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Human-Centered Design

Executive Summary of Cloud Networked Robotics for Social Robotic Services

In the modern era, the new developments and innovations in the form of technologies are now shaping the overall ways in which different services are delivered to the people in societies. In the present study, a discussion on the use of robotic technology within supermarkets in Australia has been done. It has been identified that by the application of the new and advanced technology in the form of robots resulted in providing wide ranges of advantages and benefits to the companies in retail supermarket.

The use of robots has helped many supermarket retailers in delivering effective and satisfactory services to the customers. The theory of critical approach emphasize on outlining the fact that during the process of innovation, one of the most important thing which needs to be well taken care of is better social justice.

The process of developing and introducing robotic technology was a very complicated task and several issues in the form of legal regulations and interest were faced during the same. The society recognized this issue at early stages as they started perceiving that unemployment will be created because of the same.

It is suggested that proper training to workers should be provided so that they can become more competitive and capable in terms of sustaining in the job market.

It can be also inferred that the new technological developments in the form of supermarket robots have resulted in creating both advantages and disadvantages for supermarket as well as the employees working in the same. 

Table of Contents


Technology development and its core effects.

Discussion on technology while development

Level of complications of the development process.

Technology release and the undermining effects its release may have.

Identification of issue by society.

Appearance of the issue.

Long term effects of undermining.

Appearance of long term effect

Long terms effects ingrained in societies.

Long term adjustments or changes have taken place.

Restrictions imposed on technology.




Introduction to Cloud Networked Robotics for Social Robotic Services

Human-centered design is termed as the problem-solving approach used commonly in the management framework and Design that creates solutions to the issues by involving the perspective of human in all problem-solving process steps. The process of human-centered Design makes sure that goods are based on human-centric design problem solution, effortless interaction; business benefits, and gives optimum user experiences (Zhou & Bai, 2017). It further encourages creative problem solving and innovative thinking. The human-centered design concentrates on technology integrating or other beneficial tools to alleviate issues, especially around health issues.

The current report is based on the use of robotic technology in supermarkets in Australia. Information technology plays a crucial enhancing role in complex retail operations management. Knowledge of market and information and data control is the key to gaining a competitive advantage in the retail sector (Kamei et al. 2017). The report further summarizes on the development of technology and its main effects, the release of technology and its undermining effects it may have and the long-term impact of undermining.

Technology Development and Its Core Effects

Discussion on Technology While Development

The industry has drastically benefited from the robotic workforce expanse. Automated machines have undertaken the dangerous duties and mundane jobs from the people allowing higher productivity. As the robots never tire, so extra shifts have been added to the Australian supermarkets. Before the introduction of robotic services and technology in the supermarket, it inspires so many things.

With technology development, it inspires supermarket owner seeking to avoid collisions and look for spills. The core goal of designing the robot was to travel in the stores safely. Rolling out this technology to hundreds of additional supermarket stores confirm the innovation commitment. This innovation development has inspired associates to allow more time to concentrate on customer serving; the technology development is utilized to complete those mundane and repetitive tasks such as inventory checking, floors cleaning, unloading trucks, price changes and activities that take time (Fontanelli et al. 2020).

For example, with the launching of a robot named Marty in supermarket inspire the associate to monitor for the safety. It is an autonomous robot that considers capturing image technology to report debris, spills and other hazards potential to store workers to surpass the experience of shopping. Before the release of technology development, it inspires the supermarket associates that with the high demand for hygiene and efficiency of workforce high at an all-time, the grocery stores to turn into robotic services to track better inventory and offer customers. For example, Millie, a robot in the Woolworths, brought first this robot to the grocery store in Sydney. The robot is the same as Marty but a bit advanced. It instead of alerting merely the workers to the spills also identifies and cleans them up.

The technology theories explain the elements that shape technological innovation and technology impact on culture and society. A theory such as critical approach asks whose interest is served by the status quo and potential of future alternatives assesses to offer social justice better. This theory inspires to get common-sense beneath understandings to reveal the interest and positive relationships determining the use and technological configuration (Johnson et al. 2020).It inspires how to values such as autonomy, social justice, privacy and democracy become integral to Design, development and conception, not retrofitted merely after completion.

Level of Complications of The Development Process

No, the introduction of robots in an Australian supermarket is not an easy development process. There are certain ethically complicated issues such as a robot may not harm human being or inaction through allow a human being to come to injure, it must obey the given orders by a human being, except where the conflict of the orders with first law and a robot must prevent its existence as long as the protection does not conflict with the first or second rule. One of the core ethical concern people have with artificial intelligence is job loss in future. They concern to strive to develop and integrate fully AI into the society if it indicates numerous people will lose the jobs and possibly quite their livelihood.

The software such as AI writes its updates own and renews itself. This indicates that as programmed, the robot is not developed to perform what a person wants it to do; it performs what it learns to perform. For example, an incident happened with Talloon, a robot, its computerized gun was jammed and uncontrollably open fired after an explosion of more than 14 people wounding and killed nine people. Thus, the increasingly present AI system thought that improve human intelligence is scary, and the ethical problems are complex that comes with robotic services adoption.

Technology Release and The Undermining Effects Its Release May Have

Identification of Issue by Society

With the introduction of Robots in an Australian supermarket, society has found several issues with the technology. There are certain ethical issues such as robots could erode freedom of human, de-skilling and unemployment of the workforce have increased, sensitive activities that must need human supervision could be entirely delegated to robots, using services of robots in an unethical way and humans no longer take failures responsibility. At the billing counter, robots are making a bill, and the technical issues that society identified are wrong billing, multiple billing, etc.

