Torres Strait Islander people are amoung the only two different indigenous cultural groups of Australia, Aboriginal community are the only another community. The approximate population of Torres Strait Islander People is around 28,000 which is equivalent to one per cent of the total population of Australia (Purdie, Dudgeon amp Walker, 2010). Torres Strait Islander Persons are the persons who are descended from Torres Strait Island or who are self-identified.
World Health Organization defines health as not merely the state of absence of illness rather it is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing of the people. Community health reflects the overall health of individuals living in a particular community or cultural group. Community health is a criterion that defines the way in which people interact with each other and share common resources and sense of identity. WHO defines Social Determination of Health as the conditions in which people are born, grow, work and live which shapes the condition of their daily life (Doyle, Ward amp Early, 2018). WHO has identified ten SDH factors which decide the ability of people to adopt healthy lifestyle such as work, stress and many more.xA
It defines the level of difference in profiles of individuals in any community. Those who are employed at higher wealth producing level enjoy better physical, mental and social health. The social gradient of health between the Torres Strait Islander people and others is among highest in the world (Shepherd, Li amp Zubrick, 2012). Life expectancy of Torres Strait Islander people born in 2010 to 2012 is 10.6 years less in males and 9.6 years in females than the average life expectancy of Australia. Non-communicable diseases are responsible for more than 70 per cent of the health gap in Australia. The social gradient between the health of Torres Strait Islander people and other Australian depict the level of historical treatment which this community has experienced and the present health differences highlight the discrimination with this indigenous community of Australia. Colonization created the barriers for improvement of the health of these people and now barriers have a significant impact on political and economic conditions of Torres Strait Islander people.
Social exclusion refers to the exclusion of any community or individual from mainstream media and economic life. Social exclusion leads to a decline in economic growth and social relation amp power. Exclusion of any group from social resources supports the privileged position of other groups. Many Torres Strait Islander people are also excluded from the mainstream economy and development of Australia. Social exclusion of Torres Strait Islander people is unclear in terms of the number because many of them are included but most of them are socially excluded from society (Lowe amp Yunkaporta, 2013). The reason this topic is not so research is that social exclusion of Torres Strait Islander people is different from other disadvantaged groups of Australia. When studying about the exclusion of Torres Strait Islander people they are included with other minorities hence their research is under-researched. Social exclusion of Torres Strait Islander people for so long time now have created a psychological barrier among the Torres Strait Islander people and another habitat of Australia.xA
For the health of a community, employment is critical factor. Employment not only leads to economic growth but it also provides psychological stability and social status to the individuals. One of the major reasons behind the poverty of Torres Strait Islander people is unemployment among them (Askew et al., 2013). According to the Australian government, in 2014-15 less than half of the Torres Strait Islander people and Aboriginal were employed. In 2014-15 only 46 per cent of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were employed which is less as compared to 52 per cent in 2008. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males were more likely than females to be employed. In 2014-15 only 28 per cent of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander were working full time and 18 per cent were working half time. The unemployment rate was highest among people aged 15 to 24 and lowest among people with age of 55 or above.xA
Although, Australia is a wealthy country food security among Torres Strait Islander people is not yet achieved. Torres Strait Islander people live in remote regions and also in unbar areas but still, they lack the availability of healthy food. The primary reason behind this is lack of access to affordable healthy food and their poverty (Markwick, Ansari, Sullivan amp McNeil, 2014). Most of the health issues faced by Torres Strait Islander people is directly related to non-availability of clean and healthy food to them. Today food insecurity among the population contributes to inequality in health and life expectancy of indigenous people of Australia. xA
Transport and connection with the mainstream economy is the basis of development for any remote section of society. Torres Strait Islander people only have limited access to the transportation facilities of the country (Henley amp Harrison, 2013). The reason for this is that they live in remote regions and islands which are not properly interconnected. Lack of interconnection has caused a great loss of opportunities for Torres Strait Islander people. Australia is a country with a world-class transportation system but it has not benefited much to the Torres Strait Islander people of Australia.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are the two main indigenous populations of Australia but still, they count only for 2 per cent of the total population of the country. The economic and social condition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are far behind that of the non-indigenous population of Australia. Strict policies are needed for improving the economic, social and cultural condition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Better job opportunities are needed by them and for this government needs to improve transport infrastructure in the remote areas of Australia. With better inter-connection, there will be better opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the country.xA
Askew, D. A., Schluter, P. J., Spurling, G. K., Bond, C. J., amp Brown, A. D. (2013). Urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander childrenaposs exposure to stressful events a crosssectional study.Medical journal of Australia,199(1), 42-45.
Doyle, E. I., Ward, S. E., amp Early, J. (2018).The process of community health education and promotion. Waveland Press.
Henley, G., amp Harrison, J. E. (2013).Injury of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people due to transport 2005-06 to 2009-10(No. 85). Cat. No. INJCAT 161. Canberra Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
Lowe, K., amp Yunkaporta, T. (2013). The inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander content in the Australian National Curriculum A cultural, cognitive and socio-political evaluation.Curriculum Perspectives,33(1), 1-14.
Markwick, A., Ansari, Z., Sullivan, M., amp McNeil, J. (2014). Social determinants and lifestyle risk factors only partially explain the higher prevalence of food insecurity among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in the Australian state of Victoria a cross-sectional study.BMC public health,14(1), 598.
Purdie, N., Dudgeon, P., amp Walker, R. (2010). Working together Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health and wellbeing principles and practice.
Shepherd, C. C., Li, J., amp Zubrick, S. R. (2012). Social gradients in the health of Indigenous Australians.American journal of public health,102(1), 107-117.
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