is based on three basic theories which state that learning is an active process, learning is a development process and it is multidimensional. Direct experience, errors and mistakes for solutions are vital for assimilation of correct information. It is also important that how the information is presented and how it is utilized. The development process of the learning states that as the proficiency of the athlete increases they start developing knowledge and understanding on the basis of their experiences in the field.

The development processes of learning basically outline how a performer continues to learn things. The phases of learning processes include perceiving, acting and deciding ways(Amineh&Asl, 2015). The role of perception in the active learning process is to understand what is going on in and around the body when the performer is in the field. It means that the performer has to decide response according to the performance environment. It can be stated that perception is an accurate analysis of what has occurred around the body and its parts. The performer receives sensory information from the environment. He or she disregards all the irrelevant information and determine the urgency of making decisions for giving the best performance. Constructivism approach extends itself beyond mind and it separates the entire body and all its senses. Learning in such a condition becomes very difficult because cognition occurs in mind. Cognition is not an intra-individual process it is a social process that involves cognizing agents, learners and so on(Ni, 2015). It has been observed that student is active learners. They discover their knowledge and apply them wherever required. Individuals create their own constructive environment through experiences and reflect openly the circumstances. This approach helps the students to develop their understanding of physical education through various experiences.

Some guiding principle of constructivism includes learning as a social activity. Learning of an individual person is associated with connections. Constructivism theory states that learning of an individual should be whole, real and authentic. Constructivism does not refer to a single approach it contains a diverse range of theories for human learning. It has been widely accepted by people all around the world. Physical education is facing many challenges in the current physical education of the students(Jones, Edwards &ViottoFilho, 2016). There is a high need for the institutes to overcome the issues experienced. Curriculum in the schools must include balanced physical education in which student must be able to gain all the benefits of the learning and development processes. Constructivism is a basic theory which has been derived from scientific study and observations. Constructivist theory for learning in physical education points to different teaching practices.

Constructivist teachers encourage their students in such a way that they can easily assess how the activity is helping them in improving their performance and gaining knowledge about the field(Light & Harvey, 2017). This theory also helps the students to increase their skills and integrate useful information based on the reflection process. It does not mean that constructivist theory dismisses the role of the coaches it just means that coaches have provided a means by which an individual can solve their query by themselves without having any interruptions. It helps the players to formulate, test their ideas and draw a conclusion on the basis of the observation and inferences. Thus it can be stated that constructivist theory transforms an individual from passive recipient to active recipient. This theory triggers the players to understand how things work and how to apply knowledge in real-world experiences. It is not a theory which suggests that players need to reinvent the well. It is just a practice to gain knowledge through practical learning experiences.

Reflection upon the application of theory or approach

I had a keen interest in sports activities and this is why I had the ambition to become one eminent sports personality in the world. I started my career by joining a coaching institute where I can learn and develop my skills and represent my country in the entire world. Initially, I was not an easy task. I was not able to understand and learn because I was not aware of the constructivist theory. I did not that until and unless I will myself did not try to learn and gain knowledge, I will not be able to achieve the target which I and my coach and set for myself. Without much practice, I participated in a match. While playing in the field, I realised that I did not have the skills like the other competitors.

I even realised that my team was not able to play well because it lacked team spirit. There were many things which I felt we had to learn in order to defeat others. I and my team lost the match and this resulted in disappointment. But the entire game helped all of us to learn many things. During the practice session, I asked my coach that when we were not prepared for the game then why were allowed to participate with the other team persons. The coach in response stated that if I would not have given you the opportunity to play with competitors you all would not be able to ever understand that learning process in physical education depends on the situations in the field. Until and unless you will not be able to grasp knowledge from your mistakes you will not be able to learn how to play together as a team. That day, I realised that learning process depends on various aspects. It not only depends on that cognitive processes but also depends on our behaviour and social strands of the individuals. I realised that learning is an active process. I person can learn throughout life and still cannot become perfect. So I started making use of all the opportunities which I got to for learning. I evaluated myself on the basis of the previous performances and I realised that after comprehending the meaning of the constructivist theories in sports I was able to perform better than my previous matches. It was all because direct mistakes during the match helped me to improve my skills and abilities. I was then able to make better decisions than the previous matches.

