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  • Subject Name : Management


As per Chen et al. (2019), Self-reflection indicates the self-monitoring and reporting of an individual's opinions, wants, and feelings. Moreover, it is defined as a responsive mental procedure depending on perception, reasoning, and investigating an individual's perspectives and notions. It can be said that by recognizing repetitive trends or patterns, one can make well-informed choices, establish relevant objectives, and negotiate the challenges of life with extreme ease. This report is aimed at developing a leadership action plan for the subsequent 12 months for CarboRide. It will entail the actions that I will start doing, continue to do, and will stop doing in the future. Besides, it will encompass the planned outcomes and recommendations. It will specifically discuss the actual performance of the simulation against the planned outcomes of the simulation. It will discuss how the leadership behaviours and decision-making led to the result of attaining or not attaining the team's planned outcomes. Besides, it will discuss how I would have done differently to generate a diverse, more positive outcome for the organization.

Section 1: Personal Reflection Plan

What will I Start Doing?

Based on the self-reflection outcomes, I have recognized some areas which require improvements. Therefore, I have created an action plan for a period of subsequent 12 months to work on such areas. Beneath are the areas in which I will start doing work.

Delegation of Tasks

As per the reflective activity: personal and professional objectives. I was found to be not good at delegating tasks properly among my team members. Therefore, I need to refine my delegation skills for the subsequent period to improve the business of CarboRide. My fault was that I used to do most of the work activities by myself which resulted in ineffective use of my time. Being a leader, I should delegate the work activities to team members as per their calibre and competencies and provide them with deadlines for the completion of the activities in order to ensure smooth operations. There is no doubt that the effective delegation of activities will help me to develop the entire team's morale (Mardiana 2020). There are a few steps that I will follow while delegating the tasks to my team members and these are as follows:

  • Evaluate the work prospects and the team members for delegation.
  • Setting expectations to complete the tasks with the team members.
  • Offer assistance to the worker for the effective completion of the task
  • Follow up with the team member to certify success (Grabner et al. 2022).

Mentoring and Coaching

In order to support my team members, I will have to develop my mentoring and coaching skills to guide them properly regarding the project activities. I believe that mentoring and coaching are deemed robust leadership practices that help me play a crucial role in assisting my workplace to attain its goals. With these skills, I will be able to offer prospects to my team members to learn from me, establish crucial leadership abilities, and attain valued feedback and continuous support. This will assist me in refining my team members' morale, making them feel more involved and engaged in their work (Mcilongo and Strydom 2021).

Conflict Resolution

Being a team leader, I will improve my competencies to resolve conflicts in a positive way within the organization. Moreover, with this, I will be able to motivate people in my team. To improve my conflict management skills, I need to acquire excellent communication abilities which will enable me to resolve interpersonal conditions and conflicts. To my knowledge, five major conflict management styles can be adopted by leaders. These are avoidance; accommodative; competitive; collaborative; and compromise. I am going to adopt the collaborative style of conflict resolution. This style will allow me to incorporate an open mind; active listening; and humble communication into the resolution procedure for the ideal outcomes (Yazdanmehr et al. 2020).

Emotional Intelligence and Interpersonal Skills

At times while managing my team, I came across conditions that frustrated me. The situations such as the nonactive participation of a team member; performing tasks without informing me, and so on usually make me angry. In such situations, I deliberately need emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills to deal with the issues. My emotional intelligence skills will enable me to excel in collaborations. Besides, this will improve communications, inspire innovation, and nurture a sense of faith and psychological safety in the team (Nguyen et al. 2019). I will practice a few things to develop my emotional intelligence competencies:

  • Acquire to admit feedback without being defended.
  • By being motivated and positive
  • Emphasize my social abilities
  • Practice humanity
  • Practice empathy (Arghode et al. 2022).

What will I Continue Doing?

Active Communication with Team

Being a good team leader who always organizes things in a better way, I consider myself a transformational leader. Moreover, I always use to assign tasks as per their expertise. I would want to continue having such leadership capabilities to lead team members to ensure active communication with them. This will allow me to nurture supportive relations and keep communication lines open so that my team members will feel free to exchange notions. Also, it will enable me to provide instant recognition of the exclusive contribution of my team members (Zhang and Guo 2019).

