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Question:Health Promotion

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Health Promotion Assignment

Assignment Task

Task: 1 A Worker's Speech To A Doctor When we come to you Our rags are torn off us And you listen all over our naked body. As to the cause of our illness One glance at our rags would Tell you more. It is the same cause that wears out Our bodies and our clothes. The pain in our shoulder comes You say, from the damp; and this is also the reason For the stain on the wall of our flat. So tell us: Where does the damp come from? Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) As an intrepid Health Promotion professional with expertise in a range of health issues and population groups, select ONE health promotion intervention for ONE of the five population groups listed in the attached document: Health Promotion Interventions Options 2018. The World Health Organization (2012) report on ‘Governance for health in the 21st Century’ asserts there are new challenges (and opportunities) for health in the 21st Century that require systems approaches and networked responses at all levels (WHO 2012, p. vii). The changing nature of the challenges faced by 21st-century societies drives new approaches to governance; health is only one challenge and is not always given priority. Most of these challenges, however, have significant health effects, which have not been considered sufficiently so far. The challenges include systemic shocks, such as natural disasters and disease outbreaks, as well as longer-term processes, such as urbanization, epidemiological and demographic transitions, food insecurity, climate change and widening economic disparities. Unique to our times are the synergistic global interconnections among these large-scale challenges (and opportunities) and the interdependence of most of the solutions. The complexity of these wicked problems calls for systems approaches and networked responses at all levels. (WHO 2012, p. vii) These are also echoed in the work of Allender et al. (2015), Bloch et al. (2014) and Fisher et al. (2014). WHO has requested that you appraise the efficacy of health promotion interventions for your area of expertise to determine if they meet the challenges for health in the 21st century. In order to do this, you need to:
  • Work with a partner to prepare a 10 minute oral presentation assessing the extent to which each of the two health promotion interventions meet the challenges for health in the 21st century. You will do this by utilising the frameworks and approaches outlined in sections 2 and 3.i. – 3.v. below.
  • Individually prepare a detailed written report on your findings.
OUTLINE OF INDIVIDUAL REPORT Refer also to marking rubric/criteria.
  1. Provide an introduction to your report. (Approx. 200 words: 2 marks)
  2. Use a socio-ecological determinants approach to map the myriad, interconnected and interdependent causal chain of factors impacting on the health issue for the population group. Represent these relationships using a concept map or a model of systems thinking such as the Iceburg model etc. While you may identify a number of determinants, you need to DISCUSS the connection between the MAJOR determinants and these should also lead into the particular health promotion intervention, highlighting what the intervention is responding to. (Approx. 500 words: 7 marks)
  3. Using the frameworks and approaches outlined in i. to v. below, assess the efficacy of your health promotion intervention as inclusive of systems thinking approaches, evidencing socio-ecological approaches:
  4. Establish the extent to which the intervention is health promoting by mapping the intervention against a Health Promotion framework (such as Ottawa Charter, Integrated Health Promotion, HP spectrum etc.). For example does the intervention address actions on health across the health promotion spectrum / five key action areas? (Approx. 500 words: 7 marks)
Identify where the health promotion intervention fits into the 3 principal areas of action as identified by the Commission on Social Determinants of Health (CSDH WHO 2008, p. 43). (Approx. 400 words: 5 marks) These are:
  1. Improve the conditions of daily life – the circumstances in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age.
  2. Tackle the inequitable distribution of power, money, and resources – the structural drivers of those conditions of daily life – globally, nationally, and locally.
  3. Measure the problem, evaluate action, expand the knowledge base, develop a workforce that is trained in the social determinants of health, and raise public awarenessabout the social determinants of health.
