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Communication and Thought

Introduction to Interpersonal Communication in Healthcare

As quoted by the Hippocrates, "Cure sometimes, treat often and comfort always" (Warburton & Choudry, 2018). The words are still effective and worthy for a better understanding of the modern medicine. The demonstration of courtesy, kindness and sincerity with the communication ability of the nurses can lead to effective communication between the patient and the nurses as it is crucial for the proper care of the patient. Many theories are reflecting the significance and module of communication between the nurses and the patients ensuring the development of the interpersonal relationship between the two for effective treatment of patients (Chichirez & Purcărea, 2018). The present paper will provide an in-depth analysis of the effectiveness of these communication theories in the working of healthcare professionals.

Peplau's Theory of Interpersonal Relations: Phases for Interpersonal Skills

There have been different communication theories evolved with time to explain and guide the interpersonal interactions between the nurses and their patients as well as the other healthcare professionals. One such theory which is focused on the nurse-patient relationship is Peplau's interpersonal relations theory discussed in Peplau's Theory of Interpersonal Relations: Application in Emergency and Rural Nursing. (Senn, 2013). With the title of mother of psychiatry nursing, Peplau focused on the discrepancy between what has been taught to the nurses and is actually needed by the patients. The nurse-patient theory is basically provided with different phases of the nurse-patient interaction. Peplau lifted the interaction which can produce the exact picture of the perspective of the patients can be truly effective for the treatment. The efforts of the various researches resulted in coining a term of interpersonal care which was supported by various applied and social sciences. The theory is focused in the orientation phase regarding the questioning by the patient and receiving the explanation and information in that regard from the engagement of the interaction with the nurses (Thomas A. Hagerty, et al., 2017). Participation of the patient in the identification phase of this theory provides the feedback as well as a better understanding of the patient concerning the treatment. The next phase called the working phase, in which the nurses with the help of reflective and non-judgemental feedbacks leads to a therapeutic communication to clarify the thoughts of the patients which are related to their changing health. The most impactful phase of this theory is the resolution phase in which effective communication proves to be an evident act of providing independence to the patients were they no longer needs help from the nurses.

Dyadic Interpersonal Communication Theory: Encoder and Decoder Facilitating Better Communication

One of the Other theories which can be successfully implemented in order to build a healthy communication relationship between the patient and the nurse in order to facilitate the interpersonal communication skills such as listening feedback and questioning is Dyadic Interpersonal Communication Theory discussed in Journal of advanced nursing (Tejero, 2011). This study provides a dynamic interaction process which is comprised of an encoder and decoder. The encoder is the source who has been providing a piece of information which must be understood by the decoder who will be processing and analysing the message in order to comprehend it and understand it. Then the feedback which has been received by the encoder enables the sender to either modify or validate the given messages. This theory is very effective for experienced as well as novice nurses who can act as an encoder in order to communicate using the feedback that has been received by the decoder who will be a patient. With the effective implementation of this theory, the interpersonal communication skills such as feedback, listening and questioning can be enhanced and facilitated between nurses and the patient which ultimately provide healthy interpersonal relationships where the patient will be confident as well as familiar with all the process and procedures of his treatment.

Satir’s Communication Theory and Impact on The Relationship Between Nurses and Patients

Ultimately, there is Satir’s Communication theory, discussed in The effect of Satir brief therapy on patients in a maternity hospital, which provide for the communication which involves the steps of providing clear message which will be received with verbal responses on non-verbal behaviour (Cohen, 2006). The theory provides for the asking of feedback and to act as responsive to the feedback in order to understand the clarity of the message received by the other person.

Analysis and Impact of Good Communication

Good communication between the nurse and patient also lead to the improvement in the quality of care to be provided to patients and it is unavailable right now in order to build a genuine and meaningful relationship between patient and other health professionals (Diamantopoulou, 2009). The above-mentioned theories of communication which clearly encourages listening, feedback and questioning by the patients ensures the good interpersonal communication developed between the nurses and patients which can not only contribute to enhancing the ability to provide patient with individual life care but will also enhance the feeling of love, confidence and safety among the patients which is a very crucial in the recovery and treatment of patient when they are in the healthcare settings (The University of New Mexico, 2016). The effective interpersonal communication skill with the patients enable the nurses to analyse the health care needs of the patient and provide the treatment and conferred as per the need of the individual patient (Bridges, et al., 2103). Effective communication will also lead to the provision of high-quality compassionate nursing care provided and dedicated to the patients which develop a strong basis for the faster recovery of the patient (Bramhall, 2014). The proper communication and interpersonal skill developed in nurses will allow understanding the patient needs in the clinical setting which will further enhance the quality of care to be provided (Kourkouta & Papathanasiou, 2014).

Conclusion on Interpersonal Communication in Healthcare

It is conclusive that the impact of these theories in the development of the interpersonal skill of the nurses facilitating listening, feedback and questioning is likely to improve their professionalism and the quality of care to be provided to the patients. These theories have all the attributes promoting the ability of listing, feedback and questioning between the nurse and patient ensuring the development of the better interpersonal relationship between them The encouragement and inclusion of these theories in day to day activities of the healthcare professionals such as nurses will improve the overall health service offered to the people.

References for Interpersonal Communication in Healthcare

Bramhall, E., 2014. Effective communication skills in nursing practice. Nursing Standard., 29(14), pp. 53-59.

Bridges, J. et al., 2103. Capacity for care: metaethnography of acute care nurses' experiences of the nurse‐patient relationship. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69(4), p. 760–772.

Chichirez, C. & Purcărea, V., 2018. Interpersonal communication in healthcare. Journal of medicine and life, 11(2), p. 119–122.

Cohen, B., 2006. The Effect of Satir Brief Therapy on Patients in a Maternity Hospital.

Diamantopoulou, E., 2009. Parents’ Needs for Information about the Management of their Chronically Ill Children. Nosileftiki, 48(3), pp. 317-324.

Kourkouta, L. & Papathanasiou, . I. . V., 2014. Communication in Nursing Practice. Materia socio-medica, 26(1), pp. 65-67.

Senn, J., 2013. Peplau's Theory of Interpersonal Relations: Application in Emergency and Rural Nursing. Nursing science quarterly. , Volume 26, pp. 31-35.

Tejero, L. M. S., 2011. he mediating role of the nurse-patient dyad bonding in bringing about patient satisfaction.. Journal of advanced nursing. , Volume 68, pp. 994-1002.

The University of New Mexico, 2016. Importance of Communication in Nursing. [Online]
Available at:,provide%20patients%20with%20individualized%20care.&text=Those%20needs%20include%20the%20feelings,a%20patient's%20treatmen
[Accessed 29 september 2020].

Thomas A. Hagerty, et al., 2017. Peplau's Theory of Interpersonal Relations: An Alternate Factor Structure for Patient Experience Data?. Nursing science quarterly, 30(2), pp. 160-167.

Warburton, K. G. & Choudry, M., 2018. End-of-life care: out of darkness, a new light. Future Healthc J.

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