The aim of the research report is to study the ideas of sustainable development in accordance with the construction industry. The report is the comprehensive study of the principles of sustainable development and the contribution of the construction industry to the environmental well being. It further elaborates the roles and interactions of the construction industry professionals, business authorities and governing institutions. Lastly, it explains how the key elements of management are applied over the construction industry to build a profound construction organization and its projects.
TOC o 1-3 h z u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc3686204 h 4Principle of Sustainable development PAGEREF _Toc3686205 h 4Contribution of Construction industry in Sustainable development PAGEREF _Toc3686206 h 5Role and interactions of cooperating bodies in Sustainable development PAGEREF _Toc3686207 h 6Key elements of management of construction organization and projects PAGEREF _Toc3686208 h 7Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc3686209 h 8References PAGEREF _Toc3686210 h 9
IntroductionThe continuous developments and advancements in the economy have led to a boom in the construction process across the globe. The economic growth and construction phenomenon complement each other. The construction industry is an integration of activities of construction of buildings and maintenance. The construction of structures has deep roots in history it was initially a necessity to build structures to provide shelter. Later, the structures were refined to permanent and complex structures. Construction has now become a staple of civilisation and lifestyle. The innovation and advancements resulted in employment and economic growth of the country. The construction industry is characterised on various aspects of the industry like the physical nature of the product, use of the product, demand and ownership of the project. The industry is a mix of large scale and small scale projects incurring varied investments, capitals and geographical needs. The industry works by differentiating the ultimate use of the product and its infrastructure. The industry is confined within government policies and a highly competitive market.
The construction industry objects to deliver unique, durable, safe and quality assured structures. The report focuses on the external environment of the construction industry that influences its functioning. Construction industry causes a great impact on the ecology, therefore, the development of structures should be processed to attain sustainable development (Hill and Bowen 1997). The study outlines the principle of sustainable development and the contribution of the construction industry and its personnel to achieve its objectives. It further elaborates the key elements for management of construction organizations and projects. For a successful execution of the industry, the company should comply with the internal, external and environmental regulations to gain sustainable development.
The ideology of sustainable development harmonises development strategies of various sectors to the horizontal strategy of sustainable development. The sustainable development aims to satisfy the requirements of the current generations by securing the resources for future generations (Hill and Bowen 1997). It implies the intergenerational equity principles of the resources. It provides protocols and guidance to the industrial sector to develop by maintaining the ecological balances. The ethics of integration of sustainability elaborates, evaluates and implements the sectored plans, programmes and environmental considerations and their relationships so that they mutually reinforce the dependency over each other. It coordinated the professional, geographical and economic perspectives for ecological development (Sauv, Bernard and Sloan 2016). Corporations social responsibility ought to be fortified in addition to cooperation amongst the private and the public sector. The aim is to attain long term stability to the environment. The precautionary principles analyses the possible threats and irreversible damages that may harm the environment. Human and industrial activities may be governed to work cautiously. The defaulters must be penalized for the damage they cause to the environment in accordance with the polluters pay principle (Emas 2015). Sustainable development involves the incorporation of economic, ecological, and communal objectives across segments, territories, and generations.
Contribution of Construction industry in Sustainable developmentBuilding construction and procedures have implicit and explicit impacts on the environment. Also, the earths ability to sustain life has corroded due to the extensive use of natural resources and the degradation that industrial effects cause to the environment. The environmental impacts of construction include deforestation, loss of agricultural land and wildlife. Construction industry involves vigorous use of non-renewable energy resources in its operations. It consumes the biotic components like water, land and in return causes pollution emissions that lead to ecological degradation. To minimise the impacts of construction on the environment the activists and the organizations developed a new concept of sustainable construction. Though the transition to ecological construction faced numerous challenges to re-engineer the process but has reflected bright results in the environment (Sev 2009).
Sustainable construction involves constructions that implement best practices and resource efficient techniques in the underlying techniques. Through this ideology, the construction industry has derived improved efficacy with minimal use of resources. These associations have discovered ecological ways to obtain raw material and their extraction. The transportation and storage of the materials have achieved maintainability, quality considerations and waste management. The acquiescence with the regulations for sustainability helps in reducing the risks and uncertainties. The structuring for environmental benefits builds a strong brand image as it enhances the ecological factors of corporate social responsibilities (Isa et al. 2014). Sustainable construction involves key decisions relative to environmental impact assessment and authority regulations. The industry creates a project which is based on the design for the environment which reduces the environmental impacts by evaluating the environmental performance of the involved building products and transport works. The green construction projects like waste reduction strategies, on-site green techniques for reducing environmental pollution and green supply chain management contributes to optimum sustainable development (Ofori 2000).