I evaluated that being a student of physical education, a person can develop and learn from the experiences through circumstances. I even observed that constructivism theory is also based on social activities. Many times things which cannot be learned alone can easily be learnt and understood with the help of social activity. Social connections thus play a very important role in the development of individuals(Juvova, Chudy, Neumeister, Plischke&Kvintova, 2015). I even realised the fact that the learning process of an athlete must be real, authentic and complete. It must be such that when a player performs in the match he or she is able to apply all the things effectively in the field. The discovery of the athletes will help them to give a tough competition to other players of the team. It can be concluded from the constructivism theory that it is a very important theory for the development of the sports personality. I could make out that without this theory student and players like me will not be able to perform according to the expectations of the people and target of the coach. It is the foundation theory which becomes the basis of the individual's progress and development in physical education(Mattar, 2018). After the analysis, I realised that constructivism theory must be used by all the coaches in the practice sessions because the performance of the players totally depends upon the learning's and experiences which a person can only get while making mistakes in the field.

No matter how many times you explain and how many times video sessions over the game has been explained until and unless a person learns from his or her own experience he or she is not able to excel in life. I also recognised that training should be attended by athletes on the daily basis so that they can learn each and every little detail about how the game should be played in such a way that the other competitors may only have the option to lose. Constructivism theory facilities learning experience of players. Coaching practitioners must make a connection in such a way that the emphasis on learning and coaching practice simultaneously for the growth of the players in the institute(Nelson, Potrac, & Groom, 2016). Coaching science must include constructivism theory so that everyone can learn and develop sports skills properly.

Constraints led approach

A constraint led approach is a coaching method that follows the principle of nonlinear pedagogy. It is one of the best approaches for teaching and learning physical education. This approach helps the learner to gain information regarding sports activities by manipulating some constraints. It also helps athletes to learn and find a solution to their own problems. There are various constraints that can be manipulated so as to make athletes achieve their goals. These constraints are majorly classified into three categories that are performer, environment and task(Renshaw, Davids, Newcombe& Roberts, 2019). Generally, the constraint-based approach is used by coaches for situational learning of athletes. It is a style of coaching where the coach takes a particular technique and let the players themselves find their answers. Many times it has been observed that coach give information about the scoring system and let them play in the field. They allow them to determine their own practices and solutions instead of telling them explicitly at the beginning of the game. The literature that has been identified for the constraint-based approach suggests that there exists a close relationship between the movement of an individual and that of the environment(Rodrigues, 2017). 

Performer constraints

Performer constraints of an individual are based on physical as well as emotional wellbeing. Physical characteristics include height, weight, somatotype, fitness level, genetic make-up, muscle type and so on. It has been observed that two children in the class may have a different height(Passos, Araújo, &Volossovitch, 2016). This will have a direct impact on the movement of their solutions. Along with the physical aspects, there are some functional effects as well. The functional attributes may affect behaviour, motivation and emotions of the individuals. It has been observed from the study that emotional states of a student have a direct impact on the learning processes of physical education(Nicholls, Morley& Perry, 2016). Apart from physical and functional aspects, there is also a skill aspect which also plays a very important role in the development of a child. Coaches while preparing and designing activities take this into the account. It has also been identified that many of these constraints have very limited control. Awareness about these constraints will help in the development process of the athletes. Coaches must provide feedback to the players in the practice sessions for their development purpose.

Environmental constraints

Environmental constraints constitute of the physical factors such as the amount of light, atmosphere and noise in gymnasium or sports. Other physical constraints include a park, empty spaces, backyards, alleyways and so on. These environmental constraints play a vital role because they provide early sports experiences of many active children. The importance of these constraints must not be overlooked by the coaches because it is only environmental constraints that provide a non-threatening environment to children for playing and learning activities without having adult interruptions and their interferences.Other than these constraints, social factors majorly constitute peer pressure, social expectations and cultural expectations(Atkins, Johnson, Force & Petrie, 2015). It has been observed that learning of the individuals is strongly influenced by the peer group members.

Task constraints

Task constraints are considered the most important constraint in sports activity. They include the rules of activity, equipment's required for the learning experience and a specific goal that needs to be achieved. It is the role of the physical educators that they modify some equipment’s available for learning experiences along with the size of the playing area. They help athletes in setting goals so that they have the ambition to reach the top. They even enforce specific rules to enhance the performance of the individuals(Seifert, Araújo, Komar&Davids, 2017). Task constraints play a powerful role in influencing learners. Changing or manipulation of the task constraints allow the children to learn optimal patterns for achieving their goals.

