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You are the manager of Nirimba Community Centre and are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the centre. Please type your written responses to the following questions:

Describe how the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 applies to community organisations

The WHS (Work Health and Safety) Act 2011 applies to community organizations since these companies have a duty of care to certify, so far as is reasonably feasible, the health and security of their workforces at work. Moreover, these companies have a duty of care to ensure the health and safety of other individuals is not impacted by the means in which the company carries out its business. However, the companies, consisting mainly of volunteers, are free from the duties under the WHS act. Still, it is an effective idea to adhere with the usual WHS responsibilities under the WHS law (Justice Connect, 2022).

Outline the policies and procedures you are responsible for developing and monitoring in relation to:

  • Ensuring rights and responsibilities are upheld

  • Maintaining a professional and safe environment

  • Maintaining effective and appropriate service delivery

(a) The Victorian Charter is the policy and procedure which assists a nation to meet its human rights obligations. This charter encompasses 20 rights which endorse and secure the values of respect, dignity, equality, and freedom (Maylea et al., 2023).

(b) Code of practice is the policy and procedure which can be used to maintain a professional and safe environment. These are realistic guidelines to attain the standards of health and safety needed under the model WHS acts and regulations (Fawaz et al., 2020).

(c) The policies and procedures to develop and monitor to maintain effective and precise service delivery entail duty of care; industrial award; staff circumstances; OHS (occupational health and safety); administrative processes; and more (Kurniawan et al., 2022).

Summarise your responsibilities as a manager in developing and monitoring WHS policies and procedures in an organisation.

The responsibilities include the following:

  • Certifying legal laws about the health and safety are fulfilled
  • Ensuring safe workplace activities
  • Ensuring safe work technique statements are finished
  • Implementing security reports and conducting work inspections
  • Carrying out inductions and constant security briefings
  • Lead by example and endorsing health and safety at each prospects
  • Engaging in incident examinations
  • Make choices about health and safety which might impact workplace activities (Bentley et al., 2023).

What is SafeWork NSW?

It is the WHS regulator of the state. SafeWork NSW works with the state community to lessen work associated fatalities, illnesses, and critical injuries and makes it simple to carry out business securely. It is further dedicated to constant engagement with communities and functioning effectively with the stakeholders. The principles which direct its engagement entail purposeful, cooperative, respectful, inclusive, and transparent. This regulator provides free advice on refining WHS, issuing licenses, and registrations for definitely harmful work, examining work incidents, and imposing WHS legislations. The aim of this regulator is to possess the right individuals, in the right roles, with the right competencies, functioning in a constructive work environment. (Roland, 2020).

What is the purpose of consulting with a workplace WHS committee?

The purpose of consulting with a work WHS committee is to monitor the workplace for risks on a constant basis. Such a consultation facilitates individuals in control of an undertaking and employee representatives to meet daily and function collaboratively to establish policies and procedures to refine WHS outcomes. Moreover, such committees bring collectively the PCBU (person conducting a business or undertaking) and employees to discuss and establish methods to refine health and safety at the workplace. This committee offers PCBU and others committed time to have constant and structured discussions of the matters of health and safety (Simao et al., 2021).

What is the purpose of a risk assessment?

The purpose of the risk assessment is to certify that a work environment is secure to work in and entire people engaged are suitably secured from risks. The risk assessment procedure entails initially recognizing risks within a workplace and then further executing control measures. Moreover, the aim is to assess risks, then eliminate those risks or reduce the level of the risks by adding control practices as required. This will assist in offering a safe working environment. Besides, risk assessments must be finished in consultation with employees. This activity is important since it helps to create awareness of the risks; recognize who might be at risk; and figure out if these are existing and sufficient control actions in place (Hansson, 2022).

Explain the hierarchy of control and how it is applied

The hierarchy of control indicates the system to control hazards at the workplace. This is further deemed a step-by-step strategy to eliminate or reduce risks. It also ranks risk controls from the highest degree of security and authenticity through to the lowest and minimal authentic security. The structure of the hierarchy of control is as follows:

  • Remove risks and hazards
  • Lessen the risk
  • Administrative controls
  • PPE (personal protective equipment)

Application: It is helpful for employers to meet their OHS Act duties. Also, this hierarchy of control initially instructs employers to remove risks and hazards. When employers can’t remove risks, then they should work via the hierarchy and choose controls which are most effective to reducing risks (Lingard et al., 2019).

