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Solution Code: 1AFIH Question:Engineering Management This assignment falls under Engineering Management which was successfully solved by the assignment writing experts at Grade Saviours under assignment help service.

Engineering Management Assignment

Assignment Task

Task: 1 This assignment comprises an individual written report. Select two business plans from the following websites, or elsewhere: Analyse and evaluate them (including comparison/contrast between the two), the report should include: A brief description – maximum 1 page each Identification of the three strongest components of each plan (and why) Identification of the three weakest components of each plan (and why) Suggestions on how the business plans could have been improved List of challenges faced and how you overcame them A statement of five lessons you have learnt about business planning. Indicate the competencies you believe you may have demonstrated and to what extent. Task: 2 This assignment has two components: a written report and an oral presentation. You are required to select an engineering based project (either an existing one or one creat- ed by you). For this project you are required to produce the following: A full scope (review the project charter document on blackboard as a starting point) A complete work breakdown structure (WBS) including cost and duration estimates for all work packages A Gantt chart identifying task interdependencies and milestones A complete PERT chart with a clear indication of the critical path and possible slack/float times. Your report will consist of the final deliverables WBS, Gantt and PERT charts and scope/other documents used. You also need to provide a clear description of your project as well as challenges faced in producing the required information and how you have overcome them including your recommendations and lessons learnt. Where an engineering construction project is selected it is recommended that the issues surrounding heritage listing of the proposed construction site and their impact on the pro- ject is given specific attention. A number of resources could be used to obtain this type of information. Task: 3 This assignment has two components: a written report and an oral presentation. Identify an organisation (each group to pick a different company) and establish contact with at least one senior person in that company if possible. Ask that person to assess their organ- isation against the 14 principles described in lecture. You should find out what sustainability and internationalisation means to this organisation and how are they managing these as- pects of business. Additionally you should find about organisation’s cross-cultural aware- ness policies (including indigenous) and their possible impact on management processes. Discuss the assessments with that person in terms of the company’s strengths and weak- nesses. Write a summary report interpreting these assessments and suggest how the organ- isation could improve its management principles, practices and performance in these terms. Finally; include main challenges faced in producing the requirements, how you overcame them and lessons learnt in the process. The written report must include the following sections: Company background/description Survey results (1 page survey form available from blackboard. one form for each survey, more is allowed) Reference to organisation’s cross-cultural (including indigenous) awareness policies where they exist and their possible impacts on management processes. Include possible recom- mendations where applicable. Company’s strengths and weaknesses Analysis/Discussion Recommendation Challenges faced and how you overcame them Lessons learnt Appendices: including names of the company representatives that you have dealt with and their contact details.
The assignment file was solved by professionalEngineering Management experts and academic professionals at Grade Saviours. The solution file, as per the marking rubric, is of high quality and 100% original (as reported by Plagiarism). The assignment help was delivered to the student within the 2-3 days to submission. Looking for a new solution for this exact same question? Our assignment help professionals can help you with that. With a clientele based in top Australian universities, Grade Saviours’s assignment writing service is aiding thousands of students to achieve good scores in their academics. OurEngineering Management assignment experts are proficient with following the marking rubric and adhering to the referencing style guidelines.


There are a lot of arguments on whether good leaders are born or they are made. The truth of the matter is that good management requires both inmate ability as well as experience. During my years of study I have been able to develop experience in addition to wisdom to become a good engineering student with good employability skills. One of the ways through which I learnt from the engineering industry is through reading. I must agree that a lot of reading has helped gained a lot of knowledge and skills in the industry. I have also been able to share through experience from my colleagues as well as from my lecturers. I have also had the advantage to learn more in the field of practice especially in the engineering labs. I have been able to learn more as I interact with the environment. I have also noted that the field of engineering is so technical and faced with rapid changes in technology. For that reason, my experience is that one has to be in tandem with the latest technology. Attending workshops and training is paramount in ensuring that one is equipped with the latest technology and skills hence able to solve some of the environmental challenges that we face daily. My experience through the industry has also helped me to understand that we need each other and hence the need to develop and sustain and foster good relationships to always share our technological knowhow in order to give room for further research and study. It has not been so easy through the semester and especially this unit I must accept. The training and learning process has been tough with lots of demand in the lab and projects. However, I must also agree that I enjoyed the learning sessions since I was always in a position of learning something new every time. Moreover, this semester and other units were able to help me develop good communication skills both verbal and in written form. Throughout the semester we were grouped into groups. Throughout the session I was able to learn and develop skills to work in groups with colleagues and also to appreciate their efforts and to tolerate their different temperaments. That helped me to demonstrate problem solving skills that are very essential in every work station. Through the given assignments I was also able to show and demonstrate my expertise on computing. I was able to effectively use the engineering package software and other general packages like MS Word, Excel, Power Point and many others. Throughout the teamwork assignments I was able to move around the industry and I was privileged to learn more about the codes and regulations that govern different workstations. Being engineers we must be in a position to ensure sustainable development through protection of the environment by ensuring that our innovations are not harmful to the environment. I was able to learn about Work, Health, and Safety codes and regulations in Australia as well as other legal requirements for engineers through the semester. I have been privileged to develop all these skills outside the coursework. I have been attached as an intern at the EDA Engineering workshop in Melbourne. I was happy to be amongst the five needed interns who qualified for the position. I was able to join a team of researchers in my field of specialization. During the intern process I was able to demonstrate my skills in working in groups. I also learnt on how to work alone and as a team. The ability of being flexible in terms of beating the deadline was an important skill that I developed. That is because most of the engineering work is divided in sections and departments and each team and department depends on the work of the other department. I also learnt about lean manufacturing which is an important concept developed by Toyota Company. Lean manufacturing is now a concept tested in most engineering firms if not all. The concept is aimed at ensuring that there is less wastage of resources especially time from one manufacturing stage to another (N.Katehakis, 2013). I also learnt that in engineering firm’s collaboration amongst colleagues and other stakeholders in very important.
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