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  • Subject Name : Business Ethics and Sustainability

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability


Answer 2.

Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility


Leadership is a social influence process that aims to achieve public and business objectives. Leadership is a long term process of motivation to build a healthy and contented work environment. A corporation needs a leader who can guide them to the correct path. A leader should be concerned about the growth and sustainability of the business as well as the environment. He stimulates the internal and external factors that create a desire for achieving the objectives of sustainable development. This motivation by a leader brings the most out of the teams to generate high performance and high outputs. An efficient leader is capable of influencing the management and the stakeholders to make decisions that develop a sustainable ecosystem in the business. Leaders can convince the management to imbibe the principles of Sustainability and Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) in the governance of the business. Sustainable development defines the judicious use of resources for present such that it can be available for the future. Sustainability provides competitive advantages to the corporation. CSR integrates environmental and social issues in its operations with its stakeholders. It enables an organization to attain composed economic and social constraints. CSR is a long term procedure applied in an organization. It forms corporate decisions focusing on the target market, goals, responsibilities, ethics, and resources for sustainable development. Addressing these environmental and sustainability issues are a major responsibility of the professionals of the organization especially the leaders. The corporation has to restructure multiple policies and frame new strategies in order to attain sustainability (Howard-Grenville et al., 2017). This reorganization causes complex work culture and reinvention of objectives. The leader and the management thus, have to motivate the team to cope up with the transformations to sustainability.
Leadership in Building Sustainable and Socially responsible business
Leadership and corporate social responsibility can be coupled together to catalyze the sustainability in the corporation. Leaders must have the capability to supervise the complex corporations together with constructing the global scope and scale of the organization. Leaders need to establish farsighted thinking, execution ability, maintain the uppermost ethical standards, and develop individuals at all levels. They ought to understand the industry as an integrated unit of employees, customers, and stakeholders (Rehmani amp Khokhar, 2018). The factors that integrate sustainability and socially responsible business depend on the leader to convince the hierarchy of the organization. Firstly, the chief leader, the CEO of any organization should realize the need of implementing sustainability initiatives. The CEO needs to foresee and encourage the business to do what is right for the organization. A leader should offer moral conviction applied to the leadership skills to achieve the goals. Secondly, the leader should be capable of recognizing the significance of team, clients, societies, and the risks related to the limitations of natural resources and the impact of pollution on the environment. The transformation gives a long term success and ability to deliver profits by comprehending the applicability of sustainability performance to overall performance. Thirdly, the leader with immense experience and proactive attitude will encounter inertia and streamline the resistance of the business to attain overall support from the business (Verissimo amp Lacerda, 2015). The corporate leaders tabulate the triple bottom line corresponding to economic, social, and environmental outputs. Sustainability belongs to the intersection of financial and ethical considerations for the long term maintenance of equilibrium (Savitz, 2013). Economic sustainability considers long-term economic strength over impulsive short-term incomes. With respect to the triple-bottom-line model, huge corporations leaders have the accountability for creating commercial plans that allow stable and prolonged action. Social sustainability respects the sense of balance in employees' work lives and their social lives. The leader should be able to understand the circumstances of the team to provide them with a comfortable working environment. Environmental sustainability focuses on the conservation of natural resources from overexploitation. The business transient to the green alternatives makes it an aware and conscious brand building its reputation. The leaders should be able to manage the short term goals and nourish the long term objectives of sustainability and CSR. The effective leader builds a strong ethical culture that empowers the relations with the stakeholders and the society. Corporate leaders should embrace leadership that CSR exemplifies to confer the practical benefits and environmental impacts (Verissimo amp Lacerda, 2015). A leader builds a collaborative culture by operating people of diverse cultures and genders together and valuing them in building a socially responsible environment.

Answer 4.