  4. Compare the health intervention for congruency with TWO of the 5 key determinants of health for the 21st Century as outlined by Kickbusch (2012). These are: political, commercial, social, environmental and behavioural determinants of health. (Approx. 400 words: 6 marks)
  5. Evaluate if a systems thinking approach has informed the health promotion intervention (for example: Allender et al. (2015), Bloch et al. (2014) and Fisher et al. (2016). (Approx. 300 words: 5 marks)
  6. Assess if the intervention promotes health equity and/or action on environmental sustainability (For example: Patrick et al. (2015), Baum and Fisher (2010). (Approx. 400 words: 6 marks)
  7. The conclusion needs to consolidate your assessment of the health promotion intervention and recommend to the WHO whether the health promotion intervention for your health issue and population group is an appropriate response for the 21st century. (Approx. 300 words: 3 marks)
  1. In pairs choose ONE of the health topics for ONE of the five specified population groups outlined in the Health Promotion Interventions Options 2018 document.
  2. As a pair you will present on TWO different health promotion interventions which address the health issue for the same population group. EACH student must cover a DIFFERENT health promotion intervention.
  3. Prepare a 10 minute PowerPoint poster presentation (no more than 10 slides) of your chosen health issue and population group, based on sections 2 and 3.i.-3.v. of your report above.
  4. Include ONE joint socio-ecological determinants map (Section 2.) for your health issue and population group.
  5. In your presentation indicate points of difference and similarities between the TWO health promotion interventions for each point: 3.i. - 3.v.
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Health Promotion Intervention for Alcohol Related Harm in Australia Overview/Summary of the Campaign The campaign was produced by the Glenelg Alcohol Health Promotion Planning Committee (AHPPC) and the Glenelg Beyond the Bell (BtB) training achievement Local Action Group. The crusade depends on conduct change hypothesis, rehashing the message different circumstances to improve the probability of changes in conduct by youngsters and their folks. Beforehand we had utilized the Smart Generation materials (Deakin University) for youngsters and grown-ups about underage drinking. We embraced meeting with youngsters in standard and elective instruction settings, specialist organizations and Aboriginal wellbeing laborers and older folks. Criticism urged us to consider the fittingness and openness of the materials particularly for more youthful teenagers and individuals with constrained proficiency. It likewise urged us to include youngsters all the while. The committee worked with RMIT University Communication and Design understudies and graduates to deliver a positive idea: 'You're enough'. The message was strengthened by the slogan 'not drinking is fine', to challenge our nearby culture of incorporating liquor in each occasion, festivity and empathizing. The understudies created three splendidly themes, you’re enough contextual investigation characters – Quirky, Funny and Daring - which show up in a progression of three blurbs with the message 'You're Quirky Enough', 'You're Funny Enough' and 'You're Daring Enough'. We additionally built up a pamphlet for grown-ups, which fused the You're Enough message also, work of art and gave data about underage drinking and its effects and approaches to bolster youngsters not to drink, in view of the first Smart Generation leaflet. The crusade began with a moderate uncover instead of a conventional dispatch (in February 2016) – a guerrilla style crusade with content free publications going up, in towns over the Glenelg Shire, without clarification. This accomplished our target of making interest and interest. Individuals were discussing the publications, pondering what they were about, with inquiries on social media and to committee individuals. The full uncover occurred in June 2016 through a progression of youth occasions, posting of the new notices with the message, with the grown-up handouts sent home with optional school reports. All through history, the drinking of alcoholic drinks has assumed an imperative part in social settings and social occasions in numerous social orders. Social standards furthermore, values have constantly encompassed the utilization of mixed refreshments (Bonnie and O'Connell 21). In a few social orders, the utilization of liquor is prohibited on religious grounds. Liquor use remains profoundly installed in numerous social orders. Internationally, approximately 2 billion individuals use alcoholic refreshments. This Strategy centers around decreasing the hurtful utilization of liquor, specifically its effect on wellbeing and welfare. It has been produced based on an audit of the writing on liquor related harm and conferences with specialists and different partners, for example, nongovernmental associations. Notwithstanding the extent of liquor related issues universally and the challenges in forestalling them, there is expanding proof of viability of some prevention methodologies, particularly those for lessening liquor related accident injuries. In the course of recent decades, high-wage