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Leading and Managing in Early Childhood Contexts 

Introduction to Engaging Parents in Parenting Programs

The responsibility of being an effective and virtuous leader is of immense significance when it comes to early child hood educators as that particular age group requires lot of understanding. It is usually the first time a child venturing out of their familiar household and will need significant amount of attention and direction before they start to trust their immediate environment. Early childhood educators are the first people that children begin to trust and rely upon after their parents. Therefore, the leadership and teaching capabilities of an educator can significantly impact the way a child learns to respond to their environment. An effective leader is someone who has the clarity for their vision and is completely passionate about executing it. in this context, and early childhood leader or educator is someone who is not just intelligent enough to understand the need of the hour but also compassionate enough to tend to the need of that particular age group. The leadership pedagogy or the vison must entail effective programmes that will ensure the holistic development of the child but the educator must have extremely sensible redeeming qualities that cater to the needs of the young children with adequate flexibility and patience.

The Philosophy Behind the Leadership Vision

 Often the demands and rigours of this field only focus on the qualities and expectations set by the national standard. They are often not in tune with the realistic standards that are required to actually help children in their early childhood. When developing a clear set vision. The vision must also entail certain criteria’s that will help not just the ones on the receiving end but also the people doing the job of educating these children. Conducing processes that help in the overall dynamic development of the child in early childhood will also entail critical reflection and introspection on the part of the educators. A fitting commitment where the educator understands the implications of the situation are of immense importance. The vison must be concise enough to include the work flow that allows for staff absences without hindering the development of the child. The vision should be designed in such a way that not only does the leadership vision create exciting learning opportunities of the child but it also enables them to interact, develop their own communication skills and give them the toom to become motivate. Productivity styles, ethics and work culture may vary from place to place, a thorough analysis of the pedagogy must take place so that the educators are clear about their course of action.

Leadership Pedagogy

For the successful execution of a leadership pedagogy in early childhood care concept. Pedagogy is defined as the framework through the which all learning takes place and the field of early childhood care has been seeing a growing amount of interest in the same so as to enhance the organisational structure and quality (Andrew 2009). Individuals who have a very deep understanding of early childhood learning and development patterns can assume the role of a pedagogical leader.

As is the case with any form of learning, early child hood leader who by a pedagogy understand how the development of a relationship between the educator and the child takes time therefore , in their daily practice pedagogical leaders rely on openness, resilience curiosity and purposefulness to cerate to create a framework and culture that focuses more on how the learning takes place for the adult and the child. The pedagogy is based on the understanding that growth and development take time. Hence it focuses methods that allow them to reflect on their teaching practise. Pedagogical leaders are able to critically reflect on their techniques and find the relationship between theory and practice. This pedagogy nurtures their day to day practice. It based on question that the educators can ask themselves to determine how theory informs practice and practice informs theory. Understanding the sensitive nature of the complexities of their work is of utmost importance and mostly pedagogical leaders try to cerate an environment where this kind of through questing is encouraged. They view themselves as facilitators and consider the teaching process as a learning process for themselves too.

Some of the key questions that will be researched and answered through this leadership vision pedagogy are as follows:

  • How can we recognise the individual competencies of the child that go beyond the traditional checklist?
  • How can we enable the curious, learning oriented sensibilities of the children in their early childhood?
  • What kind of activities and discussion will enable the child to understand the significance of impulse control?
  • How can children be motivated to participate in effective peer discussion?
  • What are the activities that we can introduce to help the team building abilities of young children?
  • What are the developments the programme can entail to celebrate the diversity and promote equity and inclusion?
  • How can play and curiosity/ inquiry be incorporated into learning to help the child grow?
  • How do we include family and community in the development process?
  • How do we reflect in a better manner each day after work so as to ensure that next day we can bring in better faculties to help the children?
  • How do we engage with daily environments and settings around the children in way that helps them develop their sensory skills while engaging their lively imaginations?

Leading Family and Community Engagement

An essential part of providing an early childhood vision includes the awareness about the sensitive nature of this age group. It associates the work with learning as much as it associates it with education. Reflection and the provision of safe and positive environment for the child are the two most important factors for this vision. And an undeniable aspect of this association is incorporation of family and community engagement.

 In order to ensure the significant development of cognitive abilities of the child, their overall development has to be considered. This vision focuses on working closely with the parents of the children and community members to ensure a proper holistic development. Collaborations and partnerships are extremely beneficial for children as it helps in the overall development of their perspective. The early environments and interaction settings of child are some of the most significant instances. From building attention span to confronting them with impulse control, collaborative play completely enhances the learning process of kids. The sense of shared knowledge and new experiences contribute to the growth process of the child in the best manner possible. Various studies have shown how collaborations helps children and their families, across diverse backgrounds. During childhood, the educators and tutors of a child are the first people outside family with whom the family collaborates to invest in the education of the child. It is from this relationship that a sense of trust and security is developed as the parents can rely on them to educate their child.

For proper development and awareness about the sense of shared knowledge and team building various community activities will be introduced that give the educators and the parents a chance to interact. Numerous studies indicate towards the need for reciprocity and mutuality in order to build a good partnership that will benefit the young child. Even the teachers participated in these interviews and they equated the level of partnership to amount of willingness the parents had. Our vision understands the fact that shared efforts and working as team are the ways in which the child could feel secure in the new learning environment. The availability and willingness of the parent to get involved in the education and training of the child plays a very important role as it helps in making approach towards learning feel more consistent for the child and we insist on the same. We exercise the aware ness and convey the same to the parents about how just dropping their kids off at the school and checking their homework once in a while is not the solution. These partnerships require actual investment of time by both the parents and the teachers.