Their job loss significantly has led society in less economic value, and employees have also experienced financial challenges as an outcome. Society identified that the robotics could not react in dangerous times as humans can. Further, robots have a particular job to perform the supermarket operators order that, and if they malfunction, then this leads to chaos (Pino & Cadena, 2018). Along with this, humans become dependent overly on the robot technology robot. As robots are being currently used in all over Australian supermarket and people have been losing their jobs increasingly as robots become more precise and efficient than humans.

Appearance of The Issue

With the introduction of robots in supermarkets of Australia to perform certain functions such as billing, avoid collisions, seeking for spills, helping customers in holding their purchasing items, cleaning the floor, inventory checking, unloading trucks, etc. it is identified after some times of functioning of technology development that certain problem and challenges have taken place. They can handle certainly their tasks prescribed, but they cannot manage typically unexpected situations. They operate on the information basis fed to them by the chip, and if any one of the things went wrong, the company entirely bears the loss.

Supermarket associates, workers and customers realized after some time that robots have no emotions, sense or conscience. They lack empathy and are a major limitation of having a workplace emotionless.

The business ROI suffers if the operation relies on many robots. They have greater expenses than humans, so at the day end, the supermarket may not always achieve the desired ROI. Further, the supermarket associates realize in a few weeks that robots to require oodles of electricity that creates them expensive to operate and to damage potentially to the environment. The interaction of human suffers because robots become an increasing life part.

Long Term Effects of Undermining

Appearance of Long Term Effect

As robots have a nasty habit of undertaking jobs of people so, in turn, they force employees out of a job that they have performed their entire lives. They need ample electricity to operate, so the increasing demand for robots in society leads to additional problems with greenhouse gas emission and global warming.

The wrong billing leads to a loss of profit for the supermarkets in Australia. The loss of a job to the numerous people have impacted them severely that has lead to poverty, their health issues, safety, the suffering of the family, etc. that has in turn also impacted company brand image and reputation (Tappia, Moretti & Melacini, 2020).

As robots are emotionless, they do not have emotions, conscience and do not think which in turn limits how they can interact and help people. Further, if the robots control goes in the improper hands, they may lead to destruction. Suppose the robots in the supermarket will perform all the activities and humans will sit and monitor them. In that case, health hazards will enhance rapidly, leading to obesity and few workers at the workplace.

Long Terms Effects Ingrained in Societies

Robotic technology in the society has now become a part of the global shift to create stores and supermarkets more users friendly and futuristic. They quickly locate the goods that have been misplaced so that the sales are not lost. The company is heavily investing in automation as a manner to cut cost and create shopping more convenient. They help to monitor the hazards and create the store safe. Fitted with different cameras, the robot roams the supermarket store for spills on the floor and any dropped items. For example, Millie in Woolworth aids to surpass store safely by cleaning up spills automatically, thus reducing trips and slips.

Robots reduce the liability of brand linked with people falling and slipping while shopping. Thus, the actual drive behind retail robots is the management of inventory. It presents the perfect storm of sensors, cloud, and robotics and data science. They have small and more versatile moving parts that aid them to do the activities more accurately as compared to humans (Coelho et al. 2018).

Long Term Adjustments or Changes Have Taken Place

The changes that have taken place in Woolworths Australia with the development of the robot is that as the people place an order online that is then sent to the system of fulfillment, the robots then took the goods off the shelves and direct transport to the team members who pack the order for online delivery. The changes that have taken place are such that robots are considered now in the supermarket for packaging, picking, repacking, palletizing, processing, production and placing. They further offset the increasing labour cost; it is a vital investment in maintenance and installation terms (Aquilina, & Saliba, 2019).

The large arm of the robotic can grab and see dozens of various items. It considers 2D and 3D depth-sensing cameras also with various sensors to capture the things with invisible barcodes and radio frequency identification tags.

Restrictions Imposed on Technology

The introduction of robotic technology in future development will help by as the people walk in the grocery store; it will scan their face by a tablet mounted on it and detect that if they have earlier visited. It will detect the rough age and gender of the consumer, and based on such information, and it will suggest products. People can interact with the robot and ask for specific goods. Adding the robotic logistics to the future developments will change the grocery and food sales as well as the competitive landscapes in the years coming (Kobayashi et al. 2018).

Recommendations on Cloud Networked Robotics for Social Robotic Services

To the retailers of supermarkets of Australia, it is recommended to consider only effective, trusted integrators to assure optimum outcomes. Before making decisions, the supermarket associates must consider both ROI and the investment needed to attain in implementing robots. If the supermarket wants to enhance their operation size, then they add more and more robots as if any individual robot will break down then it do not matter as any of the other robots can performs the same job.

It is also suggested that proper training will be given to both robots to do their job effectively and to the workers so that they can clearly handle the robots and command or instruct robots properly to perform their particular activities.

Conclusion on Cloud Networked Robotics for Social Robotic Services

For the retailers of Australian supermarkets to thrive and adapt in the new era, it is concluded that they require undertaking the change to how they perform business and this mean involving robotics technologies and AI. The changes have disadvantages and advantages both for the supermarkets and their workers.

The shift towards multimodal robot that is significant at doing various functions adds to the equation of value. Introduction of robotic development in supermarkets has seeing more success. Their autonomous robots roam down and up store aisles, shelf irregularities and checking for out-of-stocks and pricing issues. It is also inferred that robots are globally going.

References for Cloud Networked Robotics for Social Robotic Services

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