Individual, environment and task constraints all of them are necessary to shape the future of an athlete in the right direction so that he or she can achieve their goals in life. Constraints are generally manipulated bypractitioners to make all the conditions favourable according to the requirement. Sports personnel must identify key constraints to help performers overcome the issue of performance rate limiters(Orth, van der Kamp & Button, 2018). All the above-mentioned constraints help the individuals to adapt according to the performance environment and play exceptionally well in the field giving tough competition to other team players.

Reflection upon the application of theory or approach

I realised that construction led approach must be applied by the coaches so that all the parameters can be covered effectively. According to me, the coach must design the coaching program in such a way that athletes can learn and improve their performance. The schools must create an environment by keeping in mind all the constraints so that at an early age, they can get the opportunity to learn and play simultaneously without any interruptions and distractions. A coach must communicate all the important information with the athletes to properly before the beginning of the game. I even realised the fact that every athlete is different from others. They have different needs and thus coach must not train everyone under the same blanket because may a times learners are not able to cope up and thus they even fail to meet the desired target. In such cases, coaches must appreciate the performance of the students and help them to develop their own ideas and interpretations to solve problems.

Through analysis, I identified that demonstrations play a very effective role in making everyone understand abouthow a player should react and how they should perform when they are in the playing arena. Demonstrations act as a solution to the player’s problem(Evans & Reynolds, 2016). Sometimes, they get into a situation that requires advice from coaches. In these kinds of cases, players just have to demonstrate whatever they have learnt in the demonstration sessions so as to assure success. I even realised that with the help of a constraints-led approach that manipulation of factors can help in providing effective coaching. The individual task, environment and performance of the athletes can all be manipulated for more this approach more effective(Headrick, Renshaw, Davids, Pinder, &Araújo, 2015). Different factors discussed above all influence the learning process of the individuals in sports. Through the performance constraints, I acknowledged that it must not be the sole criteria to judge an individual. The learner must be judged on the basis of the skills adapted by him and how he or she is able to adapt in the environment.

The coach must take the practice sessions on a variable basis so that learner can explore themselves and learn to solve their problems through experiences(Seifert, Araújo, Komar&Davids, 2017). The coach must provide feedback on every practice attempt to prevent learner from searching for solutions. Feedbacks will help the learner to increase their own ability and develop skills at every stage of the practice sessions. I clearly comprehended that sports and game intelligence can be developed through competition based activities. However, I still fill a bit explicit with the learning experience and found that a more comprehensive approach is required to teach and make students learn about physical education.

Motivational climate approach

The motivational climate is a psychological environment that provides to motivate athletes for competitions. It creates a positive impact on the intrinsic behaviour and enjoyment of athletes. Qualifications, leadership styles and personality of coaches play a very significant role in the development of players.Motivational climate refers to anatmosphere that is created by coaches, administrators and umpires. The motivational climate is divided into two types that are task climate or ego climate. Task climate is used by the coaches to encourage and motive athletes to focus more on realistic goals. This task is used to congratulate players for improvement and give them feedback to reward mastery of the task. This approach also helps in supporting athlete to achieve the desired goal(Lochbaum, Kallinen&Konttinen, 2017). Theories suggest that athletes who endorse task goals are more confident and resilient than the others. It is because athletes do not have to compete with their skills and capabilities with others.

In addition to this, the coach praises the efforts of the players and also makes them feel good about their performance by giving them some rewards.Ego climate approach is used by the client to compare their performance with other athletes in the group. Coach uses this approach to pressurise athlete to showcase his or her competence in comparison to others. It is the duty of the coach to test competence and norm referencing. Different researchers stated that task climate will have a positive impact while ego climate will have a negative impact on the sports experience of the employees. Coach motivational climate helps the athletes to achieve their goals(Morgan, 2017). The coaches are thus required to employ a controlling pattern of behaviour and autonomy pattern of behaviour. It is the duty of the coach to inculcate leadership styles for active responses and pre-performance motivational behaviours. Task-oriented motivational climatic approach increases self -esteem and physical worth of the athlete. On the other hand, the egocentric approach of the coach increases anxiety and decreases self -esteem and physical self-worth of an athlete. Motivational climate approach helps the athlete to improve themselves. This theory is responsible for achieving success and creating a better atmosphere and satisfaction towards sports. These enjoyments help the coach to make athlete bounded in the sport. Positive motivational climate will also help in improving the relationship with others. Positive feedback is a useful technique to help clients in improving the performance of the athletes. It will also help to gain the trust of the players towards the coach. Positive feedback is used to create specific trust among both the channels in sports(Spruit, Kavussanu, Smit &Jntema, 2018). It has been observed that during practice sessions both the kinds of climates prevail.

