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  • Subject Code : inf80042
  • Subject Name : IT Computer Science

Internet Of Things Assessment Solution

Opt is a concept where an object is assigned to an IP address and through that IP address we make that device identifiable on internet. A Team of International Telecommunications Union defined IoT as a global infrastructure for the information society, enabling advanced services by interconnecting (physical and virtual) things based on existing and evolving interoperable information and communication technologies. The network can be a combination of people-things, things-things and people-people.

It happens only because of the conjugation of various technologies such as wireless communication, Micro Electromechanical System that includes wireless sensor, networks and control system. The most important elite presence of cloud space on Internet is shaping the architecture of IoT in a feasible and rational form. Certainly, what IoT can do is beyond imagination. It connects plethora of heterogeneous object opt is a concept where an object is assigned to an IP address and through that IP address we make that device identifiable on internet. A Team of International Telecommunications Union defined IoT as a global infrastructure for the information society, enabling advanced services by interconnecting (physical and virtual) things based on existing and evolving interoperable information and communication technologies. The network can be a combination of people-things, things-things and people-people.

It happens only because of the conjugation of various technologies such as wireless communication, Micro Electromechanical System that includes wireless sensor, networks and control system. The most important elite presence of cloud space on Internet is shaping the architecture of IoT in a feasible and rational form. Certainly, what IoT can do is beyond imagination. It connects plethora of heterogeneous object.

1. Introduction

This briefing paper is about IOT (Internet of Things) and its scope. The main aim of this project was to identify the major implication of IOT in the field of Telecommunication and what are the associated benefits. The connection of artificially intelligent devices and machines in order to provide for the effective communication in these connected machines without any human involvement is referred as the Internet of Things CITATION Und14 l 1033 (Anon., 2014). This infrastructure of the Internet of Things relates to the connection of different devices and appliances through the internet which provides the requisite communication between these devices. Along with communication with one another, these devices also collect the relevant data, carry out the tasks that are required as well as establishing a proper interaction medium with the environment in which they are being used. This infrastructure related to the communication of different devices that started out with the interconnection of computers or laptops to carry out a few tasks has now broadened its reach and is incorporated in all kinds of devices that include smartphones, tablets, watches etc. CITATION Jas16 l 1033 (Hope, 2016). The facility of the internet of things, as of now, is used in every sector for the welfare of mankind which includes security, maintaining as well as improvising the energy sector, education along with the health sector CITATION Und14 l 1033 (Anon., 2014).

IOT is a system which comprises upon microelectromechanical system and technologies that enable web because each device is embedded with sensors, processors, control system and hardware devices for communication in order to gather, transfer and retrieve information acquire from their surroundingsCITATION Jyo15 l 1033 (Hota, 2015). Later on, these devices share data collected by the sensor with other related devices for analysis. Mostly these devices work without human aid or interferenceCITATION Jyo15 l 1033 (Hota, 2015). The working of IOS devices is application-specific. In simple words, it is a concept of the machine to machine communication in which internet protocol is assigned to a object so that it could be easily identifiable on the internetCITATION Jyo15 l 1033 (Hota, 2015) .The general working of IOT system is shown in figure 1.1 152400026670000 Figure SEQ Figure ARABIC 1.1 working of IOT

2. Scope and application of IOT

The IOT system has covered almost every aspect of life which include the medical field, domestic life, agriculture sector, industrial sector, service sector, educational, and political reduce the working time, human energy to perform a particular taskCITATION Zai15 l 1033 (Hassan, 2015). It makes every task automated. For examples sensor used in the smart building can reduce energy cost and energy consumption by atomically detect the number of an occupant in a room and adjust the temperature accordinglyCITATION Zai15 l 1033 (Hassan, 2015).

The latest report from the Tractica was released sometimes ago which indicated that the IOT market is still looking being strong and robust. CITATION Oli16 l 1033 (VanDervoort, 2016) In order to realize the growth of the industry, we need to discuss it deeply. By the end of the year 2015, it is determined that approximately 85 million units shipped annually. It is analyzed that the biggest operators of the IOT are that there are huge number of devices which hit the market including the wearable cameras, fitness tracker, the smart glasses, sleep trackers and the body sensor etc. it is determined that as more these devices were introduced in front of public more people will desire to wear these technologies. It is evaluated that in the world of wearable tech 2015 was the bigger year yet, which clearly indicated that it will be inspiring and will continue increasing over the next few years.