nations have encountered a generous lessening in mortality from liquor related crashes. The larger part of this decrease is ascribed to social changes related with state funded training, authoritative approaches, enactment, law implementation, and monetary activities, in different settings involving numerous areas. Despite the fact that individuals must accept individual accountability for keeping up their wellbeing. There is wide acknowledgment that ecological signs and reinforcements have an impact on conduct decisions and results (Hamilton, Kellehear, and Rumbold 121). Drinking conduct is formed by singular decisions and inspiration, and furthermore unequivocally affected by hierarchical, financial, ecological, and social factors. Subsequently, approaches that endeavor to bring about change in drinking conduct through training alone are probably going to have constrained or no achievement, while those that join instructive with other conduct, ecological, strategy and authoritative changes are probably going to be the best. Amid the previous two decades there has been a critical increment in prove that different parts of nature impact liquor utilize. These impacts may incorporate meaningful gestures, for example, use by relatives and associates, and media influence (McBride 55). Ecological impacts likewise incorporate accessibility, cost and the idea of drinks offered available to be purchased. A wellbeing advancement way to deal with the counteractive action of liquor related issues consolidates a fitting parity of independently engaged conduct change procedures and those that deliver situations that help solid practices. Socio-Ecological Determinants Approach While straightforward perception of conduct is essential in wellbeing advancement, utilizing a more thorough approach is required for beginning and maintaining change. Different approaches have been proposed to aid the clarification of why individuals act in the way that they do. Social ecology is an extensive way to deal with conduct clarification. It proposes that conduct is influenced by various levels of impact. Liquor use among students is a multifaceted conduct in which impact is drawn from different sources. Therefore, a biological approach of inspecting the issue might be the most suitable strategy to make noteworthy, practical social change (Linos and Kirch 61). The natural point of view and its fluctuating levels of impact were clarified in 1988 by McLeroy and partners. The key idea in this viewpoint is that conduct is multifaceted, with social and natural issues being vital contributing components. In light of prior work, which proposed that, conduct is influenced by different levels of impact, McLeroy and partners outlined an environmental model that incorporates five factors that influence wellbeing and co-reacting practices (Linsley, Kane, and Owen 70). This model includes intrapersonal factors, relational forms, institutional or authoritative components, group elements, and open arrangement. The creators noticed that presumptions of wellbeing advancement mediations depend on conduct hypotheses and convictions; hence, this model and its five levels of examination connote the variety of systems accessible for wellbeing advancement programming. Social nature hypothesis has been proposed for use in school liquor aversion. Hansen recommends a social natural way to deal with set up the relationship of social structure and liquor use among school understudies. Nature and personality of a student varies from that of a non-student in a few ways. Social structure and time administration are normally unique for individuals who are students. Due to the different affecting components in a student’s life, it is adequate to assume that those components can straightforwardly affect conduct. Social ecology theory for school alcohol counteractive action recognizes students as a social affecting component on individual liquor use. In a push to investigate the way of life inside which a student uses liquor, one needs a system that investigates different levels of individual, social, and ecological influences (Kolind 47). Review of the issue of liquor use through natural perspectives takes into consideration comprehension of the frameworks in which users settle on conduct decision of the components that may influence conduct. The Social Ecology Model's five levels of conduct influence can be utilized to decide essential influencing factors particular to school student’s alcohol use. Albeit a portion of these elements may likewise influence the non-student, it is important to create criteria particular to school competitors. Intrapersonal Factors Intrapersonal factors incorporate individual characteristics such as information, states of mind, and convictions that may influence conduct. For a student, it is essential to survey information with respect to liquor's relationship to general wellbeing, as well as how liquor can influence execution. About 60 percent of school athletes trust that liquor use has no effect on their wellbeing or game execution, while nearly 30 percent expressed that they have performed ineffectively in a game (Saggers and Gray 29). An underage student will regularly look to other students for role affirmation or conduct signals. This adjustment to the way of life