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Introduction to Web Technology



Evaluation and finding.

Innovative features that all ecommerce website should have.



Introduction to Big Data Analytics in E-Commerce

E-commerce is an electronic commerce. It is a business model that lets organisation sell and buy things via internet. There are four types of market segments that is operated by E-commerce, Business to business, consumer to consumer, business to consumer and consumer to business. E-commerce can be carried out through the tablets, smartphones, or computers are the devices or these are digital devices are like catalogue shopping of mail order. Almost all the products which are imaginable are available on the e commerce websites including music, tickets, books and all the financial services like stock investing and e banking that is online banking (Bezhovski, 2016).

E- commerce has helped all the businesses in establishing the business in the market at a wider space and it offers more efficient and cheaper distribution channels for their goods and services. This study describes the business to consumer service that permits the customers to buy directly from the online vendor. The study describes the ability the technical design of two different e commerce websites, and also analysed the non-technical aspects of the two different e commerce websites. The study presents the evaluation of two websites and also some recommendations that help in making the business better. The two websites that is taken in the study is Officeworks and Woolworths.

Evaluation and Finding of Big Data Analytics in E-Commerce

HTML is Hypertext Mark-up Language. All the e commerce websites are based on this language. All the websites used HTML to design the websites, both the website have different kinds of forms, different kinds of registration form that users have to fill while singing up on the websites. This look of the forms, labels depend on thee Hypertext mark-up Language (Wang et al., 2016).

The e-commerce website Officeworks, have different kinds of products like products related to office, products related to art, products related to education, toner, ink and toner, technology, furniture, workplace supplies, services like fruit and milk delivery, business services, marketing services and many more. If anyone wants to purchase anything from this website than firstly the user has to sign up and provide all the details to the company’s website and every detail of the user stores in the database of the company then user can use the website by logging in. there are different kinds of forms available in every website. For instance, the website Officeworks asks for the first name, email address, about you while the user signing up on the website. This is the minimum information asked by any website and this type of registration form also takes very less time in signing up because almost all the users are in hurry so they can sign up vert quickly and become the registered member (Bahnsen et al, 2016). Here is the HTML code for the Officeworks signup page. In this website the password will be generated by the website and sent to the email after registering.

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The other website is Woolworths deals in different products like fruit and vegetable meat, seafood and deli, bakery, dairy, egg and fridge, pantry, freezer, drinks, liquor, pet, baby, health and beauty, lunch box related items, household items and many more. This registration process of the website is different, the earlier website asks about first name, address email, about you then user have to click on the checkbox and then the user get an email regarding the password and other details. In Woolworths, the sign-up page includes first name, last name, email address, and the creating of password option is available on the website only, date of birth and contact number, then the user have to tick on the check box given, after that there is 2 or three questions that user have to tick the correct answers (Chauhan et al., 2017). So each website has different kinds of registration form.

The most important thing that needs to take while developing the website’s registration form that the registration form should be user friendly. So that the person who are not every tech savvy or don’t have much knowledge about the information technology can also fill the form.

Most of the website’s shopping carts have innovative features that help in suggesting the similar products according to the choice of customers. Some websites also offer discounts if the purchase crosses certain amount of money. For example, there are various coupon codes available on the website. The e commerce website Woolworth is giving 10 percent discount if the shopper purchasing the products of more than 2500. In the same way, Officeworks also give some percent of discount if the shopper buy from above a certain limit (Akter et al., 2017). There are some necessary features that websites should have in order to generate more revenue and in order to attract more customers. The features are, the images of products should be large enough so that the shopper can view it from all angles, the reviews of the product should always be available so that the shopper can get the idea about the products they are purchasing. The navigation of the shopping cart should be layered and faceted, it makes the process much easier for the shopper to find what they are looking for.

Navigation helps in dividing the products into sub categories so that the user can easily find the product that he/she is looking for. A good website always shows the sales and analytics reports of the products, it helps the shopper to get to know about the previous sales of the product and the user can easily make up its mind. This function can be integrated with the help of Google analytics. The reports of the sales can easily be exported from the google analytics (Siegel et al., 2017).

