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Challenges Faced by HR in The Sector of Technology and Digital Marketing

Talent of employees is a very important and crucial part for all organizations. In the study, demonstrated the challenges that are faced by HR in the sector of technology and digital marketing in developing the talent for organization growth, the strategies that helped HR is building and creating talent in the employees. The development of talent helps in the growth of the organization and increased skills work as an asset. HR needs to employ those people who have required talents of technology that are necessary in the organization (Basalamah et al., 2019). In the study, the key challenges and the current situation is demonstrated for the retention of employees in the organization. Talent management also helps the employees to get motivated, engaged and skilled. It also helps the employees to work towards the organizational goal effectively.

An organization always needs talented people for specific work that can only be done by skilled employees. According to the study conducted by Society For Human Resource Management demonstrates that an organization who focuses on more talented employees and the retention of the employees are well worth the investment and time. Employee retention promotes better productivity, improved quality of work, increased performance and higher employee morale. The HR is always responsible for recruiting the best and suitable workforce in the sector of technology in organization (Yu et al., 2018). It's the basic responsibility of HR to recruit those people who have required skills and knowledge to perform better in every situation and also perform the task in such a way that helps the organization to achieve the goals.

While allocating the work or sector to any workforce it's necessary to judge the employee according to the skills an employee has and the skills that are required for the sector. It’s not an easy task to find the talented people and recruit them as the competition is increasing day by day and the demands of the talented employee is also increasing (Lee & Varon, 2012). It is a very critical decision to recruit the talented employees in order to the allowed salary provided by the management. Talent management also helps the employees to get motivated, engaged and skilled. It also helps the employees to work towards the organizational goal effectively. The development of talent helps in the growth of the organization and increased skills work as an asset. HR needs to employ those people who have required talents that are necessary in the organization.

There is another aspect that is retaining the employees. According to the study conducted by Tikson et al. (2018) demonstrates that due to the high competency and high demand of talented employees, the chances of the loyalty of an employee to the organization are also decreasing. An organization prefers those employees who work for a long period of time. HR faces many challenges in the retention of employees because it includes fulfilling their expectations from the organization. HR manages to motivate the employees mentally and economically for not resigning from the organization but this strategy is always not successful due to the high expectations of the employee and better salary packages or any other best services provided by another organization. The development of talent helps in the growth of the organization and increased skills work as an asset. HR needs to employ those people who have required talents that are necessary in the organization. There are various challenges in the attraction and the retention of employees in the fields like website designing and digital marketing that includes -

  1. Increased job opportunities - Competition is increasing day by day and the demands of the talented employee is also increasing (Liu et al., 2016). There is a cut-throat competition in the market to recruit the talented employees that can be a great asset to the organization. due to the high competency and high demand of talented employees, the chances of the loyalty of an employee to the organization are also decreasing.

  2. Recruitment of wrong candidates - During the time of interview, the candidates provide the best possible lies to get the job and then with the time and their performances HR and management get to know about the unskilled employee has been recruited (Kazimoto, 2016). The wrong employees do not help in achieving the organizational goal instead that employee is a liability due to he or she is unskilled and not have the appropriate talent.

  3. Job rotation - When an employee joins and starts working in the organization he or she has a very keen interest in doing the job or getting the things done but over the time period employees tend to get bored by doing the same tasks for the longest time. They need changes for the consistent interest in the job (Shaikh & Shaikh, 2019). If an organization does not provide the job rotation then the probability of the employee leaving the job also increases. The job rotation helps in increasing the skills of an employee and that only benefits the organization.

  4. Salary Dissatisfaction - One of the major reasons of the challenges in the retention of employees is that they are not satisfied with the salary that is provided by the organization. Many employees know their worth and how much they deserve to get for the talent and the skills they have. When an organization underestimates the employees skills and talent by rewarding him or her very low salary packages then the motivation and the loyalty of an employee decreases and they make the decision of moving to another organization that pays them fairly and according to the skills and talent.

  5. Employee’s unrealistic expectations - It's become difficult for the organization to fulfill the expectations of every employee. The employees have unrealistic expectations to get all the comfort at the workplace and that is not possible (Gawke et al., 2017). They start creating controversies at the workplace that also affects other employees negatively. An unskilled and untalented candidate is not suitable but employees want appraisal in the salary without having proper experience and skills and these kind of unrealistic expectations cannot be fulfilled by the organization. When all the unrealistic expectations are not met, the employees start looking for another job.

These were the common challenges that HR faces for the retention of the employees in the field of technology and digital marketing. Effective HR can make sure that the employees of the organization establish association for a long term and an organization should pay an appropriate salary package while making sure the employee skills and talents. Employee retention promotes better productivity, improved quality of work, increased performance and higher employee morale (Mustafa et al., 2016). The HR is always responsible for recruiting the best and suitable workforce in the organization. An organization prefers those employees who work for a long period of time. HR adapts various strategies to motivate the employees mentally and economically for not resigning from the organization and that can help the HR for the retention of employees. HR can adapts several effective ways for the retention of employees in the sector of technology and digital marketing that includes -

  1. Identifying the candidates - HR has to recruit the suitable candidates for the organization that stays and works for the long term period. An organization needs the appropriate employees who are satisfied with the work and with the proposed salary. There are many employees who just give the interview and join the job for a very short time of time and then leave in search of another better job (Jena & Pradhan, 2018). It's not only a waste of time but also decreases the resources of an organization because every time when a new employee gets hired, it is necessary to provide the training and the knowledge to get the work done.

