The web technology has resolved many unsolved problems. The traditional information technology is very simple and its application is limited into the organization. But, the web technology has become a platform that can support various activities of the organization and even a new medium of human communication. (Turoff and Hiltz, 1998, p. 116).
Due to increasing demand of various industries (product based or service oriented), the web technology has offered the various facilities like higher flexibility, better availability, shorter lead-times as well as quality products or services. When the technology is rapidly changing, the new groups of people are interested to distribute their products or services throughout the world (Burdman, 1999). First the web application is started with the help of small set of web pages for the purpose of advertising and news publishing. Later, with the help of different models, tools, techniques and concepts, the web application is developing as a large-scale basis. The purpose of the most web application is “perfect communication and information transmission” ( Turoff and Hiltz, 1998) that tends to increase e-business by the organization. Now a day, most of the organizations build their web presence for e-commerce, document handling and community service easily. The most important components of a web application are the flexible web browsers and web server. The web browsers are used to retrieve data from web server with the help of interactive web pages. The web pages typically run the client script as well as store and transmit sensitive data like credit card information, personal details etc. The application areas of web are very vast like advertising, webmail, login screen, content management system, dynamic shopping cart, new user registration, customer support form, product request form etc. The web pages typically designed by HTML and CSS that information are generated dynamically. The visitors naturally access the web pages through their preferred web browser as well as send and retrieve data to or from database through the web application. JavaScript is mainly used for client-side checking before submitting information to the server. The web-application model is naturally three layered approach. The first layer is the web browser or user interface, second layer is the dynamic content management technology tool (such as, JSP, ASP, PHP etc) and the third layer is the database server that contains the user’s and organization’s data.
The main advantage of using web application is to minimize the cost. Because, web application can run anywhere and anytime without any extra hardware or software cost.
The intended system is to develop a dynamic shopping cart application. The shopping cart is a graphical representation of a vendor’s website where the products are shown digitally. Customer can choose any product from the list of products and can add to cart. After adding the products, the cart displays all chosen items with total price. The customer can change their chosen items before clicking but button. Naturally, the ordered products are stored into the database server. The administrator can send the ordered products to their shipping address after confirmation of payment by the customers. The intended system is designed as a client based system where local storage is applied in HTML page. No database is used in this respect. Here, the overhead of web server and database server is reduced but in case of large customer base, this system will be problematic.
Body of the Discussion:
The main requirements for the project is the choose products through a web application, dynamic shopping cart. The requirements can be converted into the following designs,-
The flow of the design pages are shown as above. So, the required pages are index.html, registration.html and shop.html. The external CSS files are taken as, a.css, reset.css and style.css and all required images are on two folders, image and images.
The user acceptance criteria for the design can be as follows,-
The following Java script functions are used for dynamic page designing,-
User Interface Design: Before implementing the actual project design, user interface designing is the best choice for interacting with user. Here, the user interface design screens are Registration page, Sign In page and shopping cart. The Functional Decomposition diagram for the intended system is as follows,-
Implementation techniques: The e-commerce site is designed as client-based application where there is no use of database as well as web server. The HTML local storage is used as database and JavaScript is used for shopping cart creation and display. The client side programming is achieved by creating scripts with the HTML web page commands that is interpreted by the browser. The used JavaScript is implemented for validation checking of user’s input before processing. The JavaScript is also used to implement different features like animations, displaying today’s date etc. The JavaScript’s store () function is used to store UserId and password into HTML local storage. The validate() function also retrieves data from local storage and matches these with inputted value. These JavaScript functions are depending on browser. The Mozilla Firefox browser only supports store () function.
The system’s implementation is to create various functions and operations as per the requirements like user interface layout, business rules, process diagrams etc. The output of the system is to select items in the shopping cart and shows them with total price in the cart but the user must be an authorized/ registered.
The requirements are implemented by the following functionalities,-
var user_name=document.getElementById("user").value // accepts inputted user value from the form
var user_pass=document.getElementById("pass").value // accepts inputted password value from the form
var storedValue = localStorage.getItem("user"); //retrieves user value from local storage and assigns it into storedValue
var storedValue1 = localStorage.getItem("password");
//retrieves password value from local storage and assigns it into storedValue1
if(storedValue == user_name && storedValue1 == user_pass )
document.write("<center><a href='shop.html'>SHOPPING CART</a></center>")
} // if matches both value with registered values then redirect to shop.html page
alert("Wrong UserId and Password....")
} // if the inputted values does not match with registered values, this message displayed
function store(){
var inputuser= frm.user.value; // accepting user value from inputted form
localStorage.setItem("user", inputuser);
// stores the user value in “user” variable into local storage.
var inputpass= frm.pass.value; // accepting password value from inputted form
localStorage.setItem("password", inputpass);
// stores the password value in “password” variable into local storage.
The program code is implemented in the shop.html file.
The intended project is developed as a demonstration of online dynamic shopping cart. The user first registers into the site, and then with the help of User Id and password they can Sign In on that site. After, they are able to access the shopping cart. The full implementation is done on the client side with the help of HTML, CSS and Java Script technology. There is no implementation for PLACE ORDER and PAYMENT page. The HTML local storage is used instead of web server and database server.
The following sections are ignored for this project and it will be implemented in future.
The dynamic online shopping cart application should be designed with server side. HTML local storage (client based application) is quite impossible if the products are large and the customer base is higher. So, a suitable dynamic shopping cart must be implemented in the following technologies,-
The server side implementation is done for dynamic shopping cart as it is the best suitable option for flexibility, speediness, usability and availability.
Due to the advancement of Internet technology and the growing need for different products by online, the Web application plays a major role. Most of the Companies are adopting e-commerce technology for the following purposes,-
The e-commerce shopping platform is the best choice for the customers due to availability, convenience of access, 24x7 support, comparative options and online security payment option. Customers can easily get their intended product at their home. The project is implemented the dynamic interactive shopping cart that is designed using client side. This technology reduces the overhead of web server and database server. But this implementation will be more effective if the Payment option is added with this card.
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