Exceptional Children - Early Intervention - Childhood’s Settings - Assessment Answer
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Question: Exceptional Children
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Exceptional Children Assignment
Assignment Task
1 . Justify the role and importance of supporting inclusion of all children in early childhood educational settings.
2 . Critique the strength-based approach to supporting inclusion.
3 . Discuss the role and importance of using an effective team approach in supporting inclusion in early childhood settings.
4 . Describe inclusive educational provision for young children in early childhood’s settings.
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Role and Importance of Supporting Inclusion in Early Childhood Education
According to Moore, Symer, & Bull (2013) inclusion can be defined as “the meaningful participation of children with developmental disabilities in the same range of home, early childhood and community environments, experiences and activities as other children” (p. 4). Inclusion can considered as the process of providing the opportunity of equitable learning and also allow children to participate, share and learn. Inclusion is the practice that is very significant for the children with special needs (Deiner, 2012). Every child in Australia has the right of to receive the equitable opportunities for their effective development and growth. The inclusion is also the process of providing the best support to the children in their learning, interaction and development, who are with or without disability. The early years of the life are very important for the children to develop strong personality and identity. Therefore, inclusion is based on the developmentally appropriate strategies, through which the needs and preferences of the children are identified to provide more just and equal environment. According to Forlin et al (2013), inclusion is “availability of opportunity; acceptance of disability and / or disadvantage; superior ability and diversity; and an absence of bias, prejudice, and inequality” (p. 7-8).
The role and importance of supporting inclusion of all children in early childhood educational settings is very significant because the early years of life are very crucial for the children. Inclusion allow children to be having the sense of belonging and connected, which enhances their identity and also develop the sense of connection to the environment (Deiner, 2012). The main aim of the inclusion is to attain equity in education and promote social competence among the children with or without disability. Inclusion can be achieved only with the efforts of the early childhood professionals or educators. The early childhood professions can identify and respond to individual abilities, strength and interests. Therefore, they can support the children to achieve their full potential. Inclusion is also significant to develop sense of belonging, as it helps in enhancing the self-esteem of the children and also enhance their learning and developmental outcomes.
Allen & Cowdery (2014) has found that inclusive early childhood education, through which the educators apply various strategies and to attain the optimal learning at the individual and group level. The process of inclusion also helps in supporting diversity, which is significant for the diverse country like Australia. Inclusion of children in early childhood education ensures that every child participates in a meaningful manner through learning and interacting programs that can acknowledge the interests and strength of the children. Therefore, inclusion supports the children to become active members of the community and society (ECA Inclusion Resources, 2017). The role and importance of supporting inclusion is important for many other reasons, such as it helps in implementing the current thinking about the development of the children, it supports the rights of the children, helps in implementing legal standards for early childhood education and enhance the capability of professionals by providing good professional practice. Diversity is fostered by inclusion and it helps to overcome many barriers that may exist in the system, so that every child may experience quality education and care.
According to the study of Cologon (2014), the inclusive education in the early childhood focuses on the effective approaches to enable social interaction and encouraging positive behaviour among children. The concept of inclusion in early childhood education is based on the Early Years Learning Framework of Australia, and also considers the field of Disability Studies in E
education, current policies and researches (Cologon, 2014). The inclusion in education provides the opportunity of inclusion of the culturally and linguistically diverse community, by respecting and recognizing their interests, uniqueness and strengths. One of the core elements that have been identified for the positive educational outcomes of the diverse students is ‘quality teaching’. Quality teaching comprises of elements such as focusing on strength of children, developing inclusive and cohesive learning environment, and providing opportunity to learn to every child (Forlin et al, 2013).
Strength Based Approach
Another significant concept in early childhood education is Strength Based Approach. Strength base approach can be considered as the set of belief and values that guide the practice within an organization (Hopps-Wallis, Dockett, & Fenton, 2016). The children are powerful and active learners, therefore, strength based approach identifies the power, abilities, capabilities and strength of the children and helps to transform their lives. This model not only focuses on the strength, but also focuses on the problem. The strength based model focuses on the strength and abilities of the children and uses their strength to resolve their problems in learning and development (Hopps-Wallis, Dockett, & Fenton, 2016). The strength based approach is basically dependent on the positive attitude towards children and recognize their uniqueness, capabilities, dignity and rights and emphasize on the ability of the children to become their agent of change. This approach is also based on the principle of social justice that acknowledges the right of every child with or without disability to be included on the basis of therapeutic and change oriented process (Fenton et al, 2015). The study of Fenton et al (2015) also indentifies that early childhood educational settings are required to support the access and participation of every child in the education programs, especially those with complex needs.
The three defining features of the inclusive practices are access, participation and support. Therefore, through strength based approach teachers enhance the access of the children to wide range of programs and activities that could promote learning and enhance participation of children (Galloway, Reynolds & Williamson, 2016). For strength based model, children are at the core of the approach, for which teachers and professionals support children to use their strength and abilities for positive experience and development. Children can have various strengths, which could physical, interpersonal, and intellectual, disposition, capacities, motivations and interests (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, 2012). According to the Ecological Model of Child Development, the children are considered to be at the core of practice and also acknowledge the significance of support networks and parents to be very important for child’s development and learning (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, 2012). Therefore, the strength based approach focuses on what child can do by focusing on their challenges and difficulties that need support, attention and inclusion. The teacher focus on supporting the child within their ‘zone of proximal development’ by encouraging sustained shared thinking (Galloway, Reynolds & Williamson, 2016).
