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Project Proposal Assignment Help

The Task: Each individual student must develop a feasible Project Proposal for your chosen topic (see details of five topics below). Your proposal will be in the format of a 5-10 minute video. You must undertake research appropriate to the topic, create interview questions for project stakeholders, conduct interviews or survey stakeholders, follow up with an explanation of your research findings and a demonstration of at least three (3) analysis tools applied to your research. Your proposal must also detail the most appropriate project management methodology to use for your project. You will be competing with other students to be accepted into any of the projects, therefore you need to use your project proposal to sell your ability to work on the project. This part is worth 20% and is due on the Friday of week 8. Submission is via google drive and the video must be shared with your teacher.
These assignments are solved by our professional project proposal assignment Expertsat Grade Saviours and the solution are high quality of work as well as 100% plagiarism free. The assignment solution was delivered within 2-3 Days. Our Assignment Writing Experts are efficient to provide a fresh solution to this question. We are serving more than 10000+ Students in Australia, UK & US by helping them to score HD in their academics. Our Experts are well trained to follow all marking rubrics & referencing style.


Aim and objectives of research:

The aim of this paper is to propose a research that assesses the homelessness issues in Australia. As per a 2016 census, more than 100,000 people are homeless in Australia and this is a major issue in the country (Homelessness Australia, 2016). The objectives of the research will be:
  • To identify the underlying causes of homelessness
  • To evaluate the strategies being used by the government and different organizations
  • To recommend appropriate strategies that can help in solving this problem.

Literature review:

There are many causes of homelessness in Australia. Some significant causes are addiction, inability to adjust with society after getting out of prison or foster care, refugees, debts, disability, inability to find jobs, poverty, being forced to leave home, etc. (McLennan, 2010). Another major cause is mental illness. A large segment of the homeless people in Australia have mental illness and used to be under treatment in different big mental health care organizations. Since the 1980s, numerous people with mental health issues have been removed from institutions (Barbour, 2016). These people live with the general population now and are forced to be homeless. As per a study done in 2014 by the University of Sydney, majority of the homeless people suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (Louise, 2014). As per a recent census, more than 43% of the homeless people of Australia are infants, or young peoplewith ages less than 25 (Homelessness Australia, 2016).

Research methodology:

The main aim of the research is to analyze the reasons for homelessness in Australia and to develop innovative solutions to solve the issues related to homelessness. In Australia, more than 100,000 people are homeless. So, in order to find out the reasons for homelessness in Australia and to provide innovative solutions, it is important to interact with the homeless people in Australia.

Data collection:

In order to conduct the research, the first step is data collection. The data collection tool in this research is survey. A survey questionnaire consisting of closed ended questions will be developed and the survey will be conducted with the homeless people of Melbourne.


The total number of homeless people in Australia is quite huge and it is more than 100,000. It is not possible to conduct survey with all of them but the survey can be conducted with the representatives of the homeless people of Melbourne. Total sample size will be 100.

Ethical considerations:

The participants will be made aware of the reasons for conducting the research and a consent form will be signed by them.


The research is limited to the context of Melbourne only. Conducting the research in a different city might provide different result as the scenario of homelessness might be different in the city.

Data analysis tools:

The data has been analyzed using Microsoft Excel, graphs and charts and mathematical calculations. Microsoft excel has been used to develop the graphs and charts. The graphs and charts have been used to show the data in a proper structure to the readers to easily understand and mathematical calculations have been used to show the percentage of data in the analysis.

Results and discussion:


  1. Do you think government provides adequate permanent housing facility to the homeless people in Melbourne?
  • Yes
  • No
In the survey conducted with the participants, 70% participants stated that government does not provide permanent housing facility to the homeless people in Melbourne.
  1. What is the main reason for the increasing homelessness in Melbourne?
  • Lack of education and unemployment
  • Lack of access to social services
  • Problems in getting legal identity
In answer to the second question, 43% participants mentioned that the main reason for increasing homelessness in Melbourne is lack of proper education and unemployment.
  1. Do you think designing a system can prevent homelessness in Melbourne city?
  • Yes
  • No
In response to the question asked 77% participants stated that designing a proper system can prevent the problems of homelessness in Melbourne city.
  1. What are your recommendations to improve the challenges of homelessness in Melbourne?
  • Establishing schools and providing education to the homeless people
  • Providing low wages jobs to sustain
  • Providing permanent housing against low rent
In response to the question, almost all of the options have been answered by the participants equally because the three options are highly needed in order to reduce the problems of homelessness in Melbourne.


From the results, it can be found that there are some problems present in Melbourne which are the main factors that are increasing the challenges of homelessness. The most important factors are lack of proper education, unemployment, lack of social services to the poor people etc. In order to initiate the change of the long lasting social impact, there is a need for increasing the community visibility of the problem at the initial stage. It involves increasing the actual information about the severity of the problem and the motivation of the community to solve the problem permanently.

Conclusion and recommendations:

From the paper it can be concluded that the main reasons for the homelessness in Australia are lack of proper education, unemployment, substance abuse, poverty, mental illness etc. There are different interventions techniques present but the least expensive intervention technique is preventing the people to become homeless at the very initial stage. The leveraging points for this type of change is increasing the amount of affordable housing for the people, providing jobs to sustain and providing various critical services which can enable people to keep their present homes. The government of Australia should take care of the jobs for the people of the homeless people. In Australia, it has been found that there is a lack of jobs for the people of lower class of the society which is needed to be improved by the government. The government should ensure that the people living on the streets or other homeless people should get the social service same as the people living in the remaining society.
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