Thus, it can be stated that a session cannot be just based on task or ego. It is a combination of both the types of motivational climates. It has been identified that when working with the young athletes, coaches must create a motivational climate otherwise it may have a catastrophic impact on the life of the athletes. They must create a climate in which athletes are more likely to play sports. The major aim of the coaches through motivational climate is to maintain a sporting commitment that is desire and determination to continue sporting practice throughout their lives. These things can be related to social constraints and social participation. Enjoyment is one of the key components of young athletes(Smith et al. 2015). They play for having fun without any pressure. This indicates that young athlete majorly focus is not on outperforming others rather is based on achieving the desired task.

Reflection upon the application of theory or approach

I realised that there are different ways to keep athletes motivated throughout the games. I evaluated that optimal performance of an athlete can be for a very short period of time. During such situations, it becomes very important for the coach to create a motivational climate that would encourage the players to improve their performance and have faith in their capabilities. I even realised that the motivational climate can be established by improving the relationship between coach and athlete. This will not also support the athlete in playing on the field but will also develop some form of trust in one another(Curran, Hill, Hall& Jowett, 2015). An athlete can accomplish the entire task if he gets an intrinsic motivational environment. I found that ego motivational climate was not appropriate to approach as it was not only decreasing the performance of the individuals but was also making them feel as if they do not have the capabilities and skills to perform well in the match or competition. Ego climate approach was increasing anxiety among the players. It resulted in team performance in the game. Individuals start focusing on their career and thus they forget about the fact that they are playing as one team, not as individuals. This is the main reason for the loss in the competitions, especially in international matches. I even realised that the motivational climate can bring more success thannon-motivational climates. Negative feedbacks from coaches can have a negative impact on the performance and emotional states of the playersGarcia-(Gonzalez, Sevil, Aibar, Murillo & Julian, 2017).

It is thus important that the coach must assign task according to the capabilities and performance statistics of the athletes so that they do not feel frustrated for not achieving their targets. In addition to this, I also identified that it is very difficult to apply motivational climate throughout the practice sessions sometimes it is also required to scold the players for their mistakes so that they do not make it a habit. According to me, task-oriented and egocentric motivational climate both helps in enhancing the performance of the players in the field. The organization and coaches of physical education must foster goal orientations because individuals participating in sports activity are driven by motives to win. Mastery climate refers to the performance structures which are developed to foster normative comparisons and intra-team competition(Nicholls, Morley & Perry, 2016). I observed in the findings that elite level athletes describes mastery climate as one of the main reason for individual and team success. I evaluated that mastery climate coherence adjust well with the pattern such as efforts and training. According to me, the motivational climate reduces the outcome of failures by reducing anxiety, stress burnout; drop out pressure and so on.I realised that it is not at all enough to just focus on the task development and efforts. There are several other factors that play a vital role in providing support to athletes.

A TARGETtool is used by the coaches to enhance the performance and perception of the athletes. This model is developed by Epstein to sports mastery-oriented environment. It is considered as a better learning and developing environment framework for players and athletes. TARGET comprises task, authority, reward, grouping and evaluation. Task helps the athlete to focus on the learning environment whereas authority allows the athlete to participate in the decision-making process. Reward improvement process is used to encourage players so that they can perform well during the match. The core objective of the reward system is to avoid social comparisons, especially negative ones. Grouping also plays a very important role to create a corporative learning environment for individuals and team sports. I realised that if athletes will work together they will be able to solve various problems and challenges together rather than competing against each other. Evaluation is another technique that is used by the coaches to evaluate the progress and development of the individuals.

Timing framework provides some amount of time to master and develop the required skills. Time is very crucial for a coach to implement the above targets easily. According to me, this model will help the coach to establish a better learning and development environment. The motivational climate helps athletes to understand that coaching and efforts matter a lot in the success of an individual or a team(Morgan, 2019). A systematic approach for motivational climate will be beneficial for athletes and coaches for both competitive and non-competitivelevels. I recognised that the best athletes will develop and perform best when they get a motivational environment. It helps them in taking the best decision on the field and help in excelling into an elite level. There different levels of competence some of which include dispositional goal environment, contextual goal climate and state goal involvement. Motivational climate will help athletes to focus on their given tasks. It will also help those to corporate with follow team athletes and coach in the field. I analysed from the theory that self-regulation is a key to the success of an individual and that of a team.