What is the purpose of WHS record-keeping policies and procedures?

The purpose of WHS record-keeping policies and procedures is that it enables an individual to check the safety and health performance of the business and enable it to make refinements wherever required. Besides, it aims to recognize patterns for unsecure situations or workplace practices so one can take actions to rectify such prospective risks. Also, it aims to provide documents in case it is demanded or when an incident arises and one is required to validate that he did all he could reasonably perform to stop it.

How can a supervisor or manager of a community organisation ensure that all employees know how to respond appropriately to legal and ethical obligations such as following WHS policies?

Th supervisor or manager can ensure the same in the following manner:

  • By instantly reporting unsecure workplace practices and situations with the supervisor
  • By cooperating with others on subjects associating to OHS.
  • By offering all employees with the data, instructions, training, and supervision needed to securely conduct their job roles
  • By offering contractors with useful data needed to securely conduct their work and adhere with their WHS roles and responsibilities.
  • By certifying WHS policies and procedures are in place and adhered with.
  • BV demonstrating robust leadership and commitment to WHS practices in the company, and making suitable arrangements for the development of WHS policies (Bilgrami (2023)

Define one strategy that you have researched to be effective in reducing workplace burnout for workers in the community sector?

The strategy for this can be participative programs to lessen harmful psychological workplace factors. The program will be emphasized on lessening adverse psychological workplace forces and their mental health impacts. It starts by attaining dedication, and cooperation from the managerial team and care providers, advocated by an assessment to figure out the prevalence of the psychological workplace risks forces such as low decision latitude, effort-reward imbalance and more (Cunningham ET AL., 2020).


Bentley, T. A., Caponecchia, C., Onnis, L. A., Brunetto, Y., Farr-Wharton, B., Cattani, M., ... & Vassiley, A. (2023). A systems model for the design of occupational health and safety management systems inclusive of work-from-home arrangements. Applied ergonomics109, 103966.

Bilgrami, A. (2023). Evaluating the effect of Australian policies on health and health care outcomes using panel data (Doctoral dissertation, Macquarie University).

Bilgrami, A. (2023). Evaluating the effect of Australian policies on health and health care outcomes using panel data (Doctoral dissertation, Macquarie University).

Cunningham, C. E., Woodward, C. A., Shannon, H. S., MacIntosh, J., Lendrum, B., Rosenbloom, D., & Brown, J. (2002). Readiness for organizational change: A longitudinal study of workplace, psychological and behavioural correlates. Journal of Occupational and Organizational psychology75(4), 377-392.

Fawaz, M., Anshasi, H., & Samaha, A. (2020). Nurses at the front line of COVID-19: Roles, responsibilities, risks, and rights. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene103(4), 1341.

Hansson, S. O. (2022). Risk assessment. In The Routledge Companion to Environmental Ethics (pp. 696-706). Routledge.

Justice Connect (2022). Community organizations and work health and safety laws (Cth). Retrieved from Community organisations and work health and safety laws (Cth) Accessed on 19 September 2023.

Kurniawan, T. A., Othman, M. H. D., Hwang, G. H., & Gikas, P. (2022). Unlocking digital technologies for waste recycling in Industry 4.0 era: A transformation towards a digitalization-based circular economy in Indonesia. Journal of Cleaner Production357, 131911.

Lingard, H., Leifels, K., Rahnama, S., Fletcher, H., & Harley, J. (2019). Applying the hierarchy of control to occupational health risks in construction: Barriers to effective decision-making. Transport NSW.

Maylea, C., Bashfield, L., Thomas, S., Kuyini, B., Fitt, K., & Buchanan, R. (2023). Advocacy as a Human Rights Enabler for Parents in the Child Protection System. Ethics and Social Welfare, 1-20.

Roland, E. (2020). Exploring the Relationship Between Young Workers and Workplace Safety. Statement of Purpose and Objective, 24.

Simao, D. D. C., Karanikas, N., Cortes-Ramirez, J., & Sav, A. (2021). Workplace health and safety consultation in Australia: A scoping review. Journal of Health, Safety and Environment37(2), 97-116.

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HLTWHS003 Maintain Work Health and Safety Assessment Answer

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