Role and interactions of cooperating bodies in Sustainable developmentAchieving the objectives of sustainable development in the construction industry is a cooperative effort of the involved personnel in the entire ecological development process. Each link plays a key role in their sphere to generate cumulative results. Some of the key personnel and their roles are mentioned below.
Business Entities- The business management, the shareholders play a role of activists of the environment. They demand the policy framing and need clear goals to attain sustainable construction. They evaluate the methods and tools put forward by the professionals and the project managers for the impact of environmental assessment. The business entities profoundly invest in the procedures for restructuring the procedures for sustainability initiatives. The board reviews approve and ensure the delivery of the initiatives.
Professionals- The employees, managers and other professionals are responsible for working on the goals made by the business entities. They implement the initiatives and methods for restructuring for the environmental benefits. The managers monitor the environmental impacts of the activities related to the waste creation, resource usage and pollution levels, health and safety and transactional costs associated with these.
Sectors- Construction industry combines the contribution of primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of the economy. The procedures of each sector must accept the ecological alternatives like green purchasing, sustainable processing and production and green alternatives in the transport and service sectors.
Advisory bodies- The Government prioritise the sustainability of developments in various areas. The major changes to Building Regulations and planning legislation required rapid adjustment by constructors in response to new demands. The business entities, professionals have to implement the construction framework in compliance with the regulations built for sustainable construction.
Key elements of management of construction organization and projectsStriking a balance between economic growth and sustainable development is a managerial challenge. The management should plan and execute the procedures in order to implement the initiatives of sustainability foe triple-P- people, planet and performance approach, integrating short term and long term goals and generating the benefits (Shi et al. 2012). The integration of the social, economic and environmental aspects to complete project life cycle is a key principle for construction organizations. The elements responsible for the management are mentioned below.
Planning and procurement- Detailed planning maximises the outputs of an organization. The strategic analysis of the project requirements helps in identification and allocation of the physical and human resource to successfully execute according to the timeline. This procurement results as a time and cost management strategy for the project.
Site organization and Logistic- The preparation of the site for the construction work demands the availability and accessibility of the resources. The site organization should be in accordance with health and safety regulations. The proper communications and the timely logistics movements of the materials and installations result in process optimization and increased efficiency.
Execution and Quality monitoring- the implementation of any procedure requires continuous monitoring and supervision. This results in quality assurance. It manages the cost, recommends the changes and analyses the risk and uncertainties in the project. The measurement of project activities and future tasks are needed to assess the project deliverables to ensure the overall quality.
Training and Management system- the authorities train the participants to qualify them according to the demands of the project. It develops human resources and creates awareness among them regarding the necessary requirements of achieving the objective.
Communication and collaboration- information management and distribution enable efficient teamwork (Bynum et al. 2012). It collaborates among the contractors, suppliers and the labours with the management. This creates the flow of information in the right channel in a timely manner.
The growing demands of various sectors have led to the shift of construction companies to sustainable construction. The principles of sustainable construction outline the aspects of restricting the project management concepts of construction. The multifaceted framework evaluates the environmental assessments during various elementary stages of construction project management. The roles and responsibilities of the construction personnel exhibit the decentralization of power for the achievement of the objective. The successful implementation of the regulations and protocols helps the organization to overcome environmental issues. The small initiatives contribute towards a sustainably developed environment as a whole. It also delivers the organization with economic benefits on a long term base.
Bynum, P, Raja, RAI, Olbina, S, 2012 Building information modelling in support of sustainable design and construction, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol. 139, no. 1, pp. 24-34 DOI 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0000560.
Emas, R., 2015. The concept of sustainable development definition and defining principles. Brief for GSDR, 1-3.
Hill, RC and Bowen, PA 1997, Sustainable construction principles and a framework for attainment, Construction Management and Economics, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 223-239, DOI 10.1080/014461997372971.
Isa, NMK, Alias, A amp Samad, ZA 2014, Towards developing a sustainability integration framework for building project, Journal of Building Performance, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 22-33.
Ofori, G 2000, Greening the construction supply chain in Singapore European Journal of Purchasing amp Supply Management, vol. 6 pp. 195-206.
Sauv, S., Bernard, S. and Sloan, P., 2016. Environmental sciences, sustainable development and circular economy Alternative concepts for trans-disciplinary research. Environmental Development, 17, pp.48-56.
Sev, A., 2009. How can the construction industry contribute to sustainable development A conceptual framework.Sustainable Development,17(3), pp.161-173.
Shi, Q, Zuo, J amp Zillante, G 2012, Exploring the management of sustainable construction at the programme level a Chinese case study, Construction Management and Economics, vol. 30, no. 6, 425-440, DOI10.1080/01446193.2012.683200.
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