Effective in Dealing with Challenging Situations

I possess the capabilities to deal with challenging situations at the workplace while managing my team. I consider such competencies as my greatest strength as a leader that I would want to continue practising. This will allow me to be observant of the business environment, prepare for healing, advocate for my team members, and project energy. To deal with the challenging situations in the subsequent times at the workplace, I would like to create an environment that nurtures innovation amongst my team members. I will inspire my team to challenge the circumstances and look at alternatives to conventional viewpoints and problem-solving (D’Auria and De Smet 2020). Besides, I will make my team think of persistent challenges in newer manners and re-evaluate suppositions about their job roles. It might encompass more innovative thinking like brainstorming, and others. Besides, the means to explore what my team members are actually competent in is to stretch them. Such a thing will not just refine my team’s competency, but also establish them in a manner that improves their career opportunities (Dirani et al. 2020).

Motivating People Constantly

Motivation is deemed a determined attribute that assists an individual in attaining his objectives. I have already excelled in motivating individuals and promoting cooperation among my team members. In order to continue doing this constantly, I would like to develop a clear-cut vision to align the company's objectives and values. Moreover, I would like to appreciate and celebrate the accomplishments of my team which further facilitates me to build trust amongst all members. It will ultimately lead to improvement in the company's performance (Hajiali, et al. 2022). To constantly motivate my team members, I will practice a few things:

  • Coordinate and suit the subordinate desires with the company’s needs
  • Becoming a role model for team members
  • Rewarding exceptional behaviours
  • Developing ethical and team spirit
  • Constantly stimulating individuals (Vranić 2022).

What Will I Stop Doing?

Performing Project Activities by Myself

It is worthwhile that when a leader performs team members' work for them, instead of directing them and enabling them to develop, no one gets success. It can be said that the entire competency of the team becomes weaker since team members realize that the leader does not hold them to a standard. This will allow me to be left with team members who cannot perform tasks at all in the absence of my intervention (Stepanova et al. 2020). When anyone in my team is not delivering the outcomes I want to see, my role will be to advocate, stimulate, and motivate them to perform their roles in order to certify they possess sufficient resources and adequate training. Instead of performing team tasks by myself, I will spend a momentous amount of one-on-one time with each of my team members, teach them, and strengthen my expectations across actions and performance norms (Kallarakkal 2022).

Avoiding Conflicts

Notably, conflicts that are not addressed might block collaboration and alignment across mutual objectives. There is no doubt that dynamic conflict resolution is deemed a vital role of any leader in work. I will stop avoiding conflicts at the workplace and rather effectively manage them (Horan 2019). Leaders who evade conflicting situations indeed struggle to make choices that might unfavourably influence other individuals or team members. The avoidance of conflicts might lead my team members to take matters and issues into their own hands since no direction of the leader has been defined. I will stop avoiding conflicts by focusing on the tasks, not the individual team members. Further, I will become introspective and deliberate while responding to team members, not being spontaneous. I would like to share my sentiments professionally. I will adopt the practice of brainstorming and problem-solving within my team (Sung and Choi 2021).

Section 2: Planned Outcomes and Recommendations

This section encompasses the business plan outcomes of the simulation CarboRide projects. The simulation is based on the CarboRide project wherein the business is planning to launch bikes for recreation, youth, mountain, and speed. Moreover, the company desires to enjoy the advantages of progressive 3D carbon fibre bikes and accessories.

Overview of Planned Outcome

The planned outcomes imply the planned project's results of the actions. Initially, my team helped in setting the mission and vision of the CarboRide Business. It is found that the mission requires this company to become a biking leader and provide the best services possible to clients. Besides, the company is visioned to create the best riding experiences and to envision designing and manufacturing pioneering 3-D carbon fibre bicycles that blend progressive technology, customized personalization, and sustainability.

