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HRM - Essay Writing Assignment Help

Topic 3 short answer assessment task: Selection methods and minority representation in CERA Imagine that CERA wants to increase the representation of Aboriginal people in its workforce. Using one job category in CERA as an example, discuss the merits of two selection methods that you believe, based on research evidence, may be problematic if CERA is to achieve its goal.Cite and reference sources used in your answer. Follow the presentation requirements set out in the Subject Outline for Assessment 2.If you are taking this subject in a face-to-face class, your lecturer will provide instructions on how to complete this task.
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Selection methods and minority representation in CERA

CERA has been one of the most influential companies in Australia since it has been providing numerous job opportunities for the locals. A debate has recently been sparked as to how such an industry benefits people from different local backgrounds. This is because some of the indigenous people in the country have to be represented in the CERA workforce (Australian Bureau of statistics, 2015). The distribution of different workforces in the institute greatly depends on the level of specialization of an individual rather than the ethnic background. The aboriginal people of Australia are known to be one of the oldest of the indigenous people in that country. One of the positions in CERA that can be used to introduce the aboriginals is the philanthropy coordinator (Philanthropy Coordinator, 2016). This position is one of the most crucial in the running of the institute since it entails a front line responsibility for a range of fundraising activities. The employee in question will have to manage most of the institute’s information on their database and organize events to engage the institute in the locals’ activities. For such a position to be achieved by a candidate, the HR department must device efficient selection techniques to recruit the best performing personnel into the institute. One of the selection techniques the institute can use is the application forms. This is whereby the interested candidates fill out an application form then send it to the institute. The application forms are then reviewed by a committee that thereafter shortlists the most suitable candidates for the post. This process has to be done very carefully to avoid unfair discrimination, which may tarnish the institute’s name and image (Mayhew, 2016). This technique of acquiring workers in the institution is very efficient since it siphons out the best performing individuals from numerous applicants who applied but were not qualified for the task. The problem with this method of selecting new workers is the fact that the employer has to come up with job related questions that do not ask about the applicant’s age, race or sex. This is because such questions may hint that the employer is looking for a given character trait of workers. This may bring up the issue of unintentional employment discrimination, which is illegal in some countries. Another method that can be used to select workers in the institution is the use of CVs or curriculum vitae. This is where the applicant writes down his/her skills or knowledge in a particular field then proves their ability to perform the skills. The applicant may also include their historical work experiences starting with the most recent. This method of selecting applicants is more efficient since the employer is able to determine closely which applicant is most suited for the job (CIPD, 2016). The demerit of this method however is the inability of the employer to be aware of details that the applicant may not have included in his/her CV. Such details include whether the job applicant has a permit to carry out the work in the designated area or whether the applicant has any criminal record. Another demerit associated with the curriculum vitae method is whereby the employer observes that the CV is too professional and assumes that the individual did not write it. This may be a huge blow for the employer since the most suitable candidates for the task end up being disqualified for the wrong reasons (James & James, 2016). These are some of the reasons that may prevent such an institution as CERA from achieving its goal of involving the aboriginal people in its operations. Research has proved that the above methods are very helpful when it comes to selecting the desired candidates for the job but they may also end up being very problematic for CERA in helping it achieve its goal. It is therefore better to understand that it is very generous of such an institution for including aboriginal people in its workforce but the methods of selection may end up being a hindrance.
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