Due to the intricacies accompanied by today's educational curriculums, it becomes imperative for the students to develop the relevant tactics and skills to deal with the evolving dynamics. The students need to incur the difficulties as it promotes learning, builds resilience, renegotiating with the academic identities and overcoming the helpless pattern that may be sustained as a result of series of failure in the tasks. This essay envisages analysing the role of difficulties in fostering both wellbeing and growth among students.
Authors Littlecott, Moore & Murphy (2018) have stated that both educational attainment and virtuous health are synergistic goals. The key reason for their alignment is the fact that relationships in the school with peers and teachers are the key determinant of a wider portfolio of the health outcomes. A positive school environment can be built when the students develop the tactic to parley the relationships. Resilience is the skill or aptitude that allows an individual to actively negotiate in an adverse situation (Shimi & Manwaring, 2017).
It is also closely associated with the ability to recover from a traumatic situation. In adverse situations, individuals often panic, but at this stage, the resilient behaviour is displayed when an individual remains constructive and hence, display a positive response. Authors Shimi & Manwaring (2017) have stated that students must have the ability to deal with the adversative situation in their schools. This is so because the adversative events are an inevitable part of lives and they cannot be escaped.
Students have to continually face adverse events that can be traumatic for them which involve a failure in subjects, distorting relationships, poor grades or can also be associated with personal grief. Building resilience can only be fostered when the students will face difficulties. Because then only, they will be able to retaliate. By facing adverse situations, the students will be able to build resilience and respond to different stress situations in an active custom. It will also be helpful for them in ensuring that the stress situations are mitigated that they may incur in future in the professional world. Going through the tough times also prepares them with self-awareness, clearer focuses on future paths and can also conduct a personal skills assessment (Shimi & Manwaring, 2017). Going through the difficulties prepares students for the career objectives after they leave the University.
There are different ways in which students view failure. Most of the students don’t know how to deal with it and often the situation gets out of control for them. As per the author Dweck (2013), students depicting the helpless patterns have self-doubt and often question their self-worth. And by losing the faith in own intellect, the students may incur a series of failures. Hence, in such circumstances, students must be guided and monitored and faced with difficulties so that they can fear and reprioritize the actions that they have to take to cope up with the failure rather than questioning their abilities.
At University, students are not only prepared for studies but also for the professional world. It is cardinal for them to be able to face difficulties and recognize that there is no fault in their intellect. By facing the difficulties, the students will be able to cultivate the mastery-oriented pattern of learning (Dweck, 2013). This can be only possible with the assistance of the teachers and supervisors. It makes students more engaged and satisfied and ultimately contributes to the wellbeing.
Imposter syndrome is one of the key barriers in the growth of students in academics (Ramsey & Brown, 2018). It is likely to barricade the students from expressing themselves and is also characterized by the fear of being called as a fraud. Incurring difficulties in the University can be beneficial in making sure that the students feel the need to communicate with others. If the students face difficulty, it is more likely that they will feel the need to communicate with the college entities. The college entities can also make sure that the students are motivated to come forward and seek expert help. Difficulties will motivate the students to seek help from the supervisors and academic staff. A virtuous communication bridge can be helpful.
This essay has brought forward a picture of the significance of difficulties in the life of students in University. The essay lays prominence on the fact that students have to persistently face adverse events that can be upsetting for them which entail failure in subjects, distorting relationships, poor grades or can also be linked with personal grief. It can be inferred from the essay that difficulties elevate the surge among the students to communicate and also builds effective skills among them to tackle the future intricacies and also to decide the career streams in a more effectual custom. It enhances the relationships and boosts self-worth which ultimately contributes to growth and wellbeing.
Dweck, C.S. (2013). When Failure Undermines and When Failure Motivates: Helpless and Mastery-Oriented responses. Retrieved from: https://ebookcentral.proquest.com /lib/unda/reader.action?docID=1582002&ppg=6
Littlecott, H. J., Moore, G. F., & Murphy, S. M. (2018). Student Health and well-being in secondary schools: the role of school support staff alongside teaching staff. Pastoral care in education, 36(4), 297-312. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/02643944.2018.1528624
Ramsey, E., & Brown, D. (2018). Feeling like a fraud: Helping students renegotiate their academic identities. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 25(1), 86-90. DOI: 10.1080/10691316.2017.1364080
Shimi, J., & Manwaring, G. (2017). The Resilient Graduate. Graduate Attributes in Higher Education: Attitudes on Attributes from Across the Disciplines, 58. Retrieved from: https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/unda/reader.action? docID=4834196&ppg=73
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