CarboRide Simulation1

Figure 1: Market demand captured by the end of Q8

CarboRide Simulation2

Figure 2: Market share captured by the end of Q8

The intended plan of the company was to capture a good market share and generate adequate revenue for its shareholders. Its goal is to become a leader and amongst the topmost sellers in a minimum of three segments around all regions. It is clear from the above figure that the CarboRide Company, by the end of Q8, will be able to attain a position as a top second contender in respect of market share around segments including Youth; work, recreation, and mountain segments. The actual outcome in terms of market share compels CarboRide to reinforce its presence in the Youth and Recreation segment and introduce its new mountain bike. It was found that the company has been successful in getting the planned results by capturing market share in the Mountain segment. It can be said that my transformational leadership behaviours and decision-making have successfully led to the outcome of attaining the team's planned outcome. My leadership behaviours enabled my team members to become more dedicated to the team, and more likely to work collectively over time and execute newer manners of working. Henceforth, the team efficacy was enhanced at its best with my leadership skills.

CarboRide Simulation3

Figure 3: Balanced Scorecard by end of Q8

It is clear from the above that the business is found to be robust in areas of marketing effectiveness, and manufacturing productivity by the end of Q8. According to the figures above, it is seen that the highest market share comes in the Recreation and Mountain market segments which will be considered as the primary segments. Moreover, I can see low priority for the youth and speed.


Figure 4: Overall market share captured by the end of Q8

CarboRide Simulation5

Figure 5: Market share of Youth Segment captured by the end of Q8

CarboRide Simulation6

Figure 6: Market share of Work Segment captured by the end of Q8

CarboRide Simulation7

Figure 7: Market share of Recreation Segment captured by the end of Q8

CarboRide Simulation8

Figure 8: Market share of Mountain Segment captured by the end of Q8

CarboRide Simulation9

Figure 9: Market share of Speed Segment captured by the end of Q8

Contribution to Performance

There have been made momentous contributions to performing better work and efficient performance of the CarboRide through the simulation during the 8 quarters. These are discussed below:

Quarter 1: Setting up of CarboRide

In this quarter, I formed my team and set up standards for the team members. There was a finalization of the company’s name, its logo design, and more. With the help of my managerial abilities to set clear team goals, I was able to allow team members to prioritize the established goals and certify my team works towards completing them.

Quarter 2: External Business Environment Analysis

In quarter two, I conducted the business environment analysis by using different strategic management techniques such as the Pestel framework, and others to know the threats and opportunities to establish the business of CarboRide in the NORAM region. After studying the market, I was able to decide on the target segments for this biking business. My team members were also involved in conducting market research to see the trends and patterns. Every member of my team was involved in the decision-making and everyone was clear about the goals and strategies for the business.

Quarter 3: Test Market

After the brand design by team members was done, I took a step forward to fix and decide on the pricing strategy. After knowing the market demand for each product, I introduced that brand to the NORAM region which has high market demand. The strategy for pricing was decided by me using a market survey of customers to know their willingness to pay. I assigned the activity of the market survey to one of my team members and asked him to provide me follow-up on the survey outcomes. After getting the results, I assigned the task of analyzing the responses of another team member who was proficient in the data analysis part. In this manner, my transformational leadership style was proved to be effective and successful in allocating tasks taking into account the capabilities of each team member.

Quarter 4: Adjusting Strategy

My contribution here was to design the advertisements for the old brands and the new brands. Further, I engaged in deciding on the areas such as marketing, HRM (human resource management), sales channels, financial decisions, and manufacturing aspects.

Quarter 5: Expanding to Toronto

The main emphasis in this quarter was to expand the business in other nations to surge the investments. I, along with my team, decided to focus on capitalizing on new research and development and technologies.

Quarter 6: Expanding to the APAC market, Tokyo

My team redesigned entire brands with newer technology upgrades. Also, I saw an increase in sales numbers hence making momentous revenue.

Quarter 7: Improve the business strategy

I played a vital role in operating capacity planning, figuring out the overtime to evade missing sales based on prior data.

Quarter 8: Financial data analysis

I planned to seize entire investments and emphasize bringing new brands. My team helped the company to maintain adequate operating cash flows, growing the profits and revenue, and superior earnings per share.


If I get the opportunity to produce a more favourable outcome for the company, I must do the following:

  • I would have made a business expansion plan by opening virtual stores in different regions. This might enable the business to perform better than the current position.
  • I should have used critical thinking skills while making decisions to make tactical plans for CarboRide more profitable (Afify 2019).
  • My team must have decided producing a product for the youth segment in Q5 itself which could increase the market share of the company.


