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Question:Engineering Literature Review

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Engineering Literature Review Assignment

Assignment Task

Literature review exercise In the first part of the assignment you will briefly review some scientific literature that relates to the research question you identified in your first assignment. Your goal in reviewing the literature about your topic is to answer the question – “What is known about my chosen research problem?” Some important tips As mentioned before, please provide your research question or updated research question (If your research question is different to that of the first assignment.) at the beginning of the second assignment. This is very important. Please do not forget Understandyour topic BEFORE you start reviewing the literature, it is important for you to have a clear idea about the problem that you are trying to solve and it is useful to find some basic information about it.
  • Please do not copy paste from the papers or books! Rephrase or reword your sentences.
  • Don’t just report what other people have done! Instead try to evaluate, organise and synthesise.
  • Begin your discussion from a general perspective (but not too general!).
  • As you proceed, deal with more specific but important studies.
  • Because this is a short literature review (compared to a thesis for example), you do not need to have an advance organizer (preview of the topic that you will talk about in your literature review), or summary section. You may have some headings or subheadings if you want, but if you don’t think it is necessary, forget about it!
  • For more detailed description about writing a cohesive and clear literature review, look at the slides of Workshop 1-5.
Please use author name style as described in the class. Note that the entries in the reference list are presented in alphabetical order by the last name of the first author (one line between each reference). For more information, look at the slides of Week 5 about the author name style referencing. Ideally, the number of references is between 5 and 10, but there is no specific requirement on the number of references (Just remember to include important references not any random study.).
  • Selecting quantitative and/or qualitative approach(s)
In the second part of your second assignment, you select a quantitative and/or qualitative approach(s) for your research problem chosen in assignment 1. Rather than forming a preconception of the type of research methodology required for the problem, we consider the broadest range of options for the problem. Note that your specific research question may be only quantitative or qualitative or it may have both quantitative and qualitative components.
  • Selecting a quantitative approach
Based on the problem statement developed in assignment 1, develop a brief written answer. These questions are all relate to characteristics typical of a problem requiring a quantitative methodology.
  1. Define an objective reality that can be measured for your problem.
  2. Describe the quantitative source(s) of data that you need for your research.
  3. Describe factors that indicate you do not need to work with people directly as subjects to gather qualitative data.
  4. Describe factors that might dictate a high level of structure in this research.
  • Selecting a qualitative approach
For each of the following questions, based on the problem statement developed in tutorial 1, write a brief answer. These questions are all relate to characteristics typical of a problem requiring a qualitative methodology
  1. Define multiple possible realities that might be constructed by different individuals for your problem.
  2. Describe the qualitative source(s) of data that you need for your research that cannot easily be converted to quantitative information.
  3. Describe factors that indicate you need to work with people directly as subjects to gather qualitative data.
  4. Describe factors that might dictate a low level of structure in this research.
Considering your answers given to the questions in the subsection 2.1 and 2.2, do you think your research topic requires a quantitative or qualitative methodology or both?
The assignment file was solved by professional Engineering experts and academic professionals at Grade Saviours. The solution file, as per the marking rubric, is of high quality and 100% original (as reported by Plagiarism). The assignment help was delivered to the student within the 2-3 days to submission. Looking for a new solution for this exact same question? Our assignment help professionals can help you with that. With a clientele based in top Australian universities, Grade Saviours’s assignment writing service is aiding thousands of students to achieve good scores in their academics. Our Engineering assignment experts are proficient with following the marking rubric and adhering to the referencing style guidelines.