is now and again alluded to as the underage student’s character. Applying interactionist hypothesis to underage drinking, the student’s character is communicated by how they characterize themselves as a student and is characterized by others as a student. The cooperation between others and the confidence in an underage student’s character may have an impact on conduct, especially liquor use. Research is expected to decide school student's view of how they are distinguished and how they distinguish themselves. Likewise important is re-look into how this recognizable proof identifies with the choice to drink or stay off liquor. Relational Factors Relational variables are to a great degree influential to the conduct of underage students. An examination of school drinking uncovered that underage student who were engaged with school social exercises drank more liquor and all the more as often as possible than underage students who were less associated with social activities. This proposes that social groups are powerful in liquor conduct. The impacts of companion standards and regulating convictions have additionally appeared through earlier research. It was discovered that about 75% of studies on underage drinking across the country overestimate the sum of liquor consumption by peers in social circumstances (Hodgins, Fleming, and Griffiths 80). Since most underage students live in an interpersonal organization that is commanded by partners, it is imperative to decide the discernments and convictions of these standards inside the group system. A social gathering, such as a sports group, supports social bonds between individuals, which may prompt conduct impersonation; along these lines look into views of colleagues' liquor patterns might be exceptionally gainful in creating legitimate mediations. It would likewise be beneficial to inspect the part of group initiative. Authoritative or Institutional Variables Hierarchical or institutional effects on underage students may originate from the sorted out leaders of a group. Review of the group as an association itself, underage student’s view of the mentors' standards, convictions, and states of mind with respect to liquor use must be inspected. Mentors' controls about liquor can influence student’s use; along these lines, the authoritative guidelines inside the group must be considered (Stockwell 18). Discernments that mentors will not endure liquor use by underage students may prompt limited utilization with respect to the student. Policy Factors Policy factors are instrumental in setting rules and administration of liquor related practices among underage students. It was discovered that the school liquor arrangements inspected were modestly clear and available, yet the regions of implementation and breadth were deficient. Without legitimate authorization, the approach does pretty much nothing to affect conduct. Notwithstanding school wide arrangements, school students likewise fall under the administering controls. Eighty eight percent of the underage students reviewed trusted that their school is making a genuine endeavor to educate them about the perils of using drugs and liquor (Seale, Gobo, Gubrium, and Silverman 69). Arrangement elements ought to be concentrated to decide how the students see the school’s standards, directions, and strategies in regards to liquor use. It ought to be resolved if students know of the directions and the outcomes of infringement. View of these tenets and of the seriousness of the outcomes may deter use. Health Promotion Efficacy of the Health Promotion Intervention Liquor policy is by all accounts best on attitude and conduct change when limiting the accessibility, altering drinking context, and persuasion and education are joined indispensably. Policy measures that emphasis on restricting the accessibility of liquor, and some approach measures that change the drinking setting, appear to be powerful in diminishing the use of liquor. Prove for conduct change has been found for instruction and additionally broad communications programs. Additionally, liquor instruction is by all accounts a famous policy measure for governments, and in addition for the populace. Additionally, for a few reasons, instruction has a vital part in liquor strategy (Stockwell 29). To start with, instruction, which builds information/mindfulness about the damage of liquor, furnishes occupants a very much-educated decision concerning liquor use. Secondly, instruction may bolster for other liquor policy measures, such as restricting the accessibility of liquor, techniques in which tenants are 'constrained' to play out the coveted conduct. Liquor education assumes a critical part in liquor approach. It has contributed to meaningful conduct change. Inquiry over education on alcohol emerged on the impact of training and its applicability in social showcasing standards. It is important to underline that liquor education should not be on a single solitary premise. It is prescribed to combine training with other liquor policy measures, keeping in mind the end goal to diminish the hurtful utilization of liquor. The proposed social advertising could be a helpful strategy for liquor education. Understanding a group of people and its qualities, and following up on this may expand the likelihood that