From the above report, it can be concluded that there has been discussion of my learnings, and experiences which I had in each quarter of the CarboRide Simulation Project. This report focused on my leadership skills, managerial abilities, and decision-making competencies. It is concluded that the things I will start doing in the future are found as delegation of tasks effectively; mentoring & coaching capabilities; conflict resolution competencies; and developing emotional intelligence and interpersonal abilities. Moreover, it is concluded that the things I will continue doing entail active communication with my team; being effective in dealing with challenging situations; and motivating people constantly. It is further inferred that the things which I must stop doing entail performing project activities by myself; and avoiding conflicts. It is also concluded that the CarboRide Company has experienced positive results in terms of market share, market demand, and market performance as per the results of quarter 8. Besides, it concludes that I have contributed significantly in each quarter along with my team. With my leadership capabilities and decision-making abilities, I was successful in contributing to the success of the CarboRide Business.


Afify MK (2019) ‘The influence of group size in the asynchronous online discussions on the development of critical thinking skills, and on improving students’ performance in online discussion forum’, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (Online) , 14 (5): 132.

Arghode V, Lakshmanan G and Nafukho FM (2022) ‘Emotional intelligence, intercultural competence and online instruction: Review and reflection’, European Journal of Training and Development , (ahead-of-print).

Chen FF, Chen SY and Pai HC (2019) ‘Self-reflection and critical thinking: The influence of professional qualifications on registered nurses’, Contemporary nurse , 55 (1): 59-70.

Dirani KM, Abadi M, Alizadeh A, Barhate B, Garza RC, Gunasekara N, Ibrahim G and Majzun Z (2020), ‘Leadership competencies and the essential role of human resource development in times of crisis: a response to Covid-19 pandemic’, Human resource Development International , 23 (4): 380-394.

D’Auria G and De Smet A (2020) ‘Leadership in a crisis: Responding to the coronavirus outbreak and future challenges’, Mckinsey , accessed 11 August 2023.

Grabner I, Klein A and Speckbacher G (2022), ‘Managing the trade-off between autonomy and task interdependence in creative teams: The role of organizational-level cultural control’, Accounting, Organizations and Society , 101 : 101347.

Hajiali I, Kessi AMF, Budiandriani B, Prihatin E and Sufri MM (2022), ‘Determination of work motivation, leadership style, employee competence on job satisfaction and employee performance’, Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management , 2 (1):57-69.

Horan D (2019) ‘A new approach to partnerships for SDG transformations’, Sustainability , 11 (18):4947.

Kallarakkal S (2022) ‘Role Modelling for Organisational Citizenship Behaviours in Not-for-Profit Organisations: A Phenomenological Investigation in Tanzania’, Faculty of Commerce ,Graduate School of Business (GSB).

Mardiana D (2020) ‘The application of digital leadership of subdistrict heads on public service performance with the delegation of regent/mayor authorities as the moderating variable’, Airlangga Development Journal , 4 (2):154-164.

Mcilongo M and Strydom K (2021) ‘The significance of mentorship in supporting the career advancement of women in the public sector’, Heliyon , 7 (6).

Nguyen T White S Hall K and Bell R (2019) ‘Emotional intelligence and managerial communication’, American Journal of Management , 19 (2):54-63.

Stepanova E Rozhkova AV and Grishina II (2020) ‘Team building as a method of teaching students and group cohesion’, Proceedings of the European Conference on Research Methods in Business and Management Studies , 19:276-283.

Sung SY and Choi JN (2021) ‘Leader status behaviours and team creativity: The role of collective interactions and status conflict among members’, Journal of Organizational Behavior , 42 (8):1120-1133.

Vranić L (2022) ‘ Leadership Role of the Captain in Professional Sport (Doctoral dissertation, University of Zagreb. Faculty of Economics and Business. Department of Organization and Management)’.

Yazdanmehr E Ramezani Y and Aghdassi F (2020) ‘Teacher leadership and conflict management in EFL classroom in the light of the contingency theory of human resource management: An interdisciplinary study’ Theory and Practice in Language Studies , 10 (8): 916-927.

Zhang L and Guo H (2019) ‘Enabling knowledge diversity to benefit cross-functional project teams: Joint roles of knowledge leadership and transactive memory system’, Information & Management , 56 (8):103156.

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