In this essay, a critical analysis of the issues associated with the recruitment and selection process in an organization is done. The essay begins with analyzing the present position of the recruitment process of various organizations. It then goes on evaluating the problems and challenges in this process. A critical identification of the relevant steps in the process of selection and reasoned judgements have been made. The essay also provides recommendations to smooth out the process of selection and make the recruitment more efficient for any organization. The essay ends with providing a conclusion on evaluation and appraisal of the selection process among different organizations along with giving insightful results of the research.
Recruitment and selection in an organization is a process of hiring the appropriate person who is the best fit for the role. It is a comprehensive procedure involving varies steps like analyzing the qualities required to perform the task, making an appropriate procedure for evaluating the candidates, attracting people who might be suitable for the job and then finally selecting the applicant who fulfils the holistic requirement of the job. It involves a rigorous process of predicting the future behaviour of the applicants and nominating the perfect candidate. Selecting a suitable person is very important in any organization. The right employee can make a significant difference and an unsuitable person may ruin the goals of the entire company. This process is a part of the business, not just at the start but during the life of the business from layoffs to expansion of the business practices. Being one of the most important aspects of business success, it is important to conduct this process efficiently. In this essay, critical examination of certain issues are discussed that are faced by the organisation in the process of recruitment and selection and how can they overcome them.
There are many challenges faced by the organization during the hiring process. Some of these challenges are - creating a suitable process of elimination of candidates, hiring the appropriate candidate, making the process fast and smooth, technology alignment and many more. While employing more human resources, the organization faces an abundance of issues which can hinder the recruitment process and can lead to wrong selection.
To critically examine the issues associated with recruitment, a quantitative research paper of Barker, Daly and McCarthy (2005) is studied. In this study several managers, consultants and migrants are taken for analysis. All of the participants were provided with a questionnaire in which they needed to answer three questions. The questions wanted to examine the respondents’ perception of the most important factor in selection consideration, respondents favoured the recruitment process and most favoured selection process. They found that most participants have limited knowledge of cross-cultural communication issues and some have the language barrier. Also, they established that outsourcing of the recruitment process can have a distinct consequence as oppose to in-house recruitment. The limitation of this paper is its small sample size but even so, it has provided some insightful issues in the hiring mechanism of the diversified population.
The process of hiring new employees and promoting existing ones in every organization has issues in internal as well as external environment. Issues within the internal team can be during the promotion from within the team which can lead to a gap in staffing and loss of new talent and creativity in the organization. Also, many times nepotism comes in the way of hiring fresh or better talent in the company. The external environment factors can be workforce condition and legal issues (Gusdorf, 2008). There can be a pool of skilled workforce to choose from which makes it difficult to critically select the best candidate. Legal issues become very major in few cases and cause companies millions of dollars. When a company considers the cost of getting things wrong, the concern for effective and efficient recruitment and selection becomes more significant (French & Rumbles, 2010).
Challenges of recruitment do not restrict to the technicalities of the process but go beyond that. A study conducted by Bisiriyu and Obgobu (2007), examines the discrimination between male and female in the process of recruitment and selection of academic staff in a University in Nigeria that come in place of making it an efficient process. They collected primary data from which they examined that selection process do not have any male idealogy. Although, there were many gender issues like a lengthy period of training for women and discrimination which led to their restricted entry. This was not very extensive research but did give us insights into how social factors can have unbiased recruitment. These issues need to be addressed holistically so that every position is filled adequately.
As per Millmore (2003), for organizations to have a critical approach towards recruitment hiring, they must adhere to three correlated features namely strategic integration, long term focus and a mechanism for translating strategic demands into appropriate recruitment and specific selection. All the potential employees in the recruitment process should be treated in an unbiased manner, along with giving them enough appraisal so they improve in their role (Djabatey, 2012). Every organization must look into its past practices as well and find out the loopholes in recruitment. Often, companies outsource the process of recruitment to some BPO. It is understood that all organizations are not well-versed in handling the responsibility of workforce recruitment which can have a significant impact on the company. BPO can help such organizations in combating knowledge extensive concerns and can add to value creation (Al-Kassem, 2017).
A suitable approach in the recruitment and selection process in any organization will differ according to the nature and context of the particular company. There are certain important things to keep in mind during this process like unbiasedness, regressive analysis of the candidate (tests, interviews, GDs etc.), appropriate targeting of the required candidates, avoiding favouritism and nepotism. Every organization must adhere to the legal policies set by the government to not get stuck in the spectrum of getting out of one mistake. Organisations must have extensive diversity in their workforce to have a more accepting and friendly environment.
This essay has provided some insightful issues and challenges that every organization face in its recruitment and selection process It has highlighted many factors that contribute to inefficient recruitment and selection that can have negative repercussions for the company. Many research papers are being discussed which examines various issues like socio-cultural diversity (gender, language etc.). Every organization must consider these issues at the core of their recruitment process. From background checks of selected candidates to equal opportunity to all the potential employees in an unbiased manner, all the aspects must be considered while expanding the workforce and making selection. Organizations can improve their hiring and selection process by focusing on its pitfalls and need to take care of all its legal and technical aspects while recruitment. Moreover, every company must follow a critical approach while recruitment as the efficiency of future workforce is highly dependant on this entire process.
Barker, M. C., Daly, A. J. & McCarthy, P. (2005). Preferences in recruitment and selection in a sample of Australian organisations. International Journal of Organisational Behaviour 9(1), 581-593. Retrieved from
Bisiriyu, L. A., & Ogbogu, C. O. (2012). Gender issues in the recruitment and selection of academic staff in a Nigerian university. The Sabinet African ePublications 10(2), 4751-4766. Retrieved from
Djabatey, E. N. (2012). Recruitment and Selection Practices of Organisations: A Case Study of HFC Bank (Gh) Ltd. Retrieved from
Al-Kassem, A. H. (2017). Recruitment and Selection Practices in Business Process Outsourcing Industry. Archives of Business Research, 5(3). Retrieved from
French, R., & Rumbles, S. (2010). Recruitment and selection.
CIPD Publications. Retreievd form
Gusdorf, M. L. (2008). Recruitment and Selection: Hiring the Right Person. Society for Human Resource Management. Retrieved from
Millmore, M. (2003). Just how extensive is the practice of strategic recruitment and selection. Irish Journal of Management 24(1), 87. Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/91870/Downloads/read%20recruit.pdf
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