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Food, Nutrition and Society

Table of Contents

Written report


Impact of social influence on food purchasing behaviours.

Appraise by identifying suitable program or policy to enhance nutritional purchasing.


Letter to Minister

Personal reflection.


Written Report

Executive Summary of The Impact of Social Media Influencers

The current report is all about recording importance of psychological factors of buyers while buying their desired products. In this discussion, the current trends of business are presented to understand the impact of social market marketing in brand promotion. Impact of social media platforms are represented with respect to its impact on buying behaviours of individuals. Additionally, stereotyping in commercial promotions is added in the following sections as well. Highlighting required programs and policies to manage the aforementioned challenge and restricting customers in their buying behaviour enhance the accountability of the report.

Introduction to The Impact of Social Media Influencers

Healthy and nutritional food intake habit is proved to be effective for the individual to manage the body growth constantly. Besides this, the immune system of the human being can be upgraded by practicing healthy food intake. Collectively, a nutritional food habit offers platform to the practitioners to lead their lives without having chronic health related issues. The current report is dealing with healthy food purchasing habits of buyers, which ensures healthy diet. The study structurally represents the impact of media and gender stereotype on the mindset of the buyer while purchasing healthy foods. The discussion concentrating on specific policies, through which the stereotyping in advertisements can be managed.

Impact of Social Influence on Food Purchasing Behaviours

Contextually, it can be said that the eating behaviour of individuals can be influenced greatly by social context. People implement different eating style and purchasing approach, when they are with outsiders [1]. This sometimes encourages the individual to eat healthier food than their normal scheduled eating. In recent times, it can be identified that the social media platform offers the required encouragement to the food eaters or taking more vegetables and fruits to make a match with their friends’ healthy food habits. Hence, it can be proved that the social media has a strong impact on the overall behaviour of the individual regarding their healthy eating. The report is highlighting two specific social influences in this section, which are directly affecting the buyers’ intentions in purchasing nutritious foods. Two influences are, like

Marketing and media

Based on the previous discussion, it can be well understood that the media, especially social media has a strong influence in people’s buying habits. Recent reports by Deloitte have indicate that the consumers using social media before buying products are likely to purchase the product on the same day, and the rate of this type of consumer is almost 29% around the world [2]. This proves that the social media can encourage the buyers to spend more money on purchasing. The reports further include that the consumers with the aforementioned category are almost four times greater likely to purchase their desired item than the other group of buyers, who are not associated with social media while purchasing products. In Australia also, the social media impacted the inhabitants, as the government reports indicate that almost 71% of total population has been using social media frequently in recent times [4]. Thus, the country’s social media advertising agencies have been ensuring US$1,931m business by 2020 [4]. Contextually, it can be identified that the social media platforms are the where the buyers can get a detailed and authentic information about specific products, which are new to them. This can be helpful for the individuals to buy the exact product, which they have expected from according to their requirements. However, in contradictory note, it also can be identified that the social media sometimes proved to be fraud to the buyers, and mislead the buyers towards buying a fake and low level of products by offering wrong set of information regarding the product [3]. Marketing is the factor, through which the social media can promote a product to a wide range of users. By an advanced marketing of a product, the users can be attracted towards specific products and make them buy. In nutritious products, the brand managers engage sport persons, celebrities to promote the nutrition qualities of the food and this attracts the customers effectively towards the product.

Stereotypes and gender role

This proves to be a challenge in social media marketing today, the add developers are found to be projected men and women differently, which promote stereotype culture in adding products. Supports this view, it can be identified that the add makers often project women as unemployed or mostly employee in the corporate, however; the inclusion of women in labour market in recent times is un-avoidable. Supporting this, the full-time women labour is almost 37.6% in Australia [5]. Moreover, the trend of advertise agencies is to present women race in wrong manner, even as a sex object for promoting the company’s products. This proves to be wrong and affect the mindset of the viewers as well. In food industry the biasness continues, as the companies purposefully classified the food products specifically for masculine and feminine consumers. The statement can be backed up by evaluating that the products like Yogurt and other healthy and light breakfast can eliminate extra fat of the body, which is important for both men and women. However, advertisements tended to appeal women only. In contradiction, energy drinks, heavy food, supplements are projecting men solely [6]. These promote the stereotyping culture in advertising. 

Besides this, cultural biasness is another stereotyping in the promotional industry. The food producers companies make their customers believe that men are required to eat more than women, as the former group contains bigger physic and power than the women. Hence, they are packaging their food items in different style for men and women even.

In nutritional food purchasing, these stereotyping actions by the management can affect the minds of the users irrespective of their sex and make them de-focused from the product, which they need to purchase for good health. Sometimes, these differentiations can mislead the buyers towards a wrong dietary and this damage their body strength and overall immune system [7]. 

