The Introduction begins here: Orientation, identifying the topic and purpose of the essay; thesis statement; the summary outline of the argument. Do not use headings unless specified.
Mental illness accounts have been observed in Australia with the phenomenal growth of the 12.9 per cent that has accounted to the total disease burden (Khalsa, 2018). In Australia even though the awareness and the general attitude to cure have been high, still there has been a lack of the treatment and the checkpoints, that has neglected the health of the people. Mental disorders come after cancer and cardiovascular disease. With the rising mental problems and the rate of seeking help has been wide, due to the stigma attached to it. It has also impacted the mental and the physical health outcomes of the people that have been affected by the people outcomes due to the mental illness. Particularly, the attitude of the Health professionals, like the mental health professionals, should remain in the first point of contact with the health workers and it is important to seek help and support all the time. The health professionals attitudes towards people with mental illness can reinforce the stigma for the group of people experience.
Due to the deteriorating mental health problems, the healthcare professionals have also impact and the deteriorating negligence towards the vulnerable population. The report by the Wahl and Aroesty-Cohen (2010) has addressed that the health care professionals, especially the counsellors and the mental health practitioners have to change their attitudes towards mental health issues. The same mindset should be changed with the governmental organisation (NGO) sector that has always ignored and considered the negligence and lack of the duty of care by the health professionals’ attitudes. It is important for the changing attitudes that could correct te]he perspective of the psychologists, psychiatrists and even for the general practitioners (GPs) that could treat the mental illnesses and has also experienced the inconsistent result. The research has indicated the change in the mindsets of the public attitudes and survey shows, that the public has a less positive attitude towards the mental disorder people then to the general public. The mental called services has significantly grown and there have been approximately 5.3% of the government health spending. still, the changing perspectives and the mindsets can change only with the regular awareness campaigns, promotional awareness and even with the training and supports. The health care budgeting by the government has accounted to the 5.3 per cent towards the health spending, subsequently with the 3.9% in the private psychiatrists account and further accounted to the 3.6% in the GPs accounted within the budget, while for the NGO the funds only accounted to the 6.6 per cent that follows under the government mental health spending during 2011.
Even with the change in the awareness and the social campaigning, the government is actively seeking support form the NGO sector that has actively been working with the mental health practitioners and him expenditure to create the awareness and the health spending has grown from the 2.1 per cent to 9.3 per cent of funding during 2001-2011 (Department of Health and Ageing, 2013). As per the World Health Organization (2008), the same has been suggested by the NGOs, that has even described by the informal community care (Bao, 2018), that have noted to be a part of the mental health support services to promote the strategy for the support of the people with mental health issues. But with the substantial attitudes of the mental health practitioners, they receive low support in comparison to the other health practitioners who have been working (Evans, 2018).
In comparison to the Australian, there are approximately one-quarter of U.S. adults that have actively aimed to provide the mental health diagnosis likes anxiety or depression and they have been experiencing emotional distress. The US has so far experienced the phenomenal highest rates that have accounted to the 11 high-income countries. Even with US adults who have been actively working to seek support for the emotional distress, the US health practitioners have been proactively working o the problem. But in the USA the problem lies in the lack of access or affordability issues (Bao, 2018). In the USA the problem of the emotional distress can be handled through the social and economic needs belonging to the global. The mental health practitioners as per the report are aware of the emotional distress outcomes, but still, they have shown the worst mental health along with the outcomes and has also accounted to the highest suicide rate and even showed the second-highest drug-related death rate (Khalsa et al, 2018). The country has shown relatively low participation and low workforce from the mental health workers, especially in the psychologists and psychiatrists. There is approximately one-third of U.S. primary care practices that have indicated the mental health professionals to have the percentage of the 90 per cent affecting the Netherlands and Sweden (Bao, et al, 2018).
Mental disorders have also accounted to the major economic burden, Even in the country like the USA, where there are approximately 25% rise in the mental cases and the mental health practitioners are encouraged with the various support and the diversified field, still, the mental health problems have been a major burden diease and it has remained largely underestimated and underappreciated. Globally, there are 30% of the population that has shown the mental disorder, which remains untreated due to the lack of the awareness and within the population affected that there are over two thirds who do not even get the adequate care. There are approximately 14% of the problem affected with the global disease burden and it has accounted to the neuropsychiatric disorders, such as the expression, problem of the alcohol-substance abuse along with the psychoses. Within the USA, there are on an average of the 57.7 million adults experience that has shown the mental disorder annually, along with the problem of the 1 in 17 people that have suffered from the mental health condition (Li, et al, 2020). In the USA, there is the lack of acceptance and also lack of the awareness of the problems, Even globally there are depression cases of approximately 154 million, schizophrenia 25 million, along with the problems of the alcohol use disorders 91 million (WHO, 2002).
The problem has arisen with the 15% by the year 2020, and there have been mental disorders (depression, anxiety, along with the substance-related disorders that are more affected, but the mental health practitioners have the low support in comparison to the other patients that have accounted to the AIDS, heart disease, affected with the traffic accidents and wars (La, 2020). In the USA there have been low services that have been given to the patients and there are gaps in the services.
In comparison to the care, both the Australian and US healthcare systems are complex and also have limited models of care and practice. While the Australian care has the Medibank and in the USA it is the OHS that covers the multispecialty practices (Li, 2020). Additionally in the USA, the Affordable Care Act aims to strengthen the insurance coverage for, and provide the active support for the mental health care and overcoming the considerable gaps (Evans, 2018). In Australia, the through the quality services and the practices, the focus is on the private practice funding model. Australia has the model of the Ochsner's group practice model that could integrate the patient-centred approach to provide better quality care, having the transparency and even attaining the patient satisfaction along with the access to care, that can allow the care. In the USA, as such, there are the treatment models and to use the programs like assertive community treatment along with the coordinated speciality care that aims to provide optimum care. In the USA and Australia, the problem is of the structural capacity that could correct the mental health needs, for the better workforce numbers and provide active care.