What is 6G technology? And how it is different from 4G and 5G.explain its advantages and also explain its limitations?
  • Literature review exercise
The 6th Generation abbreviated as 6G wireless communication technology for mobile networks will integrate satellite based communication technology and will give global coverage. Some systems are developed by GPS by USA, COMPASS by china. SIX G is a cutting edge technology. It uses a combination of fibre optics and radio technology. It uses line of sight. Thus we don’t need copper cable. 6g mobile technology is based on standards and it enables devices connection with internet using broadband wireless access. Complete information for this technology is not come out in open domain. This technology, 6g wiki, or 6g network. Expectations are high and it will provide increased data speed, say upto 100 Mega bits/second. Currently 4G gives 100Mbps speed and is improving. With 6g it is expected to have 1GB or better. The 6g mobile system will provide global coverage and will integrate 5G based wireless mobile system with Satellite network. The telecommunication satellite are already in use for data, voice, internet, and video broadcasting; the satellite networks is used for earth imaging, weather and environment data collection; and provides navigational support by using satellite network called global positional system abbreviated as GPS. In 6G handoff and roaming will be the big issue because these satellite systems are different networks and 6G has four different standards. So the handoff and roaming must take place between these Four networks but how it will happen is still a question. Figure 1 gives a suggested architecture. Engineering How does 6G compare with traditional broadband? 6G has the benefit of the blooding a brand a new network in compassing the latest state of the art technology .so we do not suffer the any of the legacy essay the other provide do 6G air fibre id deferent future reroof wireless solution id using technology pioneer by the military to communicate with unmanned Arial vehicle for critical matter during sever condition. Now refuse and available for bushiness 6g offer faster and system with better security, which is also cost effective and has broadband capability. WISDOM 6th generation means very high data rates with quality of Service (Quos), thus with advantages provided by fast internet, will encourage use of multimedia services, which will lead to better revenue to the operators with little more expenses in existing mobile networks. 6G Mobile communication system: The 6G mobile system will be a global coverage network which will integrate current 5G mobile system with satellite network. The satellite networks are telecommunication satellites, earth imaging satellites and navigation satellites. The telecommunication satellites are used for data, voice, video broadcasting, and internet. The earth imaging networks of satellites provide environmental and weather information’s, while the navigational satellites provides global positional system GPS. The four countries has developed such systems , they are GPS by USA, Galileo system by EU, the COMPASS system developed by China, and the GLONASS system of Russia. In 6G system roaming will be a major issue since satellite systems uses different networks and thus 6G will need to have at least four different standards. So how roaming between these 4 networks will occur is a question. Technology Specially designed Nano_Antennas will be required at suitable geographical locations or positions along hospitals, airports, villages, roadsides, malls etc for broadcasting high speed electromagnetic signals. Flying sensors will cover entire globe which will be of help for 6G technology. Flying sensors will broadcast required information to remote observer stations. The wireless communication will act as point to point networks and will provide a super fast broadband signals. It will be further assisted by high speed optical fibers lines to broadcast much secured information from transmitters to destinations. 6G Technology Advantages:
  • Ultra fast , high bandwidth Interne with data rates 10-11 Gbps.
  • Home automation possible , will possibility of other related applications.
  • Smart Cities, smart Homes, and smart Villages concept will be realisedx.
  • Can be used for Energy harvesting from outer galactic world.
  • Defence applications need to be modified as a new Space technology, it will use high speed capability of 6G networks.
  • ATM systems which will be home based will be realised.
  • Communication based on Satellite to Satellite data transfer will get developed.
  • 6G networks will help in Natural Calamities and they can be controlled or damage minimised.
  • Sea to_Space , and land to space Communication will be possible.
  • Since communication will be so fast we may think of as Mind to Mind Communication.
  • Standards need toi based on Global Position System(GPS) of USA, the Galileo of Europe, the COMPASS of China and the GLONASS of Russia. It will also be possible to integrate 6G with 5G using satellite networks, it will have four or more different standards, hence roaming will be made possible in 6G using differnnt communication protocols translation at hand set level. This nis my suggestion.
Selecting a quantitative approach
  1. Define an objective reality that can be measured for your problem.
The data through put estimates and what we achieve will give direct measure for 6g Success.
  1. Describe the quantitative source(s) of data that you need for your research.
We will data regarding throughput achieved in dirrent contries in 6 g scenirio.
  1. Describe factors that indicate you do not need to work with people directly asSubjects to gather qualitative data.
IN our research quantitative data will be available after 6G gets implemented , at present it is as planning stage 2.2. Selecting a qualitative approach Define multiple possible realities that might be constructed by different individuals for your problem. My research problem is primarily restricted architecture level study
  • Describe the qualitative source(s) of data that you need for your research that cannot easily be converted to quantitative information.
Only architecture related information can be gathered for 6g study.
  • Describe factors that indicate you need to work with people directly as subjects on this problem to gather qualitative data.
In this research, we might work with research groups. Describe factors that might dictate a low level of structure in this research. Yes, low level of details will be gathered. Considering your answers given to the questions in the subsection 2.1 and 2.2, do you think your research topic requires a quantitative or qualitative methodology or both? Yes both.
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