  2. Providing the opportunities - If an organization provides the new opportunities to the employee to enhance their skills then the chances of the employees leaving the job decreases. Over the time period employees tend to get bored by doing the same tasks for the longest time (Nasution, 2018) They need changes for the consistent interest in the job. It is necessary for an organization to always switch the job of an employee with the different sectors that will help the employees for the increasing the opportunities in the path of career. Providing the opportunities will not only help the employees but also help the organization with more skilled and talented employees.

  3. Benefits to the employees - An organization or HR needs to take care of the perks and benefits provided to the employee. When an organization provides the appropriate perks and incentive to the employees then it motivates them to do more work done effectively and efficiently (Devi & Lochab, 2020). Perks, incentives and benefits are the most important factors that motivate and encourage employees to not to leave the organization for a long time period as it is fulfilling the expectations of getting paid fairly. The improved perks and benefits help in the retention of employees and creates a trustworthy relationship with organization and employees because the paychecks are increasing according to the talent and skills.

  4. Being open and transparent - According to a study conducted by Malik & Kazmi (2016), demonstrates that a transparent and open communication between employees and management can help in better understanding and common shared goals. Being open and transparent refers to the work principle where there is a regular meeting conducted by the management where employees can ask the question without hesitating and get the answer from the management. In the meetings employees can share their views, opinions and ideas that can help in achieving the project or organizational goal. The ideas and views should be respected by the management.

  5. Encouraging the employees - When employees get appreciated and are encouraged for the talent and skills they have, the probability of getting another job decreases. Encouraging and appreciating the employee is a mental strategy for the retention of employees (Mustafa et al., 2016). They get motivated by the appraisal from the management and they get more focused and determined to work that increases the quality of work. HR can adapt this competency strategy by initiating the programs like rewards and recognition and employee of the week. All these practices will create a competency between employees to perform better and it will help in increasing the efficiency of work in the organization.

All these strategies can help the HR to develop an organization’s pool of talented employees without getting affected with the market competency. The current situation of the retention of employees is getting out of control due to the increased competition in the market. Each and every organization desires to get the talented employees that can increase the efficiency of the work and helps the organization to get the desired goals (Gyurák Babeľová et al., 2020). Nowadays employees have many choices as per switching the job due to their preferences and expectations from the job. There are many organizations who are ready to pay the expected salaries of the talented employees so that they can increase the quality of work that has been done. Effective employees are very hard to find and it’s important to keep those talented employees with the organization for a very long time period and it may include providing the opportunities and the increased salary or paychecks according to the skills and talents of an employee.

HR managers make their jobs very interesting and beneficial to the employees by informing them about the perk, benefits, comfort, environment, incentives and opportunities that are provided to the skilled and talented employee (Jena & Pradhan, 2020). All these facilities that are provided by the HR manager attracts the talented candidate for the job. A talented candidate wants to get the job that pays according to the worth of the candidate so, whenever candidates notice that an organization is providing the great benefits and perks, the employee gets attracted to the job. Job seekers always look for the major factor that is opportunity and if the organization is providing the opportunities in every field that can only help the candidates to increase the skills and knowledge then the job is appropriate and helpful for them to enhance the path of the career. So, these were the factors that HR managers can imply and attract the talented candidates for the job.

The entry level jobs refers to the jobs which requires minimum education, experience, skills and talent. These are the types of jobs that do not acquire the high paychecks to the employees and do not expect extraordinary skills from them. The selection criteria for the entry level jobs mostly requires the minimum education like graduation, one year of experience or may be freshers and have a common knowledge of communication skills and basic computer skills (Mahesh, 2020).

The international jobs refers to the multinational companies that are set up in different countries for the operations and mostly the requirement of multinational companies is the knowledge of different languages (Hamstra et al., 2019). The selection criteria of the international jobs can include the basic knowledge of computer, skills of communicating in another language because most of the international jobs requires the candidate who knows the appropriate international language as per the business, communication skills because most the of the international jobs requires communicating the international client and handling their doubts, more than one year of experience and higher education.

The techniques that are used by my organization for recruiting the new employees are that they attract the candidate and provide the practical information about the job requirements. The HR manager of my company knows that a beneficial job that provides security and economic stability in life motivates the talented candidates for the jobs. So, my organization’s strategy is to provide the security of the future of the employees by providing them the schemes and the services that will help them in emergencies like providing health insurance and another strategy is to make sure that every employee gets deserved perks and incentives from the organization. When an organization provides the appropriate perks and incentive to the employees then it motivates them to do more work done effectively and efficiently (Lin et al., 2018).

Perks, incentives and benefits are the most important factors that motivates the candidates to join the organization. The last strategy is providing the best opportunities from every sector that is present in the organization. If an organization provides the new opportunities to the employees to enhance their skills then the chances of attracting the talented candidates also increases. It is necessary for an organization to always switch the job of employees with the different available sectors that will help the employees for the increasing the opportunities in the path of career. Every talented candidate wants to join that organization in which he or she can enhance the path of their career. The basic motive of the strategies have always been the same in my organization but there were some required improvements that have been made for the better recruitment of the best employees (Kazlauskienė et al., 2017).

The different stakeholders group like consumers, management, administration and direct or line manager will be affected positively from the changes and strategies adapted for the attraction and selection issues because the skilled and talented employees helps in enhancing the quality of work and also helps in reaching the organizational goals with the effective work practices. The talented employees promote better productivity, improved quality of work, increased performance and higher employee morale that will help the organization in the best outcomes and it can help in providing the best services to the consumers.


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