Coaching is defined as art to design a program in such a way that it provides an opportunity for learning physical education. Sport is a very complex field because it may have both positive and negative impact on the growth and development of the athletes. Physical activities not only help in keeping fit but also help in decision-making purposes during the match. There are different approaches used by the coaches to improve the performance of the others. This assignment has majorly emphasized on the three approaches of sports these include constructivism theory; constraints led theory and motivational climate theory.

Constructivism approach is the basic foundation of coaching which is adopted by coaches so as to ensure that children can learn from their experiences. It is the best technique for players to develop their cognitive thinking process and make the most accurate decisions based on past learning experiences. It has been identified from the analysis that constructivism approach does not degrade the importance of the coach or a teacher it is just that it provides an opportunity to the athletes to learn directly from their mistakes and faults. It is a curiosity based approach that helps the athletes to solve their complex problems on their own. Sometimes in spite of coaches, athletes or players are unable to outperform even the coach is unable to find a solution to their problem in such cases this approach proves to be beneficial.

Constraint led approach is one of the best methods for embarking on the journey to nurture physical literacy for physical education. This approach is used to manipulate the constraints in such a way that it can help in leading towards the growth and development of the athletes. Performance or individual constraint of this approach is used to evaluate the performance of the athletes. Feedbacks are provided by the coach to the individual performer so that they can improve their weaknesses and transform them into their biggest strengths. Task constraints are used for the athletes so that they can at least achieve the task provided them by their coaches. Environmental constraints are also laid emphasis because without them an athlete cannot learn, play and grow simultaneously. Environmental constraints are the physical factors which constitute in creating a positive energy filled environment. It has been identified that all the above-mentioned constraints are necessary for enhancing the performance of the athletes in sports activities.

Motivational climate approach is the best method to overcome dissatisfaction of the athletes. It is used to encourage young athletes so that they can outperform by extending their strengths and capabilities. The motivational climate is itself classified into two categories. These include task-based motivational climate and ego based motivational climate. Through analysis, it was identified that the task-based approach is best for motivating the elite athletes towards success. Task-oriented climate approachis used by coaches so as to meet the realistic goals of the athletes. It is generally used by the coach so as to congratulate the athletes on their good performance. It is used to achieve the specific goals of the athletes. In addition to this ego-based motivational approach is also applied by the coaches so that athletes can compare themselves with the others. Although, this approach is not beneficial because it has this approach leads an athlete towards depression, anger and frustration. They start comparing their capabilities with the others and thus they get dissatisfied with themselves. It has been observed that the core objective of ego-based approach is to enhance the performance of the athletes but it fails to do so. It has been observed that ego approach have a negative impact on thegrowth of the athlete.

After analysis, it has been identified that all there approaches are very important and have their own meaning. All the above-mentioned approaches can be used by the coaches to provide a positive sporting environment for the athletes where they can play and learn together how to win a match even when the opposition is stronger.

These theories must be applied slowly in the environment. They must be allowed to construct their own thoughts and ideas so that they can use them for making decisions in the field. In addition to this, the coaches must enforce the constraint led approach also because it will help them to cover each and every important part that might get missed. For example, it will help the coach and athlete to improve the performance of the individuals by assigning such task which can be easily achieved under the most suitable environment. Apart from this, it is the responsibility of the coach to create a motivational climate throughout the practice sessions and on the field. It will not only help the coach to encourage the team members to achieve their task but will also help them to overcome the challenges experienced by them. Thus, it can be stated that all the approaches have their own importance the coach must select them according to the situation of the game and psychology of the athletes who are going to perform in the field. If there is a need of constraint led approach then they must impose this theory during the sessions and if athletes are nervous and disappointed with theirperformance then coach must implement motivational climate approach. Sports are an activity which requires determination and confidence to strive towards success in the competition. If athletes follow the instruction of the coach properly then nobody can stop them from winning the game in any circumstances.


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Atkins, M. R., Johnson, D. M., Force, E. C., amp Petrie, T. A. (2015). Peers, parents, and coaches, oh my The relation of the motivational climate to boys intention to continue in sport.Psychology of Sport and Exercise,16, 170-180.
Bada, S. O., amp Olusegun, S. (2015). Constructivism learning theory A paradigm for teaching and learning.Journal of Research amp Method in Education,5(6), 66-70.
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