Over the years the advancements in the fields of technology and virtual communication have also increased the usage of the internet of things which is not only at the consumer level but at the enterprise or industrial level as well. The interconnection of computing devices and machines through the internet which is then embedded in objects of daily life that are used on a daily basis have made human life simpler and easier. Along with finding their uses at the domestic consumer level, such an infrastructure of interconnected devices is employed at industrial level as well through which the manufacturing and industrial processes are now completed at a much faster rate and lessen the time taken in the formation and implementation of various decisions which leads to optimized productivity CITATION Placeholder1 l 1033 (Rouse, n.d.).

Broader impact of technology on the society

There are numerous applications of IOT which offer numerous benefits to the consumer as well manufacturing industry of that smart deviceCITATION Zai15 l 1033 (Hassan, 2015). Following are the major positive impact of the technology on society
it is the machine to machine communications physical devices stays connected hence it ensure efficiency and transparency with better qualityCITATION Jam18 l 1033 (James Brown, Utz Roedig, 2018).

It reduces the human interference that is why it is highly controlled and automatedCITATION Jam18 l 1033 (James Brown, Utz Roedig, 2018).
It ensures correct monitoring the data of the surrounding environment which otherwiseCITATION Jyo15 l 1033 (Hota, 2015). could be difficult to monitor i.e. air quality, temperature, distance, speed
It saves time as it reduces the need for manpower. Instead of repeating the same work daily it offers time to the worker to do some other creative jobsCITATION Zai15 l 1033 (Hassan, 2015).

It saves money as it reduces labor costCITATION Jam18 l 1033 (James Brown, Utz Roedig, 2018).
The precision and accuracy of automated devices are high because of their efficiencyCITATION Jyo15 l 1033 (Hota, 2015).
It ensures the optimum utilization of resources and energyCITATION Zai15 l 1033 (Hassan, 2015).
It ensures comfort, quality life and improves the standard of livingCITATION Jyo15 l 1033 (Hota, 2015).

3.1 Demerits of IOT

Here are some demerits of IOT

  1. It reduces the employment opportunities for the unskilled labor as their responsibilities are now done by the machine which in turn enhance poverty and low the standard of living of lower and middle classCITATION Jam18 l 1033 (James Brown, Utz Roedig, 2018).
  2. It is a highly complex system even a bug can be brought inconveniences and poses serious consequencesCITATION Jyo15 l 1033 (Hota, 2015).
  3. It increases the risk of data insecurity as all of the data is being transmitted to the internet, for example, tracking of someone location may pose serious consequences for his security if its location is traced by his enemyCITATION Zai15 l 1033 (Hassan, 2015).


In a nutshell, one cannot ignore the importance of IOT nowadays although it has some disadvantages. There is a dire need to address these advantages through calculated means instead of vanishing the use of IOT because it has covered every sector of life and soon, its scope will be further widened.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Anon., 2014. Understanding the Internet of Things (IoT). Online Available at https//
Hassan, Z., 2015. Internet of Things (IoT) Definitions, Challenges and Recent Research Directions. international journal of computerapplication, p. 6.
Hope, J., 2016. Understanding the Internet of Things and Its Impact. Online Available at https//
Hota, J., 2015. Scope and challenges of Internet of Things An Emerging Technological Innovation. researchgate, p. 5.
James Brown, Utz Roedig, 2018. Demo Abstract How Temperature Affects. journal of computer application, p. 8.
Rouse, M., n.d. Internet of Things (IoT). Online Available at https//
VanDervoort, O., 2016. Wearable Tech. Wearable Tech Market To Cross 560M Devices Shipped Annually By 2021, 09 March.
Carter, J. (2017, March 7). PREVIEW Korea Telecoms IoT Safety Jacket. Retrieved from TravGear https//

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