In the countries like Australia and the USA, the first-level setting that could be provided for the mental health care for the mild-to-moderate conditions, like of the depression or anxiety. In Australia, there is a support of the local government's fund and through the active multidisciplinary mental health teams, while for the USA it is the coordinated speciality care. Both of the countries face the Coverage and affordability barriers (Li, 2020)
The steps have been removed from the cost-related access barriers that could provide the better care with the mental health and to treat the substance use, Such as Australia, has the waiver of the copayments for care that aim to provide the long-term chronic mental illnesses, for example, the bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, along with the severe forms of anxiety along with experiencing the depression (Yao, 2020). Australia has tried to revise and remove the cost barriers to care that could treat the children and youth, but in the USA, the children under the 18 are not encouraged to pay for the mental health treatments.
Schizophrenia is known as the most 0.3–0.7% of people that have suffered during their life and there approximately 21 million people globally (Yao, 2020). The treatment has been dependent on the country to country with the set of methodologies and with the precise methods to diagnosis and provides the optimum care in the population, In the USA, there are approximately 397,200 hospitalizations and there are approximately 88,600 (22.3%) that have accounted the same treatment for the 30 days (Yao, 2020). In the Australian and the USA, there has been DALYs showing the 1% global rate of the schizophrenia cases that have shown double figures in the past 5 years (Yao, 2020). For example, there are approximately half (45%) of U.S. adults that have shown the signs of emotional distress, but the rate of care has been minimum or negligent. The same has been shown as the concern in Australia where the schizophrenia cases are at 25%, but the rate of ignorance and the treatment has been high (Yao, 2020). In the USA and the Australian, the problem has been seen in the low attainment of the money for housing or food. The USA and the Australia patient hs also shown the lack of unmet social and economic needs.
In Australia, Medicine the form of the treatment is to give the Antipsychotic medicines and to also overcome the hallucinations and delusions. A recent Australian has shown the 6-month and lifetime prevalence that could overcome the substance abuse problems with the people that has shown the 26.8% and 59.8% (Tandon, 2020). The treatments have been apart forming the medicines to the doctor care and there have been approximately best regular appointments that could be provided with adequate care. In Australia, the treatments have also been to closely monitor to the patient health wellbeing and to provide the optimum ways to care and treat in the Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), address through the supportive psychotherapy along with the family therapy. The community support, the problem has been of the mental health services that could advance and support in the people with a stable environment, relationships and also for the recovery. Australian medical care has been for the physical health problems that could advance and work with the wider community and how to educate them to make them healthy. The treatment is of the symptoms can be of seclusion or through substance use (Patel, et al, 2018).
In the USA, treatment is done with the acute phase of schizophrenia is that is given with the therapy of the maintenance done through the increasing socialization along with providing for the self-care and mood (Lai, et al, 2020). The same treatment can be maintained through the prevention through the relapse, and with the second-generation (atypical) that could be provided by the antipsychotics (SGAs). The use of the clozapine can be used as the first act of treatment and with the risk of agranulocytosis. The treatment is done with the (typical) antipsychotics (FGAs) that has been associated with the extrapyramidal symptoms and there can be metabolic side effects, to treat the overall condition of the patient. Combination therapy is also one of the treatment, apart from the personal counselling and checking patient health.
Restate the main argument outlined in the body of the work. Remind the reader of the strength(s) of the argument, reiterating the most important evidence supporting the argument. Reflect on the evidence presented, or your thesis. Can include: the significance of the findings; implications of the conclusions for this topic and the broader field; limitations to the author’s approach; Suggestions for future research. Remember to match the introduction in terms of the ideas presented and the argument put forward.
A conclusion may spread across several connected paragraphs. Importantly no new information or new ideas are included in the conclusion.
Remove the headings in this document unless specifically requested by the lecturer.
Bao, Y., Sun, Y., Meng, S., Shi, J., & Lu, L. (2020). 2019-nCoV epidemic: address mental health care to empower society. The Lancet, 395(10224), e37-e38.
Evans, T. M., Bira, L., Gastelum, J. B., Weiss, L. T., & Vanderford, N. L. (2018). Evidence for a mental health crisis in graduate education. Nature biotechnology, 36(3), 282.
Khalsa, S. S., Adolphs, R., Cameron, O. G., Critchley, H. D., Davenport, P. W., Feinstein, J. S., ... & Meuret, A. E. (2018). Interoception and mental health: a roadmap. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 3(6), 501-513.
Lai, J., Ma, S., Wang, Y., Cai, Z., Hu, J., Wei, N., ... & Tan, H. (2020). Factors associated with mental health outcomes among health care workers exposed to coronavirus disease 2019. JAMA network open, 3(3), e203976-e203976.
Li, W., Yang, Y., Liu, Z. H., Zhao, Y. J., Zhang, Q., Zhang, L., ... & Xiang, Y. T. (2020). Progression of mental health services during the COVID-19 outbreak in China. International journal of biological sciences, 16(10), 1732.
Patel, V., Saxena, S., Lund, C., Thornicroft, G., Baingana, F., Bolton, P., ... & Herrman, H. (2018). The Lancet Commission on global mental health and sustainable development. The Lancet, 392(10157), 1553-1598.
Tandon, R. (2020). COVID-19 and mental health: preserving humanity, maintaining sanity, and promoting health. Asian journal of psychiatry.
Yao, H., Chen, J. H., & Xu, Y. F. (2020). Patients with mental health disorders in the COVID-19 epidemic. The Lancet Psychiatry, 7(4), e21.
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