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Question: Project Development - Report Writing Assignment

This assignment falls under Report Writing which was successfully solved by the assignment writing experts at Grade Saviours under assignment help service.

Project Development Assignment

Assignment Task:

How the Business rules will be implemented (at a design level and in code). This is an updated version of your first submission. You must show how this has changed and why as the project has developed.

  • Testing (types and plans);
  • Training (different types of users);
  • Data Migration (if required);
  • Deployment Plan (what method will you use and why);
  • Maintenance (brief recommendation for the organisation)
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Project Development Plan

BUSINESS RULES FOR IMPLEMENTATION AT DESIGN LEVEL AND CODING LEVEL Tall Garden Marina is facing issues in managing the operation and due to this; it has taken the decision to develop programmed record keeping system. This system will help the company in keeping track of all the worker’s operations and their status. Before designing and coding the system, Tall Garden Marina will have to present some business rules for accomplishing the desired objectives. Business rules include the some aspect of the business which helps in achieving the goals. These business rules will consider both the worker and end-user perspective (Zoet & Versendaal, 2014). At the first stage, identification and documentation of the business rules with respect to the database design will take place. It will help in developing correct data model by creating relationship participation rules and constraints. Designer and developer will also understand the various processes of the business among the nature, role, and scope of the data. With the help of business rules regarding the various operations, different departments, employees, etc developers will able to design and code the record keeping system effectively. Sources of these business rules will be managers, department managers, written documents, procedures, standards, operation manuals, policies, etc which will help in collecting relevant information for developing and implementing the proper record keeping system for Tall Garden Marina. Lack of any information can lead to affect the quality and working procedure of the system. Thus, both designing and coding of the record keeping system depends upon the business rules of the respected organization (Rosemann & vom Brocke, 2015). On the other hand, documentation of the business rules is also important. In context to this, obtained business rules will be written by the developers by following any particular protocol. As the business rule is related to the operation department, thus its unique identifier will be BRop01. Writing business rules in plain language will increase the understanding of the developers.