the intervention may change their demeanors and conduct. This may bring about even more enduring impact of liquor training. Applying social promotion has indicated impacts for various subjects for example on the physical movement of underage children (Hodgins, Fleming, and Griffiths 75). Among the numerous definitions connected to social promoting, a current one is the deliberate use of advertising, close by different ideas and procedures, to accomplish particular conduct objectives for a social decent. Different ideas and procedures with extra hypothetical advancement, enhanced conduct mediations, and thorough inventive strategies are frequently required in conjunction with social advertising endeavors. Social advertising comprises of eight key standards as highlighted below. The eight standards of social advertising Client orientation Focus on the requirements, needs and dispositions of the focused on people towards the intercession. Insight Examine why individuals carry on the way they do. Segmentation Dividing a heterogeneous target into more homogeneous fragments, in light of thought processes, values, practices, states of mind, information and sentiments. Building up an intercession in light of these thought processes/values for a specific portion expands the shot that the group of onlookers will embrace the focused on general wellbeing mediation. Social goals Clear and achievable conduct objectives must be set for the group of onlookers in a picked section. Exchange Incentives for the focused on conduct must be expanded and hindrances must be expelled. Competition Competition, which is every one of the powers that rival the time/enthusiasm of the objective gathering, must be clear. Aggressive components for drinking less liquor incorporate, for instance, the social standards and companion weight. Techniques mix It is critical to blend mediations, on the grounds that a blend will be more fruitful than one single intercession. Hypothesis based Developing a focused intercession for the crowd of one section must be founded on social, wellbeing instructive, and limited time speculations, notwithstanding correspondence speculations. A social advertising intervention should meet these eight criteria. The degree to which mediation is a social promoting intervention aligns with the quantity of social display criteria met. In a prior survey on liquor counteractive action in light of the standards of social display, there was some confirmation on the diminishment of liquor use and harm related with liquor use. Direct wellbeing education goes for adjusting liquor related practices. This has met with limited achievement, albeit a couple of mediations have been very much composed or sufficiently assessed, and numerous experiences the ill effects of insufficient information detailing and investigation. The confirmation recommends that for conduct change to be compelling, a strong environment (by means of hierarchical, monetary and political activities) is typically vital (Kolind 61). It is essential, along these lines, that instruction programs urge group individuals to look for changes in policies and practices that assistance diminish liquor related issues. Particular training endeavors additionally should be coordinated at feeling pioneers and arrangement producers, to help auxiliary changes. School Programs Confirmation for the viability of school-based liquor mediations is unclear. School programs that create positive results have been grounded in instructive and social change principles. They use fundamental abilities to target the drinking practices of underage students. There is proof that school-based programs are more compelling than programs driven by an educator, similar to those that use intuitive methodologies encouraging relational aptitudes. School approaches in Australia are increasingly embracing a damage decrease instead of forbearance center (Saggers and Gray 101). Exact investigations show that damage diminishment approaches are at any rate as viable as forbearance arranged techniques in diminishing liquor use and liquor related damage. Notwithstanding, giving chances to connect with underage students the school setting may likewise be fitting as a scene to draw in guardians in programs, however such methodologies have not received adequate research to quantify viability. Broad Communications Broad communications procedures have been utilized widely to advance wellbeing upgrading practices and are the most widely recognized cases of counter promotion. There is prove that very much contrived and enough resourced programs joining broad communications can enhance wellbeing related practices. Broad communications have had constrained viability in diminishing or counteracting liquor related issues (McBride 96). Besides, regardless of proof of cost-viability at the societal level, they can be exorbitant and harder to manage than approach or hierarchical mediations. In any case, broad communications battles can assume a vital part in:
  • Raising mindfulness about liquor issues, and creating open civil arguments
  • Reinforcing wellbeing related messages
  • Changing apparent standards with respect to liquor use
  • Providing support for other wellbeing advancement activities, including approaches and natural and authoritative changes.