Appraise by Identifying Suitable Program or Policy to Enhance Nutritional Purchasing

After accumulating information sets from the former section, it can be well understood that the social media platforms are significantly impacted the buying culture of the buyers also this has been bullying users by projecting stereotyping in the branding of products. Hence, reforms needed to be made for a bullying-free purchasing atmosphere. In this regard, it is advised that the governing bodies of the country needed to set business norms, which specifically stopping stereotyping practice in advertisements. Contextually, in Australia, the advertisements are needed to be made under the norms of Australian Association of National Advertisers’ Code of Ethics, which discard the biasness in business promotional [8]. Besides this policy development, the awareness programs are needed to be organised by the managements of nutritional food makers and other service providers. By the programs, the management can make their buyers aware about the fraud actors in social media marketing and inform them about the nutritional values of certain products personally, which restrict individuals to be misguided in the future [9].

Conclusion on The Impact of Social Media Influencers

Collectively, the report has identified the impact of social media and its marketing strategies over the purchasing behaviours of the buyers even in nutritional food industry. Recent trends in marketing and its significance have been recorded in an accessible manner as well. This action of recording norms has highlighted the stereotyping culture in advertisement even in 21t century. However, the study has not stopped in evaluating issues solely, it also has identified importance of awareness programs and government policies in advertisement industries, by which the management cannot bullying their customers in the future. The direct involvements of the company’s management team are required too in this awareness programs. By this, the detailed and authentic information about the product can be projected to the buyer for ensuring their purchasing satisfaction.

Letter to Minister


Greg Hunt MP,

Member for Flinders,

Minister for Health,

Unit 1/49 Eramosa Road West

Somerville, Victoria, 3912

Subject: Requesting for improving communication to change food purchasing behaviour of Australian

Respected sir,

In the view of rising health issues like obesity, malnutrition and other additional health distress, inclusion of media communication policy is now crucial for Australian. Many of children and adults are attracted to eye catchy posters, advertisements and other media attraction and as a result are suffering from improper dietary choice and intake. For this reason, the demand of responsible commercial marketing principle is increasing rapidly. It has become necessary to promote better nutritious food intake principles and need of healthy dietary plan among the Australian citizens in order to enhance the health conditions. Taking action has become a necessary aspect that can lower the rate of health destruction and obesity people. the main reason for promoting such strategy is as two third of Australian people which is about 67% are obese. This is about 12.5 million people are affected with improper dietary intake which is increasing every year. In order to lower these statistics in a significant way, it is necessary to promote social media or main stream media awareness programme.

Based on this, a social health and food awareness programme can be promoted which is to be called Nutrition Communication Project. The main aim of the programme is to promote healthy eating awareness and dietary plan promotion. As per the guidance of WHO and the protocols of Global Obesity Centre as well as Diabetes Victoria, this Obesity Policy Coalition (OPC) can organise the project and programme. Under this programme the following issues need to be highlighted:

  • Digital marketing issues in the food products of Children
  • Control on adult junk food intake

The minister is requested to initiate this public programme in both main stream and social media in order to promote better food intake initiatives. However, among children and adults, social media platform is more attractive in order to promote both positive and negative impact. This can initiate a peer to peer engagement in this food awareness programme. Along with this, this programme could be communicable and interactive for both adults and young people. the government could incorporate initiatives by projecting the programme by targeting the vulnerable consumers. It is the government’s role to understand and identify the vulnerable consumer group who are the easy target of embedded and immersive message of commercials. These people do not have much ability to understand the persuasive and commercial intention of the commercial message. For this reason, this programme needs to set under certain policy and propaganda in order to reduce the issue of unhealthy food intake and taken over by lucrative food commercials.

Therefore, with the help of this programme and policy making, a control over digital marketing will be created. Along with this, the vulnerable consumer awareness can be increased with this agenda. This could help people to make a ‘healthier choice’ in food selection and having a proper dietary plan in an effective way.

Personal Reflection

After accumulating all the relevant sets of information from the above literature, I can identify that the social media marketing is essential in today’s business to reach a large share of customers in real-time, however; certain challenges in that platform affect the purchasing attitude of buyers. In this regard, I personally refer social influences like relative’s attitude in products as one of the significant factor in my purchasing behaviour. After collecting their positive views regarding specific products, I have decided to buy that till now and sometimes even consider their views ahead of social media views. This satisfying the mind-set and restricts the buyers from bullying. Besides this, I rate individual’s social status high in managing purchasing behaviours. After measuring my social standard, I always decide my buying. This impacts my investments for nutritional food items as well. The actor includes social beliefs as well. I can add examples like a vegetarian buyer never buy a healthy product, which contains non-veg ingredients. The society of that buyer never allows this to buy. After had been misled by some stereotype advertisements, I have advised from my relatives about the importance of Yogurt in managing the bad fat of my body and I bought the product afterwards. Thus, I need to confess that the involvement of relatives in buying item, especially nutritional food products can help the individuals to purchase a right product, with respect to the body requirements. This can restrict me to be bullied by marketing policies of the companies as well.

Hence, I strongly belief that the aforementioned two factors are proved to be more strong components in managing buying attitudes of individuals than gender stereotyping and social media marketing.

References for The Impact of Social Media Influencers

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