However, the study of Lopez, & Louis, (2009) has criticized the significance of strength based model in education. According to this study, the teachers are required to capitalize their own strength to enhance the strength and capabilities of children. The author also states that support of the colleagues and support network is not effectively addressed in the strength based model. However, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, (2012) have informed that strength based model significantly reflects the importance of the support networks and provide opportunities for the engagement of the families, as well as other support networks.
Team Approach in Supporting Inclusion
Collaborative partnership between the parents, educators and communities is also a significant part of encouraging inclusion. The early childhood educators are in the perfect place to nurture partnership and collaboration, as well as team work with the families and communities. The collaboration can enhance and influence participation and interaction of children. Since, inclusion is considered as the right of every child. The meaningful participation is promoted through inclusive programs that support equal access for every child and displays respect towards diversity (Bruder, 2010). The Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework also guide the collaborative practice in early childhood education. According to it, the partnership and collaboration of the professionals can help in achieving the best outcomes for the children and their families (Flottman, McKernan, & Tayler, 2011).
The practice principle 2 offered by the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework is divided in three categories- Collaboration, Effective and Reflective. The collaboration is associated with family centered practices and partnership with professionals (Flottman, McKernan, & Tayler, 2011). Effective category includes equity and respect for diversity and respectful and responsive interactions and engagements. Therefore, these practices are very significant for supporting inclusion of children in early childhood setting. The study of Silverman, Hong, & Trepanier-Street, (2010) also determines the significance of the effective team approach and partnership of professionals to be very important for all children including children with disabilities, developmental delays and special needs. Such children require the collaborative support of the professionals in early childhood setting and disciplines (Silverman, Hong, & Trepanier-Street, 2010).
The professionals are also benefitted by working in partnership, the collaboration with the professionals provide opportunity for professional development and also enhances the chances of formal and informal learning from others. The collaboration and effective team approach helps the professionals in sharing knowledge and their experience and can also contribute to new ideas and knowledge for early childhood development and learning. This knowledge sharing can help them to work effectively towards children inclusion and participation (Bruder, 2010). The study of Farrell, & Walsh (2010) has also found that working in partnership, allow the professionals to learn from each other’s knowledge and experience and also to plan effectively to respond to the needs of the children. Collaborative working also enhances problem solving and provides the opportunities for critical reflection (Farrell, & Walsh, 2010). The collaborative working allows the professionals to develop increase sense of community among the children and help them their learning and development.
The effective team approach can be of three different types. The interdisciplinary approach for effective team mainly works with the professionals, who work in coordination and collaboration towards common goals, but all professionals are from specific discipline. The multidisciplinary team approach the professionals from multiple disciples come together to work and support inclusion among the children. This approach can address the social, development and physical needs of the children, but the difference among the experience, pedagogy and practice of professionals can create confusion in meeting the needs of the children (Burger, 2016). However, the most preferred team approach is transdisciplinary. According to the study of Hong & Reynolds-Keefer (2013), the transdisciplinary team building is focused on providing the comprehensive, consistent and coherent service to the children with disabilities and their families. Therefore, this team approach is most effective and preferable for the earl;y intervention and for fostering ‘shared meaning’ within team.
The team work and collaboration of the professionals enhances the participation of the children and their families. The transitional phase of child’s development is also acknowledged through team work to enhance their inclusion. The collaboration and team work in early childhood settings ensure the elimination of discontinuities and promotes continuity by building trustful relationships with children by reflecting on the prior experience and strengths of children. Therefore the principle of collaboration and team work is based on the foundation shared responsibility towards children and communication (Myers et al., 2011).
Inclusive Educational Provision In Early Childhood Education
The concept of inclusive early childhood setting has become a popular concept in Australia with the development of the two major frameworks. These two frameworks are the National Quality Framework and the national Early Years Learning Framework. Inclusion is the central principle for both the frameworks (Moore, Symer, & Bull, 2013). The concept of inclusion is mainly associated with the ability of the childhood educators to support the children with developmental disabilities to achieve the equal development and learning outcomes for them like all the other children. The core part of the National Quality Framework (NQF) is the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). EYLF provide the theoretical and philosophical foundation for acting with equality and respecting diversity. Therefore, the inclusive educational provision in early childhood education is associated with establishing equality and respect towards diversity. The early childhood inclusion comprises of the policies, values and practices to support and promote the right of every child and their families, regardless of their individual abilities. This is achieved through enhancing their participation in programs and activities and collaborative working with children, families and communities. The desired outcomes of the inclusive educational provision are to include the experience of children with or without development and learning disabilities and developing the sense of identity, belonging and community by promoting positive relationships. This also includes supporting children to achieve their complete potential through their participation in wide range of activities, programs and supportive practices. Inclusive education provision focuses on the wide range approaches to promote engagement and inclusion (Moore, Symer, & Bull, 2013).
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