Sitewide search facilities area available in almost all the websites. The Woolworth and the Officeworks also provides this facility to search. So that people can easily search about the product as per their demands and needs. It is a more convenient factor for the shoppers to select the items. In Woolworths, similar items are placed under one specific name, for example, all types of fruits and vegetables come under the fruit and veg tab, in store bakery and Packaged bread and Bakery come under the bakery tab. So, this is the way to distribute all products according to the kind of products, it provides convenience to the shopper to track and purchase the products easily. Similarly, in Officeworks, office supplies include all the office related products, art supplies include the art related work and so on. This is very convenient for all the users and the shoppers. The website should be well organised so that the shopper can navigate all the required products easily (Sabate et al., 2017).

Innovative Features that All Ecommerce Website Should Have

  1. User friendly: the main goal of designing the website should be simplicity so that all the users can understand the patterns, labels, pages and forms of the website. A study shows that approximately 76 percent of consumers say that the most important thing in a website is its user friendliness.
  2. Mobile friendly website: The website should support to all kinds of mobile. So that people can access the website anytime, anywhere. In present time, 50 percent of the transactions done through the mobile shopping. Woolworths and Officeworks increased their sales because of the mobile site.
  3. Photos and videos of high resolution: the users and the shoppers want to see various pages of one item, its size, its description and everything about the product. In Woolworths and Officeworks, one image of any product have different or multi pages, so that the shoppers can zoom the images and videos and can see the products from different angles. Images that don’t load at good speed, the shoppers don’t like to see them.
  4. Reviews generated by users : approximate 57 percent of the shoppers use that business or buy that product which has more than 4 stars, sometimes, having negatives reviews on the product actually works in the favour of business and people purchase the products because some people think that the positive reviews are fake and they go for negative reviews.
  5. Wish lists: websites that are not having wish list will not get more profit like those business which is having wish list. People have a habit if making different wish list and save the items in the wish list. It is different from the shopping cart. Shopping cart is different, it is a place for finalised items (Kim et al., 2016).

Conclusion on Big Data Analytics in E-Commerce

The study described about the ecommerce websites. It defined the technical design of the B2C ecommerce websites, also evaluated the non-technical aspects relating to the experience of the end user. It also provides some recommendations so that ecommerce website can increase the profit and can increase the traffic on the website. There are different kinds of ecommerce website. This study defined about two ecommerce websites, one is Officeworks and other is Woolworths. The finding and evaluation is based on these two websites.

Reference for Big Data Analytics in E-Commerce

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Sabate, J. Berbegal-Mirabent, A. Caabate, and P. R. Lebherz, “Factors influencing popularity of branded content in Facebook fan pages,” Eur. Manag. J., vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 1001–1011, 2017.

L. Siegel, K. D. Miller, and A. Jemal, “Cancer statistics, 2017,” CA. Cancer J. Clin., vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 7–30, 2017.

Akter and S. F. Wamba, “Big data analytics in E-commerce: a systematic review and agenda for future research,” Electron. Mark., vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 173–194, 2016.

Bezhovski, “The Future of the Mobile Payment as Electronic Payment System,” Eur. J. Bus. Manag., vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 2222–2839, 2016

A. Chauhan, M. A. Babar, and B. Benatallah, “Architecting cloud-enabled systems: a systematic survey of challenges and solutions,” Softw. - Pract. Exp., vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 599–644, 2017.

Wang, D. K. W. Chiu, K. K. W. Ho, and P. Lo, “Why read it on your mobile device? Change in reading habit of electronic magazines for university students,” J. Acad. Librariansh., vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 664–669, 2016.

C. Bahnsen, D. Aouada, A. Stojanovic, and B. Ottersten, “Detecting credit card fraud using periodic features,” in Proceedings - 2015 IEEE 14th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2015, 2016, pp. 208–213.

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