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Question:International Perspective

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International Perspective Assignment

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International perspective International perspective International perspective
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INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE Introduction Life expectancy has increased rapidly since Enlightenment. In the early 19th century, life expectancy started to increase in the industrialised countries while it stayed low in rest of the world. Since the assigned the year 1900, the GDP and life expectancy rate of Australia showed a prominent increment. This is the effect of globalisation and developments in numerous sectors of socio-economic culture and in the fields of technology. Further, in the research, we will come across the development of Australia, relationship trends and globalisation processes that shaped Australia's development. 2. Critically analysing the development of Australia (since 1900 and 2015) using Gapminder World INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE Australia being a developing country experience changes in socio-economic, infrastructural issues during the considered period from 1900 to 1955. It had not achieved the significant degree of industrialisation relative and their population due and medium standard of living. Another important indicator is the sectoral change, which occurred at every stage (Pitlik et al. 2015, p.102). The graph shows the dramatic increase in life expectancy over this time and the health started and improves gradually. 3. Discussing relationship trends of Australia as ‘trail of development' Life expectancy versus income per person Widely used international indicators of population health at birth are the life expectancy. Since 1900, average life expectancy of Australian kids increased over the years. The basic living conditions including sewage systems, food and health quality improved which led to longer life expectancy (Oeppen and Vaupel, 2002, p.1030). Awareness programmes, medical technologies led to increased immunisation and preventive actions.   International perspective Development of Australia since 1960 Average life expectancy of Australian population increased significantly from 1955 to 2001 due to the advanced medical services, technological advancements. The transition in the health is very much visible (McClelland, 2002, p.209). This is influenced by the workforce age in the household, minimum wages and generosity of social security systems. Australia’s trail of development led by Historical events Being a developed country, Australia shows an outstanding contribution and its migrants and refugees also. The economic advancement is the advantage, which is helping the country and progress since 1955(Stone, 2001, p.125). Since 1950, the economic growth has been much more stable, the 1990’s is being considered as the most stable decades. Despite the recession in the early 1900’s. Average growth during this period was remarkably above the century average. international perspective From the picture, it can depict that the life expectancy is quite constant or increased slightly since 1900 and 2015. Different treatment methods and technology are directly related to it. The median age of Australia’s population is an indicator of the demographic makeup of the country and of its population growth (Conley, 2004, p. 250). Linkage of life expectancy and income These have a direct linkage. On monetary grounds, the increase in value led to the welfare of the living system and the improvement of life expectancy in the country. Economic expansion came along with the technological progress such as disease resistant crops and refrigerator shipping (Rode et al. 2013, p. 150). Hence, better the GDP of Australia led to the advancement of the services of the health care facilities. 4. Globalisation processes that shaped Australia’s development. Section 4: Historic-economic dimension of Australia International perspective Technology has the vital impact, which varies from one country and another. Developed country Australia, is technologically sound. From the figure 1.7, it is seen that from the year 1900 to 2010, the total number of users in Australia has increased significantly (Allison, 2014, p.150). Australia was very quick to adopt the internet facility, a significant proportion of smaller operators are yet and establish their presence of being online. Small organisations were fast to react to it. The overall dynamic market is due to key financial and operating performance. In figure 1.8 it is shown that per capita emission of carbon dioxide of Australia is highest in the world. The energy sector of Australia has shown gradual improvement and mitigation of the emissions. Since 1990 and 2008 emission, growth was moderated and is being maintained within the Kyoto Protocol target (Quadrelli and Peterson, 2007, p.5940). The greenhouse gas emissions of Australia was considerably high which is being controlled and moderated due and the technological advancements, which is also a result of high GDP. GDP is highly influenced by the industrial sectors of the country. Moreover, the use of internet and new technologies has induced a positive impact on Australia. 5. Conclusion It can conclude that GDP and life expectancy is highly interconnected which has both negative and positive influences Australia. Students from other countries come and fulfil their dreams due and viable economic and technological advancements. Development and implementation of further new technologies help to improve the lifestyle of people.
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