Leading Ethical Practice

the job of the educator is in ensuring that the child is able to grow and develop their cognitive abilities and sensibilities in a particularly positive and stimulative environment without having to worry about the things that could go wrong. Educators of early childhood are entrusted with this responsibility and they must ensure that they are ethical and principled every step of the way. they have the responsibility for not just the development of the child but also their safety. They must ensure that they are able to do justice to the faith they have been bestowed upon by strictly following the codes of conducts and protocols of this vision. The vision entails the reflective practice that anyone who has deep understanding of the developmental ways of early childhood can follow. The learning methods used for education of children must be critically evaluated and the teaching methods must be heavily reflected upon so as to ensure that maximum focus is on the positive development of the cognitive and creative faculties.

 The pedagogy of the leadership vision must thoroughly be evaluated so as to ensure deliverance of quality early child hood care. This is mandatory as these are the most formative years of a child’s growth where they learn. Adapt and absorb information at the highest level.

Our vision ensures that we are able to inculcate the core values of honesty, fairness and caring through the learning models. The notion of a “good character “ through display of the aforementioned values will help the child grow and understand the workings of their environment in way that they can process it beneficially.

Developing the sense of knowledgeable communication to show them what it means to be a god human being is of utmost importance a sit will help them imbibe and absorb positive values.

 Concept of integrity should be developed in children as soon as they are capable of communicating effectively. And it is essential that this happens so early in childhood as to avoid any kind of negative behaviour later on. It is the responsibility of the early childhood educators to hep little children differentiate between what is good and what is bad. Promotion of effective and inclusive learning activities whilst celebrating the diversities in the student population will also help in setting a good example where the children can learn while following the behaviour of the educator.

This places an ethical responsibility on the early childhood educators and leaders of conducting themselves in way that ensure the development of the child in a positive direction and helps them differentiate between their impulses and behaviours. It is also very important for educators to conduct themselves in a manner that is never compromising or threatening for the children.

Leading the Early Childhood Profession

 Leading in the early child profession requires clarity, precision sensitivity and ability to critically reflect and evaluate on their activities. Individuals who have the ability to look back on their actions and give a framework to the ambiguous work setting will ensure the delivery of better quality early child hood care and education. Leadership in this context will entail the execution of the pedagogy to its highest potential while being sentient to changing sensibilities of the young growing children through each of the sessions. The leader must also ensure effective links to family and community in order to initiate a holistic development for the child.

Conclusion on Engaging Parents in Parenting Programs

Through this essay we have developed a vision that enhances the creative faculty of the child through not just development of their cognitive abilities but also through social sensibilities. The critical reflective stance if the educators helps them to become better educators while Relationships-based family engagement are also encouraged. These require skills in communication, a humanitarian and value-based approach in which trust, empathy and time play a large part (Roberts, W. 2017). Each of these factors must be recognised and utilized to form a common ground between all the stake holders that can help them implement effective education care for children.

References for Engaging Parents in Parenting Programs

Axford, N., Lehtonen, M., Kaoukji, D., Tobin, K., & Berry, V. (2012). Engaging parents in parenting programs: Lessons from research and practice. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(10), 2061–2071.

Roberts, W. (2017). Trust, empathy and time: Relationship building with families experiencing vulnerability and disadvantage in early childhood education and care services. Australasian journal of early childhood42(4), 4-12.

Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). (2011). Introducing the National Quality Framework. Retrieved 1 June, 2016 from

Lemon, N., & Garvis, S. (2014). Encouraging reflective practice with future early childhood teachers to support the national standards: An Australian case study. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood39(4), 89-94.

Rouse, E., & O'Brien, D. (2017). Mutuality and reciprocity in parent–teacher relationships: Understanding the nature of partnerships in early childhood education and care provision. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood42(2), 45-52.

Pushor, D. (2012). Tracing my research on parent engagement: Working to interrupt the story of school as protectorate. Action in Teacher Education, 34(5–6), 464–479

Wilson, A. (2020). A Study of Empathy and Teacher Self-Efficacy Among Preservice Early Childhood Educators.

Moore, T. G., & Skinner, A. (2010). Background paper: An integrated approach to early childhood development. Paddington, NSW: The Benevolent Society.

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Rouse, E., & O'Brien, D. (2017). Mutuality and reciprocity in parent–teacher relationships: Understanding the nature of partnerships in early childhood education and care provision. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood42(2), 45-52

Miller, L., Cable, C., & Devereux, J. (2005). Developing early years practice. London: David Fulton Publishers Ltd.

Krathwohl, D. R. (2002). A revision of Bloom’s taxonomy: An overview. Theory Into Practice, 41(4), 212–218.

Coughlin, A. M., & Baird, L. (2013). Pedagogical leadership. London: London Bridge Child Care Services & Karwartha Child Care Services

Heikka, J., & Waniganayake, M. (2011). Pedagogical leadership from a distributed perspective within the context of early childhood education. International journal of leadership in education14(4), 499-512.

Remember, at the center of any academic work, lies clarity and evidence. Should you need further assistance, do look up to our Early Childhood Assignment Help

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