Stakeholder engagement to develop sustainable and socially responsible business

The dynamic growth and fluctuation in businesses have led to a concept of value to the employee and the business personnel called the stakeholders. This value has demanded the emergence of sustainability and social responsibility in the organization. Stakeholders are an essential part of a corporation. The idea of engagement involves proactive and inactive modes of engagement. They comprise exposure and lucidity of an organization to its stakeholders, and direct participation, consultation, or affiliation with stakeholders. The employees, customers, local community, suppliers, and shareholder work as a coherent unit of the organization. Businesses need to work on corporate personnel commitments along with financial and legal commitments (Android amp Waddock, 2017). CSR develops a company's insights for its role in society. Stakeholders persevere is one of the keys to the sustainability and success of the business. CSR enables the business to work with a concern with society. A business becomes socially responsible when the business authorities realize that they are not a standalone entity rather they are a part of the environment. This environment affects the business and is in return affected by it. The sustainability initiatives and CSR issues when applied in the decision making of the impacts the three Ps people, planet, and profit involved. Considering these aspects initiates the true start to act in a responsible way (Lopata, Jaeschke amp Chen, 2017). Communicating with stakeholders to realize their requirements and expectations and to respond to them offers enterprises to restructure short, medium, and long-term policies. It also creates a brand reputation for stakeholders and frame new professional opportunities for sustainable operations. The engagement of stakeholders is a complex task as it encounters challenges like interdependency, encompassing diversity, and handling tensions.
Stakeholder theory and Corporate Sustainability and CSR
Edward Freeman reflected the image of CSR as a Stakeholder theory. The implementation of the theory identifies the lives that will be impacted by any operation or decision of the organization. The theory bestows the authority to make moral claims on any stakeholder affected by the organization's action would be inoperable.It maximizes the profit on a collective bottom line (Jones, Wicks amp Freeman, 2017). The profit is not only as money but as human welfare. The worth of the final product of a company depends not only on the monetary profit but also on the foundation of its readiness to engage vigorously with a wide range of stakeholders. The effectiveness of the trial and configuration that the company collectively offers facilitates the engagement process. The collective bottom line is the cumulative effect of the business actions on each stakeholder. Company managers, directors, local environmentalists all act as activists to build a sustainable work culture. Interpersonal communication helps build strategies to minimize the negative impacts of the industry operation. The strategies result in serving the interests of the voices that carry a real force. The CSR decisions help in influencing the investment decisions by the shareholders. These investments become catalysts for the sustainable and socially responsible work environment as it entails the themes of corporate governance and human capital (Savitz, 2013). Environmental issues such as carbon emissions, energy efficiency, fuel consumption, and water stress differ in investment capital. Various participants exhibit roles to gain social and sustainable issues. Shareholders confront the business model and corporate governance comprising the role of the board in risk management, in sustainability audit, and in assessing the Corporate Social Responsibility performance (SierraGarca, ZorioGrima amp GarcaBenau, 2015). The government acts as a regulatory body to build and monitor the public policies and check for their compliance with environmental laws. The professionals address diversity, cultural variation, and work-life balance issues to gain job satisfaction and benefits. They are trained and mentored for employee relations, health and safety to attain high-quality human capital. The consumers utilize the services and evaluate the customer satisfaction that is forwarded by the company. Suppliers enable the green supply chain to attain sustainability and standards to circumscribe the alternatives in various sectors. The community concentrates on corporate compassion and aids the organization offers to execute CSR programs. To achieve a better socially responsible and sustainable business organization depends on wider encouragement and support that builds the powers of stakeholders to employ the CSR outline more extensively. The Support is equipped with the information and skills to reinforce the contribution of stakeholders in principles plan. The Standardization and substantial ideology must be applied by the stakeholders themselves.


Andriof, J., amp Waddock, S. (2017). Unfolding stakeholder engagement. InUnfolding stakeholder thinking(pp. 19-42). London Routledge.
Howard-Grenville, J., Davis, J., Dyllick, T., Joshi, A., Miller, C., Thau, S., amp Tsui, A. S. (2017). Sustainable Development for a Better World Contributions of Leadership, Management and OrganizationsAcademy of Management Discoveries,3(1), 107-110.
Jones, T. M., Wicks, A. C., amp Freeman, R. E. (2017). Stakeholder theory The state of the art.The Blackwell guide to business ethics, 17-37.
Lopatta, K., Jaeschke, R., amp Chen, C. (2017). Stakeholder engagement and corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance International evidence.Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management,24(3), 199-209.
Rehmani, M., amp Khokhar, M. N. (2018). Leadership and Organizational Commitment Mediating Role of CSR.Abasyn University Journal of Social Sciences,11(1).
Savitz, A. (2013). The triple bottom line how todays best-run companies are achieving economic, social and environmental success-and how you can too. John Wiley amp Sons.
SierraGarca, L., ZorioGrima, A., amp GarcaBenau, M. A. (2015). Stakeholder engagement, corporate social responsibility and integrated reporting An exploratory study.Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management,22(5), 286-304.
Verssimo, J. M., amp Lacerda, T. M. (2015). Does integrity matter for CSR practice in organizations The mediating role of transformational leadership.Business Ethics A European Review,24(1), 34-51.
Willard, B. (2012). The new sustainability advantage seven business case benefits of a triple bottom line. New Society Publishers

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