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Question:IT Ethics

This assignment falls under IT Ethics which was successfully solved by the assignment writing experts at Grade Saviours under assignment help service.

IT Ethics Assignment

Assignment Task

Your lecturer will place several links in Interact to a number of relevant articles and/or case studies. These will be available to you just after yoursecond assignment has been submitted.
  1. Choose one of the media articles or case studies listed by the lecturer in your Interact 2 subject site.
  2. Use the title of the article/case study provided in interact 2 as the title of your essay, so that the lecturer knows which article you are analysing.
  3. Undertake further research about your chosen case, to assist you in analysing and discussing it in your essay.
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Technology has seen to the growth of several communication portals. These portals are mostly in the form of social media sites which are also a virtual profiling system and provide complete information concerning different individuals. They are however secured to handle the individual information while maintaining their privacy levels. Technology in most cases has however been considered a hindrance to most social activities, whereby, it has taken the place of actual activities and reduced the level of normal and actual communication skills(Körner & Volk, 2014). It has increased the lack of mindfulness in terms of societal activities. The technological aspect that has mostly affected the society applies to the social media aspect and the many assumptions of legit and mindful connections depicted in the various sites. The urgency of actual tasks may be covered up by the urgency of virtual tasks that come as a result of too much involvement in social media sites. This therefore eventually leads to communication breakdown especially for couples. ("Technology and dating", 2009) The relevance of technology has applied in several other areas but it also has perks that come with manipulative aspect that changes the communicator’s mind-set. The essay will make an analysis of a specific case study and weigh the benefits of technology against the limitations with the help of the ethical dilemma that is brought forth.

Applying the Deontological Theory to the Case Study

Deontology is ethics based on rules since it amplifies the nature of being obligated to doing one thing or another. Most theories based on Deontology classify two classes of duties through which moral decisions are made. There is a process in which an individual can identify with their duties. The ethical theory in this case tends to identify more with moral reasoning and insight. However according to the Utilitarian theory, they oppose the rationality of deontology and maintain the necessity to remain reasonable at all times. This means that if there are rules put in place that are not questionable or rather that do not contradict with morality, then they are bound to be followed at all times despite. According to Deontology, certain types of actions are either right or wrong. They are distinguished by the motive or intention that resulted to the actions ("Technology and dating", 2009). This therefore implies that an action taken against a certain rule can only be deemed wrong in the case that there is a motive behind the same. In this case however, rules are not of much consideration which makes it a cause for analysis and an issue among those involved. Technology and poor communication come from choice and also deception and disillusion. In the case study, the writer illustrates their dating experience stating the communication barrier that developed between them in a span of a few days after meeting. She illustrates the relevance of normal old fashioned communication saying how valuable and relevant it was to relationships. The writer points out the lack of privacy, which in turn ruins the mystery within a relationship ("Technology and dating", 2009). According to deontological theories, this can not be considered as an intentional barrier, but rather that which is a result of circumstances. This therefore in accordance to the theory is not wrong since it is a psychological aspect that unknowingly and subtly ruins the person’s interest in the current relationship. It therefore manipulates the mind to the thought of having discovered what they were curious about. The ultimate result therefore is conjured up to poor communication and a lack of interest. This can not be considered morally wrong since it sets the tone of the modern world’s poor communication, skills which result from too much technological advancement that play the important role that should not, by any circumstances, be avoided by individuals.  

Applying the Utilitarian Theory

The concept of Utilitarianism is supported by the ability to gain satisfactory results based on a given action. This is considered as the utility effect. The writer documents the lack of anticipation to meet again, which results from an accelerated version of romance which is heightened by technological advancements such as social media ("Technology and dating", 2009). This means therefore that unlike the old fashioned form of courtship, there are chances that technology has also ruined the relevance of courtship and a constant reminder of the main purpose of people being in a relationship (Thomas, 2015). It ruins the consistency of the compulsion that comes with the very first meeting on an actual basis. Virtual communication having been spearheaded by most social media sites as a way to easily connect shows a conflicting aspect with relevance to the Theory at hand. The main reason virtual communication was brought about was in order to enhance people’s relations with each other. The idea however has failed in most cases and this has caused more harm- in terms of relationships- than good (Bentham, 2014). The introduction of the virtual sites and virtual communication ideas have not been satisfactory for a bigger percentage of the virtual population thus go against the utilitarian theory and what it stands for. Diagram


In accordance to the theory, Technology should not be used for personal communication rather it can be used for official or organisation practice, this keeps the involved parties far from being a part of a feud which results from bad or poor communication skill. The theory is however relevant in determining the right from wrong based on motive or intentions. Conclusion The theory in this case proves that a rule broken does not have to crop from a poor motive or bad intentions. It indicates that technology cannot also be fully put to blame for the mistakes of various individuals in their own relationships. The advancement of technology is therefore not in a position to fully destroy the communication that is normally relevant in the actual world. It Implies the state of manipulation of a community and the damage that they self inflict and blame the same highly manoeuvrable situations on the technological advancements.
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