It is important to test the developed system for checking its performance, quality, scalability, and stability. The testing of the developer record keeping system will take place for checking its performance and detecting if there are any bugs or loopholes. Various types of testing will be applied as per the need and importance. These testing are as follows: Usability Testing: This testing will help in identifying the convenience of the user to work with the system. It will help in improving the experience of employees along with the business processes of Tall Garden Marina by improving the present situation. The team of IT professional will conduct usability testing on all the stages of the software development lifecycle. In this test, testing team will test firstly according to the usability of the user and secondly according to the simple access and user-friendliness of the system. Stress testing: This method will help in detecting the issues regarding the software performance which can create any failure. This testing allows the emulating system load for checking the stability and scalability. This stress testing will target at performance, load, volume, scalability and stability testing of the record keeping system. With the help of this, testing team will able to handle the errors like poor optimization, incorrect concurrency, etc (Börger & Fleischmann, 2015). Integration Testing: This testing will help in identifying the interconnection between the components of the system. This information will lead to detect any bug or loophole in the system which can create a problem in future for the company. This testing will provide information if all integrated units of the project are working flawlessly. UI (User Interface) Testing: This testing will identify user-friendliness of the project with respect to users. It will include automation testing for detecting interface defects and regression bugs and manual testing for comparing the UI of the designed system with the design layout and prototype. Volume Test: This test will check the capacity of the system for accommodating the bulk size of the database for storing the needed information. The size of the database will expand to the desired size for checking the capacity which will inform about the performance of the system as well. Security Test: This testing will be performed for revealing the flaws in the security mechanism of the record keeping system that protect and maintain the data privacy and safety. This will inform about the different bugs of the system which can lead to an attack of threats or unauthorized access (Coronel & Morris, 2016). Maintenance Test: This test will lead to identifying the problems available in a system which needs to repair for increasing the effectiveness of the record keeping system. This will be performed at various levels such as system level, equipment level or the component level. All the records of the test results will be maintained by the testing team for evaluating the trends and improving the performance of the system. TRAINING Implementation of the new system within the Tall Garden Marina will require proper training to the staff members. Firstly, employees of the firm will resist adopting the change due to fear of losing the position and lack of proper knowledge. But proper training regarding the usability, importance, and significance of the system will motivate staff to accept the change. Along with this, practice on the system will be done by the experts through group tutorials for learning the operations of the system. User documentation testing will help end users and system operators in interacting with the system and using it properly. It will also important for both end user and system operators to take active participation in training sessions conducted by the Tall Garden Marina otherwise lack of information can affect their working performance and create issues. Along with the lectures, it will also essential to work practically on the system at the time of training for understanding each and every process. With the help of this, system operators can able to store and manage the information properly (Tuna, Gungor & Gulez, 2014). DATA MIGRATION Tall Garden Marina will have to migrate its data from manual handling to the online system handling. This data migration will take up to one month in which manual data will be converted and incorporated into the system. Data from the offline or manual handling will be transferred to the new record keeping system. Data extraction and data loading process will be conducted by the IT professionals for relating the old data formats to the format of the new system and requirements while the procedure of data migration. This will consist of extracting the old data and loading it into the new system. In the end, data verification will be conducted for identifying the accuracy, transparency, and completeness of the stored data in the new record keeping system. Along with the above procedures, automated and manual data cleaning will be performed in migration for improving the quality of data, eliminate the redundant and matching the requirements of the newly developed record keeping system. The different phases of the data migration will be repeated several times before the deployment of the new record keeping system within the working environment of Tall Garden Marina. Following characteristics will be considered by IT team while data migration:
  • Robust and Resilient: management of all the aspects regarding data migration, transformation, cleansing, validation and loading along with the management of high volume of data. In addition, issues regarding potential problems with source, disk space, memory problems, etc will be resolved by data migration.
  • Rapid: Effective execution of data migration will help firm in taking advantages of existing sources for enabling the rapid processing.
  • Reporting and Reconciliation: This feature will provide progress indicators at the time of migration and end the whole process properly.
  • Recoverable: These will help in recovering all the points of failure whenever needed.
  • Reusable: With the help of this characteristic, Tall Garden Marina will able to reuse the components of the migration in other projects which consists of transformation function, error handling and data cleansing.


Deployment of record keeping system will make the system available for the operators to work. The three basic approaches to program development order include top-down, bottom-up and input, process and output. The top-down approach helps in analyzing the risk by aggregating the impact of internal operational failure whereas bottom-up helps in analyzing the individual risk regarding the process with the help of mathematical models. On the other hand, IPO will help in system analysis and software engineering for explaining the structure of the system (Opoku-Anokye & Tang, 2014) Direct deployment includes the implementation of the new system directly after the termination of the old system. On the other hand, an old and new system run simultaneously for some time and when the criteria for new system met the old system becomes disabled. Another type of deployment is phase deployment in which new system replaces the old system one by one organization unit. From all these types, direct deployment is a most suitable method for implementation of record keeping system into Tall Garden Marina. Direct deployment method is less expensive and requires less time for implementation which is an easy process that’s why it is appropriate for the record keeping system.


After the deployment and implementation of the record keeping system, Tall Garden Marina will have to maintain the system properly. It will include process of monitoring, evaluating and modifying the functions and information of the existing system for making necessary and desirable improvements. It is a ongoing process which includes different activities like removing program, updating documentation, updating user support, testing data, etc. IT team of the Tall Garden Marian will have to maintain the quality, processing and performance of the record keeping system by improving the processes and fulfilling requirements as per the need of time. The company will have to take care below factors for maintenance of the system. These factors are:
  • Verifying whether the backups are working properly and effectively.
  • Deletion of old emails logs and software versions which are of no use.
  • To monitor the RAID status for preventing any disk failure this can create a big issue for the company (Dennis, Wixom & Tegarden, 2015).
  • To check update notification time to time for avoiding any failure or stoppage.
  • To review the logs for handling any sign regarding the hardware problem. Overheating notices, network failure, etc the early indicators of hardware failure which can be treated on time.
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