Mass media approaches that are deliberately arranged, first rate, achieve satisfactory gathering of information, and are executed in conjunction with other progressing counteractive action exercises, for example, law authorization, are powerful in diminishing liquor debilitated driving and liquor related accidents. Group Assembly There is some confirmation that group assembly or group activity ventures including neighborhood groups have been powerful in adding to changes identified with lessening liquor related harm. In Australia, the utilization of group association alongside broad communications was powerful. Using an assortment of group mediations brought about a 42% decrease in deadly harm and decreased liquor accessibility and lethal car accidents (McBride 72). Media promotion and open correspondence endeavors can shape approaches that have huge advantages to the group. The Ottawa Charter One of the outstanding feature of the Ottawa charter and its explanation of the intervention is the dimension of values. It has statements that underlay agreements on values. In this case, health is a value, which means that the combined intervention must give value to the patient, practitioner, and health care system. Kickbush Framework The Kickbush framework considers social justice and equity as values. Value is an important notion underlying health promotion using this framework. It does not consider the complicated dynamics of value. The Kickbush framework only focuses on the possible implications of a health promotion that lacks value. The second dynamic used in the explanation of the health intervention is evidence. CSDH Frameworks Based on this framework, health interventions must be based on evidence. They must consider evidence of socio-ecological changes that improve or affect health and the factors that improve health such as enabling skills and their relationship to socio-cultural and socio-ecological determinants. Incorporation of this framework leads to the explanation of the intervention as a holistic approach that identifies variables such as social justice, empowerment, poverty, and equity as socio-cultural and social-ecological factors of health. Sustainability Based on sustainability frameworks, sustainability is an outcome of processes that occur in local systems. In a system, there are stakeholders who share responsibilities to maintain and generate positive health outcomes for a community. The targeted communities must have the most vulnerable groups. Sustainability offers an interactive model for the assessment of progress on critical dimensions. These dimensions are the characteristics of health services, promotions, viability, and institutional capacity. It is important to also important to consider civil society and local government agencies and their roles in the short and long-term responsibilities for outcomes. Sustainability is dependent on the capacity of the beneficiary community to mobilize resources, create social capital, organize the community, and align skills and knowledge to the intended healthcare outcomes. Health Equity Health equity is concerned with the attainment of the highest levels of health for all people. Through health equity, stakeholders make effort to ensure that people have equal and full access to the opportunities that enable them to have a healthy life. Health equity is achieved by focusing on the root causes of health disparities and health inequities. These are specifically health determinants. Health equity is also achieved by focusing on groups that face obstacles to health. These obstacles are associated with contemporary and historical injustices and socio-economic disadvantages. There is also the need for the promotion of opportunities to all people to seek highest levels of health. Socio-economic resources should also be distributed to reduce health disparities. Systems Thinking System thinking is a philosophy that outlines the circular nature of the world. It provides a platform for the investigation of the structures in the emergence of the conditions that humans face. Based on systems thinking, there are powerful laws of systems operations. These laws govern the consequences of the actions taken by humans. In the medical field, system thinking is a diagnostic tool. For instance, effective treatment requires diagnosis. Using systems thinking enables the examination of problems by asking questions before coming to a conclusion. Conclusion It is recommended that social focused interventions relate with changes in liquor related conduct. Unsafe use of liquor causes significant general medical issues and records for 5.5% of illness trouble in Australia. Notwithstanding its negative effect on general wellbeing, harmful use of liquor is related with huge social issues and financial misfortune. Diminishment of liquor related harm in Australia requires policy, political responsibility, and deliberate activities at all levels. The strategy has been outlined as a combination of best practices to diminish liquor related harm and encourage policy improvement and usage at the nation level. The strategy targets four zones for national activity and provincial joint effort. These include reducing the harm of destructive use of liquor, limiting the effect of the harmful utilization of liquor, controlling the availability and accessibility of liquor, and building up instruments to encourage and manage usage of the intervention.
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